Here are this week�s best deals at Whole Foods! Thank you to Healthy Life Deals, our Freebies 2 Deals Whole Foods Expert, for putting this list together!
Whole Foods 101
-Prices vary from region to region and store to store so the prices at your local store may not match the prices in this list. Typically, they are comparable in all areas.
-Most stores allow coupon stacking, however a few do not.
-Please check with your local store for their policy. Keep in mind sales typically last longer than one week so some deals may look familiar.
�Use the $1.00 off Arrowhead Mills�Printable
Total Cost FREE!!Stonyfield Yogurt (32oz) $3.39
Use the $0.50 off Stonyfield�Printable Coupon
Plus, use the� $0.75 off Stonyfield Whole Foods�Coupon
Total Cost $2.14365 Chocolate Chips (12oz) $2.69
Use the $2.00 off 365 Whole Foods�Coupon
Total Cost $0.69
Seeds of Change Microwave Grains $2.99
Use the $1.00 off Seeds of Change Printable Coupon
Plus, use the $1.00� off Seeds of Change Coupon from the Whole Planet Calendar 2011(no longer available)
Total Cost $0.99Pacific Naturals Cream of Chicken (12oz) $2.00
Use two of the� $1.00 off Pacific Naturals�Printable
Plus, use the� $1.00 off of two Pacific Naturans Whole Foods Printable
Total Cost $0.50 each
Lightlife�Gimme Lean�$2.99
Use the $1.00 off Light life Printable Coupon
Total Cost $1.99Lightlife�Smart Bacon (5oz) $2.69
Use the $1.00 off Lightlife Printable Coupon
Total Cost $1.69Rice Dreams (64oz) $2.50
Use the $1.00 off of two Rice Dreams�Printable
Plus, use two of the $1.00 off Rice Dreams�Whole Foods Printable
Total Cost $1.00 eachCelestial Tea bags (20ct) $2.50
Use the $1.00 off Celestial Tea Bags Coupon from the 10-2-11 SS
Plus, use the $1.00 off Whole Foods Printable Coupon
Total Cost $0.50Seventh Generation Dish Liquid $2.39
Use the $0.75off Seventh Generation Coupon from the November 2011 All You Magazine
Total Cost $1.64Be sure to check out Healthy Life Deals, for a full list of this week�s great deals!
**If you are new to couponing, you will notice some abbreviations next to certain coupons. SS Stands for Smart Source, RP Stands for Red Plum and PG Stands for Proctor and Gamble. They are all of the coupons inserts you can get in your Sunday paper.
When I pull up it doesn’t have some of the links that you’ve posted. Do the coupons vary by region? I can’t find the Arrowhead Mills coupon from your link on What am i doing wrong?
Coupons can vary from one region to another. I think sometimes you get more coupons if you don’t fill in a zip code (if asked).
the 2 dollar coupon is gone. It is for 50 cents only now.