This is one panel you will want to hurry to be a part of.� The last time they offered this in April, spots ran out like wildfire!
Apply to be on the �Fresh Ideas� panel.� � (This is offered by Pepperidge Farm) This is what it says: �Become a member of our Fresh Ideals Panel!� Please share your thoughts with us on our product ideas and offerings. By sharing your opinions with us you are eligible for monthly giveaways!�
You will need to fill out a quick survey and answer a few questions. If accepted, you will get 1-2 surveys a month to help decide which kinds of foods and items companies make in the future.� You can win gift cards and other prizes for helping out!
(The Dealyo)
Kacey Smith
Would love to be apart of the panel:)
Cristy H.
Love the little sandwhich cookies with chocolate in the middle. So yummy!
margo jimenez
I am either too old or too low income
I did not qualify for their panel
My kids will be disappointed!
Lisa Hentze
I love perridgefarm cookies!
Does everybody have a hidden stach of any of the pepperidge Farms cookies? My girls now understand why I had to stach them when they were little. Funny they each have thier own hidding spots now! Lol
IT says I am now a member of their panel. I hope this is true!
Got accepted! So excited to try it out!
Thanks Melea!
Dito!! Thanks!
Yay! I got picked!!
Cheryl Potzner
I am in -I hope there is product testing involved. I love food. LoL. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Yea!!! I’m In! Thanks for the heads up…
I made the panel, wahoo!!!
Karen B.
Thanks I am so much, they accepted me!
Karen B.
oops! Thanks so much =)
Jennifer J
Thanks so much. I got invited in. I love Pepperidge Farm Products.
YAY, I’m in!!!!
Thanks for the info
Got in!!!
amber monroe
not me too bad
Sonya J
Says I got picked ; ))
Tracy Green
I filled out the survey, I got an email saying I am a member of the panel
Thanks Melea!
Tara p
Got in!
I’m always too old for these surveys. Don’t they know people in their 50’s buy things too?
Unfortunately they aren’t looking for 25-34 year old males….so sad.
For those who got in, what were your answers? Just curious!
I have been a member for a while now, and haven’t ever received any product samples. Just surveys.
Gina Chatterson
Hey Ladies…I was accepted back on the 30th but never received an email from them. Did anyone that was accepted actually get an email and register??? If so who was the sender….wondering if it went in my junk folder. Thanks!