
Part-Time Work for Freebies2Deals!

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As Freebies2Deals keeps growing so fast, (thanks to all of you!!), it’s becoming harder and harder to keep up with the site.  I don’t want to neglect my family or forget what is really important by always working on the site.  And as much as I LOVE doing it, I can’t realistically keep spreading myself so thin or I might break. There are just so many deals to get up and share with you guys!

I know there are a LOT of readers that are incredible deal hunters, coupon shoppers, online shoppers and freebie finders. So I have a proposition for you.  I am looking for a little part-time help.  And if you are already searching for great deals, why not make a little money on the side doing what you already love right??

If you are interested in the opportunity of working Part-Time for Freebies2Deals, please fill out this form here and give me some insight into what you are good at and what you are looking to do.  Hopefully I can find just what I need to not only keep this site going strong but make it better and more useful for all of you!

This application form will be open through Sunday, Jan 8th.  If I need more information, or if you sound like a good fit, you will get an email from me.  So be watching your inbox and spam folders in case it ends up there.  Not everyone will receive an email. But, I definitely appreciate all of you!  And, depending on how big Freebies2Deals gets, I might just be looking for even more help in the future.  Thanks!  And, thanks once again for being such awesome readers!

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  1. I was wondering how you had time to do all of this. It seems like you put in a lot of work. I am new to couponing and finding deals so I am not sure if I would be much help. I do appreciate all the work you put in and think this is an awesome site!

  2. There’s a new Crush 20 oz drink on coupons.com for a buy 1 get 1 free..i love Crush soda.

  3. i am constantly searching out freebies and deals online!! with your site and way too many others!! i love it, but it takes time!! as you are finding out?? would love to get paid even a small amount for my searches,,,,? definetly interested!!! hoping to hear from you soon, cindy hamilton

  4. Ditto to Megan’s comments.

  5. Hope you find the help you need. Just FYI–it’s very illegal to ask a potential employee if she has kids, or anything regarding family (marital status, etc). Thought you’d want to know before it became an issue.

  6. I am so excited about this and I am really hoping to hear back from you. I have always been impressed by how much you do on your own.

  7. Thanks for the heads-up, Melea! I would love to be a part of Freebies2Deals!


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