There are two new Excedrin coupons available to print at!
You can print a coupon for $2.00 off of one Excedrin Extra Strength Product 2o count or Higher or you can print a coupon for $1.50 off of one Excedrin PM Product 20 count or Higher! Here’s is just one way you can make use of these coupons:
Purchase Excedrin Extra Strength 24 count at Walmart for $2.98
Use the $2.00 off of one Excedrin Extra Strength Product Coupon
Total cost only $0.98!
**Please note, this is an unadvertised deal. Pricing and selection may vary by store!
(Thanks Couponing to Disney)
Awesome! Thank you! I use Excedrin for my arthritis! I always need more! Thank you thank you!