If you received the coupon for $3.00 off one Cortaid Product in your 01-08-12 Smart Source insert, you may be able to score FREE Cortaid Anti-Itch Cream at Walmart!
Here’s how:
Purchase Cortaid Hydrocortisone Anti-Itch Cream Maximum Strength at $2.50
Use the $3.00 off of one Cortaid Product Coupon from the 01-08-01-12 SS
Total cost FREE + $0.50 in overage to use on other products in your cart! �
**Please note, this is an unadvertised deal. Pricing and selection may vary by store! I just wanted to give you a heads up about this deal so you could have the coupon with you & keep an eye out for it the next time you are at your local Walmart.
(Thanks Consumer Queen)
Hey i was just wondering what the SS Coupon stands for? :/ Thanks
This is what Melea normally has at the bottom of her weekly ad posts of each store that might help you out.
**If you are new to couponing, you will notice some abbreviations next to certain coupons. SS stands for Smart Source, RP stands for Red Plum, PG stands for Proctor & Gamble and MS stands for Moments to Save. All are coupons you can find in your Sunday Newspaper.
Never heard of Moments to Save. I wonder if it’s regional?
I scoured my SS inserts and yes, no Cortaid coupon. Boo. Thanks for the tip though.