Coupons / Crazy Deals / Target

New Target Toy Coupons Released!

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We have seen so many great toy coupons from Hasbro, Fisher Price and now Target has released new Toy Coupons!� Plus, remember as long as the Target coupons say “Target Coupon” on the top you can stack them with a manufacturer coupon from elsewhere.

Like other hot coupons, everyone prints them so they run out of them usually.� So take a second and see if any of the toy coupons are for items that are on your Christmas lists!

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  1. I have a question:
    Can I use Target coupons in conjunction with manufacturers coupons?

    • yes you can use a target and a manufacturer coupon for the same item!! you can get some really good deals if you have two coupons. i would check with your target just to make sure but i know in florida you can use both

      • Thank you, Carissa!

  2. Can you use the target mobile coupon with a target coupon too?

  3. These same coupons are in the catalogues that are in the store, I printed off a bunch then saw them there when I went. Save yourself some ink and just pick up their toy catalogue in the toy section.

  4. I got these toy coupons all on my phone today. It’s nice having the checker scan them at checkout. Never leave them at home. 🙂

  5. ok so i was just looking through my txt coupons from target and i have been able to match some up with the play saver booklet i got in the newspaper a couple wks ago and there are some pretty good deals instead of getting $5 off certain toys i can add a $5 coupon from the play saver too so i would get $10 off instead anyone know of any online toy coupons besides target?? like manufacturer coupons

  6. Did any one print off the $10 Leap Frog Coupon, I am looking to get it emailed to me (scanned then emailed) my text coupon didn’t work 🙁


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