Coupons / JC Penney

JC Penney is Making Changes…Good or Bad?? You Decide!

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I saw this crazy commercial for JC Penney yesterday on TV and had no idea what it meant. (You might have seen it too… it has a ton of different women looking at coupons and missed sales screaming…) So, I got online to do some digging!

Looks like starting on Feb 1st, 2012, JC Penney will change their pricing structure.  Instead of having sales and promotions all of the time, they are going to have one low price all year round.  Think of it a little more like a Walmart type of pricing plan. It looks like they even plan to do away with coupons since their prices will be the lowest they can go at all times.

I’m super curious to see what will happen.  Will people be excited to shop there because prices are always low??  Or, will a “Deal-seeking” society still want coupons and promotions on top of the low prices?

What do you guys think?  You excited to see some changes?  Or, wish they would keep it the same. 

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  1. I’m excited to see what will happen! Although, last time I was at the store, I wasn’t too excited about their selection. I will definitely check this out when it goes into affect! As always, thank you for looking into this! So excited for you and your family with the wee one on the way!

  2. not to thrilled…last time I was in Penny’s I noticed this change and for example a pair of pants that you
    could get with a coupon or clearance for $3 or $4 are now $10. I’d rather be on “the hunt” for deals.
    At least in theory coupons make you feel like you are getting a better deal. Rather go to Walmart and
    buy their basic clothing and do my other shopping also instead of making a trip out to Penny’s. We’ll see
    but I’m a skeptic for right now.

    • Sally Ann, the change hasn’t gone into effect yet; it starts on February 1st. They will be marking down the regular prices of all their inventory by 40% or more starting then.

  3. It’ll be great to see the prices lowered, but I still think that people will want coupons. Nowdays it’s obviously not enough to just have the ‘low prices’…look at Walmart and Target! People go there with coupons all the time. It’s not enough to have ‘cheaper,’ it’s better to have 70%-90% off (or FREE!!!)

  4. If they do away with their clearance, I won’t be happy. That’s really the only way I can afford to shop there, however *if* their clothing prices come down quite a bit, then I’d be willing to shop there. The Arizona brand jeans are great for my boys and the Okie-dokie stuff is pretty cute for my little girl.

    I do hope they will offer coupons every so often though, like Kohls does.

    In all honesty though, I will have to shop where I can get the best price – and that usually means clearance deals.

    • I just read this
      “During the presentation, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Francis introduced a new pricing strategy called Fair and Square, which includes three types of prices. Everyday, regular prices, which are always great; Month-Long Values, even better prices on the things you need now; and Best Prices, jcpenney’s lowest prices, which always happen on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month as jcpenney makes room for exciting new merchandise.”

      So it looks like Friday will be the day to shop perhaps

  5. Thanks for explaining. I saw that commercial last night and thought, “What the heck!” It will be interesting to see if I will shop there now.

    • Me too. thought it was a bit weird. glad to know more! lol

      • This will be GREAT!!! Customers can now shop at THEIR convience and get the great low pricing everyday!! I never made those doorbusters on saturday morning…and I always forgot my coupons…The 1st and 3rd will be the Best Pricing (Clearance)…it will be nice to see updated styles and the merchandise turn faster allowing for updated styles monthly. I think this is GREAT!

  6. Not too sure what I think. Kind of thinking the crazy deals you can sometimes get will no longer be available. Especially if they get rid of coupons. The best thing about JC Penney is their door busters, which I am sure are loss leaders, and those definitely won’t be available on a daily basis.

  7. I’m not so sure about this idea….I actually love shopping with my coupons as I can usually make it work for such a great deal. I don’t see that the pricing strategy will be so low that it will boost sales, but hopefully I am wrong. I love a good bargain 🙂

  8. Thank you for doing so. That commercial is so annoying, I wasn’t going to pursue it. I too don’t know what to make of this change but, if it keeps them in business, then, I’m all for it. Too many businesses are going bankrupt in this day & age. I’d hate for JC Pennys to join the list.

  9. I don’t shop there alot so won’t really affect me. I don’t like the way Penney’s and Kohl’s currently do business. You should never pay full price at either store. They are constantly running some type of promotion and its confusing to know when the best possible price is or even what it is. I read that last year, Penney’s did 590 promotions. In my mind, that is insane. That averages out to more than one promotion per day. Crazy if you ask me. I like a good price as much as the next person but Penney’s is way to confusing. Thankfully my daughter is in that terrible pre-teen age and she doesn’t care for Penney’s (her clothers HAVE to come from American Eagle, Hollister, Abercrombie…gotta love kids). And I personally do the majority of my clothes shopping at Old Navy or Target.

  10. My mother-in-law there a few days ago and the new pricing structure has already gone in to effect. She showed me a few of the price tags and the prices were pretty low. I buy all of my husband’s dress clothes there because I can get such a great deal for high quality pieces. Otherwise, I don’t think the have that great of a selection.

    • STYLES AND BRANDS ARE ALL CHANGING!!! Great New Brands coming to jcp.

  11. I’ll sure miss their $10 of $10 coupons for sure! đź™

    • That’s pretty much the only thing that ever brings me into the store!

      • Totally agree! I’ve gotten so many good deals using that one and their $10/$25 Q’s … $45 jeans for $15 = sweet!

  12. The JCPenney store in our town is closing along with the Sears store. That only leaves WalMart. đź™
    I think the commercial is pretty funny – at least Penneys is trying something different. I’m sure it’s a hard time economically to be in business.

    • You will love the new pricing….

  13. I went there yesterday and the store looked different. The lady working there explained to me that there is a new CEO and that they won’t be sending out coupons anymore. She told me about the survey on my receipt and suggested I do it because they are doing away with that too. I found a few good things on clearance. I shop there a lot because of the $10 off $10 and the $10 off $25 coupons and the clearance so we will see if there is still good deals. I found great deals for Christmas last year with these coupons so I will definately miss the coupons!

  14. My sister in law works at Pennys and they are going to be like target. No more awesome sales!

    • Not true!

  15. Will they still clearance? Cause if so, then I’m good. We love their clothes and I’ll probably shop there more! But I’ll miss their awesome coupons on top of clearance prices! đź™

    • Still amazing Best Prices (Clearance)!! Price points of $5.00-$7.00-$9.00 Great Deals Still!

  16. My S-I-L was a pricing manager and she lost her job so im assuming they are not going to have to many clearance/sales. She had to sign a contract and now she will just be a night cashier and unloading trucks.

    • “Clearance” gets marked down twice a month. Called “best value” now.

  17. I’m worried if these LOW prices mean reduced quality (which is already questionable). The Levi’s I buy at Macys are NOT the same as those at Walmart. Walmart is big enough to negotiate different products from manufacturers. So, i would venture to guess that if Levi’s is buying this cheaper fabric and thread for Walmart, they might as well find out if JCP wants that too. To which I would presume that JCP would agree to and THEN they can lower their prices.
    Honestly, if you watch the sales and coupons (usually, these overlap on Wednesdasy) at Macy’s you are going to find WAY better quality items for way cheaper than Kohls or walmart garbage fall-aparts. I’ll take $20 Hydralic jeans over $12 Faded Glory in a heartbeat.

    • The lower prices are basically what you paid for the merchandise when it was on sale. You just don’t have to beat it to the store on a Sat. morning. It will be that price ALL of the time.

    • If you read the articles…last year a pair of jeans with a regular retail of 29.99 after all the sale prices and coupons, average out the door pricing was $15.00…2012 new pricing on jeans is $15.00…EVERYDAY!!!

  18. I shop there a lot because of their coupons, too. So that will probably change with their changing policy.

    Also, I think that they will lose business because it’s all about perceived value. If a customer sees that a shirt was $40 but now is only $20, well what a deal! Now if the shirt is just marked $20, well then it’s just cheap.

    I don’t like the idea, but we’ll see.

    • that $20 shirt may be on the month long sale for $7…

      • They have a NEW Happy Return Policy…NO RESTRICTIONS…they will take back anything, anytime, anywhere!

  19. I haven’t been in JCP in awhile and I went there this past week to see what they had. I noticed some changes happening and I am excited to see what will happen with the store. Some of their prices have been a little high in the past, but I have noticed the prices are going down a bit. Actually, some of the prices are lower than Walmart, Target, KMart, and som of the other stores around where I live. I will probably venture to JCP a bit more often to see what’s available.

  20. So random questions, I found a crib set that I want to buy from JcPenney’s. I have been waiting to recieve a coupon, I found one online for 15% off which would save me $20 dollars. Would I be better off to buy the bedding now with the coupon, or what until February when prices will be lower?

    • I would buy it now, you can always take it back and buy another one if the price drops.

  21. i doubt prices will ever be low enough at JCpennys to draw in my business. =/

  22. I heard also that they will be selling more “MADE IN THE USA” products to bring more jobs back here! I will shop there more if that is true!

  23. I am excited but i will miss the $10 off a purchase of $10 OR MORE coupons. I used to go Getty clothes for my kids for near free with those.

  24. I can not imagine they will have no clearance. Everyone has clearance. That is when people get rid of stuff they don’t want anymore. So I am sure they will still have that. As for the sale thing, I am not sure how I feel about it, but I was thinking the other day– all these stores are always having their “biggest sale of the season” or year or month whatever. Always some new headline trying to hurry you in. I think maybe this will be a good thing. We will have to see, eh? The face of everything is changing, everyone wants everything almost free, but if everyone got everything almost free, no store would survive.

    And look at Roberts (in Utah). I could be so wrong, I do not know the ins and outs of their business, but I always felt like if they would do away with that stupid 40/50% off coupon and just have decent prices, maybe that could have saved them. I am all for couponing, but stores can not afford to constantly do that with out upping a price somewhere (unless it is a manufacturer’s coupon).

    I hope it works out with JC Penney, they are a decent company, have been around so long. I used to work there (twice). 🙂

    • Celebrating 110 year anniversary this year! Thats a long time in this economy. Have to change the way they do business to stay on top!

  25. I’m a little skeptical about how it will all work out. Lots of items have dropped by about 50 percent. Some have increased in price from the basic rule of thumb sale price ( 40 percent off almost everything) I wonder how a deal-seeking society is going to re-act. No more coupons, rebates, and 15% off for doing the surveys. Are we as a society ready for a ” Fair and Square Deal”?

  26. Another thing from me too- I am not a big couponer at the moment- I save my coupons but I don’t always get to JCP/Kohls stores like that to use them. WELL when I go in there, I feel like I can not shop without a coupon, cause they mark prices up for them, so I am less likely to go if I can not find a current mailer. I think some people will be happy to know they do not have to fuss with that.

  27. I know with Target’s new policy you mentioned awhile back where they only go 30% off it’s been great for my budget because I’m don’t even bother looking at “clearance” anymore. This will probably be the same. The $10 off coupons are the reason I even remember to shop at JC Penney.

  28. I sure wish they had something like that for craft items… Michaels and JoAnn’s are always super expensive but there are way too many sales… Id rather go to a “Trader Joe’s” kind of store where I know it’s not overpriced for my regular purchases.. then scout clearances at the more expensive stores 🙂

  29. I think the pricing will work out just about the same. The ticket prices at JC Penney’s (before this change) were outrageous given the quality of the product…but that was their pricing strategy: mark everything up 40% and then have “the biggest sale of the year” every weekend. I much prefer a straight-forward pricing strategy.

  30. I really doubt they will lower their prices all that much. I once worked for a major online retailer and they made a HUGE push for this (really made us change our structure), but the prices never came down. It’s a great plan if they actually do it, but I really don’t think they are going to.

  31. excited to see what happens. walmart is getting really bad! Nothing ever in stock and very poor customer service. JC Pennys is alot better quality at great prices. hope it works for everyone

  32. I just happened to be in JC Penney today and they were changing tags. It looks like the red tags are regular prices and the blue tags were clearance/sale prices. I got 2 really cute dresses for my daughter for $10 each. These were marked with blue tags so I guess they were clearance/sale items, but they are spring/summer styles. I am happy with the price and the dresses. I did also notice many of the styles and colors are almost exactly the same as what Kohls has in stock right now. The regular prices on those dresses were between $25-$35 which is cheaper than Kohls unless you use a coupon along with Kohls sale prices.

  33. I too am curious to see what happens. I find it interesting that not one person mentioned being irritated by the amount of flyers/coupons that were sent out by Penneys…am I the only one that will be happy I won’t have to annoyed by excessive “coupons” in the mail? Not to mention I will now save a bit of time by not having to take my trash out as often?

  34. I like name brand at discount prices! I do not mind shopping at TJ Max, Ross or Nordstroms rack. They normally do not do coupons….just low prices and clearance sections. I also watch online site deals clearance areas– abercrombie down filled coat regular $160.00 for $28.00! Score!

  35. The JCPenny’s at The District has already started this. I was in yesterday. No familiar red clearance signs, no “up to 80% off.” I didn’t really see a huge difference in their prices, nor did I find the deals I can usually find while bargain/coupon shopping there. I wasn’t impressed.

  36. This doesn’t sound promising. I shop there all the time, but I only do it with coupons and I buy almost exclusively from their lowest clearance (particularly when they do an extra 20% off their lowest prices). With this new pricing structure, I don’t think I’ll shop there much if at all. I’ll check in to have a look, but this doesn’t sound promising at all.

    I really look forward to their coupons and have gotten some fantastic deals with those. This is really going to eliminate any incentive I have for shopping with them.

    • I agree. the changes were not good. I will not be back. they lost a loyal costumer. The clothes looked cheap and it felt cheap. I was horrified. THe new CEO made a huge mistake. This was not a good change

  37. Not so sure I’m going to like this. It may make prices better overall. But, people love to think they are getting a deal and without having coupons to use, they are not going to be as excited or motivated to go to the store.

  38. I have one last $10 coupon that will expire at the end of this month…I better get over & use it. I hear they are making a lot of changes both good & maybe bad. I am curious, but I will miss those coupons. I know they are trying to make more “made in America” things to provide more jobs for people. We’ll just have to wait & see what happens.

  39. I think it’s fabulous, and I hope other stores follow suit. Too often I have avoided shopping there because I left my coupons at home. I really am tired of the coupon game at stores like this.

  40. I cannot always have the coupon or shop the sale. Nice for those who want a good deal when it is needed without the hassle. Shopped there yesterday, I think the quality will remain the same.

  41. I was appalled about your latest commercial, all those actors screaming. It is horrible and I have to mute it. I have always been a faithful customer, but I cannot support that type of ads.
    Plus I look forward to the mailings with coupons, Why change what works!

  42. I think this is going to turn out to be the best thing I’ve ever seen. I no longer will need a coupon to save, they will have great deals the first and third friday when most people get paid, I love those ideas! All these people that are talking about “I’m not shopping there cause they aren’t providing couons”. Really?? That was the only time you would be in there when you were practically getting clothing for free! How are they profiting in money? They were spending billions of dollars to send everyone those coupons just to get a few thousand dollars back. Clearence merchandise as well how are they profiting when you’re buying .97 clothing? I keep seeing the commercials that say “Enough.Is.Enough 2-1-12” I can tell you right now I will definately be in a Jcpenney’s store that day to see what all this excitement is about. I was in there yesterday and noticed alot of changes to me it’s starting to look like a brand new store! Not to mention Ron Johnson as C.E.O who ran Apple have you seen what that transformed into? JcPenney’s I guarentee will honestly be “America’s Favorite Store”.

  43. Oh and not to mention the commercial is to hilarious. I LOVE it I know I gwt mad and want to scream when I miss a good deal as well!! 🙂

  44. I so dislike the current scream-fest of a commercial I have decided not to shop there anymore, the only way to show my displeasure is to vote with my wallet and shop elsewhere. Ron Johnson apparently used up all his marketing genius with Apple. At least the prior sales’ emails and coupons in the mail didn’t scream at me and I could delete or recycle them if I didn’t want to use them. For some, the new structure may be appealing, but they have repulsed me.

  45. Kind of sad that the coupons are going away, LOVE THEM,. was def a reason to check out what JCPenney had in stock,….In fact always bought more because of the coupons than I originally went for,I know the prices of the usual things that I buy…will see if they are 40% off, if not I will be shopping elsewhere….such a bummer….It is a coupon driven society

  46. I’m not thrilled about this at all! I have to travel 30 minutes to get to a JCP so I can’t just run quick on the 1st or 3rd friday. Also, “change of brands” and “like walmart” to me means a lack of quality in clothing. I have bought shirts from Walmart and the quality is not good. It looks ok for a couple to a few times wearing it and washing it and then it shrinks, loses its shape, etc. I like shopping at JCP sales/clearance as I could get better quality for the same price or less than Walmart. I like coupons and I like a great deal. I am very, very skeptical of this…we’ll see! May need to start shopping elsewhere đź™

  47. I loved getting the coupons in the mail! They are the only reason shop there. Without them, the mall is out of my way…so I won’t go there often. I have a $10/10 futon that expires 2/29/12, I was going to use it today, but didn’t get there. Does anyone know if they will still be accepting them?

    • I used one yesterday. I got 2 off those quick dry bath towels for free. Not too sure about the quality of them though.

  48. Coupon. Not futon! Darn “smart” phone!

  49. I think it is a great thing! I work in the jewelry department at my local Jcp and have ben doing the price changes. We are marking prices to the average sales price from last year and then the month long values will make it even better! And every 1st and 3rd friday we will be marking more items down! I think it will be great did the company…last year we ran 590 promotions…the average customer only shopped 4 times. Something obviously isn’t working! It’s crazy how much is being didn’t on ads and coupons when the majority of people spend next the average customer only spends $10 to use their $10 coupon! No business can stay in business doing that! Although I do hope we have a $10 off $25 or $50 every now and then!

  50. I got the catalog and it looked like ikea catalog, so i went to jcpenneys on fri 2/3/12 and i did not like the new change at all the prices were not really to bad. But store looked like a walmart store cheap looking. I always looked forward to my jcpenneys couptons in the mail plus the great sales and now no more to bad, thats one thing women like is sales and nice looking stores “like macys”. I will no longer shop at jcpenneys. From now on it’s macys for me. Seems that jcpenneys is trying to appeal to a different kind of shopper. Like walmart/k-mart/sears shoppers, sorry about that but not for me. I’ve shopped at jcpenneys since i was 16 yrs old i am now a senior.

  51. I admit the commercial was bad but at least it is over. But I can’t say that for the pricing. I went there over the weekend and checked the prices on 3 things I had looked at previously before Feb. Two out of the 3 were the same price and the other one was actually higher. I also checked on some curtains that i waited to order in Feb thinking they would 40% lower. In the Fall 2011 Windows Catalog. they were $30.00 (or $25.00 if you bought 2 or more). The price is now $25.00 which is not even 20% lower (what happened to the 40% off of EVERYTHING??) So actually this is the same price because you would order 2 anyway for one window.
    I probably ordered over $1000.00 last year at JCP – and yes it did involve coupons. But with the coupons they sold $1000 worth of mdse from me. Now they will make $0.00
    I will shop elsewhere as I believe most others will also. So sad for a company in business for over a 100 years to go out of business over a stupid marketing campaign. I hope the Board sees what is happening before it is too late.

  52. do NOT like the new jcpenney pricing!

    To say that prices are as low as they can go year-round, is just not true. It was very common for me to have several coupons a month I could use. Sometimes a $10 off $10, and I could get a free shirt. Or, $10 of $25 would even be better than I can do now. I just bought two men’s shirts for $25 each. I’ve NEVER paid that much before at jcpenney, never ever! It will no longer be our “go to” store. What a shame.

  53. Can anyone from JCP tell us if the first “Best Price” is final, or is subject to additional markdowns?

  54. They have the tag colors wrong. Other department stores (Younkers, Dillards) put their clearance prices in Red. JCP chose blue. Blue is for KMart Blue Light Specials and WalMart, not for quality dept. store markdowns!

  55. Can anyone tell me what the month long deals for February are? I could not find this information on the website ANYWHERE!

  56. I just went into NYC JC Penney and I was extremely upset there were no sales and no coupons. I will not be shopping here anymore. I paid $30 for jeans that i always pay anywhere from $20-$25 depending on the coupon or sale they are having. these are Lee jeans, i can purchase them @ Walmart or Kmart and they will most likely have a sale, why go to Penneys if there’s no sale or coupon for the same jeans. They no longer have the major clearance rack. Im unhappy with the new motto and will probably not shop here anymore.

  57. I used to shop JC Penney’s often. I loved the clearance racks, dresses & coupons. I have not been to see what the new JC Penney’s looks like, but everyone I know hates the new pricing & set-up of the stores. They all said the quality has been reduced & the prices are not good and they will not be shopping there anymore. They are going to take their business to Macys, Kohls & Elder Beerman. The only thing that drew me in were the coupons. No coupons=Not a JC PEnney Shopper anymore. I will take my money to Macy’s or Kohls. Both offers clearance racks, sales, & coupons. Besides Macy’s quality is better & has a bigger dress selection. Kohls has cuter tops & juniors section. Bring back the old JC Penney & bring back the coupons!

  58. JCP is HORRIBLE now! The quality of their clothing was already going down hill. Then I go into the store last week and it is empty! I mean no people and no merchandise. The “better” prices are a joke. I saw $10 graphic tees go up to $15. They only carry two types of Levi’s and none are smaller than a size 4. They wanted $27 for a pair of Pajama pants that used to $5 after mark downs. A $2 and up rack was nothing but $40 jeans that I have never heard of. That is quite an “and up”. Sears clothes suck and their prices have gone through the roof since JCP’s big change. Looks like I will be saving up to shop at Dillard’s or American Eagle Outfitters! At least the
    Clothes will last longer than a month.

    • You are spot on. Hated the new look. It was cheap. Hate the no coupons. Hate the change. They need a new CEO. This was a big time mistake

  59. I only shop there when I have coupons…but you buy something, return it and purchase it cheaper the next week. I will be happy if the prices are truely marked down that much from current pricing. I hate waiting until a coupon fits to get a good deal…then what you want is gone!


  61. My wife and I spent about a half an hour in your store shopping today. We purchased nothing and as we left the store my wife made the comment to me, “I don’t like this store anymore, I don’t want to shop here.” Myself, I felt I was in a low rate discount warehouse. It has little, if any appeal. We left, went to Herbergers and my wife bought over $200 worth of clothes and to Kohl’s and spent $100. I’m sure losing our business will not make or break you, but I have not talked to anyone really excited about the new store, including associates that work there.

  62. I have shopped at JC Penney’s since Robinsons-May went out of business in our local mall. I loved the sales JC Penney’s had all the time. I was wondering what was going on the last few times I had gone there. The entire feel of the store was different….and not in a good way. There weren’t any sale signs and it seemed like there wasn’t as much merchandise. The clearance racks were definitely smaller. I could always find good deals there and now they are gone. For the first time in many years, I have left JC Penney’s without purchasing anything. I asked one of the sales associates what was happening to the store and why I hadn’t been receiving my coupons in the mail. She explained to me the JC Penney transformation and how the prices will everyday be priced low. I told her I didn’t like it at all. For the first time in a long time, my JC Penney credit card is practically paid off and I have a feeling it’s going to stay that way. That’s so sad because I used to LOVE going to JC Penney’s and getting the great deals using the coupons and seeing all the 40% off signs on top of the racks. I’ll be using my Macy’s coupons much more frequently now!


  64. My friend works at JCP and when this whole no more coupons/sales thing came out, she was told it would be great for the store and employees. Well now, she is looking for another job b/c many JCP’s are closing earlier, like 6pm! And she lives in the burbs, not in a rural town! Also, she told me that JCP will be getting rid of Sephora. Because of that alone, I will no longer shop there. I used to LOVE JCP because of their AWESOME deals with coupons and as a college student who also works, I would buy my clothes there and shopped exclusively in the clearance racks. I will be taking my business elsewhere, I really like Target’s clothing and their clearance racks are sweet, especially with coupons 🙂 Too bad, JCP I have been a loyal customer since I was 12!

  65. I have been to JCP three times and have not bought anything when before, I was supporting my own small department. I concur that the merchandise is sparse and I feel like all the great deals I used to find are gone!

  66. I am surprised that JCPenny hasn’t closed its doors yet. If they think raising prices in the middle of a recession is a GREAT idea, then they are wildly mistaken. I will NEVER shop there again. I’m DONE!!! There wasn’t even a shirt for less than $13. When a company gets greedy and tries to make the customer pay, they always FAIL in the end.

  67. I’ve been 5 times since they made the change, and haven’t made a single purchase. The selection of womens clothes has dropped considerably. The American Living line is gone. Those were terrific clothes. I looked for a simple pair of Dockers womens trousers. Nope, no longer there. I asked a salesperson about those lines and was told they were no longer carrying them. What they do have is awful quality. I can’t figure out what the heck happened to this company. I’m done with them.

  68. I truly dislike the new way they have changed there idea of best pricing…I have shopped at penneys for 30 years at least I love sales and especially that there’s always coupons…Well Maybe some one who truly must not be a shopper brought up this idea and thought oh this sounds great.. WELL IT’S NOT… I know have to shop more online Amazon..Walmart…I love Jcpenney I knew Oh going on vacation..fall wardrobe christmas..bedding…baby shower..luggage…Now what do I do..I am not paying full price I want to see my discount….Do something and change it back…….PLEASE!!!!!

  69. I used to love going to jcpenney’s. Now I prefer Kohls and Belk. Bring back the old way.

  70. I use to Love Jcpenny’s clothing and products. The clothing is very cheap looking. the commericals are fun to watch but the clothing in poooooooooor. What happen to the old Penny’s??? Can we please have her back. I have not brought anything since this change. If something does not happen soon, the doors will close.

  71. I think the new prices are fine. I have been in several times and I still see many clearance racks of very good deals. I can buy carters sleepers for less than the sales price at Kohles or even the carters outlet everyday at Penneys. But the big problem is that there is NO SELECTION is the store now. Much of the clothing is crap. The kids departments is junk, the women’s clothing is either new designer lines or unknown gaudy looking crap. I used to be able to count on Pennys to have whatever I needed, now it is a crap shoot. I am not sure what has happened to their buyers, but they have clearly gone in a different direction. I will not be shocked if they are gone in coming years.

  72. This new “President” has accomplished more to distroy this once great company than any competitor could ever have achieved in adecade, and Mr Johnson has done it in less than a year! The Board should shave their heads, give back their compensation and then resign.

    Mr. Johnson takes the credit for the success of the Apple Stores, when in fact, Apple products are so unique, they would have sold if diplayed on dirt floors surrounded by electrified barb wire. Kudos Mr. Johnson. Your next project should be improving on the Salk Vaccine, after of course,you take your winnings from JC Penney and invest them in an iron lung manufacturing facility.

  73. Went to Penney’s today for back to school shopping and was just shocked!! This is an awful change and it will never make it. Sorrryyy quality. Displays look cheap – and quality was non-existent. Sad — very sad

  74. I don’t like the new Penney’s and hardly ever go there any more

  75. I really don’t like the change. I’m employed there right now but, not for much longer, be it by lay off, resignation, or whatever! I’m in the “baby boomer age”, and it’s not been a pleasant ride. I have been shot down and ridiculed for trying to voice my opinions and in the end, the change is all about drawing in the younger customers and if the “loyal, older” customers don’t like it, feel free to take your business elsewhere. I’ve worked in many retail stores in my life and must say, this one has been totally different… but not in a good way!

  76. Went to Jcpenneys today. Bought nothing. The clearance racks only have the garbage stuff. The new clothes lines are not my thing. Used to have awesome clothes. Sears actually has better stuff and great sales. Good stuff at 7 to 15 dollars at times. Bought a purple fleece vest today at sears for $14 something and a mens Gears T shirt for $4.99. Plus 5 dollars off purchase because of points. Sears is more like the old Jcpenney. Check it out if u haven’t.

  77. Wow! Can’t even buy a Polo Shirt anymore. If your tall you are stuck with something called Foundry. just a load of low low quality crap aimed at the lowest common denominator, as usual, just like Sears. It is only a matter of time till JC Penney fades into the past as a bad memory. R.I.P.


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