Just a heads up! It has been reported that when you enter the code M1D17MAIGNEH into your Disney Movie Rewards account, you will get 50 bonus points if you enter another code from a Blu-ray, DVD or CD before November 15th, 2011!
So, to take advantage of this deal, you need to FIRST enter the above code into your account. That will give you a message saying that the next time you enter a code (before November 15th) you will also get an additional 50 points!
Then just make sure to enter another code before the promotion expires & you will get points for that code, plus the extra 50 points!
Keep in mind, there are a lot of things you can redeem 100 points for, so getting an extra 50 points gets you half way towards a freebie.
Wao, thank you! We just bought Cars 2 movie and just entered both codes and got my 100 points!