Update:� Those colors from the first post are sold out, but there are others you can still grab!!� Head over and check out the Oversized Fleece Throws for $3.99.�Use coupon code OFFERS10 to get them for only $3.23 each!!� You can also opt to pick them up in-store to save on shipping. (Thanks Jennifer!)
I love having blankets to curl up in and watch movies or play games with the family.� Right now, Kmart has a huge selection of Oversized Fleece Throws for $3.99.� But, use coupon code OFFERS10 to get them for only $3.23 each!!� You can also opt to pick them up in-store to save on shipping.
These blankets measure 50×70 and come in a bunch of different colors too!
Every color is out of stock
It just depends which store you choose to pick them up at. There were still a few available at the one close to me. ( :
colors might not be as cute, and might not be the exact same blanket, but the discription is the same and the price is as good https://www.kmart.com/shc/s/p_10151_10104_070VA45331301P?prdNo=2&blockNo=2&blockType=G2
Jennifer J.
I would check your store and check all colors cause I just got one
Jennifer J
$3.99 -(minus) 10% is only $3.59, so how do you get them for $3.23? On 15 blankets, I only saved $6. What did I do wrong?