Don’t forget!!� You have until 10:30am to put in your answer in the form I linked you to below!� 25 Winners will be drawn at 11:00am MST!
So hopefully you all saw the Giveaway we have been doing this past week.� Any post from October 3rd- October 6th that has the word “Free” in the SUBJECT TITLE ONLY, you can keep track of for a Giveaway!� (If you still haven’t done it, you can go back through the pages of posts and count them up.� Only Monday- Thursday of this week will count.� Do NOT count Friday Entries.)
25 People will win an 11×14 Photo Canvas Print of their Choice!
You should have your final count today.� If you do, you can go ahead and enter in your entry in this entry form.
Helpful Hints:
- The word “FREE” and “Free” Count.� Must be in the Subject TITLE ONLY. The word “Freebie” does not.
- If the word “free” is in the post more than once, you can count it twice or once. I know there was confusion with this one.� So there will be two possible answers.� One with people counting posts that have the word free twice in it and one with people only counting the post as one.
- If the post was re-posted again from an earlier post during Mon-Thursday, only count it once.
- Only count the word FREE in the title of the post.. not how many times you see it in the entire post.
Good Luck Everyone!! Winners will be announced Monday, October 10th at 11:00am MST.� So make sure you fill out the Giveaway Entry Form asap.
**No email entries or comments. Only one entry per person. All Duplicate entries will be deleted. All entries will be verified before the winner is chosen.
The original giveaway post said free had to be in the title only, this one says in the post? Do we need to go back and count to see if there are posts that have free in them, but not in the title (like stores best deal posts)?
Melea Johnson
Hey Christine, no you did it right. I always think I am super clear… then realize I am not. LOL. So, I updated the post. ONLY the word Free in the Subject Title counts.
Callie Davis
oops, kids were talking to me and i posted in here. I don’t know how to delete this I’ sorry
Callie Davis
Michelle Harris
ok I’m still confused…LOL I’ve counted every time I saw the word FREE in the entire posts, is this incorrect?
Melea Johnson
Hey Michelle, it was supposed to be every time you saw the word FREE in the Subject Title. But if that is what you counted and you get drawn as a winner, I will verify your guess. That way, you don’t have to go back and re-count.
If we get the emails, can we count the “free” in those email postings and still get the right answer?
Molly Beckstead
It is 10:00 am MST (Utah, right?) and it says the form is closed, I thought we had until 10:30, not that I didn’t procrastinate…, lol
Melea Johnson
It should be up now!
Molly Beckstead