Over the weekend, I had a bunch of people email me to let me know they saw the Harry Potter DVDs for $3.96 at their local Walmarts! This is the best price I have seen on movies 1- 7 Part 1. So more than likely your Walmart will have them priced that way too. It is definitely worth checking on the next time you are there shopping!
If your Walmart does have that same pricing, please comment and let us know the Walmart you saw it at. It will help save everyone else some time to find them too!
(Thanks to Everyone who emailed in about this!)
I bought all of them over the weekend for that price at my Walmart in Mesa, AZ!
I actually prefer watching them on ABC Family when they do those Harry Potter Weekends (like this past one ;)—-because all those “extra” segments (they deleted to make the film shorter in theaters) are already included, rather than watching them afterwards separately. But this is a great price!
I bought one on Friday at the Wal-Mart in Clinton, I was so excited to see them at that price! 🙂
We bought all the ones we were missing on Saturday at the West Jordan Walmart for $3.96 each including 7 part 1. Woohoo!
Payson UT walmart had them 🙂 Now I don’t have to watch the first 2 on VHS!
Springville Walmart had SOME of them…not many left though.
Harrisville Walmart had some, others were sold out. I did find Walmart Exclusive double feature Blu Rays for $13! They had Years 1&2, Years 3&4, and Years 5&6, which makes them only $6.50 per Blu Ray disc!!
Tiffany Lindsey
Quarry Walmart has some.
Tiffany Lindsey
…In Sandy, Utah.
West Valley Walmart on 5600 W had them!
Annalese Thorpe
Tooele Utah had them.
I ordered them all online at walmart.com for $3.96. I had to pay shipping, but I got them all and that was worth it to me:)
All sold out at Saratoga Springs and American Fork, Utah.