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Birthday Celebration Giveaway: I’Coo Turbo Stroller

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I’ve recently fallen in love with new stroller… if you haven’t heard of I’Coo Strollers, they are so great!

  • This stroller can lay back completely flat. So when your child falls asleep they will stay asleep- no bobbling heads.
  • Plus you can fold and unfold the stroller with one hand. It locks automatically so you don’t have to fumble with it.
  • It turns on a dime. Love that it is really easy to maneuver. Plus, the handles are tall enough that you aren’t crouching over to push it.
  • It even has a huge top cover to shade from the sun or rain.

So, since it has become one of my new favorite things…
One Freebies2Deals Reader will win an I’Coo Turbo Stroller! (Valued at $130)

To enter:

Required Entry: Just share something funny or silly your child has done recently in the Freebies2Deals Comment Section below! I’m sure we could all write a book with funny things our kids have done. (No Email entries allowed)

Extra/Optional Entry: Leave a comment on the I’Coo Turbo Stroller Giveaway Post on the Freebies2Deals Facebook Page with something funny or silly your child has done recently.

Giveaway Winners will be announced MONDAY, Oct 24th at 11:00am MST. (The entry form will close at 10:00am so I can draw winners.) Winners will be posted on, the F2D Facebook Page, linked on Twitter and sent out in the F2D Email Updates.

**No email entries or comments for entries. Only one entry per person. All Duplicate entries will be deleted. All entries will be verified before the winner is chosen.


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  1. Today I was teaching a preschool class to my 4 yr old and friends. We were talking about the letter “E” and had eggs for a snack. We were talking about eggs and where they come from etc. My daughter held up the egg and said, “This is a DEAD CHICK” that we are eating! It was hilarious.

  2. My brother in laws name is Scott and my daughter used to call him uncle sock. I was sad when she grew out of that

  3. I would love one of these! My 2 year old has recently started grabbing both of my cheeks, making me look at him, and saying “listen.” It cracks me up every time. Hmmm, maybe I might be doing that more than I realize!

  4. I was having a meltdown the other day(Moms have those too) and my 4 year old came in and said. “Mom just pull it together, pull it together mom!” LOL Apparently thats what I must tell her when she is in meltdown mode.

  5. Yesterday my 3 year old daughter was outside butt naked wanting to fill up the pool to swim. She thought since it was a nice day I would let her swim!! Good thing we have a fenced in backyard and no one but my husband and I saw her!!

  6. About a week ago we had a power outage and my kiddo’s were running around checking the lights throughout the house. Next thing I know, I hear a toilet flush, followed by the sound of relieved voices saying, “well at least the toilet still works!” It was so funny I thought I’d die laughing!

  7. My little girl doesn’t speak yet, but she’s silly anyway. She’ll sneak up to you when you’re not paying attention and bite your big toe! It’s always surprising and kind of gross.

  8. My 2 year old son was working with his speech therapist last week. She was trying to get him to say, “I’m done”. She kept repeating “I’m, I’m, I’m,” so he shouted her name. She kept trying and eventually he said “I’m James.”

  9. My 9 month old baby girl loves to blow bubbles. She can get pretty big ones as she says “ma-ma-ma”. It’s the only way she says “ma” so I’ll take it!

  10. I have many funny things about my girls, but specially their conversations:
    Maddy: “Its MINE!!!”
    Me: “Maddy you have 5 more minutes to play and it’s Nya’s turn! and Nya, maybe you should be patient and save your money for your own one!.
    Nya: “I dont want to be patient a fishing or getting an IPod!!”

  11. My daughter is almost 11 months old and has recently started to blow kisses after watching me numerous times. Well she has now started to smack herself in the mouth each time she pretends to blow a kiss. It doesn’t hurt her ( I wouldn’t let her continue if it did 🙂 )…and is so funny to watch her smach herself over and over while she is blowing kisses. It cracks me up.

  12. My 8 month old boy Dalton has just started crawling Tuesday and he likes to rock forward and backward on his hands and knees to music. He starts as the music starts and stops when the music stops, as he’s doing this he’s laughing. Cutest thing ever!

  13. We don’t have any children yet, but my 13 month old niece has gotten attached to her parents, and cries when someone else holds her. Funny kid!

  14. I was down in the basement this morning doing laundry i come back upstairs to find my 2 year old “cooking” as he calls it with a pork roast that i had left on the counter to defrost, he had unwrapped it and put it in a pan with some toys!

  15. I have pages and pages of funny stuff my oldest has done.. (youngest is still too little hehe) His conversations always crack me up.. Here is one of my favorites..
    I took my 3 year old along with me to deliver dinner to a neighbor in need. I had to explain to him that we don’t just walk in the house.. we have to be invited in. Since he usually barges in. We get to the door and I begin talking with the daughter who answered.. Kenny stands there patiently and says “Are you going to say come in or what?” We both laughed so hard. Later I found out he just made her day. He is too funny!

  16. I have a 9 year old and a 7 month old- talk about a family dynamic! The sweetest silliest, is with my baby… she has learned to play peek-a-boo… i know its the age, but it still makes my heart happy to see her learn and grow.

  17. My church class made me a cards when I was away on having my baby. there was no congrats in the cards just simple advice like “baby needs diapers” or “babies need milk” ha it was so cute and funny!

  18. I do not have any kids, but I am pregnant with my first! YAYAY! So I thought I would share a funny story that happened to me, and I am sure many other women can relate. I had my first sneeze and pee occurrence. Ya it was newbie for me.

  19. My little girl just turned 2 so she doesn’t talk too much but recently we said to her I love you so much and now she walks around saying luv you much. It just melts my heart when she says it!

  20. My two year old is full of funny stuff… Hes at the age where almost everything out of his mouth is something silly or goofy! My husband and I both have dark hair and my son has blonde hair (which he gets from my husbands side of the family), so I constantly joke to my friends that my son is the mail mans child… which he must have over heard the other day, because when the mail man showed up to deliver the mail the other day my son looked out the window and shouted “YEY THE MAIL MAN IS HERE!!! THATS MY DAD!!!”

  21. My 12 month old neice shares a special love with my friendly kind boxer Macy, she gives all the free kisses to her that she wants-and they are alittle slobbery!

  22. My little ones new favorite saying is “that’s easy-peasy, lemon squeezy” he cracks me up.

  23. I don’t have children yet, but can’t wait for them to do funny things! This would be a nice thing for my future children!

  24. My little boy has learned to do “raspberries” and he will attack anyone that comes his way and cover them in his “raspberries”…and slobber.

  25. My son is 8 months old and is sick with his first ear infection. 🙁 The other night we were up getting him ready for bed and he passed some gas that was pretty loud and smelly. As soon as it happened he let out a laugh that came deep from within his belly, which caused my husband and I to lose it in laughter. The look on his face was priceless! 🙂 It was a definite sign that he was starting to feel better!

  26. My 2-year-old–If I tell him to put something back like icecream for instance he says “No I hold” which means he will hold it until I say or h will go and get a popscicle out of the fridge and hide it behind his back until I say it’s okay to have it. Little stinker

  27. First of all this is awesome! My stroller is broken so this would be great!
    Recently my 15month old daughter Annabelle has started howling! haha She sounds like a wolf pup! Now I have taught her to howl on command, it’s hilarious! Howling just in time for Halloween :O

  28. My son loves to sneek into my room early in the morning and jump on me, funny for him, scares me to death.

  29. I found a half eaten grasshopper in my son’s mouth yesterday… YUM! 😛

  30. Today my 4 yr old told me she was hungry, so I asked her what she wanted and she said “I don’t know”. I then proceed to give her two choices, her response was “Try again Mom”

  31. My 2 year old was running around the house the other day yelling “where’s my naked mama?” I finally figured out she was looking for her pretend “make-up”… 🙂

  32. Last night we took the family out for dinner. We allowed our 2 year old to have rootbeer for the first time. She did not eat a thing except for the rootbeer. Then she devoured the strawberry cheesecake we shared for dessert. By the end of dinner she was pretty sugar high. She started performing. My shy little girl would take a sip of her rootbeer and shudder with her mouth in an “O” and wiggle her whole body and say, “WOW DATS GOOD!” she did this for all the other tables and had everyone laughing by her facial expressions.

  33. When my daughter was about 3 she would say, “you’re a pain in the neck and an egg”

  34. My daughter put all her headbands on my dog then keep saying cheese puppy cheese wanting me to take a picture

  35. My son was looking out the window in the car and asked, “mom. How come we can never see the sun and moons eyes and mouths?”. I guess all those drawings in children’s books made him think they really have them.

  36. My 5 year old son is the king of saying off the wall comments. When I was nursing the baby he came over and thought for a minute about what was going on and said, “Mom, I think “K” wants to be a milkman when he grows up, cuz he sure likes milk!”

  37. my 2 year old looked at my 4 year old the other day and pointed right in his face and said ‘bad bubba’ lol out of nowhere lol it was hilarious lol and we were carving a pumpkin and my 2 yr old was getting the guts and seeds out with me and i said ‘pumpkin guts’…he interpretted by saying ‘pumpkin butts’ lmao

  38. My three year old just cheered enthusiastically when I agreed to make popcorn, and cried out, “I LOVE popcorn! It’s so poppy! And corny! Mmmmm!” It made me laugh.

  39. My 2-year-old will go and hide something behind his back that he wants and sneeks around the house acting like I cant see him.

  40. my 5 month old likes to puke on me then laugh and really how can you get upset with a baby that is just laughing at you!

  41. My two kids came upstairs dressed as a knight and a monkey. My son announced, “by the power of the priesthood, we are going to go get some bad guys!”

  42. My younges daughter is almost 2. I like to look over the mail while we are hanging out in the evening, especially the savings articles you write 🙂 She said “read” and reached for the paper and then sat there content for awhile looking it over! It was pretty funny!

  43. My child is only 7 weeks old and is just starting to show her personality. But I always find her looking at me and smiling! I can just imagine her thinking ” mom, you look funny today!”. I love that little pumpkin.

  44. Whenever I laugh, my three year old daughter always says, “What’s funny Mom?”

  45. My 2 year old wore a onesie w/ snow boots ALL DAY!!

  46. My husband had just finished some Ice Cream and it was in one those plastic buckets, so my 1 year old daughter took the bucket and walked around the house using it as a hat. It was so cute..

  47. My little boy recently asked a pregnant lady why her belly was so big. When she replied it was because she had a baby in her belly he then asks “Why did you eat your baby?”

  48. My husband taught our 2 1/2 yr old little boy C the word “fluff” for gas. Yesterday C was playing trains with my brother Andy, who is 11, and my brother passes gas to which C asks “Did you fluff?” Andy and mom crack up laughing, and of course C is pleased with himself. C then pats his bottom and says “I fluff too! Hilarious!

  49. I said gracias to my 2 year old daughter the other day and she said, “that’s what Dora says!”

  50. When my husband was getting ready to go hunting, my daughter (total Daddys girl) was helping him pack and REALLY wanted to go with him. She looked at all his stuff and said “uh oh there is no room for mommys things” then I told her I wasnt going she looked at him and said “well I guess its just me and you, Daddy”. She ALMOST got to go by being so cute!

  51. My 2 year old has learned to grab your cheeks and shake your head back and forth while saying ” so Cute!” well this morning I walked in on him doing it to the dog as she licked him in the face.

  52. my 16 month old claps his hands together and smiles when i do anything for him. its so cute!! sometimes even at night when i lay him down for bed, he will sit up and clap then lay back down… lol…

  53. My son would drop his pacifiers down between the wall and the crib and lose them. I would always go in and wiggle it lose and say “AH HA I FOUND IT!” He started calling his pacifier his “find-it”, still does.

  54. I told my 22-month old daughter the other day that her voice was starting to sound really hoarse. Her response? neighhhhhh

  55. My husband’s name is David. One time I overheard my 3 year old tell her cousin that the David in a picture of David and Goliath was her dad when he was little.

  56. The other day my 2 year old daughter came up to me wearing a Dora hat she had, and she stated “Look at my new hat! I bought it at Kohl’s and I got it on sale!” LOL I guess she is learning early!!! 🙂

  57. My son takes his responsibilites very seriously as a big brother. As such, one of my daughters was getting into something that she wasn’t supposed to. My son promptly reminded her that she “wasn’t thinking right”. Later on in the day, she retorted back to him, “well, I might not have been thinking right but I’m pretty.” Completely unrelated but funny nonetheless.

  58. My 3 year old told me the other day that we need to have another baby and it better be a boy because she already has a sister. She then tells me that if its a girl that her and dad are going to push it back in and we will try again.

  59. My 4YO tells me everyday when I drop her off at daycare “Mom, be careful of the cars so you don’t crash and break your head!” Makes me laugh everyday at drop-off.

  60. My 2-year-old son has recently started doing “This Little Piggy” on my toes while I say it. I have to say it really fast because he skips a toe or two, then when I get to the “wee wee wee all the way home” part, he lightly tickles the top of my foot.

  61. When my daughter watched Star Wars for the first time, she wisely told me, “Han Solo didn’t want to be stuck in the chocolate wall!”

  62. My little boy who is 4 screams from the bathroom… “Tell ME when I’m done pooping!” Rather than, I’ll tell you when I’m done… it’s so funny!!

  63. Oh the things I could tell about my 18 month old! We’ve recently been struggling with keeping his pajamas on him at night. 2 mornings ago I got him out of bed like any other day. We ate breakfast, and played for a while. I went to pinch his cute little pajama’ed tooshy, and to my surprise, he wasn’t wearing a diaper! I was so shocked! He had taken his pajamas off, taken his diaper off, and then put his jammies back on! Little stinker!

  64. My son finally tried on his ninja costume today (after being Luigi at the Halloween carnival last night because he REFUSED to wear the ninja costume) and has been running around in it all day saying ” I’m a ‘inja!” To which his older brother constantly replies “nnnnnninja!” The younger one also thinks it’s funny to talk about the skull and witch decorations at our Walmart. Every time we pass the skull, he yells “I don’t like dat one!” and as soon as we get to the witch, he goes “I LIKE dat witch!” It’s really funny to listen to.

  65. Two nights ago at dinner, my 3 yr old said blessing (he was thankful for our food, our family and pirate mini golf…lol). Then I said ok, dig in. He looked at me like I had 10 heads and said ‘are you crazy? Sand is for digging, food is for eating. I can’t dig my food, but I will eat it’. He was so serious…it was quite funny…and cute.

  66. My daughter put on her swim suit and wanted to go swimming outside yesterday!

  67. My son insists on rubbing his pudding and yogurt in his hair like gel. Every single time. I just dont know what it is that makes him want to do that but hes as happy as a clam lol

  68. I have an 8 month old little girl who when she gets angry or frustrated starts yelling, “MUMMY MUMMY MUMMY” over and over. I don’t think she knows what she is saying but its pretty funny!

  69. My son Carson is quite the character. He is 3 and will talk to anyone who will listen and is definitely not shy! We went to Panda Express for dinner the other night and he picked out a seat where he wanted to sit and we told him if he could sit there and wait patiently he could sit there while we stood in line to get food. He did very good and sat very still and two younger guys walk in and all of a sudden Carson blurted out “he guys what’s up??? I haven’t seen you in a while!” Everyone there just cracked up!

  70. We had our nephew (who is from a VERY small town in ID) for a day and as we were driving down the road he asked what that orange light was. It was a stoplight!! We decided he needed to get out more often 🙂

  71. My 3 year-old loves to try and boss me around but she always says look in my eyes first to assert herself 🙂

  72. I told my almost 3 year old the other day to sit on her buttox, and she told me”mom, my butt doesn’t talk, my mouth does” haha ha

  73. My 3-year-old is just figuring out why my belly is getting bigger. We are in the grocery story and this is how the conversation goes:
    “Mom, there’s a baby in your belly, right?” Yes, there is.
    “Your belly is gonna get real big, right?” Yes, it is.
    “And then it’s gonna get little again?” I hope so!

  74. We were in the car and my daughter looks at me for a few minutes and says mom you have a witch nose! Hope its just because it’s close to Halloween, and not because she really thinks I’m a witch!

  75. My daughter is only two and a half months old so she can’t do too much right now but she does respond to the people around her. She thinks it is hilarious when her uncle is holding her when she poops and he gets all grossed out. She will let out a big giggle. I love it!

  76. My son was sick the other day and we had a horrible night. We woke up in the morning and I was getting ready for work. He was in his room and I could hear him singing to his stuff animals that he had put in his bed with his blanket over them. It was too cute.

  77. My 2 year old daughter is really big into making animal sounds. To be fun I sometimes ask her, “What sound does daddy make?” or “What sound does baby brother make?” The other day I happened to ask her, “What sound does mommy make?” Her response, “Oink oink.” Ouch. That one hurt me just a little. Haha!

  78. I went in today for a sonogram and my little baby girl was sucking her thumb with one hand and the other she was grabbing ahold of my rib is what it looked like!! she doesnt want to come out of there but i am so ready for her to!

  79. We are in our hotel in California and my daughter looks up at the coffee filters and not knowing what they are says “Look momma we can make some really big cupcakes”, too funny!!!

  80. One of my favorite comments from my 3 yo daughter: “You’re not human, you’re a mom!”

  81. Well I have a Dog and his is just a little ankle bitter so he comes up to about mid thigh on my two year old daughter. Well my dog just loves to jump on her and try to eat what ever snack or food that she has in her hands. My daughter always yells at him and says “GO AWAY DOG!” Then she puts her foot up so he cant get to her! It is the funniest thing ever!

  82. Ok I just had my third kid and I thought I was looking for things like strollers however I could really use a new one and a good one! So this would be awesome if I won.
    The other day I heard my 5 year old and 3 year old playing. My 5 year old called the 3 year old a liar. Next thing I know my 3 year old is crying to me and telling me that she is not a LION! Haha. I had to explain to her that Jack was not calling her a lion, but a liar and then I had to explain to my 5 year what lying is and that his sister was not lying.

  83. Just today we were going to Walmart to get some PB before the price hike. I picked up my brother and his 3 month old daughter. My almost 3 year old says “Uncle Caleb, is Bailey awake?” My brother says “Yep she just woke up” My son then says “oh no”! We couldn’t stop laughing.

  84. My son says that someone is “wide asleep”. Makes me chuckle every time! That is one of the most recent funnies.

  85. We are trying to teach our kids that soda is an unhealthy choice that has many consequences including gaining weight. One day in the grocery store my 4 year old told a lady that had about 8 12 packs in her cart, “You know, all that soda is what’s making you fat.” I could have died…

  86. Since my son is still in-utero, the funniest thing he does is hiccup.

  87. My one-year-old literally just walked out of her bedroom with a pair of her older sisters panties on her head. She looked at me with the most proud grin and started to dance!

  88. My dauther is 6 months and I find her pretty funny but I think its more because we stay home together all day then her actually doing funny things. Shhas the most serious face when people at stores come up to say hi to her she just sits there,no emotion then dismisses them basically by just turing her head.if she was older it could be considered rude but I have to try really hard not to laugh when she does it.

  89. I’m a first time grandma. I don’t have a funny story yet. But I am sure there are some coming! Cuz kids are the cutest and say the funniest things! So here is something funny my daughter did when she was small. We had taken our children to see some giant pumpkins. And when we got in the car I said, “weren’t those pumpkins so big,
    ” and my 4 year old daughter, Alexis said, “almost as big as dad’s head”. We have never let him forget that! We bring it up every Halloween!

  90. My son started walking on all fours like a dog, and when we aren’t looking he’d throw his snacks on the floor and start eating like a dog. At first I was frantic about it to not eat on the floor, but it was funny at the same time I couldn’t help but laugh at it also. (:

  91. My son is OBSESSED with Thomas the Train. The other day I heard him mumble something about ‘want’ and ‘Christmas’. I said, “What do you want for Christmas?” He said, “Thomas the Train”.
    I mumbled, “Shocker”. To which he replied, “No. It’s not a shocker.”
    He’s only 3.

    I have an extra entry for this on Facebook as Sara Mendelsson. Thanks!

  92. My daughter is too young to have notable stories, but she did fall asleep vertically with her arms straight out resting against my grandpa’s belly. I am still not quite sure how she manage especially since the room was filled with chaos.

  93. I have 3 wonderful daughters ages 10, 7, and 2. There are a ton of stories to tell, but this one takes the cake. We were at my 10 year old’s softball game, I was sitting on the bleachers trying to keep up with the game and the other 2 children. The 10 year old calls my name 3 or 4 times and I shhhhsshh her with the little had motion that all mothers use. One of her teammates looks at her and asks, “Does your Mom talk?” Her response was, “Yes, she was trained to talk, but she doesn’t like to talk to me so she just used sign language.”

    Needless to say there were about 10 mothers falling off the bleachers in laughter. You never know what is going to come out of their mouths.

    • This is one of the funny ones on here.

  94. I just got a new sewing machine and had been discussing brands with my mom on the phone. When my machine came in the mail I was telling my six year old about how excited I was. This was our conversation:
    L: So, did you get a brother or a sister?
    Me: What?
    L: Did you get a brother or a sister?
    Me: I have no idea what you are talking about?
    L: You told Grandma that you might get a brother sewing machine. So did you get a brother or a sister?
    Love that boy!

  95. my little niece is so funny… she wanted to go to the store and my sis said she didnt want to go. My niece Zaylee said I will help you drive:) Her mommy then said she had to have a driver license. She then informed her mommy that that they needed to go get her one so she could help her drive.:)

  96. Whenever my granddaughter hears any kind of music, she stops what she is doing and starts bouncing up and down in a very funny way. lol

  97. my now 6 year old daughter and i went in to get her pictures taken when she was 14 months old, she is very intelligent and started speaking full sentence’s by the time she was 1, the photographer was making funny noises at her and she wouldnt smile for him, i told him to tell her to smile and she would do it, but he didnt believe me for some reason, so after about 5 min of funny noises and crappy pictures she looked up at him and told him, ” are you going to take the picture already or what!” the photographer almost died laughing! i love my little girl!!

  98. My 15 month old daughter figured out how to take her diaper off yesterday she brought it to me with the contents smeared all over her and said “ma ba teas” she was asking me to give her a bath super cute 🙂

  99. My Bonus daughter (married to my son) was due to have knee surgery last Thursday. I called my son to see how she was doing, and he said she didn’t have the procedure because they discovered a “disorder” when they did her pre-op blood work.

    me: Oh no!!! What did they find?
    he: a BABY!!!!!

    He has always been silly, for all his 24 years, but that was the silliest way to tell me that I AM GONNA BE A GRAMMY!!!!!!!!! So we will need a stroller, and I am excited about sending them random gifts all over the coming weeks. YAY!

  100. My toddler can only say a couple of words, but whenever there is a sports game on TV, he will yell at the TV and say “go-go-go!” We do not yell while watching sports, but somehow he has figured out that that’s what you do 🙂

  101. My grandaugter can fall asleep anywhere. My daughter sent me pictures of her falling asleep in her walker and another of her falling asleep in her bouncer as she’s watching TV

  102. one day at the dinner table, my son said to his brother “you’re getting on my NERDSs”, I never laughed so hard!

  103. I can laugh at this now, yesterday I was rearranging some things and stripped a bed to move it. My 2 year old decided to help me out and came from another room where she had just stripped all the beds. She was so quick and was so proud that she had helped me!

  104. My little boy thinks its hilarious to drag blankets and pillows outside. He lays them out carefully in the grass, goes to sleep, even snores! I can only imagine what my neighbors think!

  105. Me to my 3 year old daughter: “Go sit on the stairs in a time-out.”
    My husband, on finding her on the stairs: “What are you doing?”
    Daughter: “The queen told me to go to time-out.”

  106. My little guy was scared to death of the characters at Disneyland last weekend(he just turned 2). Now he keeps saying, “I see Mickey, buzz… He’s nice.” he just has to reassure himself that they really are nice and not scary.

  107. My 4 year old packed his whole dresser in his suitcase and put it by the front door for our trip to Disneyland …. only we don’t leave for another week!

  108. My 4 year old tells me all day long that his heart is beeping. I tell him I’m so glad!

  109. my kid goes around singing “I’m gonna be a mighty king” from the Lion King

  110. We were driving down the road and a taxi was next to us and I asked my son to spell taxi as he just started to spell/sound out words and he looked at the taxi and spelled out H-O-O-T-E-R-S, my husband and I bust out laughing and looked over and Hooters was the advertisement on top of the taxi 🙂

  111. My triplets are always finding a way to get in trouble. While we were waiting for their sister to get out of dance class they were getting multiple drinks at the drinking fountain. A few moments later I realized just what they were doing! I caught them spitting the water out at each other! What a mess! But I have to admit they sure are creative!

  112. Found my two year old behind the chair with a jar of vaseline. Messy, messy…

  113. Okay so this past weekend we threw my sister a masquerade birthday party at my house. As guests started arriving her two year old daughter kept hiding in corners, when I finally convinced that these were all people being silly she went to put on her own mask when a close friend walked in the door wearing one of those masks with the long nose on it… she threw her mask on the floor ran upstairs yelling there are monsters in this house. I couldn’t stop laughing. The poor thing ended up falling asleep for a very short time when she awoke she refused to come downstairs because the monster were still down the stairs

  114. During carpool for preschool the kids were saying it looked like rain when my little guy piped up & said, “what are you the freaking weather man?” I nearly died lol

  115. My oldest daughter (2) was being really fussy today. I told her she needed to stop whining to which she replied, “Mom, I just want to cry”. Sometimes a girl just needs to cry. Am I right ladies?

  116. This story is a lot more funny three weeks later. We are working on having my son completely potty trained, so whenever he needs to go, we make it a priority. Well, he was playing outside and didn’t want to take the time to take care of business, so he took care of it in my neighbors front yard. And I only wish it was just a number one he had to take care of. My husband had to get the doggy pooper scooper. Ahhhhh! Still can’t show my face in the neighborhood!

  117. my son ate the icing off a cupcake and then told me it needed more icing and sprinkles he didnt want the cupcake

  118. At red lights my daughter started saying, “Wait for it, wait for it…….Go” Still have no clue where she learned that from.

  119. We don’t have our own kids yet (but soon!), so I thought I’d share a story from one of my husband’s coworkers. One day her son came to her and said something was wrong with his skin. He said it didn’t have any bumps and wrinkles. She told him that it isn’t supposed to have bumps and wrinkles. He says “Then why is your skin so bumpy and wrinkly?” and points to her stomach. LOL Love that kid.

  120. My son was having quiet time in his bedroom and I heard something fall. So I went to investigate and he was hanging up side down from the top drawer of his dresser by the elastic in his underwear. We had a pretty good laugh about it later.

  121. My 16 month old got my deorderant and was trying to put it on his lips!!!

  122. Our 2 year old, will at the most random times make this piggy sound, I don’t know how he even figured out how to do it, because I don’t know how to do it myself. But the other night and dinner he just started making the sound and saying “Piggy”. Our whole family just burst into laughter.

  123. My 2 year old little boy was being way too quiet. I found him in my room turning on the bathtub making a mess. When he saw me he said, “Mom! Don’t find me where me are!”

  124. I was making dinner the other night and I ran next door to borrow something from a neighbor. When I returned I found my 3 year old standing on a stool with the jar of mayonnaise eating it with his hands and it was all over his face….yuck! It made for a cute picture though.

  125. On our way home from pre school, my 3 year old told me that she got bit by wolf at school. Dang those wolves at pre school.

  126. We normally spike up my 4-year-old’s hair, but the other day, after he’d gotten out of the bath, we just combed it down to the side. He noticed himself in the mirror and said, “Hey! I look just like Papa (my dad)!… just not as old and ugly…” Haha, such honesty 🙂

  127. The other day, my 13-month-old daughter was wearing a skirt that was a little too big and one of those new slip-on diapers that was also a tiny bit too large. We weren’t paying attention to her very closely and, the next thing we know, she had stepped out of her skirt and diaper and was leaning over the diaper examining the contents inside. Thankfully, we saw her in time to make sure she didn’t touch those contents…

  128. Mac: Mom where do belly buttons come from?
    Me: Well Mac when you were in my belly there was a tube connecting us so that you could get food.
    Mac: Well what happened to it?
    Me: When you were born daddy cut it off so you could eat with your mouth.
    Mac: Oh no well im sure glad he didnt miss and cut off my pee-pee

  129. My 14 month old is just starting to get good and pointing out specific body parts. The other day, after taking an exceptionally long morning nap, I greeted her by saying “Hi Sleepyhead!”, to which she responded by pointing to her head! 🙂

  130. Yesterday I told my (almost) 2 1/2 old to go tell everyone dinner was ready. She is pretty advanced in her speaking and words. She walks into the livingroom and says “soups on”!!! I never taught her that but I was cracking up when she said it!!

  131. So my husband had my twins with him at his friends the other day and Ian was getting into something and my husband said Ian no understand Ian is only 17 months old. And so Ian goes but da, cam say no buts Ian and Ian goes but…. No buts he said. It just amazes me the things they are learning.

  132. My son told me he peed his pants and I asked why and he said because I wanted to.

  133. At the grocery store recently, I asked my little boy (nearly 3) “what do you want for dinner, hot dogs or chicken nuggets?” He thought seriously about it for a moment so I cracked up when he answered ” Ummmmmm . . . marshmallows.” I told him he could maybe have marshmallows after dinner and he replied “But mom, I just really want marshmallows.” Melted my heart.

  134. A couple of weeks ago our home teachers were visiting us and my son’s 5th birthday was coming up. Half way through our visit my son decided to go play upstairs and when our home teachers were about to leave, one of them decided to call out to my son to wish him a happy birthday to which my son (how happens to be very inflexible) yells back “It’s not my birthday!!”.. oh my! I was so embarrassed but it was quite funny to hahaha

  135. Today while my son was at preschool I took my 2 year old niece to the mall. We were in Gymboree and she was sitting in the little chairs watching yo gabba gabba. She says to me “you wanna sit with me in the orange chair” I said “no thanks I’m looking at the clothes right now” her response was “oh your butt is too big for the chair.”. I laughed then had to ask my sister why my niece thinks I have a big butt!

  136. My child put the cat in the dishwasher cause he thought it was dirty 🙂

  137. I told my 2 year old girl she was pretty and she said…”I don’t want to be pretty, I wanna be handsome….like a man.”. Haha

  138. It was a hectic day at my house and I hadn’t made beds or anything. I finally got a spare moment in the afternoon and went in to make my bed. My daughter walked in and said, “why are you making the bed? its almost bed time!” Kids are too honest!

  139. My 2 year old has a car-stroller-toy with a steering wheel that came off. We were driving in the car and he was pretending to drive too. When we went inside he took the wheel with him and walked up to me while I was doing dishes. He stuck the wheel between his knees and said, Look Mom, I driving my butt!

  140. Mine is more what my child said 🙂 The other day i was getting ready to get into the shower when my 5 year old says, “Mom, why doy our boobs hang down all the time??” I told her honey, that is what happens when you have kids and that is why mom has a bra 🙂

  141. my husband went in to get my son yesterday morning and found a naked baby in his crib. he had taken off his pjs and diaper. only wish for my hubbys sake it had been a cleaner diaper 😉

  142. Today my 3 year old told me what she wanted to do and then told me to make sure it went in my ears and didn’t come out!!

  143. My two year old calls flip flops “poop pops” lol

  144. i just recently had a baby and my daughter asked me “mom, do we have to give the baby back to the hospital?”

  145. My little two year old who is autistic and doesn’t talk very well was stacking his sippy cup and his cup at dinner and then put his arms out and said ta da. It was so funny and so cute.

  146. We were at the store and my daughter was in her carseat sleeping. We were checking out, and she started tooting in her sleep really loud! It was so funny- the cashier just started to laugh! 🙂

  147. Don’t have kids, but my sister is expecting her first. So if I get the stroller it will go to her. She’s due in February. It will be my parent’s first grandchild. We’re all excited 🙂

  148. Today we went on a class fieldtrip to a cornmaze. There were a ton of birds landing in the corn. My 5 year old asked me if they were having a family reunion!

  149. I’m currently pregnant with our 3rd child. My youngest son right now is still taking a binky. We have tried explaining to him that binkies are for babies. He is also convinced that he has a baby in his belly as well. So one morning when I was trying to get him to give up his bink, I reminded him that they are for babies. He took it out and tried to stick it in his belly button for his baby!

  150. During dinner my daughter took her entire plate of food and stuck it on her head. Very neat!

  151. My hubby & I laid our 3 1/2 month twin boys on the bed the other day to get changed. The next thing i know, i look down and Braxton was just going to town sucking on his brother Hunter’s hand! I don’t know if he thought it was his own or what! Also, my friend recently asked me if I would teach her some of my couponing tricks. My 5 yr old daughter Rylee chimes in with “What do we love Mom?? FREE!!” LOL She always goes with me on my CVS trips and I always say this expression to her! I guess they’re never too young to earn couponing! =)

  152. I walked into the kitchen to find my 19 month old on a stool at the stove, spatula in hand getting herself a rice krispie treat off the pan. She doesn’t know she’s a baby.

  153. My son is thee funniest kid I have ever met in my life. He’s always talkin’ crap to me about the food I cook haha! One day I was making homemade oreo cookies for the first time and the dough was too runny so they went as big as a pancake. He looked, pointed, made a dusgusting look on his face and said, “Ew, I’m NOT eating that.”

  154. My daughter always says the funniest things, but our favorite is when ever she sees a school bus she says, “That was my school bus when I was a kid” She is 3 and has never ridden a school bus before LOL. We would love a new stroller since we are in the process of trying to adopt again 🙂

  155. I’m in the process of potty training my 2 yr, so she put her doll on the potty and came to me saying her baby needs a potty treat, I tried to get away with something small like a chocolate chip but she insisted on one of her bigger treats. I gave it to her, she put it to the doll’s mouth, then said “baby doesn’t like it, I’ll eat it” 🙂 She just barely turned 2 and is such a character.

  156. My three year old daughter told me this morning she wanted to wear the purple shirt because it doesn’t match the sun. Hahaha!

  157. Me: Max, What does a horse say?
    Max: Giddy up
    Me: What does a kitty say?
    Max : Meow, meow
    Me: What does a lion say?
    Max: ROAR
    Me: What does Max say?
    Max: Love you, Mommy!

  158. So my 5 year old recently has this new thing she says. Every time I kiss my husband she will scream out “Mom are you marrying dad again” lol it hilarious or she will say “Can you stop marrying Dad!”

  159. My 4 year old keeps me laughing all day but i do nails from home and the other day me and my client walked out to see my 4 year old with his pants down to his ankles eating an apple standing in front of the tv watching a comercial LOL!! we laughed so hard

  160. Just the other day my youngest daughter climbed into one of those free umbrella stroller with a purchase. She stood up it fell forward and by the grace of God the wheel was stopped by the seat of a dining chair and here comes the funny part with a smile on her face said oops and whee.

  161. Well my daughter is only two months old, so I don’t have any cutesy sayings, but when she was only a few weeks old, my husband asked her who should go do her laundry. She immediately raised her right arm and pointed straight at him! It was so hilarious! I’ve taught her well already 🙂

  162. With her best grumpy face and voice (she’s good at that!) my daughter sang at the top of her lungs “Now, I know my ABCs, next time won’t you sing with me!” She’s 2 and doesn’t say her ABCs right and doing with such grumpiness and gusto cracked me up!

  163. When my husband or I say or do something funny…My 2 year old always says “Oh my!”

  164. So my husband has a thing about grabbing my behind and always says jokingly “nice” well i guess my two year boy has been watching him do it and so now when im cleaning he will come behind me and grab me and say “nice”. The things kids learn these days.

  165. My daughter just turned 3. She is into music and dancing. She fell in love with Katy Perry’s song Firework. She sings that as loud as she can where ever we are ALL the time. We just recently went to Utah to visit family and my daughter pointed to me and asked my sister, “who is this?” My sister replied, “that’s your mom.” Brooklyn yelled, “that’s not my mom, Katy Perry is my mom!!!” 🙂 She has been telling everyone that.

  166. My little guy just had his birthday, he was so excited he told everyone he saw! The guy at the bank, the cashier at Target, he even screamed it out at the kids at the elementary school field “It’s my birthday and I am FOUR!!!”

  167. I went to the store teh other day to buy my 2 yr old a potty seat that fits on the toilet. As we are going throught the check he put the potty seat on his head and was wearing it as a hat. I convinced him we needed to pay for it. Thank heavens!

  168. My toddler is potty training, and when she has a potty success, she likes to look down in the potty and say what “it” looks like. The other day, she looked in there and said excitedly, “It’s a crocodile!! He’s gonna eat my bootie!….nah. He’s not. He’s a happy crocodile.” Silly girl. It’s always interesting to get a running commentary of life from a little one.

  169. My 3 year old laid his head down on our cat, heard her purring, lifted his head up and said “I hear a motorcycle in there!” 🙂

  170. I could use this for my baby, ours just broke!

    My 6 year old was selling chocolate bars for a fundraiser and we went to my husband’s university because no one can say no to my boy’s sweet face! He was selling one to a girl and she asked him which bar he thinks she would like (there were about 5 different types). He choose the dark chocolate almond and she said that it was exactly what she wanted, then asked if he could read minds. His response was, “No, I just matched it to your skin color!” (She was African American). Fortunately she thought he was cute and after a brief moment of not knowing what to say, she laughed.

  171. My almost three year old was not following directions the other day. He was doing everything but what I wanted him to do. I asked if he wanted to follow directions or wanted me to paddle his bum. He looked at me and said, “No, I do it myself.” And then proceeded to spank himself.

  172. I don’t have any children yet, but I only have 13 more weeks until I will! I cannot wait for the funny moments I will have with my son. 🙂

  173. My daughter say’s “construction” instead of “instructions” even though I have corrected her many times. LOL

  174. On Sunday when we got home from church, I was making lunch and was in a silly mood. I started talking in a really heavy New Jersey accent to my 4 year old and 18 month old. They both thought it was funny for while then my 4 year old boy suddenly started crying. When I asked him what the matter was, he said, “stop talking like that…you’re making me CRY!” I couldn’t help but laugh, guess he thought some crazy lady took over his mommy’s body- either that or he was just really in need of a nap 🙂

  175. My son goes around saying, “Oh me gosh!”

  176. My 14 month old little boy is starting to “pray”. It’s so cute. He bows his head and closes his eyes so tight and then mumbles some words and then says “men”. This stroller would be AWESOME!

  177. My Brother in laws son pooped in a Bath showroom toilet.

  178. We are potty training our youngest son and after he went #2 he looked in the potty and said “Bye, bye turds!” as he flushed the potty. I just laughed! Thanks to my 9 yr old son. I guess he’s teaching him the important things in life 🙂

  179. My son has started walking. He is still learning so he takes or so steps and then falls down. We are obviously “cheering” for him too much because when he falls down he claps for himself.

  180. my 8 month old is unfortunately a very gassy kid but has started pulling himself and “dancing” while holding on to something. The combo of bouncing/dancing and his gassiness makes for some very loud but rythmic dancing b/c everytime he moves you hear little poots continuously and we can’t help but get tickled.

  181. My daughter was sucking on her binky. My husband took it away after her nap because we are trying to get rid of it. She walked over and pulled another one she had stashed away under a pillow and stuck it in her mouth. It was pretty funny.

  182. my little one says – mom hurry pick me up- i asked why? dont you have two legs to walk (we just got out of the car and started to walk into the store)? no mom they were just painted on and they are very tired!!

  183. while watching the days of 47 parade on tv with my 3 yr old, she saw a city royalty float and exclaimed “look mommy that one has Cinderella and the three ugly stepsisters!” I laughed and laughed.

  184. My Brother-in -law and his family went camping with us and asked us why we call our daughter “Gu” , 10 minutes after this we were sitting around the fire eating spaghetti when my daughter puts both hands in her sisters plate and shoves it in her mouth, then turns to her uncle and eye brows left and a grin on her face and another hand full of spaghetti tried to share with him, She had him backing up while she was chasing him. (He got his answer)

  185. My daughter says “Pickle” for Pumpkin, “Temples” for Mountains, and “Keek a Book” for Peek a Boo.

  186. Just today I caught my 15-month-old in the pantry having dumped out a whole box of cereal and eating it off the floor. Guess it was time for lunch!

  187. My 7 month old daughter had a pretty nasty diaper the other day and her daddy was changing her bum. He has a pretty weak stomach and was gagging, she thought it was hilarious and was giggling so hard every time he gagged!

  188. My lil boy was drinking his bottle, he pushed it out of his mouth, his face turned red & he farted then said ahhhh & then put the bottle back in his mouth like nothing happened!!! LOL

  189. Things can be a little hectic with 6 kids in the house. After a long day of school for the older kids, errands and meetings for me and the little ones, the noise level in the house kept rising higher and higher. The 3 year old climbs on a chair and yells “Woah, Woah, Woah here, we all need to chill out a little and stop acting like chickens with no head” Guess she wasn’t a fan of the chaos that day.

  190. My 3 year old daughter was throwing a tantrum the other day during dinner and stormed out of the room. My six year old son said to me, “Mom, I am really worried about her attitude”. Yes, my 6 year old is my counselor. 🙂

  191. My 6 year old boy is a trip! I was away on business and my son really wanted to play catch, so my wife offered to play with him. Now my wife can’t throw a football to save her life, which she would admit to. A few throws in, my wife told me that my son was whispering under his breath, “don’t laugh at her, don’t laugh.” LOL, what a sweet, considerate boy!

  192. I was driving in the car with my daughter and turned around to look at her, while stopped at a red light and she gave me this HUGE Cheese grin squinting her eyes and showing all her teeth, it was so funny!

  193. My one year old Charly has recently taken a likeing to wrestling. Now anytime any of our family of 7 sits or lays down on the floor we can expect an immediate body slamming from our once sweet cuddely little Charly.

  194. Yesterday my 2 1/2 went to his “PaPa and said Oh I am so sad, I broke my my worm! Do you have some duct tape to fix it??”LOL PaPa said ” No, I do have some super glue though!

  195. My 3 year old son was talking to me one day and I guess I did not respond quick enough because he was going 100 mile a minute and at the end of it he said “mom jus talk a me”. I laughed and still could not respond to what he was saying because I was laughing.

  196. Whenever any kind of music comes on my 2 year old runs around saying “its dancing” its just so funny

  197. My 1 year old just started putting his blanky over his head and walking around like a ghost bumping into things, he laughs so hard and its just as funny to watch.

  198. I had to remove a Rice Crispy from my 14 month old little guys nose after breakfast the other day. When I got it out my 24 month old bigger little guy, who was standing over my shoulder supervising the operation, yelled, “Oh nice!”

  199. I have a one month old and a two year old. Whenever I am breast feeding the baby my 2 year old will come over to me and pull up her shirt and she will say “no, my bobo” and will want to breast feed her brother. I think it’s hilarious and can’t wait till they are older and I can tell her she wanted to breast feed her brother!

  200. My son has decided to make a compost pile in our backyard. Yesterday I caught him trying to teach our 80-year-old neighbor about composting.

  201. My 20 month old son repeats EVERYTHING he hears these days, one of my favorites is that he copies this commercial that has been on (I’m not even sure which one) but at the end the guy says, “Is that all you got?!” It took me a few times to realize that he was saying “that all ya got?!” and raises his hand like the guy- when I thought he wasn’t even paying attention to the tv.

  202. I don’t have any kids yet, but I’m hoping to win this for a friend who does have kids.

    I was babysitting at 5 year old last week. She wanted a glass of chocolate milk, but she wanted to make it. So I helped her get the glass, spoon, milk and powdered chocolate out. She was doing great…. She poured the milk without spilling it. But, as she was scooping the powdered chocolate, she sneezed so violently that the container of powdered chocolate was knocked off the table and on her lap. She was wearing a white dress. She thought it was funny. So did I… Until I had to clean it up 🙂

  203. Thanks to Dora my daughter thinks if you yell abre (Spanish for open) that anything will magically open. So she will sit in front of the fridge yelling abre waiting for it to magically open. It doesn’t help that my husband reinforces it with powered van doors and grocery doors.

  204. My son just moved from his crib to a twin bed. Every morning he lays on the very edge of the bed and reaches as far as he can for his animals that fell off his bed during the night. He hasn’t figured out yet that he can get out of bed without my permission (let’s hope it stays that way!) and so he lays in bed until I say “time to get up.” Kid cracks me up!

  205. When my daughter wants me to do something she’ll say, “Come on, dominos.” I kept asking her why she was calling me a domino…She would just repeat herself, “Domino’s mom, domino’s.” I finally figured out is was vamanos, the word for “let’s go” in Spanish.

  206. Its a family saying in our house every since my daughter, who is 11 now, said this when she was about 5 yr old….”pile dog” instead of “dog pile” when we are all wrestling and having fun!

  207. My 2 year old is loving all the Halloween stuff. He favorite is the spiders. We have one that if you clap it climbs down the wall. So when we are on walk or at the store and he sees a spider he claps and claps trying to get the spider to climb down. He has such determination to get it to move. Love that boy!

  208. Every day we ask my two year old what he wants for lunch and every day he says “peanut butter and jelly”. An every day it makes me smile.

  209. When I opened the car door to get my 2 year old son out of the car seat, he crowed like a rooster, cockadoodle doo!!!

  210. My son like to blow raspberries when it’s time for bed… it’s his way of keeping himself awake when he’s tired… it’s pretty funny!!

  211. My daughter pulls her own hair and cries so much wondering where the pain is coming from ( she in only three months old)

  212. I told my two year old that it was bath time and to go pick out a few toys to bring with him. He thought about it for a minute and ran and grabbed the laptop and started dragging it up the stairs with him! Good thing I caught him in time…

  213. We ended up having to bring our 4 year old to the school board meeting last night because our teenager (our usual babysitter) needed to attend, too. When the meeting was over, some of the parents that had spoken on behalf of our band students were standing around chatting. Reed (my 4 year old) decided that we had been there long enough and started whining for dinner. He started chanting, “I want MixDonnell’s (McDonald’s),” over and over again, getting louder each time. One of the other moms turned to him and asked, “What do you want for dinner?” He yelled out, “Jack-in-the-crack!” I was mortified, but everyone started laughing. Thanks, Daddy, for teaching him that one!!

  214. We couldn’t figure out why our half bathroom kept smelling like a port-a-potty for a few weeks despite my best at cleaning. So one Saturday I was going to vinegar/water solution the entire walls! My husband says “I bet you our 3 yr old has been peeing in the decorative vase.” So I went and checked and sure enough… I dumped several cups of pee out of that vase…boys! 🙂

  215. My little guy has just started eating solids lately so we are introducing foods…. we gave him beans the other day that were a bit spicy…. and they face and body reaction was the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. He was def. not a fan.

  216. My 3 year old tells me when the light changes….like I don’t already realize that “green means go mommy!”

  217. We recently got a pet cat and my 3 boys have been so excited to take care of her. I am also in the process of potty training my 2 1/2yr old son. It was probably bound to happen eventually but last night, while putting him in the tub, he ran over and peed in the litter box. When I asked him what he was doing, he said, “Just using the kitty’s potty Mom!”. lol

  218. I was bathing my three girls the other day. They all love playing with the disney princess figurines in the tub. Well my three year old let out a huge toot…went like this:
    three year old: TOOT bubble bubble
    mom: Say excuse me
    three year old: oh no mom that wasn’t me
    mom: are you sure? I saw the some good toot bubble come from you
    three year old: nope it was Ariel
    She then pulls her Ariel doll out of the bath and talks for her…”excuse me”

    Little stinker! 🙂 Already blaming it on something else. 🙂

  219. My almost 3 yr old will cover my mouth with her hands and tell me to “be quiet” when I tell her she needs to do things…like pick up her toys or for reminders to go potty!

  220. My daughter is 9 months and for an after-dinner treat, we gave her a white chocolate chip. She was slurping and smacking all the way through it. She then wanted another but we closed the bag and started eating our dinner. She grabbed the bag and proceeded to wave it everywhere so the chocolate chips would fall out. I laughed and started to put them away, she hurried and grabbed handful, shoved it in her mouth and then put her hands over the others so “Mommy” couldn’t get to them. Her face of -these-chips-are-mine! was so funny.

  221. Hilirious Baby Ultrasound! “Oh my gosh. That looks scary. That is not a baby!”, blurted my horrified four year old boy at our first pregnancy ultrasound pic, with his big round eyes and pointy eyebrows. My comforting little girl said, ” It’s ok mommy, we’ll still love her.”

  222. I could fill a book with the funny things my 3 year old does. Just recently she has started covering her eyes when she is in a dark room. Lol. Maybe so she can’t see the scary monsters?

  223. My youngest, soon to be 4 year old son, has a slew of animal “personalities” that could pop up at any time. They each have names and different personality quirks. For example, Buster is a very funny dog. Reeses is a naughty dog. Baby is a very sweet, cuddly cat. Baxter is a very grumpy and kind of mean cat. Rosco is a bit of a pretentious dog who likes to bark a lot. The list goes on and on. I am often woken up in the morning to “Rosco” or “Pongo” barking at the TV. “Reeses” has decided that if he can see you but is not close enough to actually talk to you, he must howl until he gets close enough.

    So yes…I was the mom at the grocery store yesterday, chasing a little boy who was running on all fours, yelling, “No licking people in public, Buster!”

    **sigh** My life is an adventure…

  224. The other day we were looking for halloween costumes at the halloween store (might I add they are so scary now) Anyway there was a zombie man knawing on a bloody arm (eeww) and my 3 year old son said, “That man is making a bad choice, we shouldnt eat our arms!”

  225. So, the other day my 1 year old little girl came right up to me put both hands on my cheeks, closed her eyes and gave me the biggest, slobbery-est kiss right on the lips. She kept her eyes shut tight and she started rocking her head from side to side, then finished with a big “Mmmmm-uah!”. Her dad spoke right up with, “No more Disney movies with kissing and NO BOYS for that one!” Then she chased her brother around the room with outstretched arms and puckered lips, screaming, “Mmmmmm….!”

  226. Just today my little guy (13 months) disappeared into his room. I thought nothing of it until I heard him laughing to himself. I walked in his room and I found he had climbed onto the rocking chair (he hasn’t been able to reach it before) and was rocking himself. He thought (and I thought) it was the funniest thing in the whole world!!

  227. My Daughter drew her name with pen all over her sister, and she thought I wouldn’t know who did it. 😉

  228. Last night, I was driving home from an activity and I thought my 3 year old was asleep. I look up at his 2nd floor bedroom window and his blinds are open, lights are flickering (from the tv) and he was standing on his bed, as still as can be, just staring out of the window. The girls I was w/ started freaking out b/c it was so creapy! We totally didn’t expect to see that! haha

  229. Everytime I refer to the futon that my daughter sleeps on at my mom’s house, she corrects me and says it isn’t a futon, it is a Cruton. And, as a friend of mine said…that would make for a crumby night’s sleep!

  230. We ordered some pizza the other day. My son kept asking if we were getting macaroni pizza. I was so confused as to why he would want that, although he does loved noodles. So I didn’t think too much about it. We went and picked up the pizza. He asked, “is that macaroni pizza.” I showed it to him and said it was pepperoni pizza. “Ya, macaroni pizza. Thanks Mom,” he said.

  231. I was trying to get my little guy in the car and buckled quickly to go to the doctors. I asked him if he could please hurry so that we wouldn’t be late. He looked at me and said, “Mom, sometimes you need to stop and smell the roses!” I couldn’t stop laughing for the rest of the day!

  232. My daughter is a motormouth, never stops talking! So i was trying to do something and asked her to please be quiet just for a few minutes, and my mom said that doesnt happen to often. My 4 yr old responded with “i can’t be quiet i just have too many words that need to come out!”

  233. My kids love to plau Jenga and my son said that my friend Jen and I should have a jenga war and he thought that she would be “gooder” than me.

  234. My 3 year old daughter wanted to play house and she was going to be the mom and I was her. She told me that I was naughty for dumping out all the toothpaste and that I needed to go take a time out.

  235. My 11 year old daughter and I were exiting a shopping center recently and there was a For Rent sign attached to a tree near the road. She got very excited and started entering the number to call in her phone. When I asked her what she was doing, she said she wanted to call the number so she could rent the tree one weekend! I asked what she’d do with the tree and she said, “I would climb it and then put a blanket under it and have a picnic.” And no, we are not nature-starved urbanites!! She just loves trees, I guess!!!

  236. Whenever my 22-month-old son recites the “ABC”s he says “ELMO, P!” instead of “L, M, N, O, P…”

  237. My daughter likes to say “what the freakin’-a mom!” While we are in public… awesome.

  238. just this morning my 4 year old climbed into my bed, snuggling and said mommy i love you. i said i love you too, he said to me then get up and lets go to disneyland! i said we can’t go to disney today buddy. he got out of my bed and said then you dont love me!! and went to watch cartoons!

  239. My four year old is constantly a back seat driver. Telling me to go on green and stop on red. So silly. He even has a little of my road rage too. And if I get frustrated driving he says, “are they being an idiot Mommy?” Man! I gotta watch what I say. Good thing it was nothing too bad.

  240. My 2 year old son has discoverd that he can put his little sister in time out. He will say “uh-oh, soooo sad” and then make her sit down and count, 1, 2,3,4,5… ready to be nice? Ok come on”.

  241. My daughter (9 1/2 months old) loves to play with her toys. Each morning I pull out several toys for her to play with and put them in the middle of the floor. Recently she discovered that she can go to the toy corner and reach into the toy box to find even more toys, as if what I pulled out isn’t enough! Today she quickly crawled to the toy box when she got bored of her toys, pulled herself out and pulled out almost all of the remaining toys. I put them in the middle of the room for her so she hurried and crawled back. Apparently it still wasn’t enough so she crawled back over, pulled down the toy box so she could get into it more easily and then managed to pin herself between the toy box, the couch, and her activity center! I guess that’s what she gets for not being satisfied with the amount of toys she has! Cute girl!

  242. My 3 year old likes to make a pretend microphone out of blocks and then interview people. She took her microphone to her 5 year old sister and said “so tell me how you feel about your feelings”. She cracks us up all the time.

  243. The other day my 2 year old daughter broke one of her toy and when some of our friends asked her who did it, she blamed it on our 3 month old and then proceeded to tell the 3 month old that that was not nice!

  244. What an awesome giveaway!
    My LO is only 4 months … but today she made a really funny face after tasting Sweet Potatoes!
    My niece is 4 and she says ‘mommy, we need to Skype as soon as possible so I can see baby Emily’ (my LO). So cute!!

  245. A couple of weeks ago I had a practice “no electricity” day with my children. I lit candles in in the morning when it was still dark but I was a bit worried about how the kids would react to them when they woke up. My two year old looked wide eyed around the room and then took off running singing “happy birthday” and blowing out all the candles!

  246. I like to workout in the mornings and one day about a month ago I decided I wasn’t going to work out that morning and my little 16 month old went and got the workout ball and started raising his hands over his head and reaching down to his toes. I guess all those mornings of working out in front of him has paid off because now rather I want to or not each morning he goes and gets the workout stuff for us.

  247. My little 3 year old, burped. He then said, “mom, my mouth is stinky.” “You need to change it.”

  248. My little Sierra had a Cheerio stuck on her nose the other day. I couldn’t help but laugh the entire time she finished eating…it just stayed there! 😉

  249. “Mom it isn’t Sunday today…cuz it’s too cloudy outside” she’s such a nut!

  250. At a family reunion my daughter got in some “random strangers” purse (cause there is always people at your family reunions that you are like “mom, who is that?” lol) and opened one of her maxi pads and stuck it to her forehead and stood up in a chair and said “hey mommy looka at me, looka at me!”. Oh dear God I was embarrassed.

  251. I had a baby last week and my son was sad it wasn’t a boy. He came and patted my belly and said, “good mom you stomach is still big….maybe there is a brother in there this time!” I hope not!!! But it was pretty funny to hear what he thought about it.

  252. My daughter will cry when she has tears on her face and it make her cry more….she repeats:
    “I got tears! Get them mommy”

  253. My 10 month old baby has been practicing drinking from her sippy cup. So whenever she drinks, she always makes a cute “fish face” with her lips. They are so cute and makes me laugh every time I see it.

  254. My 4 year old wanted a bath the other morning. I told her she could have a bath after breakfast. She whined “but I’m stinky!” I said I know, you can bath after breakfast. Still whining she says “but I smell terrible!” I laughed and laughed. Her younger sister who is 3 is pretty funny too. She hates when I’m not wearing makeup. A couple days ago I was super busy so at about 10 am she tells me “mom, can you put your makeup on? It’s day time you know.” Ouch. Ha ha.

  255. My 3-year-old can have quite the attitude lately. So I often tell him to “not talk to me that way” when he is pulling attitude. Well whenever I get upset with him now he will say to me, “Don’t talk to me, Mom!” Ah the things they learn from us when we actually thought we were teaching them something else. It makes me laugh though!

  256. My son is 3 years old and on Sunday we were getting ready for church. I picked out his Sunday clothes (button up shirt, tie and nice pants), layed them on his bed and asked him to go get dressed. A few minutes later he came out in jeans and a tee shirt. I told him he wasn’t allowed to wear those to church and he exclaimed, “but why!? Jesus will love these!” 🙂

  257. My daughter is turning 4 on the 29th so we are doing a Halloween birthday party and she came with me to get everything. Now when we go out and she sees everyone’s Halloween decorations she tells me everyone in the world knows its her birthday and putting decorations up for her. She gets really excited about it too. LOL

  258. As I am writing this I am watching my 2 year old daughter painting her pumpkin. She is having the time of her life!

  259. My 4 month old likes to sit up on his changing table and then he starts to bounce waiting for me to pop him up into the standing position facing the mirror, he shrieks and bursts out laughing. I just love it!!!!

  260. I have 3 little ones and my middle cart pronounce the letter L very well, so he calls his little sister “waiwa” instead of Laila and his older brother “wincoln” instead od lincoln. And so lincoln turns around while playing trains very quietly and just screams “jackson, my name is lincoln, not wincoln!” Lol also my oldest son, lincoln, has nick names for his younger siblings. Jackson’s nick name is “dishes” I have yet to figure out why (he’s called him dishes since he was born) . And Laila nickname is “squish” but she’s my chubby baby so I cam see y he fallacy her”squish” lol

  261. I have a 20 month old and she is learning so fast. Since she was a baby every time we would walk down the stairs I would count the steps as we went down. The other day she came down by herself while I was in the kitchen and she counted every single one correctly all by herself. It was too cute!

  262. Whenever my little 7 month old has a messy face from eating, or spits up etc., my 3 yr. old daughter runs and gets a burp rag and as she is wiping my little 7 month olds face off says “that’s “gusting'”Lola.” She says “gusting” for disgusting. It’s pretty funny to watch. 🙂

  263. My son loves the abc song, and after I put him in bed for a nap or bedtime, I get to hear him singing on the monitor to his hearts content. It’s so darn cute!

  264. My 3 month old has different ways of talking to her stuffed animals. She talks to her Pooh in a high and breathy voice and she talks to her stuffed penguin in a low voice. We don’t know why but it is pretty funny to listen to. 🙂

  265. My 4 year old daughter sobbed when we had a new dishwasher delivered because they took the old one away. She told me she was so sad because she had to say good bye to the old dishwasher…girls are so dramatic. 🙂

  266. My daughter and I were at a family reunion and I was talking to someone. While we were talking my daughter gets in this VERY distant relatives purse, pulls out a maxi pad and sticks it to her head and proceeds to yell “Momma looka at me, looka at me!” Oh dear GOD I was embarassed!

  267. Everyday when I am getting my 1 an 3 year old ready for the day he say mommy we want you to put “ho hawks on our head” also know as a faux hawk! So funny 🙂

  268. My little one loves walking around and seeing all the halloween things…

  269. My 2 year old out of the blue, called my cousin (who is a little round in shape) Fluffy. So, now every time he sees him, he screams “Fluffy” and runs to him. It’s hard not to laugh at where little ones get these ideas.

  270. My 3 year old had a bloody nose and got blood on his shirt my husband ask him how he got blood on his shirt and he said he got it beacause he’s a vampire.

  271. At my sons preschool graduation they were going down the line saying what they wanted to be when they grew up. When it was my sons turn he very matter of factly said ” I want to be a taster when I grow up”. We all just cracked up laughing.

  272. My little guy is so funny lately… every time he does something he says “Das a good boy?!?!” as if it is a question just to make sure I tell him that every time! I think it is so darn cute!

  273. We were in the car going home and I told my daughter: ” When we get home you are going to sleep!” and she replied after a moment of silent. “Mommy how can you see the future?” she is only 4!

  274. My 3 year old son told me yesterday that mommies are allowed to take naps. I asked him why and his reply was because you are not a boy and only boys are allowed to sleep. Haha where kids get these ideas I do not know.

  275. My older son had my younger one rolling in laughter when he splashed him with water while sitting in a too little bumbo bouncing up and down while water sprayed around….

  276. I took my 2 year old to the dentist this week and he insisted that the dentist cleaned all the dog hair off his teeth. :/

  277. Well my baby is still inside but we’re already having fun! My emotions have been Hugh and while driving to work the other day I found myself tearing up at the beautiful trees changing colors! Talk about sappy! 🙂

  278. We just bought a really nice TV about 3 months ago. Well my 2 yr old decided to draw all over it with a Lava Rock!!!!! Its scratched everywhere!!! My husband about cried! She has never been one to color on things besides her coloring books and she doesn’t normally get into much, so this was a huge shock to us! How I found out was cute though, she said “look mom, I’m coloring”….. I about died when I saw what she was “coloring” haha. The joys of toddlers!

  279. The other day my two year old was being really quiet, I went to check on her and she had a bottle of mustard in one hand and toilet paper in the other. She was squeezing the mustard and smearing it around with the toilet paper. I asked her what she was doing and she said “I’m cleaning mom”.

  280. I don’t know that this is so much funny as it is adorable, but lately whenever my 3-real old shares a toy with her little sister she tells me, “That makes her happy in her little Sammy-heart, doesn’t it mom?” I don’t know about Sammy, but it sure warms my little Mommy-heart.

  281. Little Buddy ( I like to call him) is such a talker now, he often sits in his carseat and will make up the family member names of a house that sticks out to him, as we drive around… he always has a little story to tell about the family. I can’t tell if he really thinks he is remembering, or if he just has a great imagination 🙂

  282. When anyone toots at our house my almost 2 year old says, “what’s that smell? you tooted?” If she smells anthing wierd she always asks who tooted??

  283. My 6 month old boy has recently taken to crying nonstop anytime we’re in the car (so fun!) The only thing that makes him stop is hearing the song I’m yours by jason mraz

  284. A few weeks ago, when my 2 year old son found out there will be a new addition to our family. I asked him if he would like a baby brother or sister. He thought about it and said, I wanna a motorcycle!

    Recently we found out that we’re having a girl, I asked him if he was excited to have a sister and he said, no I wanna a motorcycle! With a sad voice, I said so you’re not excited to have a baby sister – you’ll get to play with her everyday when she gets here. And he said…OK, I wanna a motorcycle and a sister!

  285. My son who will be 3 in December told his Dad when he wouldn’t get him a drink of water that he is “freakin lazy.” Oops, I guess I better watch what I say. Even his dad couldn’t help but laugh.

  286. Everytime I put my 3 yr old son to bed, as I walk out the door, he says”Thank you momma” I always laugh. not many kids are thankful to take a nap or go to bed.

  287. one of my little boys used to say “what you got your glubs on for” instead of gloves

  288. My son is also obsessed with vacuums and will give it a kiss goodnight.

  289. I was at church and was holding a friend’s newborn baby (as being pregnant myself). My 2-year-old looked at me so confused and said, “Did your baby fall out?!” He thought the new baby I was holding was the one inside me. If only it was that easy! 🙂

  290. I shared one about my 4-yr-old girl on Facebook so I guess I’ll share one about my 2-yr-old boy on your blog. One thing that I think is both funny and cute about him is his jealousy. If daddy gives me a kiss, he has to run over and one up him by giving me a kiss as well. One time at bed time, he just kept going back and forth with my husband giving me kisses because he couldn’t stand to have daddy giving me the last kiss. What a sweetie! I guess I have to cherish these moments because we all know that there is no way he will do cute things like this when he hits his teens+!

  291. My little guy is a parrot! He started saying a word we don’t allow him to say. We would then sternly tell him “we don’t say that!” One day I was listening to him talk in his crib. He would say the word. Then he would say “his name, we don’t say that!” He did it several times. It made me laugh!

  292. My 9 month old doesn’t talk yet, so not too many funny things coming from him, but he loves to blow bubble and laughs at it all the time. We laugh too!

  293. I have 3 kids…ages 5, 3, and 2…they make me laugh DAILY!!! Just last night my little girl who is 3 tooted…but instead of claiming it and laughing…she sat there straight faced and said…”WHO was that???” we accused her brothers of it, but when she saw them getting attention for it…she knew she had to get in on it…so she quickly changed faces and laughed hysterically that it was her and took ALL the credit!!! Silly kids!!!

  294. My little six month old likes to head bang when she’s happy. It’s kinda weird and funny at the same time- she sits in her activity set and rocks back and forth like she’s listening to heavy metal music, and she’s laughing the whole time.!

  295. We recently got a hedgehog for a pet… and every time we get it out it does its daily pooping job… and my 2 year old son points and FREAKS out screaming saying ” Sparkles just pooped… EEWW GROSS” and laughs and says it over and over and over again. It is so FUNNY!

  296. When my little brother was around 2 or 3 he got into this HUGE can of peanut butter (you know the one you find at sam’s) I walked in on him in the kitchen, there was peanut butter everywhere, all over the cupboards, the floor was COVEREd, he was slipping and sliding in it, he looked up at me and said, “Look! I’m skating in the butter!”

  297. My 7 year old daughter was pacing the kitchen floor. I asked her what she was doing, to which she answered “Thinking about what to have for snack.” After a few more minutes of pacing, I asked her if she has decided. She answered “No, I need TOTAL silence to think.”

  298. My 9 month old giggles when you blow on her face. Her grandma was doing it to her , but then she tried to do it back and ended up blowing a big raspberry in her face. Grandma didn’t think it was very funny but we sure did!

  299. This week my 2 year old tried to climb the shelves of the fridge and pulled down an open bowl of pistachio pudding; it landed right on top of her head. It was hilarious!

  300. My 14 year old son asked my four year old daughter for a hug..she said “of course you are my favorite brother” to which my 17 year old son said “I thought I was your favorite” to which my daughter said “that was yesterday” Haha

  301. my daughter came home from school telling us about her great lunch “hogs in a towel” when actually it was pigs in a blanket

  302. My 1 year old is pretty shy but she like to say hi to people. So when we are at the store she will practically yell hi to anyone near by, but if they turn and look at her or say hi back she gives them this look of, “why the heck are you looking at me” and she will start acting all shy.

  303. My son is learning how to put together new words. Today he said “mom, whats happening to me?” funniest thing coming from a two year old!

  304. As my son and I sat down to eat at the restaurant the other night he said very matter-of-factly, “Mom, let’s discuss how it felt to die on the Titanic……….you start”

  305. My 2 year old has recently discovered gum. Today I gave him half of a piece and I put the other half in my mouth. He looked at me with a serious face and said “mama, don’t swallow it, just chew it!” I guess I’ve said that quite a bit lately!

  306. My two year daughter just started putting words together. Her new sentence is “I say no”. I wonder where she gets that from.

  307. I asked my 2yo today if she wanted a grape. She asked “is it juicy?” LOVE her.

  308. Yesterday we were at the pumpkin patch and they had a little petting zoo. There was a kangaroo and a llama in the same pen. My 4-year-old says to the llama, “Hello Kangaroo’s mother!” (I guess a llama could be the kangaroo’s mama…)

  309. Man I have so many stories. I am telling two because I can’t decide. A few years ago we took my step kids to the disney on ice and I told them they could get one small souvenir because we didn’t have a lot of money. My step son said “just use your debit card”. Yesterday my 2 year old was pretending to talk to her siblings on the phone and then making me talk to them. Once we had home thru the normal people she talks to she handed me the phone again. I asked who it was and she said “its jesus” well at least she knows she can talk to him.

  310. We were saying prayers before bed and my son accidentally said he was thankful for the food. Trying to save himself he looked around and saw some play food chips on the floor and said, ” ‘cept we don’t have any but, these fake chips.”

  311. when my daughter was pealing the skin off the out side of the individual peas, I asked what she was doing and she told me she had to take all the scabs off 🙂 it was a good laugh!

  312. I was trying to get my two year old to eat some green beans, and I told her how much her daddy likes them. She finally tried one and then pronounced “Those are not tasty for me.”

  313. My son, who just turned one, has now decided that he’s a monkey and needs to climb EVERYTHING. The latest trick is to hang on to the tray on the high chair and swing his legs up onto it. He just hangs off the bottom, at least until I panic for the 100th time and go get him down. He can do that, but hasn’t figured out what ‘NO’ means yet.

  314. My 3 year-old and I had a long and unsuccessful conversation about how I was not pregnant with Baby Jesus. 🙂

  315. Crunched up Honey Nut Chex and put the crumbs in my hair dryer

  316. My daughter can’t get the concept of age. She keeps asking me if we had things (like dolls, pillows, tv, etc.) when I was a kid. She recently asked me if there was dirt when I was a kid. I guess she really thinks that I am older than dirt!!

  317. The other day my six year old was running around outside our house with his friends, when he tripped and fell. As he lay on the ground he quickly looked around to see if any of his friends saw him, and when he saw them looking at him, he automatically started doing push ups. Nice cover up!

  318. My 2 year old loves to make up names for himself; his latest name is “Shriggy” so he is my little Shriggy Boy!

  319. My 4 year old comes up with the most random things on a daily basis. The best was when he told me that moms werent allowed at walmart and that the little boys got there by flying on the back of a boy who can fly with a jet pack! Who knew? 🙂

  320. My one year old son LOVES bananas. He goes crazy any time he sees them and has to have one. The other day at home he had one and for some reason when he saw me coming around the corner I guess he thought i was going to take it from him so he quickly shoved all of the cut up banana pieces into his diaper. I laughed so hard i cried.

  321. My daughter came home from church one sunday and said “mom, I need to take a bath so I can catch the holy ghost” .

  322. My 3 year old daughter brought her toy laptop to me and started yelling, saying “Mom, I hate this thing! I need a new computer! This one is too slow and old! It’s driving me crazy!” Hmm…I wonder where she heard that! haha! I couldn’t help but to laugh at her!

  323. Last week I was calling our kitties to feed them and I said, “come on boys – breakfast.” My little girl put her hand on my shoulder and said, “honey, White Paw is a girl.” I replied, “no he’s a boy.” My little girl shook her head and said, “NO he’s a GIRL.”

  324. My 18 month has developed a new interest in the baby items in our nursery (we are expecting another baby) and loves to climb into the little carseat or squeeze in the bouncer and swing. The only problem is that he always gets stuck and I will have to run up in response to his anguished cries and untangle him!

  325. my preschooler is telling me about a boy at school. I think it might be her first crush. it’s funny how she talks about him!

  326. we at the park and my 2 year old ate a pile of sand then looked at me and said, “um, ‘licious! (Delicious)”. Yuck.

  327. Today my 2.5 year old refused to leave the house to run errands with me until he had his toy cell phone in his jeans pocket… Apparently he was worried about missing any important phone call! LOL~

  328. When my son was 2, he was being watched by his 17 year old uncle. His uncle went into the kitchen cause my son was being sneakily silent. My son had gotten into the crisco and painted his body and the floor all around him with it. Needless to say it was quite the task to get that slippery little body into the bathtub!

  329. One night at dinner my son said, “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy,” really fast. When Dad turned to look at him, he smiled really big then let out a burp. It was the funniest thing ever. We can’t believe he had the self control to hold it in until he got Daddy’s attention.

  330. At dinner one night we were talking about superheroes. My 4 year-old daughter said her superhero name would be eyeball. Without missing a beat my 6 year-old son said “what would your super power be….blinking?” We all got a good laugh!

  331. My daughter was playing with some neighbor boys and tried to be a horse for them. Needless to say she couldn’t move once they sat on her back!!! They decided to play puppies instead:)

  332. We were playing catch with our 3 year old son and my husband threw a bad ball and he said “dad, stop that garbage”.

  333. Our friend’s son walks up to my husband and says “Daddy told Mommy that you’re a dink!” My husband chuckles a little, walks inside and says to his friend “so I’m a dink huh?”. His friend can hardly stop laughing long enough to explain that dink was an acronym… Double Income No Kids. 😛

  334. Yesterday my 3 year old was watching his new favorite show Polar Express. While he was watching I said, ” what’s that boys name?” Pointing to one of the boys. He said, “Kid get on.” “What?” I ask. “Kid get on, see watch.” Just then they stopped the train and one of the boys yells to him, “Hey kid, get on!” “See I told you.” My little boy said. I couldn’t quit laughing.

  335. I don’t have any children just yet, I am due on Thanksgiving day. I have to admit the first time experience of having a baby growing, developing, and living withing me has far exceeded any expereince I have yet to have in my 26 years of life. I think he’s pretty silly and I do have to laugh when he has hiccups. I love feeling him move knowing he will shortly be with our little family soon! PS. I dont have a stroller yet…hint hint

  336. I just potty trained my daughter and she has become very independent. She shuts the door so I can’t “help”. Today when she needed to go I let her go by herself. After a few minutes I heard a huge splash and some crying. Low and behold she had fallen in and was stuck. Independence comes at a risk sometimes 🙂

  337. My 21 month old son closed his eyes really tight, and said “Mommy, its dark!” i thought it was cute — such a smart little guy 🙂

  338. Way cool stroller..Love it!! My son Alix recently turned into a magician. We were in my favorite store shopping and as I went to check out I noticed a very familiar diaper sitting on the floor. Since my son was sittiing securely in his locked stroller wearing long overalls that were completely buttoned up I just knew it couldn’t possibly be his…even though we were the only customers in the store! However just for kicks and giggles I unbuttoned his pants and sure enough..there he was in all his naked Glory! The clerk turned me and goes…”I AM IMPRESSED”..I was so embarassed!


  340. Since my baby is only 7 weeks, he hasn’t really done anything funny or silly yet. But the other day, on my birthday he laughed for the first time. It was the best sound ever. It caught us off guard because it was 5 am and we were falling back to sleep after his feeding.

  341. My 3-year old was going potty. His 2 year old cousin was watching him. The cousin was sitting on the edge of the tub and fell in. He was wet and crying.

    My 3-year old asked “May I help daddy.” When he was done helping daddy plant a tree he came in and told me “that was easy”.

    My boys love Phineas and Ferb. This morning my 3-year old got mad at his two older brothers and said “curse you”!!!

  342. today my 2 year old son ate a grasshopper and he was making a funny face and i had to dig the grasshopper out of his mouth and the grasshoppers leg was hanging out of his mouth

  343. My 4 year old grandson came to stay with me at work one day when his mom had a doctor appt. He said grandma you work to much, why do you work so much? So I told him well I have bills to pay. He said well you should quit and you can just move in with us..but you will have to sleep in the attic..unless your going to bring your big TV then you could sleep in my room…well on the floor of my room but you have to let me hook my video games up to the TV.. wow great looking out!!

  344. My little girl likes to “do my make-up.” It’s the cutest thing. She dips her finger in her palm and then “brushes” it on my eyes and cheeks. Then when she’s done she says “so pretty mommy!” Pretend make up done by 2 year olds is the best! 🙂

  345. My 4 yr old has been repeating the old ‘trick or treat, smell my feet’ saying. Today he asked who will smell his feet?!

  346. I was shocked a few days ago when my 4 yr old daughter was whistling along with the song in the background. I looked over at her, and said, “Was that you?” “Yes,” she replied, and then puckered her lips and started up again!!! I’ve never heard her whistle before! Couldn’t believe it! Out of the blue! She’s a musical genius!

  347. Whenever my 1 yr daughter is sleeping in the bed with us in the morning she has to be laying on my husband’s face!! I think it is pretty funny!!

  348. The other day we had peas and corn with our dinner. The next day when my 2-year-old went to the bathroom, she looked at what she had just done and said, “There’s my corn from yesterday! Where are my peas? . . . Maybe they’re in my bum . . . Let’s check!” It was absolutely HILARIOUS!!!

  349. My 10 month old son is just finding his voice. Whenever he’s in his stroller and there is someone walking in front of us, back towards him, he’ll yell until they turn around and look at him. He gets so shy after! It’s adorable, and so fun to see how random strangers respond to him.

  350. We had been praying regularly for my grandfather, who passed away last month (so this is my son’s great grandfather). After a visit to my parent’s house, my 3 year old was praying “Bless Great Grandma, and bless Great Grandpa.” He then peeked open his eyes and whispered, “Can I bless Great Breezy?” (Breezy is his aunt). I assured him that he could. He then asked, “What about Great Connor?” (Himself). Of course! Love that boy.

  351. My son was praying with me and he asked God to bless his best friend Lexie, her mom Katie and her brother Jeff. When I told him Jeff was her father he said, NO cause he dosent act like one jajajajajajaj

  352. Every Sunday my four year old son waits until my husband has changed his church clothes to see what he is wearing, then he goes and finds the closest outfit he has to wear. Mini Me!

  353. My 4 month old has learned to laugh!!! His favorite thing to laugh at is the ceiling fan. I cant wait to hear all the funny things he will be saying later on in life, but for now we are enjoying our rainbow baby and his laugh!

  354. Yesterday I put my one year old son down for nap. He has just recently started learning a lot of new words. He doesnt like to be put down for a nap and I heard him calling help, help! lol a new word that I hadn’t heard before. He wanted to be saved from taking a nap!

  355. My 8 month old can’t talk yet but he is starting to wave a lot and everytime I go pick him up from a nap or from the night he will wave to his brother as soon as we walk into the room he is in!Its so funny because its almost like hes trying to tell him brother here I am lets go play!

  356. I don’t have kids yet but my niece has since she could talk screamed “green means go” if you wait more than a second to go when the light turns green. She is such a stinker!

  357. My little one asked me today in the grocery store if the person next to us was a guy or a lady!!! (It was a lady bu the way. lol. I just booked it ot the next aisle.

  358. My almost 8 month old son has taken to mobility quite well, but he still loves his toys and never wants to leave any behind. He’ll put one in his mouth and carry it around like a dog would carry a bone or something, and then he’ll grab 2 other toys in his hands, look around as if trying to figure out how to crawl with those in his hands and then start crawling on his elbows so he can take all the toys he can carry with him. It is hilarious!

  359. On one of our weekly grocery shopping trips, my two-year-old son who was sitting in the shopping cart yelled: HELP! HELP! at the absolute top of his lungs. People began looking down the aisle at us wondering what was going on. There is literally no response you can give to make that situation better! If you say stop it or no, people will suspect something is going on. I just giggled and kept shopping!

  360. My baby likes to make an angry frowny face every time i ask him a question. It is so cute!

  361. My 3 year old put me in time out for saying stupid the other day! Gotta love my kids!

  362. My daughter runs around trying to catch my son while playing. She finally caught him and in amazement (she is one and he is 4) she looked at him in the eye, gave him a hug cause she had finally caught him and didnt want him to feel bad, and walked backwards so that he would think HE WON! it was sooo funny

  363. My daughter has the cheesiest smile. I say give me Cheese and there is her smile! Love it makes me smile every time!

  364. I am a shopaholic and spend a long time looking around in the stores. My older 8 yr old boy always got bored walking around the store with me . One day, we were in a clothing store and he kept asking me when are we going home so I was like soon honey I am almost done. OMG all of a sudden he yelled really loud MOM we have to GO !! You Left the stove on!! so everybody looked at me and I was so embarrassed even though I knew I did not use the stove at all… Of course now it sounds funny but at the time I was mortified and left the store!!

  365. We were at target and a young man with long hair walked near us with some of his friends. My daughter pointed and said very loudly, “Look Mom!! It’s a girlboy!!!” Luckily he wasn’t offended and we all just started laughing. 😉

  366. Recently my eight month old son started clearing his throat when he wants water. He just keeps clearing it louder and louder until we realize what he’s doing.

  367. I love that fact that she thinks she has to get up at 5:30 a.m. to exercise with daddy.

  368. Until recently we had all boys but had many girl cousins. These girl cousins were visiting and apparently my little guy noticed that his cousins were not the same as him atomically when the baby was changed. He said nothing about it until a few days later when he stated:” Mom I know the difference between boys and girls! Girls just have a butt that goes all the way to the front!” Needless to say it was hillarious! We could REALLY use this great stroller!!!

  369. My daughter recently found out she is having baby #2, but it’s too early to let anyone know yet. My daughters husband was telling their 3 yr old that it was a secret and not to tell anyone. She looked at her daddy and said, “Well, did mom tell you?”

  370. We are potty training my 2 year old son. As positive reinforcement when he uses the potty, we yell through the house “Yay! Drake went pee-pee in the potty!!” and clap. Saturday we were running errands and I had to use the bathroom. As I was, my son asks me “You going pee-pee mommy?” and I whisper “Yep” then he yells “YAY!!! MOMMY GO PEE-PEE IN THE POTTY!!!” and claps. As we walked out of the stall 2 women congratulated me for “going pee-pee in the potty”.

  371. 2 days ago, my husband asked my 4 year old son, “Why do you keep getting fevers?” to which my son replied: “because I don’t wash my hands Daddy” LOL!

  372. My 18th month old son has so many funny facial expressions that are hilarious! But something else that he’s been doing lately that cracks me up is when he puts his blanket on the tile and lays on it with his stomach, then pulls himself around using just his arms. I don’t know why he does it, but it makes me laugh. He is very capable of walking, so I don’t know why he thinks that is an effective way to move around. 🙂

  373. The other day at the grocery store my almost 2-year-old saw a young lady with long bright red hair. Her favorite movie lately is The Little Mermaid, so when she saw this girl she started squealing and ooohing while pointing at her while I shushed her and tried to get her to stop, then immediately started singing like Ariel! The girl was a good sport and laughed, but it was really cute. 🙂

  374. My son 4 yrs old dropped a wrapper on the floor while we were walking. He got so upset when it blew away because he knows its not good to glitter. I laughed out loud and made him repeat it. The irony of glittering rather than littering which is what he meant is what he meant crack me up.

  375. Me and my husband don’t have kids yet, but hopefully someday! But I would still like to win the stroller and be prepared so when we do have kids. I have a funny story to tell about me and my husband when we were little. When we were kids we use to tie the wagon to our hikes and my husband would pull his little sister around and I would pull my neices and nephews around!

  376. I asked my 3-year old to show me her muscles. She started to flex then said, “I can’t handle it!” and walked off. It totally cracked us all up.

  377. My son was watcing man vs. wild and saw him eating a scorpion. He said, “mom, why doesn’t he just eat cereal?”

  378. I told my son the other day that it is very dangerous not to have your seatbelt on when driving. He answered, “Mommy….do you know what is VERY VERY dangerous….” What?” I asked…. In his big blue eyed three year old serious face he says, “Tomatoes. Tomatoes are so dangerous mommy. ” “Tomatoes?” I asked…..”Yes, they can pick you up in big storms and throw you around. Tomatoes are so so dangerous.”

    It took me a minute or two and then it finally dawned on me…..TORNADOES!!!

  379. My almost 2yr. Old the other day found a stick of deoderant under the sink at my moms house pulls the lid off and lifts up his shirt and starts to rub it on his belly. I guess he has watched his dad a few times before he leaves for work.

  380. My 5 year-old the other day was rather upset with me. She was sitting on my bed telling me how mean I was and she looked at me and said, “Mom, when I’m a mom and I have a little girl I’m going to name her Dede and I’m going to be so mean to her!” Hahaa! It was so funny…that’ll show me. 🙂

  381. When it was still warm out my 4 yr old boy and 5 yr old daughter were out playing in the water, next thing a know they had switched swimming suits. My son had a buzzed head at the time so he looked like a little (girl) chemo patient. It was hysterical 🙂

  382. my son dances to every commercial he hears music or not! if you put on the radio for him, he just looks at you. Its so funny

  383. My son not too long ago said, “I wish I was daddy”. I asked, “Why do you want to be daddy?” His quick response, “So I can marry you too!” Gotta love our kiddos!!!

  384. My 4 year old made a pet rock at preschool, and named it after his 2 year old brother. I think he misses his brother when he’s at school!

  385. When I am counting to 3 for my older children to do something, now my 18 month old chimes in and counts with me sometimes quicker too .

  386. My son pretends to snore when he fakes being asleep. He’s 21 months and hasn’t quite got the snoring down so he lays on the floor with his eyes closed going “shhhh….shhhhh.” He thinks he’s really clever 🙂

  387. My almost 3 year old was throwing a fit about being hit by another kid. When asked if he was ok he stopped crying and said, “I’m not ready to be done crying” and started crying again.

  388. I am currently 26 weeks pregnant. My 3 year old son saw my protruding belly button and with disgust on his face said “What IS that mom!?!”

  389. My 16 month old got ahold of her baby soap and was chewing on the top of the bottle, well there was obviously some soap on the bottle because when I took the bottle from her she start to fuss and bubbles were coming out of her nose and mouth. Of course the mom instinct, I panicked and began washing out her mouth and the more water I added the worse the bubbles got. We she realized there were bubbles everywhere she started laughing which in turn made me laugh. It became a game after that. Good thing it was an all natural product!

  390. Last year we took our kids to Build-A-Bear for my middle child’s 3rd Birthday. We got home and it was bedtime. Everyone went to bed and I woke up at 2 am and heard noises. My 5- and 3-year olds were in their room playing with their new creations…they couldn’t wait until morning!

  391. We always listen to music in our house, and my two year old loves it. When Maroon 5 came out with the song “Moves like Jagger” it quickly became his favorite. Now when he hear’s it, and no matter where he is or what he is doing, he stops and sings along and dances, shaking his booty as he calls it and waving his hands in the air. In between phrases he is calling out for my husband, our 6 month old and myself to join him in dancing. It’s pretty cute.

  392. My daughter sings, “Shoo fly, don’t bother me, shoo fly, don’t bother me. Shoo fly, don’t bother me- For I don’t want you CUP OF TEA (instead of company 🙂

  393. When one of my girls was learning to talk she made up a few of her own words. My favorite was “amn’t” – for am not. She would say “I amn’t.’ We thought it was funny of her to make up a word that was used like others words she knew like “didn’t.” She used that word for a couple of years before we told her it wasn’t actually a word. We didn’t want her to stop because it was so fun.

  394. My 20 month old calls our dog “boy” (a nickname we’ve given him). We have twin boys on the way and after a conversation with her that there are 2 boys in my tummy she walked away calling the babies “doggies” and the dog a “baby”. Oh my, this is going to be a disappointment to her.

  395. My 2 boys were talking about what they wanted to be when they grew up and my 6 yr old,Payton, said, “I want to be a firefighter” then my 4 yr old, Kenyon, said, ” I want to be an ambulance so I can chase Payton” I was laughing so hard. I guess to a little boy when he see’s a fire truck and an ambulance they do look like they are chasing each other. Maybe their 9 mon old brother will be the cop! Kids are funny!

  396. Well, I wish I could say that my child has done something funny, but I’m just hitting the end of my 1st trimester with my first child. Though if s/he is anything like me or my husband there will be lots of laughs ahead.

  397. My son is usually such a great eater–he will eat anything I give him and love it! Last week we had tacos so I gave him some of the fillings–meat (unseasoned), beans, cheese, and lettuce. He picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth, pulled a face, took it out and handed it to me. He repeated this with the beans and lettuce. He then ate the cheese, put everything back in his little bowl and dumped it on his head and started laughing! I guess I found the first thing he doesn’t like!

  398. The funniest thing my son said was one morning he told me he wanted diarreaha. I asked why and he said his teacher told the class that Steven had one and got to stay home with it!
    Karen Dorris
    kpintn/ at / hotmail(dot)com

  399. My mom babysits my daughters the other day I had to have her also keep my dog (Bella) while I was at work. I instructed my mom to please not let our female dog out of her kennel, because she is not fixed and I did not want her to get near her dog (Bobby)…. Well when I picked my girls and the dog up from my moms home, in the car my 4 year old starts telling me how she let Bella out and Bella and Bobby are really really good at “circus tricks”!!!! It took everything I had not to laugh and keep a straight face driving down the road!

  400. I love it when we go on walks with our little one. She sits up and puts her arms out and flys like a little angle!!

  401. My 2 yr old always sneaks into our bed in the night so I told her no coming in mommy’s bed tonight. her response was ‘ok, I go in daddys bed”.pretty clever that little girl, pretty clever.

  402. When my 2 year old gets hurt she’ll hold out that hurt part to me and then she’ll say “kiss” and then kiss the owie herself! It’s pretty cute. 🙂

  403. Me: Emma, eat your raspberries!
    Daughter Emma: I can’t.
    Me: Why?
    Daughter Emma: Because they are hairy!!
    Love it!

  404. My Daughter was helping me clean my car the other day. She had the shopvac and was vacuuming out the car. After about 45 min my husband went out to check on her and she was in tears. She said, “Dad this is taking forever.” When my husband went to help her finish up he noticed that the vacuum hose was on the wrong end. It was blowing instead of sucking. She was blowing dirt and stuff around the whole car. It was hilarious. My husband helped her finish the car and everyone was happy..

  405. My 2 year old is talking more and more with actual sentences and all of of sudden he has been saying I don’t know what that is… (When I point to an object) in a wierd voice…. To me it is cute and funny…

  406. I put my 2 year old down for a nap, and about an hour later I hear “mommy, mommy” and I go in to see what is going on. I look into the crib and he is stark naked with his little bum in the air trying to do a hand stand. He will always keep me laughing!

  407. My little one just learned the word ‘Yes’! Now his dad likes to ask him questions that he will inevitably answer ‘Yes’ to that might be incriminating or silly. Love it!

  408. My 4 year old always tells me when I drop him off at school,”Mom you make my heart melt” it cracks me and his teachers up every day. What a sweet heart.

  409. My 8 year old and friend in his class, Connor, both have the same cousin. His name is Tyke. Connor and my son however are not cousins. My son told me the other day that no one in his class believes Connor or him that they ARE cousins. (I didn’t have the heart to tell him that they aren’t really cousins expecially after how he told me that he had proof they were cousins.) My son asked Connor. “Connor who do you know?” Connor said, “Tyke.” My son said, “See guys, I know Tyke too! So we are cousins!”

  410. [Background info: I am pregnant with my third child. Pregnancy and babies are all the rage at my house right now. ] Yesterday my three year old son had his stuffed animal, Geoffrey the giraffe, (Toys’R’Us mascot) under the kitchen table getting ready to birth a baby. I’ve tried time and time again to tell him Geoffrey is a boy giraffe, but he calls him “Mommy Giraffe,” and clearly he doesn’t yet get that boys can’t birth babies.

  411. Well we have a newborn so everything is new and funny to us 🙂 but we like his “oldan srunchy face”

  412. My daughter loves to sing her heart out while she is using the bathroom. Makes me smile.

  413. When we ask my 21 month old if she’s stinky, she starts sniffing around.

  414. My nephew plays comp baseball (10 years old) and was the catcher at a game recently. As they were warming up he caught a ball and with quite some force threw it to the 2nd baseman. So hard that the 2nd baseman took his mit off and was shaking his hand. The entire stands started to cheer him on to which he leaned over kissed his muscle and said “its a gift”.

  415. While at church last weekend, my 20 month old, who has been trying to potty train herself, runs across the quiet chapel screaming “I poop! I poop!”

  416. While shopping at Costco my 3 year old daughter yelled oh no I need to go poo! I just can’t stop farting. Kids are so honest!

  417. We yell at our dogs when they bark, so now every time my 14 month old hears a dog barking she runs over to our dogs and points her finger at them yelling ‘no! No! No!’ Pretty cute!

  418. My Husband and I were talking to our daughters on the importance of bringing home good grades. So my kindergartner says shes gonna bring home all As and maybe some Bs butt her sissy is gonna bring home Ws and Zs because she is bad!!! we laughed so hard!

  419. My little guy likes to “eat my nose.” It makes me laugh.

  420. My daughter pulled the birthday cake off the counter and was eating it and when I showed up she offered me a fork and wanted me to sit on the ground and have some cake too.

  421. My granddaughter is just 3 months old. Our heaven sent baby Victoria was born, she was born 5 weeks early, After 2 miscarriages and then her birththe joy and love I see in my son and daughter in laws eyes, is a blessing everyday. Victoria wasnt feeling well the other day (and I hadnt seen her in a week) I picked her up while she was sleeping and said..hi sweet pea GG here and I love u very much. The biggest smile came across her face and she snug a bug right up next to my neck and sighed. It was the worlds best feeling.

  422. The other day my daughter was trying to play with our outdoor grill. I told her to stop and she walked up to me, put her finger on my mouth and said “shh” then walked back to the grill and proceeded to play.

  423. My 8 year old is constantly coming up with excuses to not go to bed. She always has a new ailment every night. Like, “there’s fur in my throat”, “I think my heart stopped beating” , or “I think a bug crawled in my ear”. The other night she said she was scared because she might see Michael Jackson’s ghost. I had to start writing these down, because I think they are hilarious…..until she comes and tries to get into our bed in the middle of the night!

  424. My 8 month old daughter squeals whenever she sees her favorite stuffed animals. She lunges at them & bites them with her month, then carries them around like a puppy would with their favorite squeaky toy.

  425. We haven’t been to a circus yet but my four year old said ” The circus is where Jesus and God perform miracles” My husband and I couldn’t contain our laughter.

  426. Me: what’s your name (to my 3 year old)
    Adi: Cinderella Atwater

  427. When I give my granddaughter fresh strawberries she always tells me that they are sooo good, but they would be even better if we could put some ‘chocate’ on them 🙂

  428. My 2 year old son was helping me throw away his dirty diaper after I had changed him. He was walking to the garbage when he tripped and the diaper came open and the poop flew out. I went to help him and noticed the diaper was empty. I said to him “Where’s the poop?” I was looking all over and getting a little panicky that I couldn’t find it anywhere! I kept asking him a little more frantically each time “Where’s the poop?!” Then all of a sudden he shouts “There it is!” It was stuck on the wall! My husband and I laughed for hours about that one! I can still ask him “Where’s the poop?” and he says “There it is!”

  429. My baby is still in my tummy! But sometimes when My husband lays his head on my tummy, she punches him in the face!

  430. My son couldn’t pronounce my sister’s name (Kim) so he called her Aunt Bum for many years.

  431. I would LOVE a new stroller! I hate the one I have now! My baby cracks me up all constantly, she’s 18 months and I’d have to say my favorite thing she does is dance and sing all the time or try to get out of trouble by saying ‘kiss’ and giving a kiss to anyone upset with her.

  432. My fianc and I were shopping the other day with our nine month old son and when it came to checkout time I was holding my son. I started talking to the cashier and every time I said something my son would put his hand over my mouth and make a baby noise, it was like he was trying to tell me to be quiet. It was so cute, I told him no-no and he would smile and continue until my fianc just took over with the checkout.

  433. So we have a 20 month old daughter and a 6 week old son. My daughter thinks that baby brother Jett is her newest doll and I love watching them together. Before he was born she picked out a small stuffed zebra for him from her. Now everytime we go anywhere I find it tucked in his carseat next to him under his canopy. It never fails! She is so sneaky about it too. I dont even realize she has done it until we are at the store or something and he wakes up, so I open the canopy and there is zebra! haha. love it.

  434. My twins love to fake yell at each other and when they are done they are rolling on the floor laughing!! So cute!!

  435. My 20 month old dressed her dog up in a tutu and tried to dance with him!

  436. My 2 year old daughter woke up from a nap and was resting her head on my stomach. I had just woken up after working a 12 hour shift and hadn’t eaten so my stomach “growled” loudly.

    Kyla “Mommy a lion!” Then she proceeds to look at me and say “Now do a elephant” and then expectantly put her ear back to my stomach.

    Hahaha…I have the cutest little girl.

  437. Carter: Dad, what’s an Audi?
    Bill: It’s a kind of car.
    Carter: No, what’s an AUDI?
    Bill: A car.
    Carter: No, I mean the bellybutton kind.

  438. My daughters always argue over who they will marry when they grow up, they start young!!!! My 4 year old said she wanted to marry a little boy around the corner, when my 3 year old interrupted her and said, “No, I am going to marry him. But you can have him when I am done with him!!!” My husband and I laughed for days!!!!!

  439. My 19 month old’s new thing if she doesn’t get her way is to throw herself on the floor (Gracefully) and just look at you. It is funny that girls can be SO dramatic SO young!!

  440. My daughter just recently gained custosdy of a three month old baby. In church this past Sunday,
    my 17 year old grandson announced he didn’t get any petting since the baby had come, and we should have a “pet Caleb day”

  441. My son is in a major star wars phase right now, he walks around breathing like darth vader and singing the darth vader song love him!

  442. I love it when my 2 year old asks me to hold her. Instead of saying ” hold me” she says “hold you”. It’s funny and sweet.

  443. my boys tease their little sister that she can be different things for Halloween, she gets so mad at them because she’s going to be a princess … it makes me laugh, poor thing has to grow up with a bunch of brothers 🙂

  444. We made deviled eggs because we like them so much. My daughter kept talking about Evil Eggs and I had no clue what she meant. It finally dawned on me that Evil Eggs are what she calls deviled eggs.

  445. My 8 month old just started eating snacks like the Gerber yogurt melts and little crunchies and it is the funnies thing. Just learning to pick them up is one thing and then having to put them in her mouth is another. She will poke at a snack with her finger and then after many attempts and drops to the floor she will get it. She will start chewing on her finger thinking it is the snack when really the snack is in the paml of her hand. She will also chew when the snack is all gone. Chew chew chew : )

  446. A couple of weeks ago my 2 1/2 year old daughter informed that she was pregnant with baby kitties.

  447. I spend a lot of time on my lap top because I’m an online student full time and my daughter just learned how to crawl and stand up by pulling herself on the couch, anyways I was in the middle of typing a paper and she crawled up next to me pulled herself up and closed my lap top. I laughed so hard and was humbled and decided to spend the next hour playing with her and finished my paper during her nap.

  448. My 4 year old daughter came up to me and said that I needed to loose weight because my tummy is starting to look like a dougnut. . .nice…

  449. My middle son at the ripe old age of 3 so lovingly refers to his eyebrows as his eye-downs. A while back he apparently had a headache and informed me very concerned-like that his eye downs hurt. Sweet boy!

  450. When saying his prayers my little boy says Heavenly Father thank you so much for the Pirate ride at Disneyland. It was so fun!… Haha gotta love kids!

  451. I had my 2 year old at kmart and we have been &working on letters so we spelled out K M A R T which my daughter replied, “Sears.”lol funny!

  452. After 2 1/2 years of trying, we finally got to tell our son today that he is gonna be a big brother. He threw his arm up in the air and yelled “victory”!!

  453. Recently my 10 month old has started to play peek-a-boo. What is so funny about it is that she hides her self and when she covers herself she can’t stop squealing and when she removes the blanket she laughs then goes back to hiding and squeals while kicking frantically then uncovers and laughs. She will do this by herself for a while I never stop laughing when she does it.

  454. My 4-year old has taken it upon herself to be in charge of putting our newborn’s pacifier in his mouth whenever it falls out. When she heard her little brother crying she ran to put the pacifier back. Once he stopped crying she exclaimed, “It’s me, Big Sister Tori to the rescue!”

  455. I was picking up my daughter from pre-K the other day and when she walks out from the school. She tells all of the parents and kids. That she’s having a party at her house and that they all need to follow us home that she’ll be in the black car.

  456. My 16 month old son is obsessed with dogs. He will be in the middle of a screaming fit and hear a dog outside barking. All the sudden he is totally fine, running to the window yelling “dog!” Obviously whatever he was screaming about wasn’t that important.

  457. Potty Training our two year old she wanted to watch her poop go down the toilet to which she replied, “it went to go find it’s mommy.”…what? So Funny!

  458. We couldn’t get a decent family photo (or individual) because my three-year-old kept hamming it up in front of the camera, and couldn’t hold still. The photos we ended up with are that much more representative of what life is really like–and we love his goofy grins!

  459. My husband and I and our 20 month old were standing the check out line at target, when my son tooted really loud. He looked around for minute then smiled and said loudly “Daddy did it”! So funny! He is such a talker and says funny things like that all the time!

  460. My 6 1/2 year old and 22 month old were going to get the “guts” out of their pumpkin. My oldest jumped right in and the ‘lil one stuck her hand in there, barely touching anything, took her hand out and held it up and said “wash hand! messy!” over and over and over until we cleaned her hands! She does not like having messy hands and touching pumpkin “guts” pushed her right over the edge!

  461. My one year old son went and turned off his daddy’s x box while he was playing and turned to him and said uh-oh dad and started laughing!

  462. This morning my daughter was being silly so I told her she was a character. She told me she’s not a character shes a lady so I need to call her a lady.

  463. Today my one year old woke up and was just being cute, so I said to her “how did I make such a cute baby?” She pulls out her binky and says “dadda!” Pretty sure she had no idea what I was saying, but the answer was technically right! It’s even more funny b/c she is a carbon copy of her dad.

  464. My 2yo hit his head and said, “Ow! I hurt my hair!”

  465. My 11 month old son just started giving everyone he loves kisses on the lips. The other day I snuck up behind him to find him giving his stuffed doggie kisses without even being prompted. He is so funny and cute.. but of course I think so!

  466. I run a daycare in my home and my 4 year old niece brought a lip gloss on Tues. I told her we don’t allow them at daycare because it’s hard not to share and we are not allowed to share germs. Wed. while outside playing, I caught her trying to hide another lip gloss. I told her I would have to keep it for her until her Mommy came and as she was giving it to me she said “Awkward” and ran off laughing.

  467. When my baby is tired she makes howling sounds like a ghost. It’s so cute and makes us laugh. Because of this, she’s going to be a ghost for Halloween 🙂

  468. Whenever I tell my child to put his socks on, he says “socky, shocky!”

  469. Since my 1 yr old has started watching my 3 yr old in her tumbling class I catch her on her head ALL the time! its like she saying if her sister can do it so can she 🙂

  470. My daughter just recently received a Leapfrog toy that has a grocery scanner and food items for her birthday. I opened the fridge up yesterday and found she had put the eggs, milk and pizza in there. I guess she didn’t want them to ruin. lol

  471. My 4 year old daughter came home from school the other day and said, “Mom, Jackson told me that Dinosaurs go to Heaven and then they die. But that’s not right huh?” I asked her what she thought. She said, “Dinosaurs die and THEN they go to Heaven with Jesus…. but they leave their bones here on Earth so that we can find them and then Jesus can put them back together… and then we put them in a MUSEUM!” Then she all of the sudden randomly at the end of her sentence says… “And a SPACESHIP!”
    Sounds pretty good, just not sure about the spaceship part!

  472. I have two little boy’s one of them is named Sam. The other one loves to walk around the house singing his primary songs. The other night after they had been fighting over a toy he started singing “scripture power, keeps me safe from Sam”. It just cracked me up. I still laugh every time I think about it. Kids!

  473. My 4 yr old tied up her strawberry shortcake doll and put her it in her remote control car cackling and saying “Nobody can save you now Strawberry Shortcake!” It was pretty funny to watch her pretending to be a world class villan.

  474. My little girl is 22 months old and absolutely loves Mickey Mouse. We were listening to the radio the other day and she grabbed her Mickey doll and started twirling around the living room with him. She was loving her dance with Mickey.

  475. I went visiting teaching this morning, and as I’m trying to share a message, Cash, my 2 year old, is playing on my lady’s piano singing gibberish. Very spiritual. lol

  476. My son just recently learned to climb, now we have to keep everything out of reach and I mean everything. He climbed up on the table a couple of days ago and dumped all the salt and pepper out of the shakers and then ran his hands through it. As you can imagine, it got everywhere and all over him. I think I’m still wiping it up!

  477. My 2 year old is learning to potty train and the other day I heard a scream coming from the bathroom and I went in to find he had lifted the seat up and hopped right on and fell in. Then only a few hours later he fell in the toilet again! luckily it has not stopped him from wanting to go in the toilet.

  478. Katie is learning to cook and wants VERY little help. The other day she decided to make brownies and followed the directions to the ‘T’!!!! After she gets done mixing them, she comes to me holding her hands up like a surgeon and asking how to get the batter out of her little rings. Trying to not laugh, I asked her what she did…..she said “Well, Mom….it said to mix 50 strokes by hand.” By the way…she’s blonde!

  479. Our family was walking by a farm last week. My 3 year old daughter asked, “Daddy, what’s that smell?” He said, “I think it’s cows.” She replied, “No, Daddy, it’s animal poop.” She was exactly right. Manure.

  480. I caught my little 2 year old singing “I love mommy” over and over again yesterday. Melted my heart! 🙂

  481. My 3 yr. old told the checker at Walmart when the checker was trying to tell me how much I owed “We don’t like to pay we like to get it for Free.”

  482. I was watering my pansies today and my daughter asked where the pandas were. She thought I was giving water to pandas! Love her!

  483. I just had a baby and he does a imitation of my pregnancy waddle. My little 2 year old says this is how mommy walks. And waddles and pokes out his stomach.

  484. I could really use a good stroller. The one my baby sits in now is almost fifteen years old! Yikes! I walked in the kitchen the other day to finish breakfast with my kids and found my eleven month old had climbed out of her high chair and was balancing on the arm of the kitchen chair. she is crazy!

  485. This morning my two year old asked for ” nonuts” (doughnuts). I had her call her dad who has been working night shift to ask him to get her some on his way home. After picking up the phone she yelled “NO NUTS DADDY, HURRY.” It made me chuckle because he had no idea why she was calling him no nuts, and why he needed to hurry.

  486. My son will slip things he wants into the family prayers, like “bless I go to my friends house”

  487. My 2 year old loves to run around naked! It is so hard to change diapers/clothes because he escapes and runs around the house screaming “Hi Naked!! Hi Naked!”

  488. While closing on our refinance my new baby had a little explosion out of his diaper and it got all over our the loan officer! I thought it was pretty funny but i am pretty sure he didnt.

  489. I think it it’s funny and cute to watch my 3 year old daughter try to be “mommy” to be 15 month old daughter. She tries to act and speak just like me.

  490. My little 6 week old just started smiling… and today, he smiled at everyone but my sister…. I think he was teasing her…. he does manage to spit up on her everytime he sees her though so I know he loves her.

  491. I usually where my hair tied up all day. One evening while I was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, I took my hair down to re-adjust it. My 4 yr old sitting at the table said…. Oh you scared me, I didn’t know who you were. As I’m putting my hair back up he says, Oh theres my mommy, I feel better now. I guess I don’t let my hair down enough. LOL

  492. My 3 year old has recently learned to say “dingle berries” probably from my 10 year old who LOVES bathroom humor. Now he says it all the time at the dinner table because everyone (but myself) thinks it’s super funny. On the bright side he has also learned to be really polite in the store and say excuse me to people who are in his way. lol

  493. My 8 month old is obsessed with the electronics. Today she had it in her mind “Hey, my Momma is not sitting next to me, I’ll give this another try….” She crawled as fast as her little body could, over to the Playstation. She managed to turn it on, eject the disc, AND start playing with it. I think my hands are full!

  494. Yesterday my daughter said “I’m not tall enough for that movie” I guess being ‘not tall enough’ for things at Disneyland rubbed off on her:)

  495. I was at Wal-Mart with my 2 1/2 year old when we walked past the bras. He excitedly said, “Mommy has one of those.” Then he proceeded to announce to our fellow shoppers, “Mommy not wear one of those all day.” Busted.

  496. Grandma had out a scary looking man for Halloween that was sitting in the entry way of her house and the head was off the body. My baby walked around the corner and saw it and screamed and then started crying. Now every time she goes near that part of the house she just screams even though the man has been moved and is no longer in the entry way.

  497. My 2 year old was screaming/crying and wouldnt stop. And my 4 year old says while holding her head, I need to get this crying off my head!

  498. I was just typing and my baby hit something … hope I’m not posting this twice! The other day I was getting ready to feed my 10 month old and when I took off my shirt to change first he started thrashing his arms around and laughing (an excited laugh) … he’s a chunk and LOVES to eat!! Or there was one of my 7 year olds the other day came in and gave me a goofy look. When I asked her what she was going she said, “Looking for a smile.” 🙂

  499. At preschool yesterday, my 3.5 year old was sitting at one of the tables and when her teacher called her name for something, she looked over and said, “Sorry, Cadence isn’t on this planet right now!”

  500. My 3 year old little girl names all of her baby dolls with very unique names. Some of which are Collyboo and toolala. I love her creativity.

  501. I have been trying to teach my 15 month old son to give me kisses. Today at Costco he reached up and grabbed they front of my shirt, pulled me down and gave me a kiss. I thought it was so cute.

  502. My two year old walked into daycare today and out of the blue waved and said “Well, howdy hey , Howdy ho everyone!” Got quite the laugh. She just turned two.

  503. So my daughter is almost a year. Her new favorite word is “yeah”. Last night I asked her if she needed a diaper change and she said, yeah. Then I said what shall we have for dinner, dirty socks and she said….you guessed it YEAH. Then I said, shall we have meatloaf for dinner and she stuck her tongue out and gave me a dirty look. :-)~

  504. Eliza loves to talk to the wall. We try and get her to make sounds and talk to us, but she just stares back, but when she is alone, she jabbers…

  505. My son is potty training and he has a Cars toilet well he made it to his toilet and then starting crying because he peed on McQueen…it was sad and funny all at the same time,

  506. My sister-in-law took my daughter and niece to swimming lessons at the YWCA. My daughter, like a lot of small chilcren, was fascinated with the inside of her nose. When her aunt told her to quit digging, my daughter said, “But, Aunt Kitty, it tastes good!” lol

  507. she loves ranch, so one night we had fried chicken, and ear of corn and i looked over and she was rolling her corn in the ranch.

  508. One of my favorites is when my daughter shoved noodles down her diaper and pulled them back out. Her older brother came by and took one off the plate and ate it before I could tell him where they had been. I was laughing to hard to say anything! 🙂

  509. My 5 year old son came out from school and said there was a boy in his class who told the teacher that a girl in class was his girlfriend. The teacher told the boy that girlfriends can cost a lot of money. My son asked if he needed to buy a girlfriend. Yikes!

  510. We tell our dog’s to “Go lay down” quite a bit, and our 14 month old has caught on, so whenever he see’s a dog, he yells at them “GO”….it’s pretty cute!

  511. My son has saved and saved up his allowance to buy….a 72 HOUR KIT…not toys or something fun. So funny!

  512. My son always watches Jeopardy with us. When they announce the host name, he say along with it……Alex Revent. It actually sounds like that is what they are saying.

  513. We were getting diapers at Costco and we walked by the feminine items and my son said those are Mommy’s diapers.

  514. The other day I was wearing my hair down and was cleaning so I decided to pull it up and out of the way. Well my 3 year old saw this and told me “I dont like that hair Mom”. Now everytime I pull it up he says it!

  515. We were at the fair about a month ago and we walking past all the cows. My 4 year old daughter said, “We don’t touch cows because they moo.” I thought it was funny. 🙂 She also told me “That chicken looks like a bird.” lol 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!:D

  516. My adorable 18 month old loves to copy his adorable older sister that is 6. We are constantly laughing at what they do. Just the other day he learned to pump his fist in the air and say woo woo!!

  517. I had made stroganoff for dinner and my daughter says “mom this taste like poop” and then just a few moment later my son responds with “mom this poop taste delicious!”. I thought it was hillarious

  518. My children call hand sanitizer “hanitizer” I smile every time!

  519. My 9 year old looked at me over a pancake breakfast on Sunday and said “for hell sakes woman, you could at least make some bacon”. He had no idea what he had said….Dad and I had a little talk 🙂

  520. While sitting with my family in a church meeting a couple of weeks ago, a beautiful musical number had just finished. In the awkward silence where you usually clap, in our church we dont, my two year old jubilantly yelled Yea! The entire congregation turned to look and a quiet chuckle went across the chapel.

  521. We got a trampoline a couple of weeks ago and my two year old daughter (loving peter pan) says “FLY FLY FLY” the entire time she is on it. She also says the same thing to let us know that she is wanting to go outside to jump on it!

  522. My three year old loves to have “tea parties”. Her little two year old brother got out some of his toys and said he was having a “pee party”. 🙂

  523. Just abotu 10 mins ago I was vacuuming the livingroom and the vacuum turns off…so I’m a woman- I shake it and it comes back on. OK so I continue, and it happens again…shake…turns back on. This happens like 4 times, and I am thinking I have a short or something- yipee!! Then I turn into the hallway and see my daughter sitting by the plug staring at me… LIGHTBULB! She was unplugging and plugging me back in!!! What a comedian!

  524. My daughter is 2 and she has 4 older brothers and sisters. One day she was trying to kiss her 14 yr old sister and she wasn’t picking her up so lilly (2) kissed Molly (14) on the back of her pants. Molly said”ewww Lilly don’t kiss my butt…kiss your own”. So….Lilly bent over and looked under her legs and tried to kiss her own butt. She then looks up and said to Molly “Can’t kiss my butt, it too far away”. So Dang Funny!

  525. I have been having the hardest time getting my 3 yr old boy to poop in the potty, so we thought we would bribe him with going to Disneyland, it has come to kick us in the butt cuz he caught on really quick and now everytime he poops in the potty he tells me “I go Dineyland now ma ma”….and i tell him not right now, and he says “ya mama, i poop potty I go now!” Guess we need to plan a trip now huh!

  526. I don’t have any kids yet (we are trying), but I am an aunt with 15 nephews and nieces and I watch them all the time! My barely 2 yr old nephew came up to me and I asked him if he was stinky and he looked at me like I was crazy, put his hands on his hips and said, “NO! I just have gas aunt Heidi.” I about died of laughter!

  527. My son sings the BYU fight song and at the end he yells Go Utes!

  528. Winning this would be fantastic! – Everyday when my husband comes home from work he asks our 2 year old daughter, ” were you a good girl for mom today or a bad girl?” When he first stared asking she would always say good girl… recently she’s been giving him the evil smirk and giggles a bit then says “bad girl.” It’s pretty funny.

  529. Embarrassing moment when walking into an elevator with a midget inside: “Mommy, why does that little boy have a moustache?”

  530. My husband said to my boy, “Are you smart.”
    My boy reply’s “No Dad, I’m K-Mart Smart.”

  531. This morning when my 23 month old got up I let him lay with me because it wasn’t even 6:30 am. He woke me up by pretending he was giving me kisses and then sticking his tongue out at the last minute and licking my face. When he knew I was awake he says “Hi Mommy, CARTOONS… ELMO” he says as he points at the tv.

  532. My 20 month old was trying to get me out of bed the other morning. After a few seconds of saying “up! up!” she stops, looks at me, and asks “Bow-ken? (broken) Mommy bow-ken?”

  533. My 8 year old recently taught my 60+ year old Dad to play angry birds and kept saying, “no, not like that!” so funny

  534. Bralie’s little brother is just about 2 months old now, and it was the cutest thing when he was born, Bralie would just LOVE to say “Baby Zage, my widdle bwrober” It was the cutest thing! She loves saying that and giving him soft kisses. Now that she’s an older sister, she’s definitely going to want something all her own, the little lady!!

  535. My daughter the other day was in the bathroom and was being very sneaky and climbed in the bath tub behind the shower curtain (she was already ready for her nightly bath). Well when me and Ty walked into the bathroom in an evil voice she yells your never gonna fine me now ha ha ha ha…. So I turned the shower on 🙂 it took about ten seconds but she came out drenched head to toe in water just pissed at both of us…. It was hilarious….

  536. My sister got an iPad and she was showing it to my 4 year old, he said, “That’s a really cool, big phone for playing games, but why can’t it call or text?”

  537. Whenever my 2 year old does something he’s proud of, he starts clapping really fast, then raises his hands in the air while shaking them around and says wooooo!! also, I’m expecting again, so now my 2 year old will wave “hi” to my stomach and say baby. it’s so cute!

  538. While looking at the (pretend) witches at Gardner Village, my 5 year old daughter said in front of many people “wow, that witch sure has huge boobs”!

  539. Every time my 11 month old granddaughter hears a phone ring, she puts her hand up to her ear and says hello hello or hi hi. It is so cute.

  540. I had been calling up the stairs to my daughter to come get her hair done, after about the third time I had asked her I yelled “hey! get your butt down here so I can do your hair” To which she promptly replied “Butts don’t walk! ” She’s 3.

  541. My kids call hand sanitizer “hanitizer” I smile everytime!

  542. My 2 yr old and I were on the floor playing with her train tracks. I was putting stuff together and fixing some that had fallen apart when she looked up and me and said “Hey mom! Stop it!!” I just had to laugh! It was too cute!

  543. My son is learning to count & he will start counting…1,2..& then go 6, 3, 4, 5…I cannot get him to leave out the six! Apparently 6 comes after 2 every time no matter what! 🙂

  544. lately my Daughter has taken to not wanting to get in trouble (imagine that) so when I or my husband look over and she is holding something she shouldn’t be (like a cell phone, or a wii remote) she immediately throws it down and runs up to us, starts whining and reaching for us with this big grin on her face. I guess she thinks it will keep her from getting in trouble, and anyone that adorable is probably right…

  545. My daughter is 18 months and always has the funniest noises she makes. Lately she makes noises like she is pregnant and in labor. It always cracks us up!

  546. My 17-month-old likes to be a big boy lately and will open up the trash cabinet to throw his wrappers away when he’s finish eating his snacks. Well today, he drank the last gulp of his milk, then opened up the cabinet and tossed his sippy cup.

  547. My little girl came running to me all excited, I was like why are you so happy and she said because I am getting a power chair I was like how is that and she says well the comercial said if I answer yes to their questions I qulify for a power chair and I said yes so I get one whohoo. She was a bit upset when I explained to her she wasn’t really getting one.

  548. My little man is 16 months old and we were reading a Halloween story the other night. he pointed at a picture of a monster and started talking in a monster voice. It was hilarious!

  549. We tell our kids that if they do not eat their dinner then they don’t get any treats. Well my 4 year old brought me his full plate of food and simply said “I don’t want any treats tonight” and then walked away. I hadn’t even said anything to him so this was his own thinking that night. My husband and I just laughed, we didn’t even know what to say to that.

  550. After hearing a dog bark closeby Abby told me that it was okay — “Jesus protects me from dogs and spiders”. Not quite sure where she got that from, but we’re happy she knows that Jesus can protect her! 🙂

  551. The other day at church I was holding my friends new baby. My 5 year old son kept staring at me. Finally he asked if the baby was my new baby. It was amusing watching him try to figure it out like this new baby just appeared out of no where and it was mine.

  552. So I had a little Mommy moment yesterday and went to my room to get a break. So of course my kids followed me. I sternly opposed and sent the 2 kids to go back downstairs. They went begrudgingly and my 20 month old went straight to Daddy to explain. With hand gestures and all she clearly said “mommy mad” and crouched down and started crying. It was a “had to be there moment”, but I could picture it perfectly when my Hubby told me all about it!

  553. Recently my 2 year old daughter has taken up finger painting with her poop! I am constantly am on vigil to make sure her diaper is on. When she wakes up I have to get her right away or she paints the walls!

  554. It was both funny and interesting to watch my daughter this morning interacting with her baby doll the same way I interact with her.

  555. My son is 2 years old and LOVES keys. We’ve tried giving him a fake pair, but he knows that they do absolutely nothing. So when he has my keys and you ask him where he’s going he’ll say “mama carwash”. So cute and I can’t wait for him to actually be old enough to get my car washed for me! He also loves to dance and will bust out a move wherever he’s at. Last time at the frozen yogurt shop, he saw a little girl and went up to her and started dancing with her. When it was time to leave, he gave her a hug and blew her a kiss. I have a ladies man on my hands!

  556. We told my stepson that we were going to eat dinner for my birthday. He was like, “What?!” like he didn’t believe that I had a birthday. (I think it’s because my birthday is in November and his birthday, his mom’s birthday, and his dad’s birthday are all in the summer.) It was hilarious.

  557. I daycare my grandchildren and my 4 year old granddaughter asked me if I was her mommy’s mom. I explained to her that her mommy was my daughter. She then began to tell me how her mommy had gotten mad at her the night before and if I could put her in time-out.

  558. I teach Zumba, and a lot of times, my husband is gone, so I take my 2.5 year old with me. One of my routines is “Pause” by Pitbull, part of it is Stop, Drop, Pause. I didn’t do the routine one night and we got home and she looks at me and said, “Mama, Stop….Drop….PAUSE!” She was mad that I didn’t do it that night!

  559. Before my 15 mo old daughter gets out of her crib after a nap/bedtime, she insists on giving me one of her teddy bears & her blanket. If I put the blanket on the side of the crib she will get mad unless I am holding the blanket. Same goes for her teddy bear. She loves them so much but it just makes me laugh how attatched she is to them.

  560. I went to pick my daughter up from Kindergarten and she had drawn dots on her eyebrows. She is crazy that one!

  561. My little girl went through an owie stage where she would get and owie and want me to kiss it better. However, she went to far one day when she fell down on her bottom and stood up with tears in her eyes and said “Mommy, kiss my bum better!” I tried hard not to laugh because she was so serious about it, so I told her for bum owies you blow a kiss to make it better. She was good with that and we all were happy with the results.

  562. My 4 year old daughter is so excited for our new baby coming next month, she told me she’s going to help change her diapers, she’ll take the yucky one off but I have to wipe the baby’s bum. 🙂

  563. Kids seem to think that small circular food is made for their nose! peas, corn….lol candy! wow…the things our lil ones do!

  564. The other night while my son was in the bathtub and I was in the room across the hall getting my 10 month old ready for bed, my son was trying to talk to me, but was unable to hear my responses, and I heard this, “ARRRRRGH! This is TERRIBLY ANNOYING!” Don’t think I’ve laughed that hard in a LONG time. Are 4 year olds supposed to talk like that?

  565. My four year old informed me of the need to change her brother’s dirty diaper first thing this morning. I asked her why she didn’t just change his diaper (joking of course) and she replied “But Mommy, that’s your job!”

  566. My three year old has recently started quoting the part of Madagascar II where the big male hippopotamus is singing “I like ’em big, I like ’em chunky!” HILARIOUS to listen to her!

  567. My grand daughter is so funny she loves to cook and make us dinner and we have to stay in her room she locks us in so we cant leave.

  568. My nephew received a voice changer toy that sounds like a robot and an old man. (yes it has both settings to it) As he was using it he asked, as he holds it up “does it have an old man and a robot inside of it?” LOL. Too Funny

  569. I was helping my 3 year old son clean his room, which wasn’t going so well. I was getting so frustrated at him for not helping. Then he told me “I’ll be the manager, mom.” Now what 3 year old even knows what a manager is? It broke the tension, I had a good laugh, and the room eventually was clean. I do have a good manager after all.

  570. my daughter was sick last week so we set up our humidifier next to her bed. it is a cow character. she was pretty excited to see the ‘uppy in the room with her. (because anything that has any remote resemblance to a dog is a puppy!)

  571. My 3 year old likes to say hi to his future baby sister. He likes to give my belly hugs and kisses.

  572. My almost four year old grandson was unusually quiet one day …I thought he was in the bathroom doing something he shouldn’t be. I said” Jayson, you need to get out of that bathroom”. He immediately popped out from the side of a hutch we have in the living room NAKED and yelled “SURPRISE!”. I don’t know where he got and don’t think I want to……………

  573. As I was pouring myself a glass of the new Dr. Pepper 10 last night, my daughter looked at me with worried eyes and said, “Mom…’re not supposed to be drinking that! The comercial said “it’s not for women!” She was DEAD SERIOUS and quite worried for me!!! LOL

  574. My daughter told her Grandpa( a Professor Univ) that she is smarter than him because she speaks two languages and he doesn’t.

  575. I sometimes tell my two year old to pull up her britches when they start to sag….well, my daughter cant quite pronounce the “BR” syllable combination and she came running to me saying “mom, my b(r)itches are falling.” The only cuss word I have heard her say….so innocently:)

  576. We recently told our kids that we are going to have another baby. I was at walmart one day and bought a package of diapers. My son saw them as I was checking out and said “Why do we have diapers- I don’t need diapers.” I said “I know you don’t need diapers, you’re big now.” To which he replied- “Oh- there for the baby that’s coming out of your tummy?” The cashier and I both laughed!

  577. I have a two year old that loves to Yeeepppp–just like Dave Hester on “Storage Wars”

  578. My 2 year old became fascinated with grasshoppers over the summer. I didn’t think much of it until one day, as we were driving in the car, she shouts, “My grasshopper is in mommy’s hair!” Sure enough, she’d brought her little “friend” in the car and it had crawled up my seat and into my hair. ACK! LOL.

  579. My 4 yr. Old son was being silly and told his Daddy that if mommy kisses him he would turn into a girl I laughed and asked if I should kiss him and turn him into a girl he told me “no i don’t want to be a girl” then my 3 year old son chines in “I do its hard being me”.

  580. My son wakes up before I do almost every morning. The other morning he came into my room with a bag of cheetos and just stood there eating them while watching me sleep. Kinda creepy but funny.

  581. Just two days ago my Three year old just got done taking his shower and brushing his teeth. Now it is almost bed time and he says “I need skittles, I almost forgot I need skittles.” It was so cute and funny that we just had to give him some skittles.

  582. I’m a brand new mom and my little girl is only 5 days old. She is so cute and my husband and I find ourselves constantly laughing at the cute little faces she makes. I’ve seen a lot of babies with expressive faces, but I’m pretty sure her “serious” face as we call it could crack up even the hardest of people!

  583. my son the other day while having a tantrum at the store shouted at me….I MUST have this transformer, it will make me a better boy…! ha!

  584. My daugher is 4 years old now, but last year when I told her we were going to Chuck-A-Rama for dinner. She said “We are going to Chuck-A Grandma’s whats that?” Now our family calls it Chuck-A Grandma.

  585. My 2 year old has started calling everything Spoooky. It is so funny when her dad picks her up and she looks and him with wide eyes and says Spoooky daaaaddy.

  586. While checking face book my 2 year old decided he needed my attention by pounding on the keyboard. I, very kindly, told him he could not pound on the keys he might break the computer. He started yelling “no, go room” over and over and over. Because I told him he couldn’t pound on the computer he was sending me to my bedroom. Oh, how i loved being sent to my room by my 2 year old. Not a punishment for me sorry babe!

  587. We went to visit our new neice and we bought the baby an outfit, which had the tags still on it, and my 5 year old tells my Sister and Brother in law ” we didn’t go to a yardsale and buy that, we went to a REAL store and got it”. We all burst out laughing, and then I went on to explain, I have never bought an outfit, as a gift, at a yardsale!!!

  588. Recently my daughter pretends to sleep as soon as we park the car. She loves to sit there with her eyes closed until I start to unstrap her from her car seat, then she’ll open her eyes really fast and start laughing…cracks me up everytime! It’s become a fun little game we play 🙂

  589. Love the stroller!! Holding out for a great steal before I buy the next one.

  590. My youngest is almost 2 and when my four year old (he copies everything big brother does) has to go to time out, so does my 2 yr old. He goes and puts his face in the corner and has a sympathy time out.

  591. DD gets the words to songs all mixed up, the song-Just another Manic Monday, turned out to be “Just another man named Monday” and Madonna’s my Baby’s got a Secret–My baby’s got a seat belt….!

  592. My oldest son said I was a women. My next youngest said no she’s not. My oldest was being so nice and insisting I was a woman. After they argued back and forth for a while my younger son finally yelled, “she is NOT she is a PRINCESS!” OOOhhhhh, so sweet. Love all 3 of my boys.

  593. My baby blows spit bubbles and then tries to suck then back up. Gross but funny.

  594. We are in the process of potty training and my daughter came in my room with a blanket wrapped around her. I assumed she must be cold. Later, I pulled it off of her and noticed she didn’t have panties on. She had wet her panties and put them back in her panty drawer under all the clean panties trying to hide them from me!!!!

  595. My little girl just started preschool and has a major crush on a boy named Luke. She climbed into the car after school last week with a huge grin on her face and said, “Mama, I told Luke he had a cute bum!” Holy cow! The boys better watch out when she comes around!

  596. My 2year old has been on a “sympathy cry” kick, when her 4 year old sister was in trouble, she started crying and told me “be nice, she’s my best friend!” so cute, I laughed so hard i couldn’t be mad anymore.

  597. What an awesome stroller! We are definitely in need of an upgrade at out house. 🙂 My toddler is cracking us up lately. He all of the sudden talks in this deep voice for certain things, we don’t know where he picked that up from. Our favorite thing he says in his husky voice is, “Gimme a kiss.”

  598. When my 8 month old sits next to her uncle J she starts spitting and expects him to spit back at her. It’s so funny to watch and she only does it with him.

  599. My 10 month old son loves to play peek a boo. After feeding him he grabbed his blanket and would cover his head and then rip it off and say “ba”. I started laughing he was so cute. 🙂

  600. Awesome stroller!

    My 2 year old son is a big kisser, but has started wiping them away after I plant one on him. After asking him why he does it he quickly wiped it back on and said, ‘You weren’t supposed to see that.’ Love that little guy!!!

  601. My baby likes to take things out of the garbage can and then throw all the fun “treasures” she finds all over the floor and her head! She thinks its so funny and will smile and laugh about it. Funny for her… not so much for mommy 🙂 (in the moment at least…. makes for some good pictures!)

  602. I told my 3 year old she couldn’t have something. In return she told me “Mom, but Jesus said yes”.

  603. My baby girls’ favorite word right now is no. The other morning I got her out of her crib and she was holding her Minnie Mouse stuffed toy. I said “okay let’s leave Minnie in bed” and so mater-of-factly she looks at me and says “NO”. How can you not smile? 🙂

  604. My 3 year old son was in the bathroom the other day and yelled out to me, mom my poop did a magic trick, it disapeared without flushing the toilet! He was so excited about it and I couldn’t stop laughing.

  605. We had a skunk get hit in front of our neighbors house and when we went out to go get into the car my husband and I told our 27 month old “Pew skunk”. After that she started saying “Pew stinky snuck!”

  606. Recently, my kids (4 & 2) have been playing “house”. My 4-year-old is the mom. The 2-year-old is the “honey,” which I think means the son. And I’m the grandma. And the baby is the grandson who lives with me. I don’t know where they get this stuff, but it’s cute!

  607. Our two year old kindly informed my husband today that the baby he is carrying in his tummy seems to be getting bigger and wanted to know when the baby will be here to play. lmao

  608. My kids are sooo funny to me at least my two year old says some pretty funny things at church we take the sacrament but she always says im ready for snackrament

  609. We went to black island farms to get family pictures done. The photographer asked my 3 year old son to sit by the pumpkins and to smile. Soon as she started taking the pictures he winked at her… Totally flirting!!
    He continued winking at her and switching eyes as she was laughing so hard she was having a difficult time taking the pics. So I asked him to smile really big for me. He then looked at her and raised his eyebrows at her. It went on for a a good 3, 4 mins. He had everyone that was walking by watching him. He is such a crack up. 🙂

  610. My little 3 year old always yells, “I hope you get saved” every time I leave- meaning to say “I hope you are safe”! It makes me smile every time!

  611. Ethan pooped in the bathtub last night…..(it gets worse) Then he grabbed it, squeezed it in his little fist…..and flung it at Dylan…(it still gets worse)….then in a valiant effort to save my first born I leaned forward and grabbed him….only to get a poopy toddler hand upside my face…(and still worse)….and I cannot get the smell off of my glasses….and I need my glasses to SEE!!!

  612. I was watching Days of Our Lives (sad I know) and my 22 month old was playing with blocks on the floor. When the opening song came on, he turned to the TV and yelled, “Mommy, Days of Lives!”

  613. We went to the movies and my 3 year old gets a little antsy in the middle so she stood up in the on her seat and yelled MOM I GOTTA POOP.

  614. I shared one of my favorite stories of my little girl on your facebook post. This story is of my niece, who is my daughters favorite friend who I am sure she is going to act just like. Bella was over at my mothers house and having a huge meltdown over something small (as usual!) My mother said “Bella, you can save the drama for your mama” without skipping a beat, Bella says “No, my mom doesn’t like it either!” Later that day, she said good bye to her mom and mom said “Adios, Amigos” and again, without skipping a beat she said “no mom, we’re not doing the rhyming thing!” LOL, that kid cracks me up! Wren, my daughter has also started talking nonstop and another of my favorite things that she does is “read” and sing to my 4 month old (something I also think she learned from Bella)!

  615. My little boy (14 months) loves toy cars. He was “parking” his cars neatly in a row by the entertainment center. Then he took a big one, and smashed it into the side of the line of cars. Hilarious!

  616. While I was occupied nursing my newborn my almost two year old decided she needed to go potty. She took herself and came walking back into the room butt naked with the potty training seat on her head! Lucky for me and her it was empty 😉

  617. I don’t have kids yet (hopefully soon!), but my 14 month old nephew is so cute. If he doesn’t like something you’re doing, he’ll come running over (he just learned to walk) and scream, “NO! NO!” while wagging his finger. It’s adorable!

  618. She calls me her “best friend” to her classmates (she’s 3!). It makes me laugh every time. So silly!

  619. We have a little dog that barks when someone is coming to the door. My son has picked up on it and now he has started barking when his dad gets home from work, as he’s walking to the door. It’s too cute!

  620. We were at church and were just taking the sacrament. It was dead quiet, except for when my 18 month-old had finished with his little water cup and like a wild man yelled, “SLAAAAAAM DUNK!!!” while literally slam dunking it into the passing tray. Awesome. Just awesome 😉

  621. My daughter likes to do the boogie butt to sit down in someone’s lap – she squats down and shimmys back into you lap.

  622. My four-year-old, Max was changing his clothes while his baby sister was in the room. He said to me, “Mom, I think if Ruby sees me change she will be nervous!”

  623. My son has discovered his “sad” face. He now does it whenever he’s getting in trouble, and it is beyond hard not to laugh the whole time he’s in timeout!

  624. My four year old daughter looked at my mom the other day and said “Granny your bum is getting a little older.” My mom laughed till she cried.

  625. My daughter Grace is always full of laughs. She is 2. We have been working a lot on manners. The other day while we were eating at Village Inn the waiter asked her if she would like something to drink. She looked up at him and said, “No thanks, sir.” We laughed and laughed because we have never actually heard her say it so nicely and with sir on the end!

  626. I love the words that she uses to talk. When she says certain words they sometimes sound like something else. For example Jam sounds like Dam instead. I love listening to her!

  627. We were at the airport recently and my daughter got on a moving walkway. Luckily the terminal was pretty quiet, so we had the whole thing to ourselves when my daughter decided to walk the wrong way. I think everyone got a kick out of me and our workout!

  628. I couldn’t find my son for about ten minutes and was really starting to worry, I decided to look in the laundry room just for the heck of it and found him inside the dryer – I guess I forgot to shut the laundry door when I took the clothes out – he was so happy inside the dryer, he even smiled for me when ran to grab the camera and take a picture!!

  629. My 15 month old just started sleeping through the night two months ago. She has never been a good sleeper, even as a newborn, but we have finally gotten her to start sleeping at night and taking an afternoon nap. After so many months of sleeplessness, we are still a little wary of anything that might mess up her new schedule. A few nights ago, I was giving her a bottle just before bed. She was quiet and sleepy and in perfect bedtime condition when a car honked right in front of our house. She shot straight up, started waving frantically at the window, and yelling, “BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE!” Then, she laid down her head and quietly said, “Night, night.” I stifled my laughter and took her to bed, sure that she was going to have a rotten night. She surprised me by sleeping for 12 hours without a peep!

  630. We were at walmart and recently my 11 month old learned about talking on the phone. The guy’s cell phone rang and she held her hand up to her ear and said hello but in her own language she cood.. But it was great!

  631. I am starting to potty train my almost two year old boy and he thinks it is so fun to pee in the shower!

  632. We went halloween costumes shopping and my 3 year old decided to get the wolverine one, so I got him the one with muscles and when we came home and He tried it on he said “mom i have boobs” and he was so excited.

  633. My 2 year old loves her new little sister, 8 week old, she loves to kiss and hug her. When she sees her she says, “hello gorgeous.”if the baby is crying she’ll run up to me and tell me “mommy the baby is crying, do something.” or she will run into the room and try to help her stop crying. its fun to see the interaction of the 2 of them.

  634. My 4 year loves to come in to my bed in the morning and he makes me wake up so he can tell me all about his dream/or nightmare. I love listening to him ramble on and on about all that happened in his “stories in his eyes” as he calls them, while I am still trying to wake up!

  635. I walked into a store this morning that had music playing and when my 15-month old heard the music he started “dancing” to the music. So cute 🙂

  636. I was doing some house work, and my 4 yr old comes to me and says, ” I’m going to start speaking in Spanish.” Then he started talking in jiberish. I could not stop laughing.

  637. My dughter has recently started saying AWWW MAN like she is a teenager or something, it makes me smile.

  638. We went out to dinner the other night and we were sat at a table by a picture on the wall of a horse. My one year old started pointing to it and talked to it (babbled) for nearly 5 min straight. Not sure what he loved about that horse but we were all cracking up!

  639. Recently my husband has been trying to teach my little guy the proper footing when he kicks a ball. Being that our son is only 19 months old and not really that interested in learning the proper ways he called out to daddy and yelled… “kick it!” Letting us both know he was ready to just play ball.

  640. I walked in the door after running errands with my 10 month old in my arms and let out a big sigh. Next thing I hear is her letting out a big sigh too! 🙂 They’re always watching/listening!

  641. My husband was teaching my son how to use the phrase “Mother Dear”. He told him when you want something you should say mother dear to be nice. Brent then says ” Mother Elk I need a treat.”

  642. My son’s vocabulary is growing so rapidly! He says the funniest things that I don’t expect him to say. Today as he had a bite of a cinnamon roll he looked at me and said, “Lishous mommy!” (delicious) and earlier today as I was saying bye to a friend he told her bye and then on his own accord said, “see you later!” so clearly. He brings a smile to my face every day. 🙂

  643. My 20 month old was waking up from her nap so I went to get her. As soon as I walked in the door she flopped back down on her bed and scrunched her eyes closed really tight. She thought she would trick me into thinking she was still asleep. The give away was the huge grin on her face! I laughed for the rest of the day! 🙂

  644. My 3 year old constantly tells me that she is getting bigger so she can drive the truck. She even said that when she’s 16 then she can drive.

  645. I briefly let my 20-month-old son run naked through the yard to air-out a pretty bad diaper rash. Next thing I knew, he squatted in the front lawn then he ran off. When I walked over, he had left a “souvenir” in the grass. I turned to my husband in total shock and asked, “So who gets to fling?” I got nominated and scooped up the pile, just as our little guy squatted again for round 2! We learned our lesson that day… diaper on at all times!

  646. We were eating dinner as a family and I noticed that our dog was sitting by our 3 yr old son and eating everything he gave her. So I said “Don’t feed the dog your food” He looked at me as innocent as could be and said “I’m not”. To which I responded “Then what is she eating?” “Food” Is what he told me. It was hilarious. I couldn’t stop laughing

  647. My 10 month old loves crawling over to me, standing up like he wants to be picked up. When I bend down to pick him up he quickly drops down and crawls away laughing. If I don’t chase him he stops and out comes the bottom lip.

  648. My 10 1/2 month baby girl crawled over to her sister who is 3 years old and babbled perfectly “Ma Ma” My 3 year old looked her in the eyes seriously and shouted “I’m not your Ma Ma she is (pointing to me). Of course it made it extra funny to hear in her voice:)

  649. My son has recently started making this hilarious little smacking sound when he likes something he is eating, we crack up every time he does it!

  650. My daughter came home from Kindergareten the other day telling me about the Mommies she made in class. I said, “Mommies?” She said, “Yes, but not the kind that drive cars and watch kids all day, I mean the kind that are all wrapped up in white stuff.” She meant Mummies. Too funny.

  651. Without fail, my daughter ALWAYS (s’cuze my frankness) poops in the tub. No matter what time of day I give her a bath. She has a constipation issue, so I don’t really mind, and that also means they are just hard, little ‘deer droppings’. So I’m always having to pick them out and throw them into the toilet, and restart the bath. During bath time a couple of days ago, I look up and I see her doing “the face” and I know what I’ll be doing in about 5 minutes. But not this time. Nope, she had seen me do it enough times that she proceeded to pick out her own droppings and chuck them in the toilet. When she finally looked at me and noticed that I had been watching her, she just grinned and said, “Gone!”

  652. One time we were in the grocery store and my son kept yelling BALOON BALLOON!! And I had no idea what he was talking about so I just kept saying okay sweetie we have some at home. I finally turned around and saw what he was yellig at. There was a lady behind us that was wearing an oversized silky button up shirt with ruffles around the neck and wrist, Big puffy hair, Red Lipstick, and Big False Eyelashes, and Black and White stripped silky cropped capris. hahaha She did look like a clown but I was so embarrassed and trying not to laugh I had to hurry to the next isle and call my husband to tell him what had happened. It was so funny

  653. My little boy has started doing this thing where he thinks he is smiling but he is really pursing his lips.

  654. I will never forget my then 18 months daughter whos now almost 3. 2 days before our big event, she was getting really quiet which is unusual for her. I went to check her and found her in her baby carseat with RED 24 hour lipstick all over face, legs, arms, and even chest. I had no choice but to let 24 hours pass and by the 24th hour passed then it still has not come off!! so I had to scrub her hard to get it off before the big event. It is funny to think my daughter has RED and its quite a sight to look at it all day. 🙂 Thank goodness that I took the picture of it!

  655. My 4 year old daughter is in love with Justin BIeber and the other day she said he was sitting next to her in the car and when we got out she said she had unbuckled his seat belt. Then she proceeds to tell me that he washes her hair in the bathtub and plays with her toys and that she is going to marry him when she gets bigger. Oh, man am I in trouble or what? SIlly kids!

  656. We have an old plastic ice cream bucket that holds all the bath toys, lately my son likes to wear it on his head as a hat. He has such a serious attitude that it’s hard not to laugh when he looks so silly.

  657. My son loves to pretend he is a puppy and wants pet!

  658. When I got out of the shower today my 2 year old daughter turns to me and said “Mommy, you have boobies!”

  659. my 2.5 year old son saw a spider the other day and told my 4 year old daughter ” Bella watch out the spider is gonna get you” and my daughter replied ” spiders don’t eat pretty girls bubba! duh?” I could not stop laughing of how serious she was.

  660. A funny thing my daughter used to do that is my all time favorite funny is when she was two and I was nursing her little brother she would get a pillow and doll and immitate me. Worried what she will do this time around with her soon to be brother or sister!

  661. My 4 year old just came in and said,”Mom our new toothpaste makes our teeth sprinkly!(sparkly) LOL!

  662. rMy 18 month old recently learned the word “no”. He was in his room by his door and I said “Can mommy come in?” He yelled “No!” and slammed the door. I thought I wouldn’t get that til he’s a teenager!

  663. MADDIE is obsessed with her jessie costume from toy story. She has been wearing it non stop and always haas to have her jessie doll with her when she wears it.

  664. My middle daughter saw me packing for a weekend with some friends. She saw me pack my swimming suit. I noticed that she was sad. I asked her if she was going to miss me. She said no she just wanted to go swimming too.

  665. My two year old has decided that she is in charge and she goes around telling her big sisters to go to time out, eat their food, and BE NICE!

  666. Silly and knotty!…my 14 month old knows what he is doing when he slides his finger across the bottom of my iPhone! He isn’t suppose to know how to unlock it! 🙂

  667. About four days after I was pooped on by a seagull, my three-year-old son said in his prayers, “Thank you that mommy doesn’t have poop in her hair anymore.” I agreed.

  668. Ok my baby is only 12 months old but when we had her get in her cake for her birthday she was really shy about it, I put my finger in got some frosting on it and had her lick it off. Then everybody said YAY! So she pointed her finger in the air pretended to get frosting and sucked her pretend frosting off her finger. SHe did that for awhile as if to tell us “I won’t get messy, but I will do what you showed me”

    Ok for a really funny kid story: My niece. They have 4 girls and finally got a boy. Everytime the diapers come out all the girls gather around to watch. One of them pointed at his boy parts and said “MOM, what is that sack thing?” SHe then told him it was a special part of his body that made sperm. Then she asked “well how come I don’t have one?” SHe said “well you have a special part in your body that makes eggs” Then she said so matter of factly “OH!!! you mean my VIRGINIA!”

  669. I had 2, 5 year old in the back seat and one of them said “this is the love of my life” as they sat back in their buster seats with their hands behind their heads….what silly little girls.

  670. I have twin 5 year old daughters with the best imaginations. They are always pretending to be something or someone else. Well the other day they were busy playing and one turned to the other and said, ” I have and idea, Let’s pretend we are humans…..” I about peed my pants. I guess they had pretended everything else and that was all that was left.

  671. My 3 year old son was at a pumpkin patch with my husband and I when he announced that he needed to use the potty …. Which is a huge deal when trying to potty train .We started to race over the the bathrooms when a huge piece of straw went straight into my boot I yelled for my husband to help ….. While we were looking at my boot .. My son decided to drop his pants and pee in the middle of the pumpkins on the busiest weekend at the Pumpkin patch ..I wanted to die !! Another woman came up to me laughing telling me that was the funniest thing she had seen in a long time and that made her day !! My son said …” Sorry mommy I couldn’t wait and Daddy let’s me pee in the woods…I thought it would be ok … We are outside …..”

  672. My daughter, Blaire who is 3 asked a girl in the grocery store last week if she was a boy or a girl. The girl looked a bit like both….but she laughed and said, “girl”. That could have been a bad situation. 🙂

  673. My daughter does not get dessert unless she eats all of her dinner. So, if she does not like something she will say, “daddy eat this”, so that here plate will be empty! Makes me laugh that she is such a clever kid.

  674. My little girl asked me how she can start losing some teeth because she wants to do a craft with her aunt that costs losts of money! My little boy said in the same day mom you are the wonderfulest mom eber!! 🙂

  675. My son comes into my room in the middle of the night with a stack of books…..I think he is sleep walking or something….it has happened more than once!

  676. I don’t have kids yet but my nephew who was recently born was in the NICU and would sleep with his hands over his ears when the other babies would cry… so cute.. now he just keeps them over his ears when anyone is talking when he is sleeping! 🙂

  677. Not paying attention to my niece one day who was telling me a story and she grabbed my cheeks and said “focus Tracy, focus Tracy”!! So cute. Sometimes we shouldnt always multitask!

  678. I posted a comment on the facebook post.

  679. Kind of funny/sad. My son (4) recently got the flu and woke up at 4 AM puking. We were standing over the toilet and he was just heaving (his little tummy was empty) and he looked up at me and said, “Mommy, there are monsters in me.” I felt so bad for him.

  680. When I was pregnant with my last baby, my two year old asked her grandpa (who is overweight), “Grandpa, are you pregnant”? I died laughing.

  681. My 2 yr old held up a butter knife and quoted Tangled “knife! aaaalllllriiight you got me”

  682. The other day my 4-year-old daughter was playing outside in our apartment complex playground with the older kids. They were throwing the football around to each other. My little girl can’t catch or throw so it was fun watching her fun around trying. Well, at one point the older kids throw it to my daughter and she tried to catch it. She missed, as she had been the whole time, and it hit her right in the face. Of course she started crying and wanted to go home. The funny part came when I was carrying her into the house. Through her tears, she yelled back to the older kids, “Please let me play again! I’ll catch it next time! I’ll be bigger then!” It made me laugh so hard!!!

  683. It’s getting chilly outside and I looked at my 3 year old the other night….teeth chattering. He said, “Mom! It’s making my teeth wiggle!”

  684. The other day my 3-year-old and my 5-year-old had such a funny conversation.
    3yo: Sissy, what are you doing?
    5yo: Reading my book.
    3yo: Can you read it to me, too?
    5yo: No, I’m reading it in my head.
    3yo: Well, I want you to read it in my head, too.
    5yo: Sorry, but it doesn’t quite work that way.

    They crack me up! 🙂

  685. My three year old was pretending to play firefighters with Jesus. You probably had to be there, but I thought it was pretty funny.

  686. So, my son just recently turned one and is in his very curious stage. He was playing with his grandpa and was grabbing his lips and mouth. Well, he got a hold of my dad’s teeth grabbed them out of his mouth looked and them said EWWWWW and threw them. We all laughed so hard! Now he thinks its a game.

  687. I told my 3 year old that she was too big for her little sisters pack n play, so she decided to tip it over and fall asleep on the side of it. Silly girl.

  688. My boys are 5 months old and they just started blowing raspberries. If one starts the other does it right after. It is quite entertaining to watch them interact this way.

  689. My 3 year old daughter was concerned during lunch one day and said “Mom, if I had three arms, I wouldn’t fit in my carseat!” We laughed about that one for a while.

  690. My son (19 months old) came up to me this morning. He grabbed my leg and said “Ooooohhhh!” It was the cutest thing ever.

  691. i am pregnant with my youngest child!!

  692. About a week ago I asked my daughter who is a little over 2 years old to pick up her toys for me. She then replied, “Mom I can’t I’m only 6” My husband and I laughed so hard.

  693. My son tyler likes to scare people so he will hide behind doors and jump out at them. Usually I know when he is hiding because he is not good at being quiet. He was hiding behind a door and he scared me so bad that I dropped the stuff that i had in my hands!

  694. We’re trying to get our 15 month old to talk and the other day I said “Can you say momm y?” and of course she said “dad-dy!” with a big smile.

  695. My baby is learning to blow kisses, and she likes to cover her eye instead of her mouth 🙂

  696. My little one is due April 14 my first ultra sound 5 weeks ago it waved and danced the whole time it was the cutest sweetest funniest thing ever!!!

  697. I’m 25 weeks pregnant & my 14 month old (surprise 2nd baby!) has been getting ready for her little sister’s arrival by practicing on a friend’s baby. She insists on holding his bottle in his mouth, washing him, and burping him. She enjoys burping him so much that it’s now her favorite thing to do to everyone! Everyone gets firm pats on the back from Lexie…the professional burper. : )

  698. When my son is racing for something he says’s: “last one is a rockin’ egg”. haha. I never correct him.

  699. Lately my 4 year old son will give me a hug and say, “You’re the best Mom ever!”. It’s usually when he wants something, but not always.

  700. My daughter was watching my husband mow the lawn from our front room window. When he finished she clapped for him and said “YEAH DADDY!”

  701. My son decided to give himself a hair cut. He only took a little chunk out but it was in the middle of his head so I decided to fix it. His hair was long and curly and I hated cutting it, but I ended up having to do a military crew cut style. While I was sweeping up his gorgeous, freshly cut hair my son turned around and proceeded to tell me I cut off his Chewbacca. Apprently he imagined himself as a wookie with his long hair.

  702. My son recently learned to put his hands above his ears and to the side of his head. When he was having a bath, he would mimmick me putting my hands on the side of my face. Then I put them on my cheeks like Kevin from Home Alone and he did it with mouth open! I sure wish I had a camera. Perfect Christmas card!

  703. Just today when my 2 year old woke up his said “Mom, I waked up, come get me”, when I got in there I said good morning, and he said “change my bum, I pooped”. It was such a lovely way to be greeted in the morning that I couldn’t stop laughing.

  704. My little 4 yr. old boy said the other day, “Mom I want to marry you so you can sleep in my bed!”

  705. My 9 month old does funny things every day. He will be a dragon for Halloween and he is practicing so he will just say rawrrrrrrr all the time….. Well he thought it would be funny to do it during the quietest time at church… Lots of people started laughing. I was embarrassed but I must admit it was great.

  706. I went over to my aunts 2 days ago to learn to can with my 9 month old while my 9 yr old, 7 yr old twins, and 6 yr old were in school. when they got home from school they looked every where for fresh canned veggies and didn’t find any. My 9 yr old said “mom you lied about going to learn to can today” i asked “why would you say that?” he says “if you did then we would have lots of greens beans and carrots in jars but all we have is that store bought junk.”

  707. Today at Target my mom and I were doing our couponing and I quietly mentioned that i hoped it would go smooth and the cashier wouldn’t give me a hard time with my large trans. Needless to say when the very nice cashier said hello to my 5 year old his reply was “you better not give my mommy a hard time with her coupins” way to start the trans!

  708. My little guy told me that he did not want any monster comming to his room this Halloween, I told him to write a sign for his door and write “No Monster Allowed” he drew this cute picture with a monster and frowny face saying: NO MONSTERS! and another with a happy face saying YES PEOPLE!
    I think it was so cute.

  709. I was telling my husband something and my husband replies screwed again and at that very moment my 4 month old laughs. It was the funniest thing ever…the baby laughing at the dad.

  710. My little girl just turned 2 yesterday and when she go money in a card she was so excited for it and she was flapping it around saying money, money!! It was really cute and then she went and got a penny and was so happy to have more money!!

  711. My 2 year old has learned how to climb out of his crib recently. Last night, I found him asleep on a boppy behind the rocking chair in his bedroom.

  712. My sister was changing the 4 month old’s diaper in a tent and he started peeing. She yelled for me that he had peed all over my mom’s sleeping bag. It was pretty funny. At the time he wasn’t too old yet.

  713. My daughter had a tea party for her 2 brothers, & the baby (he is 8 months) just sat there & listened to her! Well when I left the room to get the camera my son (he’s 4) said to me “hello I don’t do pictures” – I had to walk out of the room since I was laughing so hard!

  714. My son was singing “A Whole New World” from Aladdin with the CD in the car, and when it got to the part that Jasmine sings “indescribable feelings” he sang “indescribable feed me!” I started laughing, and then he asked me why Jasmine was singing about being hungry! It was funny!

  715. My Mother in law is staying with us right now because my husband had to have surgery. I had been back in my daughters bedroom talking with my daughter and mother in law and had left my phone somewhere in there. When it was time for bed I began looking for my phone. After much searching and calling my phone we finally found it and then my 4 year old daughter said “Wow that was dramatic!” It gave us a good laugh after a few stressful days!

  716. Our two year old is a runner. He runs away from us wherever we go (I never thought I’d actually be a parent with a kid on a leash… LOL). I was changing his diaper the other day when he and his little naked bum took off. Next thing I know, he’s standing in front of the sliding glass doors looking outside. It was cute until I noticed that he was peeing on the window. Oh boy.

  717. I ask my 2 year old daughter to come into the bathroom to get her hair fixed and she tells me, “Sorry, Can’t!” and runs away. It is so funny because she is so serious and thinks that is a perfect reason. Kids are too funny! GREAT giveaway! 🙂

  718. Today my 4 year old came out of the bathroom and I asked him if he remembered to flush and put the seat down and he said “Mom, I can’t do EVERYTHING for you” and walked out.

  719. My two year old who is still working on language skills says “Oh my goodness.”‘ all the time. It kills me. It is just so cute to hear something adult like come out of a toddlers mouth.

  720. Currently I’m the bread winner in the family because my husband is finishing his degree and staying at home with our little boy. Every morning I give hugs and kisses to say goodbye to our little boy. One morning I gave him the usual kiss and hugs and said, “I love you. Have a good day”. As I walked to the door my little boy said like an old pro, “bye honey!” It was so cute!!! Left a smile on my face all day.

  721. After spending weeks in the PICU we were home and knew he was going to be fine after we walked into the kitchen surrounded by the entire contents of the lower three shelves of the pantry. There he was snacking on some cereal happy as could be.

  722. I had to get after my daughter today and she said “Great! Now you hurt my heart!”

  723. When my son was three and going into Sunbeams in Primary he didn’t like being called a Sunbeam. Instead he insisted on being called a Sharkboy.

  724. My daughter looked up at me in a serious tone and said…”Can I say my memory verse to you outside? I just do better in nature.” I just about DIED. haha

  725. We love the fake mustaches and found a fun set at our dollar store. I saved them to do some family pics for my husband, but they’d see the pack and beg me to let em wear one every day until it was finally time for the pics. They are so funny with the characters that come out once they stick the black fuzziness to their upper lips!! Even my 2 1/2 yr old wants one and to watch her look at herself in the mirror sporting a mustache and see her make faces is one of the highlights of being a mommy!

  726. My 2-year-old loves to whisper “I yuv you” in my ear. I yuv it 😉

  727. My daughter is only 4 months old but I love her “grumpy” face. She scrunches her eyebrows together and its so silly.

  728. One day my daughter dropped an Oreo into her milk. The next thing I heard was “Swim you little sucker, swim!”

  729. On Sunday were sitting in sacrament meeting in church and it is quiet as can be when my four year old whispers “hey Dad I need to go potty” my husband not hearing what he said leans in and says what and so my boy as load as he can says “I NEED TO POOP!!!!” Needless to say everyone busted up and I hurry and took him to the bathroom. It was all everyone could do to not tease me about it the rest of the day. Ya gotta love your kids.

  730. my son is 3 months old and he just started giggling… he now giggles when ever he passes gas it is the cutest thing!

  731. My almost 2 year old was helping me clean up, so I said, “Good job, Bob.” He must have thought that was the funniest thing ever because he keeps walking around saying, “Bob” and laughing everytime!

  732. My 2 year old daughter blew her nose and then turned to my husband and I and just calmly stated “Oops, my nose farted”

  733. Well, since my little boy is still in my tummy, I just find it funny how if I poke my tummy in a specific spot, he will sit and kick it non-stopping until I move my hand!

  734. My 19 month old let out a little toot the other day. She grabbed her bum and said “uh-oh”. So funny!

  735. My kid pour spaghetti; plus the bowl on their head! PRICELESS!!!

  736. My son, who will turn 1 next week, loves to give me big tight neck hugs which is so sweet, then he’ll bite me on the neck (not so sweet, his little teeth hurt) .

  737. Everything my 2 year old does is either funny or naughty. Today she had marker (luckily washable) all over both her for arms. She wants “tats”. Not sure where it comes from but I”m pretty sure I’m in trouble when she’s a teenager!

  738. When my daughter was holding her newborn brother for the first time, she turned to me and asked, “Can we teach him to walk when he wakes up?”

  739. Hi don’t have kids but niece (18 months) thinks that it is hilarious to wash the dogs with their own drinking water. That is the nice way of putting it. She cracks me up!

  740. My 2 year old daughter loves anything princess, so we were asking her what the princess names were and she said all of them correctly accept for Sleeping Beauty, she called her Sweeping Cutie! It was so darling!

  741. My 2 year old grabs the play phone, put on her ear and say: “Hello! Mommy? dahadahadahahda” while moving her hands up and down. It is cute!

  742. My son who is 10 mos gets some naked time after showers in the evening. One night he started peeing which is one of the first times he saw himself pee and just looked down and so ooohhh. I just laughed!!

  743. My 2 yr old son was sitting at the table eating dinner while I was folding laundry on the couch just next to the dining room. Suddenly I hear: {sniff sniff} {sniff sniff} “I snell poe-pees.” {sniff sniff} ” I stink!”

  744. so, while watching disney this morning, my precocious 3-yr old started singing along with a commercial about peter pan. however, instead of saying “peter pan” he was saying “peed your pants”. oh my – it was hilarious!

  745. My 1. Yr old is giving kisses when you give him a kiss but instead of kisses they are now licks 🙂

  746. We had just unpacked my daughters sewing machine for her sewing class and my 3 yr old took the Styrofoam and knelt in it. Then she proceeded to push herself, using her hands, around the kitchen and said, “Look, Mom, I’m sledding!”

  747. Our Son is in LOVE with our dog Lilly. She is a huge dog. He has tried to ride her for months. The other day he sneaked up on her(she is getting old!) and actually rode her for about 5 seconds! You should have seen the look of triumph on his face!

  748. Just today, I caught my 1 year old laughing hysterically and playing peek-a-boo with her reflection in the television!

  749. My little one just started singing along!

  750. Today at Gardner Village we went on the Witch Scavenger hunt. We couldn’t find a witch and my 8 year old was scared to ask anyone where it was. My two year old replied, “I’m not scared, I find somebody”

  751. Amelia (almost 3 years old) told me she was growing up into a boy with a penis. I had to convince her that penises don’t just grow after the fact. hah!

  752. My 2 year old crawls around the house with his head on the floor–must give him a different perspective than walking does because he does it quite often.

  753. I didn’t think it was funny at the time, but my 2 yr-old decided to use her applesauce as hair gel the other day. 🙂 It was a huge mess.

  754. My 4 yr old daughter asked me today if her new baby brother would be born with clothes on & when I said, no, she laughed hysterically & said that is “disgusting!”

  755. There’s a song out by LMFAO called the “Party Rock Anthem” and in it they say, “Everyday I’m shuffling.” When my 3 year old daughter wants to here it she says, “Play the song ‘Everyday I’m shuffle lumping!'”

  756. My 3 year old told my mom you have big boobies that can feed the baby.

  757. Today my 2 year old daughter put a box on her head and walked around saying “I’m a robot, I’m a robot.”

  758. I was up by our temple in Houston with my 3 year old and my baby. We were just driving by when my 3 year old started bawling. When I asked him what was wrong, he explained he was sad because I didn’t marry him while we were at the temple! He was so upset by this and did not like my explanation that I was already married to his daddy!

  759. No children yet but am pregnant with my first! One funny thing that she does is that she will be kicking up a storm until someone (my mother, my husband) wants to feel her moving. Then she stops immediately! So stubborn already…I’m in for it! =)

  760. My 2 year old daughter was sitting on my lap at the dr’s office when she grabbed my shirt, looked inside, and said “You have BIG boo-boos mommy!” right in front of the doctor!

  761. my kids think it fun and silly to have dance parties during carpool. I’m assuming some of the neighbor kids don’t listen to the radio as much as we do, some of them aren’t as into it as we are. I’m sure we look silly but we sure have a lot of fun together!

  762. My daughter said “Shi*, Shi*, Shi*” and I said “We don’t say that word it makes Jesus sad!” and she thought a minute and said “I”m sad Jesus don’t like shi*”
    2 1/2!

  763. My little one is is only 2 months & the NICU, so he doesn’t say funny things 🙂 But today when a neonatologist was talking about a procedure they might have to do, my baby tooted super loud as if to say, “And that’s what I think about that!”

  764. Well, my kid isn’t born yet, but I do think it’s hilarious when he kicks against anything that encroaches in his space (unless it’s my organs).

  765. When my girl was about 18 mos, I was pregnant. We must have explained to here that we were having a baby when she was pooping or something because for a couple of weeks, she would go poop, point to her bum and say, “I have a baby.” It cracked us up every time.

  766. I do not have a funny story to tell…yet. My husband and I are pregnant with our first baby and we couldn’t be more excited!!!!!!!!! But we do have to start from the beginning and buy EVERYTHING, since we have no other children. But I am looking forward to some wonderful funny moments with our future child!

  767. My 2 yr old recently colored the bottom half of her face with scented magic markers in a rainbow of colors, she looked so funny I just had to laugh.

  768. My 8 month old just got her first doll last week, and she LOVES this doll… she carries it around with her everywhere, if she’s playing on a toy she has it with her (holding its hand while she plays) if she drops it, she can not continue playing until she sits down and picks it back up… and she is constantly hugging and kissing it… she is so in love with this doll that since she got it she also learned how to say baby, well BABA but close enough 😉 this girl cracks me up every day! love her!!

  769. I would love this!!! My 2 year old is crazy and repeats everything he hears his older siblings do. His new favorite is burping. Of course it always happens at the most inappropriate times, but he does always say “suz me” pretty stinking cute!

  770. One of my twin 14 mo likes to lay his head on everything and act shy. So funny to watch! His twin brother likes to wave “bye” to people….after they’ve already left!

  771. My little boy told a friend that she “cracked his heart” after she beat him in a game.

  772. My 16 month old daughter says “Hi dada” to everyone. Even people she does not know. It is funny to see the reaction on their faces.

  773. My little boy just turned two and loves to go golfing with his dad and grandpa. He takes his tiny golf club set and has a fabulous time in the golf cart and on the greens.

  774. A few days ago my little boy informed me he was going on a date. When I asked who he was going with he told me, Kalia (his best friend) and Liz (Kalia’s Mom). Followed by “they make me happy”!

  775. I am pregnant with my 4 girl and my husband is black. This is my 7 yr olds conversation with me and my 10 yr old today.

    7yr old: MOM i got an idea!
    mom: Ok lets hear it.
    7yr old: If the baby is white like you we’ll name her Adalynn, If the baby is brown like me we will name her Taelynn.
    mom: LOL
    10 yr old chimes in: you just don’t get it do you?! The baby is gonna be Dads color no matter what.
    7yr old: Well i like Taelynn better.
    10yr old:rolling her eyes, no you don’t, you just don’t understand.
    7yr old: Well I am dads kid.
    mom: laughing soooo hard! 🙂

  776. My 9 month old daughter just started crawling recently and the first thing she wanted to do was to crawl over to the weiner dog’s bowl and knocked it bowl over. The weiner was happy to clean the mess and we had more babyproofing to do.

  777. My baby just turned 1 and has learned to talk on the phone. He is constantly putting his hand up to his ear and saying hello! He is the cutest thing Ever!

  778. My girls are always doing funny stuff–the other day they were inspecting each others belly buttons & they decided that’s where they were poked when they were babies. 🙂

  779. My two year old son said, “Mom, I just saw a squirrel and he said, “Hi Mr. Lukey!”

  780. My son was totally hurt by the show “Biggest Loser”, thinking it was a degrading name. It wasn’t until he saw a preview that he put 2 and 2 together and realized it was about losing weight.

  781. The other night before going to bed I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I turned on the light there was my 3 1/2 year old son on the floor asleep COVERED in my brand new Cover Girl liquid foundation makeup (and by covered I mean arms, legs, face and pajamas)!!!! I woke him to ask what the heck he had done and he replied, “I was just putting on mommy’s new lotion”!!! I guess I’ve got to move my makeup to a higher shelf to keep it out of his reach!! My other son is 5 months and everything he does is adorable, but the 3 1/2 year old constantly cracks us up!!!!

  782. My 3 year old saw a lady on a motorcycle with her pants down TOO LOW at a stoplight. I was hoping she wouldn’t notice from her car seat in the back .. but then I hear, “Ewww!! Look at that poopy butt, she needs to pull it up!”

  783. My 2 year old decide she wanted to share her toy truck with her baby sister. She didnt hand it to her, she threw it, hitting her baby sister on her nose and eye. When the baby started crying she turned to me and said “Oh! Mattisyn’s MAD”

  784. my little boy is two and LOVES trains everything is chooo. He rides the frontrunner home with me one day out of the week. The other day him and my mom pulled in, as the train was pulling in also. My mom said from the minute they pulled into the parking lot he was pulling at his straps on his carseat saying out out. Well we missed the train so my mom took us to my car and we had to ride the train back to Woods Cross and back to Layton. So the next week they arrived in plenty of time and from the time i opened the door to get him out he kept yelling hurry hurry. he was NOT going to miss the train this time.

  785. My little guy, who’s almost 2, really didn’t want to go to the grocery store the other day. So as I pushed him around the store to grab the few things we needed he would say “bye-bye” and wave to EVERYONE we passed! I giggled to myself at the weird looks some people gave us 🙂

  786. My son is 20 months and the past couple of days everytime I tell him no no , he walks over to the timeout corner and puts himself in timeout..Could this be a good thing?

  787. My little boy put mr potato head’s glasses on himself.

  788. My baby boy say no to my husband when he pat my pregnant belly, and saying “no no no…. easy!!!” and start demonstrating it too… he was so protective of his mommy.

  789. My 3 year old daughter packed her baby doll stroller, got herself dressed and put on her minnie mouse sunglasses and said “Ok Mom, I’m ready to go to Disneyland!”

  790. At 20 months my son stepped on a grasshopper and said, “Yucky.” It was hilarious.

  791. My little boy has recently started to pretend to eat us. Dramatic air bite near our arms, chewing, and then “MMmmmm.”

  792. I asked my daughter if her teacher liked the book she made. She looked at me sad and said no she didn’t like it. Mortified, I asked her exactly what her teacher said, and she said the teacher said She Loved IT, she didn’t say she liked it. I breathe a sign of relief and started laughing.

  793. My 8 month old daughter started to shake her head “no” every time I ask a question. It’s hilarious. Makes me realize how much I do it to her 🙂

  794. When my son was 5 years old i told him to pick up his toys and put them away. He said no so I said ok if u don’t want to take care of your toys I will pack them up and give them to so little kids who will take care of them. He said ok I will help you pack them up.

  795. My daughters 2 & 4 were playing “store” in their play kitchen. I couldn’t help but laugh and be proud when my oldest daughter asked the other one “Do you have any coupons or need any rainchecks?” Gotta teach them young! 🙂
    We have a little one on the way after we gave away all our baby stuff, so this stroller would be a dream!

  796. My 3 year old said to me in response to my persistent asking him to clean up his messes, “Mom, you are irritating me!”

  797. The other day I asked my 4 year old son to ask his baby brother if he wanted some mac and cheese, he replied ” Mom maybe you should ask him I don’t speak baby language”

  798. A couple weeks ago, I was showing my 4 1/2 year old girl that we had a crack in our windshield that needed to be fixed. Her recommendation? “You could put a bandaid on it!” I just laughed! I told her that wouldn’t work, then she laughed and said, “Yeah, that would be silly! Windows don’t need bandaids!” She cracks me up!! Sure is creative though! 😉

  799. My 14 month old is obsessed with our lawnmover and growls at it and always wants to touch it. I won’t let him and tell him that its Dada’s and we don’t touch. So now he goes up to it and says “dada”?

  800. We took our kids to see the car show and we went on the wrong day but we got out of the car any way. My 3 year old, as he got out of the car, said, ” wow, look at these awesome cars!’…”That one is so cool!”
    We didn’t tell them that we missed the car show. Good thing they didn’t know the difference!

  801. My 3 year old son wanted to give me a pretend haircut. (I assure you no real scissors were used). When I asked what he was doing he said, “I’m trying to make it pretty…but I can’t.”

    He left to get a “tool” and came back with a toy chainsaw and these comforting words, “I’m just going to cut a little bit of hair.”

  802. A couple of my favorites from my second daughter: “upside” = outside; and one day after calling her by her name instead of her nickname, “I not Elsa; I Elsie.”

  803. My 11 month old LOVES to watch Ellen. Every time Ellen walks out on stage my little girl starts waving at TV. She also starts dancing as soon as Ellen does. It is the cutest thing to watch her.

  804. Everything that my 2 year old daughter does, she says “LOOK AT ME, MOM!”

  805. My 3 year old saw me changing my newborn’s diaper and he exclaimed, “I guess she must have had a lot of gas-a-re-a!” Hilarious!

  806. I was trying to get my twins to eat. They refused everything I offered. Mark one of the twins said Mom can I sit on your lap I said yes but you need to eat your food because your bum doesn’t have bum cheeks it hurts mom’s lap. Later that day we went to a recital. Bride had her doggy there my twins love animals , and of course were playing with the doggy. During toasting time everyone were taking turns wishing something nice to the Bride and Groom. Everything is getting videotaped (of course). Here come my boys yelling “MOMMY THIS DOGGY DOESN’T HAVE BUM CHICKS ETHER HIS MOM FEEDS HIM SAME FOOD YOU FEED US.” I had a reality check I was a horrible cook ( my food was compered to doggy food) , and I wished my 2 year olds did not speak so clearly!!! Everyone had a good laugh, and still are laughing to this day 😉

  807. My 6 year old is funny when she heads to the bathroom. She declares what she will be doing, either peeing or “#2”. She asks us not to say poo in any form. It has to be #2 or “that other thing”. Also she doesn’t like us saying, “Head to the potty.” Now it’s the “bathroom” or “restroom” for her. I guess it’s time to become politically correct with her, hehe.

  808. After a particularly hilarious giggle fest in the bathtub tonight, my daughter threw her head back, sighed and said, “This is what it’s like to be a teenager!” She is so funny!

  809. I have about 3 weeks before I have my first, a little boy, and I am sure if he is anything like his dad he will have lots of funny things to say 🙂

  810. Yesterday was my birthday and my little girls (4 and 6) wanted to give me a birthday pedicure. They were so proud of their work! Definitely original – no two toes alike! I’m not sure if I have more nail polish on my toenails or on my toes, but their excitement was priceless!

  811. My daughter loves to bounce! No matter her mood or whats going on you start saying bouncy and she starts to bounce and jump. She gets a big grin on her face everytime, it is so precious.

  812. My son does the funniest little dance around the room when music comes on.

  813. My baby saw his dad kiss me and then he ran over and kept pushing dad’s head down to kiss me again and again and would laugh every time.

  814. I went outside to throw something in the garbage and somehow the sliding door locked! My 18 month old was inside and I had no way to get in. While I was in a total panic, he somehow knew I couldn’t get in and so he climbed on the table we have behind the couch (which he KNOWS he’s not supposed to) and began knocking on the window and smiling and waving at me. At that point all I could do was laugh. (Don’t worry my husband luckily was on his way home so I was only locked out for 5 minutes, thank goodness nothing happened inside!)

  815. We went to Parent/Teacher Conferences. My son is in 2nd grade and reading at a 6th grade level. My daughter has “exceptional behavior in class” said her teacher. We took our kids to ice cream after and that is where my 2 year old put the shake lids on his hands and we thought he was going to sing “Bring it down to Liquorville…..” (like the SNL skit).

  816. My kids are always doing funny things! Tonight in the kitchen my 5 and 8 year old daughters were teaching my 18 month old daughter how to dance and “shake her bootie”. She was trying to shake it, but it wasn’t happening, but so cute!

  817. Recently we were driving through town and we passed a Pei Wei restaurant. My son looked out the window and said “Oooh! Can we go to Pee Wee???” Quite cute. But he’s 15. And he was serious.

  818. I was helping my dad with his homework earlier (he just recently returned to school and I’m very good with math) and my 2 year old son wanted our attention and came up to us and said, “Mama, mama, mama, MAMA!!! Papa, PAPA!!!” We then proceed to both say, “What, Drake?” My son says, “STOP TALKING AND LOOK AT ME!!!!” It was hilarious. He always tries to talk over me when I’m trying to hold a conversation with anyone and he feels like he’s not included.

  819. My granddaughter’s word for the color white is “wipe” – so cute!

  820. My eighteenth month old is a little guy and I was getting his pictures taken at JCPenneys. Well his pants fell down and he proceeded to take off and run around JCPenneys with his pants around his ankles laughing. I guess I could use a stroller.

  821. My baby has a HUGE sound to body ratio. She is only about 18 pounds and yet she lets out the biggest cannon ball farts at the most opportune time. She once let one out at church during a prayer and everyone looked at me b/c she just assumed a little baby could not let a fart out that big.

  822. The other day my 1 year old was looking at a picture of Jesus and insisting that he says, “Woof!”

  823. My daughter was purposely throwing things pieces of fruit out the car window. My husband told her to stop throwing things out the window. She replied that him going around the corner made it fall out.

  824. My 5-year-old daughter recently told me that she has an imaginary puppy named “Printer.”

  825. My child told me her bowel movement looked like a candy cane! Ha ha for potty training.

  826. After helping me carry in groceries tonight, my four year old said, “Mom, what would you do without me?”

  827. My daughter told me she loved even if I am squishy after I have baby. ha ha

  828. My little buddy threw an apricot at the back door and asked why the ball wouldn’t bounce. I told him it was an apricot, a fruit that we eat. He loves peaches so I told him it was like a little peach. He picked up the apricot, brushed it off and said, “Well, it doesn’t bounce!”

  829. We passed a man in a truck while driving today and he looked just like Santa Claus. My boys were so excited and were whispering through the window to him, what they want for Christmas- because he could magically hear them. It was very Cute!

  830. my 5 yr old saw my coupon binder out on the table and asked…. does this mean we’re going “shopping” again? made a humphhhh sound and stomped off. She knows when she sees it that means we’re looking for deals 🙂

  831. My son is just over a year old and he loves to point out his belly button. We call our belly buttons our “beep beep”. He was hobbling to all of his siblings to find their “bee bee” as he calls it. He hobbled over to my brother (who is very hairy), pulled up his shirt and was about to say, “bee bee” and suddenly stopped and instead said, “ewww.” His face was priceless, I wish I had my camera.

  832. I attempted to make my four year old daughter homemade mac and cheese. I asked her if she liked it. She replied, ” It’s gross…. but I like it!!!”

  833. I was getting my daughter ready for bed in the bathroom and I put my phone on the counter. We got in pajamas, brushed teeth, read a book, and got tucked in. I went back to the bathroom to get my phone but it was not on the counter. My mind hasn’t exactly been all there lately so I went around everywhere looking for it. I finally went in to my daughter’s room and said, “Addison, have you seen my phone?” She replied, “No Mommy. I have not seen your phone.” I went around the whole house again with no success in finding my phone. I went back to her room and said, “Addy, you really haven’t seen my phone?” She replied, “No Mom. I haven’t.” I went back to the bathroom and tore it apart. No phone. I finally went back to my daughter’s room and before I could say anything there she was….. under her sheet sitting up playing angry birds on my phone.

  834. My son came up to me recently holding his hands in the air saying “look Mommy! Poop!” ya that was a fun mess to clean up!

  835. My 5 year old son likes to wear his underwear on the outside of his clothes because “that’s how the superheroes wear it” (He wears underwear under as well thankfully)

  836. The other day my 5 year old took a package off the front step. I told her to go put it back because Fedex was going to come pick it up. She looked at me confused and said, “Who is Fred ex?”

  837. while at a friends house today my 2 yr old girl started tapping both of my bum cheeks while singing..bummy bummy bummy, i like mommys bummy, your bummys pretty mommy, bummy bummy bummy… a little embarassing cause i couldn’t get her to stop!!

  838. I day I was washing dishes and my daughter was playing with her little car. She came and said she wanted gummy bears. I gave her some she came back for more. I asked her what she did with them. She pointed to her mouth. I gave her some more. I followed her to her bedroom. She hid them in her bike seat. She said she ate them.

  839. My 2.5 year old is potty training and she’s finally into going poop in the potty. Well now she seems to think that every time you sit on the potty you have to poop. So when she can’t get any to come out she always looks up at us with the silly faces you pull when you try to and says, ‘poo poo is stuck!’

  840. My daughter loves Clifford the Big Red Dog on PBS and loves to act like a dog after watching the show. But the funny thing the other day was when she told me she had an appointment at the groomers at 4:00. 🙂

  841. Today my husband was talking on the phone to his dad, my 2 year old couldn’t figure out why dad was talking on the phone to “dad” cause “dad is right here”. I love watching them grow and learn new things.

  842. My little boy saw a commercial that was for getting out of debt. The commercial was saying things like “are you tired of all your debt?” or “learn how to lose your debt”. After the commercial was over my son had this very puzzled and sad look and says ” I don’t want to lose my DAD!”. It was so funny! The poor kid thought it was talking about becoming dad free. Very cute!

  843. While visiting a new baby cousing, I asked my daughter if we should have a new baby at our house and she said, “No, I allergic to babies!”

  844. My youngest has recently decided that streaking is hilarious…especially when you have lots of guests over…

  845. My daughter is now 15 months old and she loves to hide things under her legs. Whenever she gets a toy she puts it under he right leg for safe keeping. After a few minutes her leg is up in the air because there is so much stuff under it.

  846. My 2-year-old likes to honk the horn on the car. I asked her to not touch the horn. Now she bumps the horn with her bum instead. To see her put all of her might into bumping the horn with enough strength to make it sound makes me laugh every time. Haven’t been able to find the heart to ask her to stop bumping the horn with her bum, yet.

  847. After using the bathroom, I came out to the kitchen to find my 3 yr old and my 18 mo old unloading the refrigerator. My 3 yr old had a chunk of velveeta in her hand that she had been gnawing on. They had unloaded about 70% of the fridge. I asked why and she said she wanted a snack.

  848. My 2 year-old comes up with all sorts of things that are funny. While eating the chocolate chunks out of a granola bar she told me that she eats poop.

  849. My daughter is a pretty gassy little thing and every time (without fail) if you give her a hug, or do anything that applies pressure to her stomach, she let’s them fly. :/

  850. we were in the car the other day and my son was in the back and would repeat everything I said. So I said “Z, you are a little parrot” and he quickly said “I not a carrot, I not orange!” we laughed and laughed…oh how kids say the funniest things sometimes 🙂

  851. I’m a nanny and the little girl I watch is super cute!! The other day we were driving to a play date and she kept saying “Wee home!” and waiting for me to say “We’re not home, silly!” and then she would giggle like crazy! It was hilarious! Her mom would love a new stroller and I would LOVE being able to get the hand-me-down when I start having kids!

  852. I was at the store with my recently potty trained 3 yr. old and she said she needed to go to the bathroom. When we got into the stall she said she wanted me to go first, so I did. When I finished she started jumping up and down clapping and yelled at the top of her lungs, “Yeah Mommy, I’m so proud of you for going potty!” It cracked me up and from the giggles I could hear outside the store it amused others as well.

  853. My Daughter calls me Diddi.. we don’t know why. She knows I am mommy and will once in a while call me mommy but mostly she referse to me as diddi.

  854. I told my little boy that if i were him i would be good, and he told me that if he were me he would be a train driver. (he is way into Thomas the train)

  855. My 18 mo. old is beginning to talk. The other night driving home, she just kept repeating “Dada, Dada” over and over again. When he said something to her after a few times, she just said, “Hi, Dad”.

  856. My two little girls share a room. At night they will talk for a while before falling asleep. The other night the 4-year-old passed gas.
    The 2-year-old: “What’s that sound?”
    4-year-old: “I tooted.”
    2-year-old: “why?”
    4-year-old: “’cause that’s what my bum says.”

  857. My son was eating dinner at a neighbors tonight. She offered him some strawberries to which he replied “My mom says I can never eat strawberries or else I will puke.” I have never said that he just doesn’t like strawberries.

  858. My 13-month-old thinks that growling is pretty awesome lately. It’s so funny! I’m making her a cute little monster costume for Halloween! 🙂

  859. I found my two year old in my bathroom last night. She was able to get her hands on my Petroleum jelly jar. When I walked in she had the entire jar smeared on her cheeks. So much so, it was dangling off her face. I was trying so hard to be serious and punish her, but I had to leave the room and laugh it out with my husband. She kept saying “Im so pretty!”

  860. My daughter asked on a cold rainy day, Can we go to the beach?

  861. At dinner one night, my husband was looking at our almost 2 year old, trying to figure out who she looks like. He said, “Do you have Daddy’s eyes?” She got a confused, kind of freaked out look on her face and replied, “Have Emma’s eyes.”

  862. My son has recently discovered the word “mysterious’ he goes around with his flashlight telling me something MYSTERIOUS is going on here. It makes me laugh every time. He recently said it about the shadow from the lamp.

  863. We were in a room with a few pictures of Christ in it. I asked my two year old if she could see Jesus. She looked around, didn’t see him and said, “Nope, He’s going potty.” She is in potty training mode, can you tell?

  864. So when my hubby got home from work today he came and gave me a kiss and then my 3 year old opened the front door and yelled out to her friends that they couldn’t come in our house cause mommy and daddy were kissing 🙂

  865. My boys always say “you look bootiful mom” even when I just get up in the morning and I am a total disaster. I love it.

  866. My two year old is really love all of the Halloween decoration, especially pumpkins. Everytime we see a jackolatern he yells “Hey Punks!”

  867. My mother and I were taking my daughter to the park the other day. My daughter said, “I brought my jacket just in case it gets cold. I came impaired!” She must have noticed the confused/amused look on my face so she quickly tried to correct her statement. “I mean….repaired… not impaired.” My mom and I could not stop laughing, and my poor daughter just didn’t get what was so funny. We had to explain it later…. the word you are looking for is… PREpared. 🙂

  868. We were in vacation this summer in Oregon. We stopped at Bonneville dam and there were some people speaking Japanese. My little boy just looked at them and started talking to them in his own version of Japanese. It was so funny to see.

  869. my 18 month old shares a room with my four year old, they have bunk beds and the 18 month old has started sleeping under his bed. He is on the bottom bunk and loves to play under and behind the bed, then he started dragging his blankets under it to sleep there!

  870. My husband was telling me something the other day, when our daughter told my husband to “come down little. Little Dad.” As he went “little” she covered his mouth so that she could tell me what she wanted to tell me rather than waiting for her dad to finish his story.

  871. Today my 3 year old told me that our baby (3 months old) sucks on his hands because milk comes out. lol.

  872. My son told me he could reach the stars if he jumped really high.

  873. My husband and I told our 3 year old about the Statue of Liberty and showed him a picture of it. So later he stands up tall and holds his hand up high in the air and says, “Look Mom, I’m the Statue of Liderdy.” It was so funny that we have not corrected him yet.

  874. My two year old was washing her hand after going potty and my one year old came up behind her and goosed her while saying “butt crack”. It was hilarious.

  875. I was looking for our big yellow squash to cook with dinner, I could not find it anywhere, so we had to make green beans instead. Later that night, I go to tuck my little monkey in, I notice a squash tucked neatly under her blanket and head resting on her pillow. She told me, “shhhh seeping,” what a good little mama she will be! 🙂

  876. I know this isn’t going to be funny to any one since I don’t have a way to show it but my 20 month old son has a happy dance. Everytime he gets excited for something he does this silly dance where he just stomps his feet as fast as he can. It is so stinking cute! I laugh every time. I really need to record it so I can always remember it!

  877. Goodness, I could go on and on for hours about the funny things my children do and say. (they are at the really funny ages of 4 and 2) I think the funnest recent story would have to be my 2 year old daughter going into my bathroom, getting my shaver and my shampoo out of my bath tub, pouring the shampoo into my toilet, stirring it with the shaver and saying to herself “bubbles bubbles bubbles!” When I walked in I said “what are you doing?!” and she said “Mama, I make you bubbles!!!” She was so proud of herself it was hard to be mad at her. She then walked into the other room, got a bottle of water and poured it all over my bed. After that it was a little easier to be mad 😉

  878. My six year old daughter was watching a movie and the car reversed down the street quite a ways. She had the most surprised look on her face and she said “I’ve never seen a car that can do that.” (She tends to have some of her mom’s dumb blonde qualities!) 😉

  879. My son likes to gawk at everyone with his tongue out while giggling. 🙂

  880. My 2 yr old daughter likes to eat whatever matches her clothing. For example she wanted pink chips to go with her pink shirt and a black lollipop when she wore black!!! lol matching maddness

  881. Lately my 3 year old has been telling me “sorry mom”, after doing something naughty, and then tells me “be nice mom!” because I guess the “sorry” didn’t totally make me happy with him again.

  882. While out hunting in the mountain we saw some items left from the kids from the “Troubled kids camp”. My 4-year old asks “why are kids out there alone?” We told him they where in trouble so they come here to get better. He then said “Well then the cops are going to have to come get them – cuz’ there is no naughty corner out here.” LOL!!

  883. My husband put the kids to bed the other night and after a little bit our daughter comes out and says “Daddy I saw a rainbow,” he starts to tell her that’s nice, but she needs to get back in bed. But before he can complete his sentence she says “It’s starting to look like a triple rainbow!” Gotta love youtube! 🙂

  884. My cousin’s husband and my husband are very similar physically. One day my daughter got hurt and she went running to who she thought was her daddy and she was content until he started to talk. Her face was priceless when she realized it wasn’t her daddy.

  885. The other evening my family was praying before dinner and as we were all in the middle of our prayer my 2 year old chimes in “Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me, AMEN” (as loud as she can!). It was so hard for us to continue with our prayer and not laugh!

  886. My 18 month old daughter told me her first knock-knock joke last week.
    J: “Mommy, knock-knock.”
    Me: “Who’s there?”
    J: “Poop!”
    That was followed by her oh so cute giggle! I guess that’s what you get when you have 2 older sisters!

  887. I am teaching my two yr old to trick or treat. So he had his bag and I gave him a piece of candy. Of course he went to eat it right away. I don’t know how much is actually going to make it in his bag this halloween.
    Also we only have one car and so when I do take him with me to go run errands (he is just starting to talk like crazy) he will say “Mom Coke” since I almost always make a diet coke run. (:

  888. My little boy is just starting to eat baby food and cereal. He gets so excited to eat he leans forward and dives toward the spoon before I can get to his mouth!

  889. My 2 yr old daughter already is already making up excuses on why she doesnt want to go to nursery. She says ” I no go to classw, my tummy hurt” oR ” I no go to class, my head hurt”. Really?? Shes only 2!

  890. I just had a baby and my other kids keep asking when the other kid is going to come out! My stomach is still big and they cant figure it out!

  891. I took my 3 year old son to breakfast with a witch at Gardner Village. After we got out he commeted on how loud one of the witches was. I said, “yeah witches can be super loud sometimes.”. He sat there thinking for a minute and then looked at me and said, “mommy are you a witch?”. I laughed so hard I couldn’t even reply.

  892. My 4 year old has been walking around with stuff in her shirt acting pregnant. I recently had twins so I was quite big. Today she kept asking me to do things like “oh I can’t bend down and get that because the babies can you mom” or “mom can you take me to the hospital to have these babies, I am to big my tummy hits the steering wheel.” 🙂

  893. Our friend just had a baby and after I told my 3 year old that he was born she asked me if he had popped out of his mommy’s belly.

  894. Am I missing the giveaway entry form? It’s mentioned on here and on the FB post.

  895. Am I missing the giveaway entry form? It’s mentioned on both this post and on FB.

  896. While we were in the car driving home, my 5 year old son said, “Mommy, I’m so thirsty!” I replied, “We’ll get you a nice cold drink of water when we get home.” He then said, “Um….I was ‘aferring’ to lemonade.” Love it when they try to use “big words” and actually use them in the right context!

  897. My baby is only 4 months old but she loves when we sing the ABC song. She giggles every time

  898. My 22mo. old daughter loves Sesame Street right now especially Elmo. We wen’t to the park at an outdoor mall and she saw a highschool age girl with a red knit hat on, she pointed at her and shouted, “Elmo!” the girl was obviously not amused she rolled her eyes and kept walking past us. I quietly told my daughter no thats not Elmo. She pointed at her again and said, “Elmo” with a giggle.

  899. We were at dinner with my 5 year old son and as the waiter is going around the table asking what everyone would like to drink he gets to my son and my son replies with, ” I would like a sprite please, and make it quick! Please.” We all about died. However it worked..the waiter had his drink there in a matter of seconds!!

  900. My little girl pulls the cutest/funniest cheesers lately. Plus it helps that her hair is bright red and sticks up like a mohak. See my blog post

  901. We were recently out to dinner and my 4 year old told the server that his Dad used to be bald. I have no idea where he came up with it, and it was the funniest thing!

  902. As I laid my little guy down for bed tonight, he tooted. Then he giggled & said, “I poop! Momma I poop!”

  903. My 6 year old was asking her dad if she could put up spider webs for halloween decorations and then she clarified that we should buy them at the store because it might kill the spiders if we brought them in from outside and forced them to make webs for us.

  904. My 4 y.o. was downstairs in the kitchen and I yelled down to ask him what he was doing because he was being super quiet and was supposed to be coming up for bed. He said, “Eating a cupcake!” When I told him he had already had one and it was bedtime and he wasn’t supposed to be eating, he said, “I was just being sneaky!!”

  905. Asked my son if he had to go potty yet (#2) he said no I said well I dont think you went yesterday did you he put his hand to his mouth like he was thinkin and said wait I dont know you tell me you are the mom.

  906. My 2 year old has quite an attitude! The other day we were cleaning up her toys and she kept getting distracted. So I kept telling her to come over and help me. She kept telling me she’s coming in a minute and then she comes over to me, sits on my lap, looks me in the eye and says “actually” she doesn’t want to clean up toys anymore! My 2 year old is using the word “actually” correctly in a sentence!!! We are in so much trouble 🙂

  907. When my son was about 18 months or so he would throw fits and throw himself backwards on the floor however, it only took a few times to realize that it really hurt. So when he would get mad he’d lay down really slowly and carefully then start to scream and cry and throw his tantrum. Too funny! Silly kid!

  908. My 4 year old son asked me the other day when his 18 month old sister gets to go to daycare (they don’t go to daycare) I asked why and he told me because he was tired of her getting into his stuff and wanted her to go to daycare!

  909. My 4 year old and 2 year old HAVE to have a story and quiz before bed every night. Daddy has to tell the story and give the quiz. Last night, my 4 year old looked at me and said, “Well Mom. Are you going to show up for story and quiz tonight?” It was too funny and of course, I showed up!

  910. My almost three year old keeps talking about selling her birthday. I’m still not sure what she means, but it sure is cute!

  911. My 2 yr old son loves to sing veggietales and i was singing with him and he stopped and said no mom my turn lol

  912. My 3 year old boy was teasing his 5 year old sister, bringing her to tears. He knew he was being a stinker but walked away from her telling her “stop yo boobin, sisther, stop yo boobin”

  913. My Husband asked if he could have some of the chips tat my daughter was eating. And then once he had a few (more than he realized) she asked for them back. She looked in the bag and said “Whoa Dad you are a BIG Eater!!!!” There were not many left and she had called him out on it 🙂

  914. My 3 year-old grandson lives with us and stood up in church when the choir was getting ready to sing. He stood up on the bench, took out a pencil (which he used as a conductor’s baton), held it up in one hand while holding both hands out like the conductor of a symphony, cleared his throat, and led the choir through their whole song…right on rhythm, with the downbeats and everything. When the song was over, he quietly sat down and went back to reading his book. Everyone behind us was laughing.

  915. i was giving my 3yr old son sled rides today. He told me that our friend Aaron had more power than me, and that Aaron should try. Okay with me! Amazing how he just comes up with this stuff.

  916. She was at her great grand parents walking just out of reach of EVERYONE, as she passed each person she would just look at them like :hehehehe: you cant get me. …..She is only 22 months!

  917. My 2yr old son was on the potty pooping. He loves Bob the Builder and I heard him singing, “Bob the Builder! Can we Poop it? Yes we can!”

  918. My daughter was saying a prayer and said “please bless that I won’t say bad words like hate,stupid,butt, …”
    I had to stop her before anymore bad words came out 🙂

  919. My 4 year old daughter first asks if i’m wearing clothes or jammies ( that’s how similar they are :/ ) and if i say clothes she tells me i’m pretty

  920. pretending she’s a reporter and reporting everything she does

  921. My husband made his first loaf of homemade bread (which turned out kind of lumpy) and my son ran into the kitchen as he was pulling it out of the oven and said, “Oh, that’s not bread… it’s a chicken!”

  922. My daughter and I were leaving the grocery store and as we were walking out she yelled cock a doodle do…..Then look at my friend and said, “well that was awkward!”

  923. I have 6 children from ages 13 down to 1. Well my 13 year old’s voice starting to change. It is mixing me up. One day I was at the store with my husband and my 13 year was babysitting. My husband and I were on opposite sides of the store at the time. I called home to make sure everything was alright. When I heard “hi” on the other end, I was confused because I thought I called home and it was my husband on the other end. I wondered if I called his cell phone on accident. I asked if I called his cell. He said no, you called home. I asked why he was home and not at the store. Both of us sat on the phone confused for a second, then I realized that it wasn’t my husband, it was actually my 13 year old son! I laughed pretty hard for some time.

  924. My 3 year old girl the other day said, “Mom, it’s taking a long time for me to grow up.” So cute!

  925. My 2 year old found a credit card around the house, took it to her play lap top, swiped it and then pushed the buttons on the keyboard. I guess she’s watching me check out at the grocery store!

  926. You know those security tape stickers on new DVDs … Well my kids decided to wear them as mustaches! Made for a cute photo opp!

  927. My 2 year old daughter swallowed a penny yesterday. Any time you ask her about it she lifts up her shirt, points to her belly and says, “it’s stuck! I can’t get it out!’

  928. Today my 6 week old was crying and my 2 yr old told said, “Mommy, you better hurry and get him!”

  929. I taught the sunbeams after I graduated high school. The best lesson I taught was ” we are thankful for fish”. I had purchased the night before 5 live goldfish to bring to church. When the end of the lesson came i uncovered the fish and to my surprise all 5 fish were belly up (dead). One of the little girls looked at me and said, “my fish at home liked to sleep like that too.” all of the kids talked about the sleeping fish every Sunday after. I didn’t have the heart to tell them the truth.

  930. Something funny my son does is his own little dance. We call it the Jakey dance. He starts by moving his head and then his whole body like a snake. He does it when he is happy. He is only 13 months and has been doing said dance since he was 6 months

  931. We watched a movie about Jesus and the Resurrection and my 3-year-old was totally enthralled. He loved to quote lines from the movie and it was really cute when he would say things like, “Jesus Lives!” It wasn’t so cute when he went up to a little boy at Wal-Mart and said, “You killed an innocent man!”

  932. My 7 year old has been engaged to the love of his little life since he was 3. One day we were explaining to him that he couldn’t have a girlfriend until he was much, much older. I was in a loosing battle with my son when my husband said to me “I thought girls had cooties at this age” I said “maybe that happens when they get older”. My little man heard me and said “Cooties? Ooooh, I know what those are, those are boobs”!! Better watch out for those Cooties 😀

  933. My 3 year old was watching Diego and he had a bat on his shoulder. Her uncle asked if he should get a pet bat. She looked at him VERY seriously and said, ‘You can’t have a bat, they carry Kazeezes’ she meant diseases but it was pretty funny.

  934. The other days I was couponing with my 4 year old daughter. We were in the checkout lane and she says quite loudly “Mommy I just passed gas but I didn’t say excuse me because it didn’t smell bad!” To say the least I was mortified…I spent the next 30 minutes in the checkout lane explaining why she should always say excuse me. 🙂

  935. My son looked at me today and said robot. And then started dancing like a robot, or what he thought looked like a robot. He is almost three so watching him just made me crack up.

  936. My 2 year old son was looking up at the moon when it was half full and he asked “mom is the moon broken? We should fix it!”

  937. It was a little too quite. I asked my three year old what he was doing in the other room. The response, “Just putting my toes in my nose.”

  938. My 4 year old son asked me to hatch his corn dogs the other day, which to him meant take the breading off, but it was funny when he said it and I had to have him repeat it to me cause I was so caught off guard by it. I guess school must be working since his teacher has chicken and turkeys at her house for the kids to see and learn about.

  939. While we were at the character breakfast in Disneyland my 3 year old little boy was dancing with the characters. Chip came over and tried dancing with him (who was very seriously spinning in circles) and my little boy paid no attention to Chip. Chip kept trying to get his attention. Towards the end of the song my little boy went over to the carpeted area and did a somersault and the song ended right then. Perfect move for the finale!

  940. My little girl is only 9 weeks old, but she is smiling and loves to stick out her tongue! We just love her!

  941. As a mom of all boys there is never a dull moment around here! My 2 year old loves to pass gas and yell “BART” he follows it with excuse me(of course). It was funny until he started doing it in public! haha

  942. One day I was busy putting laundry away in my room. When I came out into the family room I find this trail of toilet paper all throughout my house. I followed it and at the end was my 15 month old boy with a huge i mean HUGE grin on his face!

  943. My nephew and I were talking tonight and he said grandma kinda looks and laughs like a witch! lol gotta love kids!

  944. My son thinks it’s hilarious and he tried to “toot” while changing his diaper.

  945. I have a newborn girl and I would love to get a stroller! Recently she has started smiling so big and sticking her tongue out. I can’t help but laugh out loud. It is so stinkin funny.

  946. My son Adam who is 6 is a very shy boy made me laugh so hard a few weeks ago. My sister was over to watch my boys while I run out and get some errands done. As I was about to leave she looks at Adam and tell him “Adam you have such a beautiful face!” I could tell Adam was put on the spot as he was trying to look for the right words to say back so he replies, “umm, you stink.” I laughed so hard.

  947. The other day my husband took my kids to go and get pumpkins, my 3 year old told me that he was going to get a pumpkin for me. One that was orange and round.

    kat_1982us at

  948. I don’t have any kids myself yet, but I spoil my 2 and a half year old niece like she’s my own. Her latest thing is whenever her portable DVD player gets turned on for her to watch a movie she says “Seems to be working.” She’s so clever and we all laugh every time she says it!

  949. My little one recently saw my husband kill a bug in the house. Her response…a somber one… “Oh Noooo! But, I want the bug to be happy! I couldn’t stop laughing to myself as I thought, “Um…maybe outside but inside we try to keep those bugs away!”

  950. My little boy asked me this morning, “Are you going to have another angry day like yesterday?”

  951. When my son was about 2, he woke up in the middle of the night and wanted pumpkin pie. He’d never had it, so it was weird that he wanted it. I told him he could have some the next day, but he was so insistent I told him to lay back down, and I’d go get him some. I walked out, and just figured he’d fall back asleep, so I waited outside his room. After a while, he yelled out to ask if I was done. I then realized he just wasn’t going to get back to sleep without pumpkin pie, so I told him to be patient. Since I didn’t have any pumpkin pie, and he didn’t know what it was anyway, I crushed up some graham cracker crumbs and made some banana pudding to put on top of it. He loved his “pumpkin pie,” and happily went back to sleep.

  952. My kids love to go to a In n’ Out, a little hamburger restaurant. It always makes me chuckle to think of how my daughter would refer to it as Up n’ Down. At least she knows her opposite words; just the wrong combo.

  953. My girls are so close in age and everything they do. Alora, my three year old, was mad at me one night and she was whisper yelling at me so she wouldn’t wake up her brother. She’d stomp and shake her arms. Not wanting to be left out Kaydence, two year old, came out, stood my her, and started to do everything Alora was doing. It took everything I had not to laugh and wake up my son!

  954. I have 3 little boys and they can be funny, witty, and gross! LOL Well my little one decided to massage foam hand soap (from the bathroom) all over his head. When he came out of the bathroom and I saw him & asked what he was doing, he replied “Mommy I wanted a foam-hawk”. (he thought it was foam-hawk, instead of fo-hawk.) He smelled really good though!

  955. My daughter loves to play dress up she loves to put on her tutu and dance.

  956. My 2 year old seems to think that whenever he is naughty that giving me a kiss will make me forget about whatever he did. Sadly, I can’t help but fall for it half the time, He is just too cute!

  957. My daughter just turned 3 and came up to me and said mama, I have boobies, you have boobies, ande Uncle Scott has boobies. I laughed for a long time over that one!

  958. These are all too funny! Here’s something from my grown-up son: He and his wife were blessed with triplets last January. A friend of mine sent them a gift of sleepers and included three rattle-type toys. The rattles have two round balls on each end connected by several spindle-y, twisted posts and are bright colors with some floating glitter. I suggested that it would be nice if they included a picture of the babies wearing the outfits when sending the thank you card so she could see them. They did. He posed the babies in the outfits, lying on the floor with heads in the center, little legs pointing out like a star. And on their faces, he laid these bright and sparkly rattles across their eyes, looking just like sunglasses. He titled it, “Getting in touch with their inner Elton John”. Just too cute!!! My friend loved it!

  959. I am currently deployed and haven’t seen my family in 10 months. The last family vacation we took was to Disney World and my son talks about it ALL the time. The last time my son and I Skyped he started to cry. I asked him what was wrong and he said, “I miss you and Mickey Mouse. He’s my best friend.” I guess that’s his way of telling me he wants to go back to Disney when I get home!

  960. My son asked, “why don’t flies wear coats..aren’t they cold too?”

  961. The other day my 5 yr old son says to me: When I grow up I am definitely getting a Bug. I don’t care what color, but I am getting a bug. And when I have a life, I mean a wife, then I’ll get a minivan and when I’m married and have a wife, I will live in Utah.

  962. My 3yr boy fell asleep on the way home from preschool while taking a bite out of a whole apple. I have pic it is hilarious!

  963. When aren’t my kids funny? I have twins and everyday is hilarious. It probably doesn’t seem funny to most people, but my 18 months old twins take off their clothes and their diaper during nap times, so I’ve been duct tape them on, literally, before nap and bedtime. It used to be only the one daughter, for the longest time, but two days ago, I check on them during nap time, mostly because the one who frequently does it was crying (already) from her nap so I quietly go in there to get her, only to find a naked sister, butt up, face-down, sound asleep in her crib! Hilarious! Even though there was some poop on the sheets, and a dirty diaper thrown on the floor, seeing your child buck-naked, bum in the air, sound asleep is pretty funny is you ask me!

  964. I have 4 kids, but my newly turned 2year old is our little family clown. Her new favorite thing to do is bump into us and say in her high pitched voice “ohp! okay??!” She sits with a huge smile on her face and wanting eyes looking at us until we say “yes.” Then she responds “ohp, soooory!”

  965. My husband gave my 2 year old daughter a kiss and said “this is from Grandma (his mom that he had just got off the phone with her)….my daughter licked his cheek and said “this is from Memaw” (my mom) lol…..we thought it was hilarious.

  966. So my neice has an attitude. When she was 5 years old she was struggling getting along with her new step mom. Her grandmother was giving her a bath one night and Kylee was complaining about her step mom. She said to her grandmother, “She thinks she knows everything, and I told her she doesn’t. I told her that there are 3 people that know more than her….Barack Obama, God and Jesus.” Apparently she was learning about the president in Kindergarden. I still laugh and that was over 2 years ago.

  967. My daughter is always making me laugh with words kids don’t usually use. the other day, she told me my hair was “lovely”. It makes me laugh to hear that, and other words she uses that aren’t typical.

  968. The other day, my niece was behaving badly while I was babysitting and I got really frustrated at her.
    I said to her “Amber, why are you being so bad? Can’t you be good today?”
    Her reply “No Aunt Nancy, I can’t be good…it’s too hard!”.
    She cracked me up with that line. Now I use it all the time in my daily life!

  969. I picked my 4 year old from preschool about a week ago, and proceeded to ask him how his day went? “It was GREAT” was the answer! What made it so great? I asked him. “No one peed on me!”

    Oh the little things!

  970. My two year old picked a scab off her nose and then said, “is that better mom?”

  971. Lately, the slightest amount of music makes my 15 month old start dancing! She bounces up and down and moves her hips from side to side. She loves to boogie!! It is adorable!

  972. My son and daughter literally scream at each other in the bath. There is a video on my facebook page, but while a lot of people think it’s super loud, I think it’s hillarious!! They are 1 and almost 3 and they seem to be having a screaming match with each other and they laugh and splash each other. It’s really cute !

  973. My 4 year old daughter and I were practing the sounds of letters and she repeated kept getting a couple of them wrong and finally she just says to me “I’m a little bit mixed up mom.” I thought it was funny!

  974. Everytime I leave the house, my 1 year old will walk over to the door and want a kiss. The funny part is, she won’t just settle for one. I give her a kiss, try to get out the door, she wants another one, I give her another one. Once she got 15 kisses before I was really able to leave. She would play this game all day long!

  975. I made the mistake of keeping all of my sons previous Halloween costumes and buying a few extra throughout the year when they were on sale …. now that Halloween is approaching I have to watch him everyday (literally everyday) put each and everyone of them on as he acts out the movements for each character. It is cute but also very time consuming. But he is becoming a pro in acting he has Iron Man, Spider Man, Transformers, Viking, and Karate Kid.

  976. My 2 year old has started to sit up in his crib every morning when he wakes up, pulls his blanket over his head, and calls for me. I play “where is N?” from the moment I wake up.

  977. One funny thing that my 2 year old has done is when we left a drive thu after I tell the worker ‘thank you’ she shouts–loud enough to be heard by everyone, “THANK YOU DINNER”.

  978. I don’t have a child, but I’m about to be an Aunt for the first time, and I know my Brother and Sister-in-Law would love this. It would really be awesome to give it to them!

  979. My daughter just turned 2 in September. We have two big Weimaraners, who have a kennel. One day I left my daughter outside to play while I came inside to make lunch. When I went to check on her, she had gone into the dog kennel, shut the door, and was dunking her head in the dogs’ water dish! When I opened the door, she told me, “No! Shut it!” and closed the door again, this time with one of my dogs in with her! He looked at me as if to say, “Why did you lock her in here with me? Are you kidding me?” LOL I think she knows the dogs are like kids to us, and she just wants to be like them and do what they do!

  980. I had a baby 7 weeks ago and my 4 year old little boy, curious about the whole nursing process asked, “How do you store the milk and where does it come out.”

  981. The other night when I told my 2 year old son that it was bedtime, he didn’t agree. He turned and said “no thank you, I’m ok”. Really?! I’m not asking you, I’m telling you! Gotta love 2 year olds!

  982. My son is 20 months. He just really started talking last month. He picked up Daddy’s cell phone from the counter, said “hi talk to momma”. It’s so funny when they pick up on what you say and do!

  983. In our church building the walls have a rough carpet about halfway up them. Since I 6 month old like to scratch things I held him up to the wall. At just the touch of it he starts gagging. It is the funniest thing I have seen!

  984. Went to the ER to get hamburger removed from his nose.

  985. My husband falls up the stairs pretty regularly. One of the last times he did this, my 4-year old girl said, “Dad I will teach you to go up the stairs. Watch me, it’s easy.” She then proceeded to show him how to walk up the stairs without falling. Meanwhile, my husband was trying not to laugh his head off!

  986. My 2 1/2 year old daughter loves to play with her little brother, who is 7 months. The other day, they were giggling like crazy, so I went to investigate. She was playing “hide and seek” with him. He was laying on the floor in front of her while she counted to 13, (skipping the number 2, then adding number 5 at the end). When she opened her eyes, of course he was still there, so she just gave him a raspberry on his back. They were giggling hysterically and I had to laugh.

  987. My 5 yr old daughter has recently taken to asking me “Do I need to illustrate that for you?”

  988. I have to laugh my head off all the time about my 1 year old. He is constantly in to things. One morning after we had all had breakfast we went to lay down…just just unwind……I hadn’t seen Dane for a while…and so when I wen out to check on him…he had a whole tub of Nestle Quick Chocolate milk power all over the table and all over the floor! It was EVERYWHERE…and there little finger tracks showing where he had played in it…making his own race track. He too was covered in chocolate. I grabbed my camera before we cleaned it up and when he saw me the first thing he said to me was “tub tub?” I had to laugh…..and still do!!

  989. My 1 year old is potty training. When she fills a line with stickers on the potty chart I give her a pkg of Smarties. She is still learning how to say her “s” sound and she calls the Smarties, Farties. It’s cute until you’re out in public and she’s shouting, “Mommy I need to go potty! I need Farties!”

  990. I am preganant with a brother my little boy. Yesterday he said he wanted to play with his brother, and I told him he wasn’t ready to play yet. My little boy’s response was “Will you tell him to hurry up!” Such a silly guy.

  991. My wifes grandmother was passing last summer and we drove up to see her and say good by. I work for a hospice and am fair;y comfortable with death and our personal beliefs help us see it as a temporary separation and sad time. Actually I like to celebrate life and legacy. Anyway’s, on the the way there we talked with the kids about it. Ally, 6 then, said “if we hurry then we can get there in time to see grandma fly to heaven!”

    A week later as we left the cemetery, Emma who was 3 then, shoot up in the car and yelled,”STOP! We left grandma in that hole!”

  992. I just found my 20 month old daughter in the bathtub (empty of course), coloring all over the walls and herself with a red bath crayon!!

  993. My three year old was sitting on the potty and had gotten a hold of some markers and decided to camouflage himself by coloring his legs and arms. He wanted to be hidden and he thought that would work! Needless to say, it was a picture moment!

  994. My 2yr old son has recently started going in any empty (of people) room in the house with his “night night” (blanket) and laying down on the floor with it. He works really hard to get it to cover every inch of him (from head to toe) and then just lays there quietly completely covered. Weird… and SO nice to have some peace and quiet. 🙂

  995. My 17 month old son fell and got stitch in between his eyes, then two days later we were in the waiting room at the doctors office and he ran into a counter and got a huge goose egg on his side of his forehead, then 2 days later he got his head stuck in the railing by our stairs and I had to use butter to get it out. None of these were funny at the time…But now it is so funny. I have my hands full.

  996. My 6 year asked me, “Mom,…God and Mary Poppins live in the clouds huh?!”

  997. Every time Micky Mouse Club comes on she will turn quickly around to look at the tv and smile and giggle.

  998. We were in line at Dicks Sporting Goods last night and as we were in the check out he kept saying he was hungry so my husband replies “Colton you just ate” and I was like, “We are leaving now, you can have a snack at home.” I looked at my husband and said to him quietly..”I think he see’s the candy..” Colton looks up to us both and says “I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT SEE THAT CANDY! (slowly turning and staring RIGHT AT IT)” He thought he could pull one off on us!

  999. My 3 daughter has an outfit that say A is for Adorable on the shirt. She wasn’t wanting to wear it and we were trying to tell her that she should because it says A is for Adorable and she is Adorable, she was getting mad and started to throw a fit. My 8 year old son said, “That may say A is for Adorable, but it should say A is for AHORRIBLE” It was pretty funny 🙂

  1000. My 2 year old sticks a cup against her mouth and sucks it in making it stick to her face. Very funny!

  1001. I was explaining to my 2 year old that Grandpa is my daddy. He got really frustrated and looked at me and said, “NO! He’s Grandma’s!” I guess in a 2 year old’s eyes Grandpa does belong to Grandma. 🙂

  1002. My son thinks he is so little he calls himself fish bait LOL

  1003. my son just learned how to give when he wants a kiss and you arent paying attention he will grab your hair pull you forward and makes sure you know he is giving you a kiss haha its so cute

  1004. My 3 year old told me (just out of the blue) that all of his grandpas have big butts! He was so serious about it and it just came from outta nowhere.

  1005. My older son, who is two, was just making animal noises to me (moo, neigh, etc) then started saying zebra, zebra. He didn’t know what noise a zebra made so it’s obvious they just say their name over and over.

  1006. My 5 year old daughter wants to get a bra. She holds up a training bra, but it still has somewhat of a cup in it. I told her that’s too big & she said, it’s ok, I’ll put toilet paper in it like “Sheena”. A cousin of her’s. Luv it! I almost died laughing.

  1007. My little one is 13months old, she is a hoot. While visiting my niece, who was in he bedroom, my daughter tells her “Get”, my niece looks at her and says “No, you get”. My daughter turns around and leaves. My daughter gets this word get from my mom who tells the dog to get.

  1008. Yesterday my 2 year old was in the soon to be born baby’s room and I asked him what he was doing and he said “monkey is crying mama” and I went in and he had the monkey in the baby swing and was rocking it. 🙂

  1009. When my daughter was little and someone would say tell her “thank you” instead of saying “your welcome” she would say “very much”. So Cute! I never corrected her because I didn’t ever want her to stop saying it.

  1010. I went outside with my son the other day and he asked me to turn down the sun because it was too shiney.

  1011. While driving down the road yesterday someone honked (not at me) and my daughter turned around and said “Don’t honk at my mom, you big road hog!” It’s so cute that they stick up for us!

  1012. My 2year old plays airplane with his food all by himself, noises, actions and all.

  1013. My 5 year old said to me last week, “Momma, I don’t want to go to church, I will yell and be a bad boy. You should let me stay home and you too and I will be a good boy here”. Once he was talked into going i noticed his hair smelled like chocolate, I asked him why and he said, “I couldn’t find my spike stuffs you use so I used the hand stuffs” which meant…he just used the bath and body works tootsie rool antibacterial gel to do his hair instead.

  1014. My four year old has a big imagination. We live by a farm and he says that the six cows are his. Three are named Luke and the other three Shiny. He is so funny.

  1015. Well I don’t know how funny it is cuz sometimes he pees on the floor but my 18 mo old takes off his diaper and runs around the house saying ” nakey nakey” and laughs.

  1016. My husband was growing out a mustache as a joke for a ragnar relay. One day he was holding our 3-year-old (who was in need of a haircut) while he was examining his dad’s face. Our son grabbed his cheeks and said “we need to cut my hair–we need to cut your face!”

  1017. My girls are always doing something funny or silly, this morning my daughter thought it would be fun to bite the glitter water baton and set the glitter free, all she did was make a mess and get herself in trouble

  1018. We were at the park playing after a huge rainstorm. As soon as we got to the park, my son Porter (16 months) ran over to the swings where the dirt under the swing had turned completely muddy!! For some reason Porter thought it would be fun to stick his head in the mud. He bent over in half and had in his head in the mud for over a minute. All I could do was laugh and take pictures. Silly little boy!!

  1019. My 4 year old tried to crawl under the stroller in to the little basket on our way home from dropping his older brother off at school

  1020. Nothing yet. He or she is only the size of a kidney bean 🙂

  1021. My 2 year old just discovered how to make silly faces. She’ll make one at me & I’ll make it back to her and it just cracks us both up!

  1022. My two year old is a social butterfly he will talk to anybody and everybody. Walking down the ayle at the grocery store he tells everyone “HI” and ask everyone “What ya doing”. I’m sure that he has made quite a few older ladies days!

  1023. My 3 1/2 yr old just came in and asked me if he could have a cookie where his Granndma works.. Then he comes back and says mom they are all tied up…. He is a funny funny kid… Makes me laugh everyday. 🙂

  1024. My 3 year said to me the other day “Mommy I am getting BIG BIG BIG” LOL she always says the funniest and cutest things 🙂

  1025. My 18 month old didn’t want to get ready for bed last night so “hid” from Daddy. She came from her bedroom into the kitchen where I was, walked behind me, laid down on the floor (face down), and covered her head. She really thought that he wouldn’t find her as she couldn’t see him anymore.

  1026. Yesterday my daughter got 6 immunizations and the flu shot. Obviously, she was not happy about it. She continued to cry even after I picked her up, but as soon as the nurse gave her a sucker, she never made another sound. Sugar makes everything better!

  1027. My son used to pronounce the word “girls” really cute. He’d say “grillows”. So I had just buckled him into his car seat and turned on the car and the Shania Twain song, “I Feel Like a Woman” was just starting. Before she sings she says, “Let’s go girls!” and I heard my son from the back seat say, “Let’s go grillows!” Totally cracked me up. It’s become a standard saying in our family now when it’s time to go somewhere.

  1028. My 20 month old loves her grandma and grandpa and often when we are out she will see other older people and say “grandma” or “grandpa”…… occasionally she will say it to someone not quite old enough to fit the tittle…..

  1029. Every time he passes gas he shouts toot!.

  1030. Both my kids, last night, decided it would be fun to dance around a ball, kick it, then fall down on the floor as they were laughing hysterically over it.. It was so much fun seeing them playing, and it made me laugh just as hard as they were because they were having so much fun!

  1031. My daughter recently had a part in our primary program, they had to practice their parts in primary. She had her part memorized already. Keep in mind she is three, so a sunbeam, she gets up to say her part. And they asked if she needed help. She holds up her hands and says Wait a minute, wait a minute it’s loading….. All the teachers and leaders busted up laughing. She sure is a character. She keeps us laughing, that was a very fun story.

  1032. My two year old was talking to her Nanna on the phone asking for a ride to her house. Nanna asked if she had takin her nap so she could come over, she replied and said “I took a big nap! When I woke up my mom said HEY go back to bed!”

  1033. Last year, my mother-in-law spent three months in the hospital waiting for a heart transplant before she passed away. We made trips every week to the hospital and spent a lot of time there with the family. We did the best we could to explain what was happening to our then 3 yr old daughter (she turns 4 tomorrow! Yay!). One day while my sister was lying on the couch, my daughter proceeded to “cut” her chest open and work on her. “What are you doing Tess?!” “Megan, hold still. I’m getting you a new heart. Your’s is sick.” It sure made us laugh during a tough time!

  1034. The other day when my 2-month-old woke up, I was playing with her when her 3-year-old brother came in and started making funny noises and being silly. She laughed for the first time then started crying because her laugh scared her. It was so cute and funny at the same time.

  1035. my triplets are 17 years old today, it would be fun to win the stroller and play a joke on them that we are going to have a baby! (but in reality I would give the stroller to a relitive who is expecting!)

  1036. My 3 year old daughter walked into the room the other day and announced “All is well!” I realized that I must say that a lot but never realized it! I have a 10 month old and would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that stroller!!!!!!!

  1037. While we were still expecting our newborn a couple weeks ago my 18 month old loved to push her baby stroller around the house and stick her belly out as far as it would go to look like her mommy.. haha.

  1038. We had a baby 6 weeks ago and our 3 year old was saying his prayers and said, “Bless Baby Jackson to stop crying…”! What’s even funnier is our baby doesn’t even cry that much!

  1039. Hiding his vitamins instead of taking them.

  1040. My 23 month old usually calls for me from her crib when she wakes up in the morning — “mama!” Well yesterday when she woke up, she called out “Hey buddies, come watch me!” Lol. Mom and Dad are her buddies I guess! Hoping she thinks that forever. 🙂

  1041. My newly three year olds name is Grey and I have always called him Grey Grey for cute. When he was two people would ask him his name and he would say Grey Grey. I would explain to him “It’s one Grey” So then he would actually tell people My name is “One Grey” cracked me up every time!! Kids are so literal!

  1042. We are teaching my son his full name and his middle name is his dad’s first name. So when I asked him his name his response was Caden Daddy Spencer.LOL!

  1043. My 2 1/2 year old son was with my husband running errands. He had a lemonade that he was being messy with so my husband took it away. My son said dad…. I am really mad at you right now, and I think you need a time out!

  1044. My two year old has a Mohawk. Whenever I gel it up he looks in the mirror with a big grin and says,”And Momma! Thank you for the moe-cock. It cool momma. Thank you. …hilarious.

  1045. My daughter calls all her dolls her “kids” and tucks them in for their naps. We have our halloween decorations out, which includes a glow in the dark skeleton head. The other day I asked my daughter if she was ready to go somewhere and she said that she first had to go tuck in her new “kid”. She proceded to get the skeleton head, lay it on a pillow on our couch, and then covered it up to it’s chin with a blanket. It looked rather silly being that it was only a head.

  1046. We were in church last week and my almost 2-year-old mistook the speaker who said “quorum of the seventy” for saying “stinky”. We didn’t even know he was listening, but he started laughing hysterically and kept saying “Stinky!”

  1047. Me and the family were in talking with our bishop when out of nowhere my 4 year old daughter says, “I fart out my butt!”. Yeah a bit embarrassing lol.

  1048. My little girl is 16 mo. and has discovered a LOVE of the slide on our swingset! When we sit her at the top of the slide she’ll just push off herself and fly down the slide. It’s so CUTE – it’s funny to me that she can do it and not be scared!!

  1049. My cute little 7-month-old has started discovering her hands. She will suddenly stop what she is doing, wave her hand in the air, move it around & continue playing. She continues this cycle every 10-minutes. Love her & the new things that she discovers everyday. 🙂

  1050. A new working stroller would be great!! Just yesterday my 19 month old daughter was sitting on my lap. She leaned back and put her hands right behind her head and started doing crunches!!! What 19 month old does crunches…. She is so silly.

  1051. My little boy loves to sing children’s songs he has learned. One song in particular is titles ” My Daddy is my favorite Pal”, but my son likes to sing ” My Daddy is my favorite pet”. My husband and I laugh every time we hear it 🙂

  1052. We were on our way home the other evening when we saw some deer in a field by our house. Two of them were running….following each other! My daughter says “Look Mom, those two are playing tag” It really did look as if they were!! We got a good chuckle out of that!!!

  1053. My 2-year-old and I were on our way to pick up her older sisiter from school.
    me: “Okay Addy, let’s go get Kylie from school!”
    Addy: “Oh, no (sad face) we probably lost her :-(”
    She cracks me up!

  1054. Occasionally my 3 yr. old daughter will try to use my computer. I’ll find her sitting at the computer moving the mouse around and pushing buttons. I’ll ask her what she’s doing and she says, “Mom, I’m just websitting.” 🙂

  1055. This happened last week. My almost 2 year old son came up to me with his hand raised and said, “mama, look, look!” I then held out my hand to only have him drop the nastiest dead spider into it. I am DEATHLY afraid of spiders. After my screaming fit all he had to say was “Mommy silly goose!” In between fits of laughter! I have my hands quite full when he gets older. 🙂

  1056. So my husband is trying to teach my little two year old how to speak spanish. So He was helping her say a blessing on the food and it was absolutely hilarious to here her try and say the words in spanish. So now when ever some one else pray she just keeps saying “Christ AMEN” over and over. it is so funny!!

  1057. My little girl loves to make up nonsensical knock knock jokes and then laugh hysterically.

  1058. I had taken the pacifier away from my 13 month old daughter that morning when she woke up. We were going to totally stop using it that day so I hid all of them so she wouldn’t see them and want one. I went dowstairs to do some llaundry and when I came back the diaper bag was tore up and she was sitting there with her paci in her mouth “reading” a book. It was so funny and cute how could I get mad. I let her have it until that night.

  1059. The other day I was cutting up some apples to go with my boys lunches. I asked my Milo, who is 4 if he wanted some apple slices and he said ” I don’t eat those, they are made from monkey farts.”. I told him he was a silly. Milo said ” No, I am made of ninja farts, and if I fart you are going down, down, down.”

  1060. My daughter doesn’t like to be dirty, so when she pooped in the bathtub for the first time she lost it! she started freaking out, climbing up the walls yelling “mom! mom!” . It was hilarious! a little piece would float near her and she would try to run away or pick up both feet out of the water. My husband and i were rolling on the floor.

  1061. My 2 year old has recently started coming to me and saying “what’s wrong with you mom?” I have no idea how come she thinks something is wrong, but it’s sure cute!

  1062. This year we’ve actually decorated for Halloween and put spider webs and spiders in my 4 year old son’s room. We had one more spider to hang up on his blinds and as him, me, and my 16 month old girl were walking down the hall we were talking about how Dad was going to run away screaming when he saw the decorations. As soon as we walked in the door baby girl threw down her binkie, put her hands on her chest and screamed! She stayed frozen for a few seconds, with her mouth in an “O” pretending to be scared then pointed out all the spiders. It was so funny to see a little baby who doesn’t talk act out being scared!

  1063. My one year old has started to learn to talk and follow what I do.. Example.. Everytime I put hot food on his high chair, I blow on it and tell him that it is hot. So now everytime he sees food, he says “hot” thinking that “hot” means food. Its soo cute. When he gets hungry, He whispers “hot” is this low soft voice like I do when I put food on his tray. It makes everyone laugh, and its pretty funny!

  1064. Yesterday my 4 year old gasped and pointed to her 2 year old brother. It took me a second, but upon careful inspection I saw a VERY large spider on my son’s chest. I quickly (and calmly, so we wouldn’t have the whole house freaking out) brushed it off of him. When he saw it on the floor he said, “Oh!! A FLY!!” Haha…I WISH it was just a fly 🙂

  1065. We recently drove from Utah to Arizona in the middle of the night. My 3 y-o daughter had to go potty, but we were in the middle of nowhere and when we finally did find a gas station, it was closed. So I told her, “Just let me know if you need me to pull over and you can go on the side of the ride.” “She immediately started crying, “No, no, I’m going to get tashed!” We thought she said “splashed” and we assured her that she would not get splashed. “No siwy! I’ll get in a tar tash! It will wip my arm off!” Poor thing was very distraught over the idea and was sure she would get hit by a car. After a successful stop on the side of the road in the pitch black, she now knows that she won’t get hit by a car, and I now know that helping a little girl relieve her bladder sans toilet is a near to impossible feat!

  1066. My dgtr told me she can see so good because her eyes are short.

  1067. My 22 month old now calls my husband by his first name, its super funny because he is so serious when he does it!

  1068. Ive been writing letters back and forth with my daughter as the tooth fairy. It is very sweet but the conversation has turned very silly. I write tiny little notes written very small.

  1069. My almost 2 year old thinks that when we say “pickle” we’re saying “tickle”. So he starts tickling his tummy or toes when we ask if he wants a pickle!!

  1070. My baby loves doing a crazy head shake while running around to get people o laugh.

  1071. We call one of our kids bug and I was talking to my baby and saying she must have gotten a bug bit and my oldest told her sister not to bit the baby. lol.

  1072. Just the other day as I was trying some clothes on in a dressing room, my daughter yells “Mommy you nakey” I hope other people didn’t hear her, even though embarrassing, it was pretty funny.

  1073. My 3 year old’s new phrase is, “You wanna Pickle for a Nickle?” He’s our little rascal! 🙂

  1074. My almost 2 yr-old loves Baseball and for months had been asking to turn “the game” on TV whenever Dad got home. We had no idea he was studying the players. He lifts up his leg every time he throws a ball (pitcher), squats when someone is throwing a ball to him (catcher), and hits the floor with his bat, then circles it around when ready to hit a ball (batter).

  1075. My baby is only 5 month old and she loves to suck her toes. The other day I went in to check on her while she was napping and she was asleep with her toes in her mouth!

  1076. My almost two year old was up late from taking a late nap. When I told him to go to bed he said, “No bed. I onry!” Then smiled and started laughing. It was hilarious!!!

  1077. My 4 year old son crawled in bed with my husband. My husband told him to go sleep in his bed my son said ” but were buddies dad remember we go every where together”. So my husband thought that was so cute and let him fall asleep by him 🙂

  1078. My two year old daughter hates clothes. And lately when I ask her why she is naked she has a different reason. The first one was because I want to play with this toy!! The second one was because big people don’t wear clothes ( I have no idea where she came up with that one) and the one she used today was because she wanted to go to sleep. I enjoy asking her to see what reason she will give me next it is always a surprise with her.

  1079. My little one has taken to “hugging” stuffed animals on his shoulder – you can say hug and he’ll give it a squeeze by his head. He was shaking a bottle of vitamins the other day, said hug, and gave it a little squeeze too!

  1080. This is according to my grandaughter Maddie’s mommy. “Maddie comes running with the package of hot dogs and I say “Ew!” (I hate hot dogs) and Maddie says “It’s not gusting! It’s tasty!” I love her 🙂 But I’m still not going to eat a hot dog….”

  1081. I’m asking my little guy what he wants for breakfast and telling him I won’t go down until he tells me what he wants. To this he replies, “Mom why are you being so dramatic?” He’s 3. Don’t know where he even learned that word.

  1082. My 19th month old girl is starting to talk all the time now and we were listening to the radio and this song came on and the chorus was saying “lias, lias, lias whoa” and she sang the chorus totally clear it was so funny 🙂

  1083. My little 17-month -old boy has started dancing when he hears music. It starts with his little arm moving, and then he moves his shoulders and his legs, it’s so cute!!

  1084. My 4yr old was obsessed with wanting a pocket knife…so we finally gave in and bought him one. First thing he does is cut his finger. So, we took it away for a little while then before giving it back to him we told him if he cuts his finger again do not complain or cry to us about it, you have to be careful. So he was totally on board. Literally 5min later I saw him grabbing his finger, but not crying at that point. Soon he says, “mom, I’m trying so hard to be tough, but can I please cry, it hurts really bad.”

  1085. My 18 month old likes to mimic our dog. She goes by his dish bowl, gets down on all fours and eats out of his dish bowl like a doggy lol!

  1086. Last night while trying to get out of going to bed my 4 year old son said “But Mom I am nocturnal!”

  1087. My two year old was eating dinner with me last night and said “Mommy, thats delicious!” haha How does he know that word! He is barely two! Thank you nick jr?? I thought it was pretty funny.

  1088. While waiting in the car to pick up a sister from school, we were stuck in a downpour. My 3 year old, with a deep look of contemplation asked, “Mom is Jesus peeing when it rains.” She was so serious and I didn’t want to hurt her feelings but it took all the strength I had not to laugh at her comment.

  1089. I got back from samsclub… Had just bought a big pack of tampons. My 2 yr old some how managed to open up almost every one. I asked her “what are you doing”? She replied “treats”… Not exactly… Ha ha

  1090. This keeps saying its a duplicate comment… Wierd, anyway we got back from samsclub… Had just bought a big pack of tampons. My 2 yr old some how managed to open up almost every one. I asked her “what are you doing”? She replied “treats”… Not exactly… Ha ha

  1091. Hey daughter insists on calling her dad by his name… she is only 2 and instead of saying “daddy!” she says “chase!!” and she also calls me sissy, I have younger brothers that call me sissy so thats what she calls me too… not mommy and daddy, chase and sissy! haha its hilarious!

  1092. My little girl just called her Grandma old last night because she could see the veins in her hand 😉

  1093. My one year old grabbed her halloween costume and tried to put it on her baby doll

  1094. We were preparing to go on vacation and my daughter says, “Guys, it is going to take a lot of gas to get there.”

  1095. My daughter dressed up in her brothers school clothes to tease him and then ran through the sprinklers wearing them.

  1096. My 10 yr old likes to exclaim each time we go over a Dam Rd. that she is in a hurry to get to the Other Dam side!

  1097. The other night my 9month old daughter was playing blocks with her 3 year old brother. After an hour worth of playing he got tired and decided to lay down and relax. She realized he stopped playing and did a turbo crawl over to him and dove right on him…and wouldn’t get off, they both just laughed and laughed. I guess she wasn’t done playing with him. It was really funny 🙂

  1098. My 4 year-old caught me with a spoonful of peanut butter the other day. She had a puzzled look on her face and I said, “What?” I let her have one too.
    Later, I caught her with a spoonful of peach jam. Just before I could ask her what she was doing, she shrugged her shoulders and said, “What?”
    She’s so much like me it’s scary.

  1099. My little 8-month old Penny started screaming along to Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant” song two days ago. She sings it in tune too! She sings, “Ah-ah-ah-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”. I thought it was funny. 🙂

  1100. I was changing my 5 1/2 month old little girl the other day on her changing table and since she loves to move around and grab the baby powder, wipes and other things that we keep on the shelf when changing her we have to move them or it takes a decade to get the diaper on…anyways I had moved everything to the very end of the shelf where she can’t reach and she took her feet and grabbed the bag of cottonballs and used her feet to bring them to her hands, it was the funniest thing and not to mention smart. She did the same thing to her dad! It’s amazing how they figure stuff out on their own in just a short amount of time!!

  1101. We recently went to a funeral and our 3 year old went with us. Our friend that passed away wanted his funeral to be a party. So in the room of the viewing there was a pinata. When we got into the viewing room my 3 year old son saw the pinata and yelled, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” We’re pretty sure that our friend who had passed away was laughing somewhere just as hysterically as the rest of us were!

  1102. My 3 year old son is autistic, so he has had major delays in speech and motor skills. He just recently started spontaneously saying things that he remembers previously hearing. Well, every night before bed I give him a kiss good night and tell him “I love you”. He has never said I love you back. But, the other day my husband was leaving for work, and I kissed him and told him “I love you”, well he responded with “I love you too”. I didn’t think our son was paying attention, but he walked up to us and said “I love you three”. Apparently he does pay attention when we’re practicing numbers. It cracked us both up and definitely made us feel good!

  1103. My three year old daughter was in our basement playing when she suddenly started screaming. I ran to her and found her pointing at our window well where a man was cleaning out all of the leaves and plants. “Mom,” she said, “there’s a giant in our window!” So funny!

  1104. My husband put a password on our computer because our 5 yr old loves to get on youtube and watch videos when we aren’t watching. The other day my husband walked in and she was trying to figure out the password. She said “I know the password… It’s I-N-C-O-R-R… That’s all I remember so far.” When she would type in the password it would say The password is incorrect, so she thought incorrect was the password!

  1105. My daughter was upset one day. She grabbed my cell phone and opened the front door. I asked her where she was going and she said that she was going to call one of her uncles to come and pick her up to take her to her mom!

  1106. I told my 6-yr-old to be careful not to knock over a tower of blocks his little sister had just built. I said if he did, I would kick his butt. 😉 Quite a few hours later, I was dusting and accidentally knocked over the blocks. He casually said, “Well it looks like you’ll have to kick your own butt now!” Hahaha!

  1107. Berklie asked me to read her a story, last night. It was late and we were in my bedroom, with no children books in site. So, I said, “I can’t read you a story. We don’t have any books.” She replied, “No! Read it with your MOUTH!” (Which I knew meant TELL me a story…..not READ me a story) 🙂
    PS. I want that stroller soooo bad!!!

  1108. My 2 1/2 year old daughter always comes up with the funniest things to say….

    The other day we were eating at Chili’s, and she had to go to the bathroom. I was feeding the baby, so my husband decided to take her to the men’s room, thinking there wouldn’t be anyone in there anyway. So she was sitting on the toilet, and the stalls are so small that my husband couldn’t fit in there with her, so he had the door open and was standing there with her. She ended up having to go #2, so they were there for a while, and every guy that came in she would look at then and say: “Hey… you gotta go potty?” My husband was totally embarassed 🙂

  1109. I’m currently pregnant with my first child, so MY child hasn’t done anything yet. But, my 3 year old niece was with me at walmart recently, she began walking a little too far ahead and I asked her to slow down. She turned around, stuck her finger out at me, and stated “Settle down!” What a sassy pants!! I could really use this stroller for my little one! Thanks for the chance to win!

  1110. I took my 19 mo old daughter for a walk around the pond and leaf picking yesterday. She picked the ugliest leaves you have ever seen, collected them in her stroller, and pushed it around the path. She oohed and aahed over every sad, brown, hole-ridden leaf.

  1111. A few months ago when our 5th child was born our 4th, who was 17 months at the time, had to have the baby lay by him so he would lay down to take a nap. He literally licked him all over his head like a momma cat licking her baby until he fell asleep. The baby’s head would be sopping wet. The baby is almost 6 months old now and his now almost 2 year old brother still calls him Baby. 🙂 I love my kids!

  1112. The current funny thing (if you’re not the one feeding her) my baby will do is fill her mouth up with milk from her bottle, then spit it all out to announce she’s done.

  1113. I have 3 children and i made the mistake for time concerns to bath my daughter and my son was in there waiting his turn as im washing her hair he screams mommy call doctor. What why i turned around allie tail broken we gotta call dr to fix it.

  1114. I have a 20 month old little boy. He is starting to talk and his new favorite word is “bubble. ” He loves to take bubble baths in the morning so he’ll run to the bath saying, “bubble bubble bubble.” Over and over again. He reminds me of the fish on the movie Nemo, in the tank at the dentist office who loves bubbles and has that accent and everytime the box opens bubbles come out and he swims to it repeating bubble!

  1115. My hubby and I are trying to have another baby and my 6 year old said “I’ll know that you’re going to have a baby when you get fat.” Thanks sweetie.

  1116. Lately my son has just been saying very grown up, funny statements that I wouldn’t expect a 3 year old to say or understand. Last night I said to him “Dawson, I think you should come get a bite of dinner” and his response was “I don’t know about that.” Also any time I ask him to throw his sisters diaper away he responds with “OHH ME gotta be Kidding ME!”

  1117. This morning, my son found the camera and I now have about 20 pictures of his face.

  1118. I gave my kindergarten son 5 quarters so he could buy popcorn at his school for the next 5 weeks. (I am about to have a baby and I just didn’t want to forget, so I thought I was being prepared!) Well when I went to pick him up he had a huge Target bag. When I asked him what was in it, he said that he bought 5 bags of popcorn because he had 5 quarters! I guess we are set with popcorn for the weekend!

  1119. I realized recently that I don’t call my husband by his first name very much. Evidenced by the fact that when my little 2 year old boy wants something he calls, “Honey! Honey!” to my husband in the next room!

  1120. My child is only 3 months, so this is nothing original or too funny, but it is great fun for us! He’s recently discovering the art of “peek-a-boo.” I will cover his face and then then pull away the blanket and he just giggles. I love it. What a great, easy game!

  1121. I told my daughter to find a costume and she came up in a hand-me-down chicken costume, saying bawk, bawk!

  1122. My three year old asked me what was the owie on my 8 month old’s chest. When I responded that they were her boobies, the 3 year old (also a girl) gasped and said, “boobies, I want those for Christmas!!” I was hoping we wouldn’t have to have these conversations for a couple more years!

  1123. My son thinks it is hilarious to act out the song “no monkeys jumping on the bed”. each time the monkey falls off and bumps his head, he pretends to “bump” his head on the bed and he laughs for about 10 seconds before getting up to do it all over it. it just warms up my heart to see a song make my son so happy every time! 🙂

  1124. I was printing some recipes off and my little boy that is 17 months started doing doing a dance to the rhythm of the printer. It was hilarious!

  1125. My 2 year old is quickly learning the word no. Everytime she does something she knows she shouldn’t be doing she will look at me and shake her finger and say “no, no, no…”. She pretty funny.

  1126. My 7 month old just started army crawling…I think it’s the cutest thing!

  1127. Just had parent conferences for my oldest. Her teacher showed me her writing sample from the first day of school, where she wrote that she likes “hores” and swimming! What a missing “S” can do!

  1128. When my daughter was about 10 months, she would dance to me singing/saying “Dance dance dance …dance dance dance..”. It was the cutest thing, she would bounce up and down and throw in a little shake here and there. …if only I would have recorded it. =/

  1129. My 4 year old son: “Mom, There’s a snake out there and it sticked it’s tongue at me…but it’s not being naughty…it’s nice. It just has a tongue problem.”

  1130. This would be so great. I lent my good stroller to my sister who just had a baby and it’s left me with a not-so-good stroller. I would LOVE this.

  1131. I was at an important meeting after hours and had to take my four year old, Half way through he leaned over and asked do you think we can all sing a song together? I thought it was so sweet and simple…

  1132. My daughter asks me “Daddy, how do you draw c-c-c-strawberry?” Time to teach her what sound letters other than “c” make

  1133. My 4 and 2 year old boys do anything to make their baby sister laugh. Watching them make funny faces or hear the funny sounds they make, and then hearing her laugh (if they’re successful) makes me smile. 🙂

  1134. My son is learning all the sounds animals make. He does the noises in a very quiet voice, but when we got to the Goat he said MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA in the loudest voice I have ever heard from him. I couldn’t stop laughing and I think I have found his new favorite animal.

  1135. my little boy has just discovered how to open the fridge and to my surprise that little munchkin all the strawberries spread all over my floor and he was sampling one at a time! LOL
    about a minute ago LikeUnlike.

  1136. I told my 2 year old that I was pregnant and there was a baby in my tummy. He told me he wanted to be in my tummy too. How do you explain to a 2 year old that once your out you don’t go back in. lol

  1137. My son was watching me nurse the baby and he grabbed his stuffed dog. He said he was going to feed the dog. I thought he was going to grab a bowl to feed the dog. Instead, he lifted up his shirt and started to “feed” the dog!!!

  1138. Whenever my 20 month old son sees a picture of a frog – he immediately stops and turns to stick his tongue out. We’ve been working on sign language but haven’t come across one for a frog – so he made up this one on his own – it’s really cute!

  1139. My husband sat down last night to turn on the tv. My 2 yr. old couldn’t believe it when he turned on the news. She turns, grasps his face between her hands, presses hers nose to his and shaking with apparent fury she exclaims, “What do you think you doing?!” Then walks away shaking her head.

  1140. We were in church a couple of weeks ago and my two year old was talking in a very loud voice. After a couple of minutes of trying to get him to whisper I told told him he better not say another word. He immediately looked at me with puppy dogs eyes and went “ruff ruff”. He then proceed act like a puppy during the rest of the meeting.

  1141. my 3 year old doesnt really know how to pronounce her uncles name yet (armando) so when she calls him she says “ano” which in spanish is “anus”.

    one day when my daughter me and her dad were taking a shower she looked at her dad and asked him what was the thing he had between his legs and he told her that it was his birdy. she already knows what girls have but not what guys have so she was so curious when she saw. and when her dad told her it was his birdie all she said was “where is mommys birdy” and her dad thought it would be funny to tell her that mine fell off and that i lost it so she got down on all fours and was looking down the drain yelling “birdy, birdy my mommy wants you” it was hillarious.

  1142. My 3 year old takes my face in her hands and tell me to look into her eyes. Once I have made eye contact, she says, “Mommy, you’re so pretty!”

  1143. My father took my kids to the Touch a Truck in SLC last weekend and a woman started talking to my 4 year old about poisons. She had him play a game to identify poisons where the good things went on smiley faces and the poisons went on frowny faces. He was doing pretty good but then he got to carrots. Without a moment’s hesitation, he took the carrots and stuck it right on a frowny face. The woman said,
    “oh carrots are good for you!” He replied, “I don’t like them so they’re poison.” I don’t think I will be able to convince him any time soon that he should eat carrots!!

  1144. Our son caught the only fish on our fishing expedition with his $10 Cars fishing pole, outdoing the ugly sticks. He was so proud of himself and so disappointed in the rest of us!

  1145. My daughter just celebrated her 1st birthday. On the morning of her birthday, my husband and I woke her up singing the “Happy Birthday” song. She got the biggest smile on her face, and then signed “more” so we sang it again…about 20 times! 🙂

  1146. I have twin little girls and I guess I have said “Oh Cute” to many times with them. Now whenever they see something they think is cute, or they think the other girl is looking cute that day all we here is “Oh toot” over and over again!

  1147. I love when my son asks if we can go to daddy’s home…his work. I remind him that daddy lives at our house, but he apparently doesn’t see the connection. Its funny to me, but daddy doesn’t think so. BTW…my husband doesn’t work more than the average husband or anything, he just isn’t home as much during the day. 🙂

  1148. My daughter says “realllly” very sarcastic after every comment I make! she just started this!

  1149. The little girl that I tend and I were making cookies the other day and she was sitting up on the counter. She tooted and I asked her “What was that?” She replied “My bum burped”. I thought I would die laughing.

  1150. Kate: “Mom, what happens if you die at Disneyland?”
    Hannah: “You end up becoming one of the kids on Small World.”
    I couldn’t have come up with a better answer than that. 🙂

  1151. my little 3 yr. old told me that a lady that was pregnant in a magazine looked like a “puffer” fish!

  1152. My son is 6 months old and my niece is 10 months.They are together all the time … They make noises with their mouths back and forth by blowing through their pursed lips that sounds kind of like fart noises. It’s hilarious because they seem to understand exactly what the other one is trying to say and respond back. Just the noise itself cracks me up, but they both started doing it and makes it even more hilarious!

  1153. My three year old asked if he was going to take a nap later that day. I said probably, but he said,” it really isn’t necessary!” He just kills me when he comes up with this big vocabulary!

  1154. My two year old loves the song “Tonight” by Hot Chelle Rae. She was singing it today and sang, “even the white kids.” That’s way funny if you know the song.

  1155. The other day my four year old got up while I was nursing the baby in my bed. When I came out he was nowhere to be found. I started getting nervous and then he jumps out from the side of the couch and yells, “roar”. It was the best! And yes I could write a book. My kids are HILARIOUS!!! How I love them!

  1156. Last night on ABC News they did a story on a construction dad who fulfilled a promise he made to his daughter when she was little that he would make her wedding dress. After watching the story my husband turned to our 15 month old little girl and asked “Payton, can I make your wedding dress when you get married?”. Without hesitation she looked at my Husband and in her most distressed voice possible said “NOOOOOO!” and then ran away! She didn’t know what she was saying no to since she is only 15 months old but the timing and mannerism was PERFECT!

  1157. My one year old began a new game called throw the binky into any cup that someone is holding. Her dad had not realized she had put her binky in and took a drink of his coffee and she smiled and started clapping her hands. It was so cute!

  1158. My little girl is just beginning to crawl as of yesterday. While she crawls, she sits and stares at me and as she moves her arms and legs she moans and groans as if it is an excrutiatingly difficult task. Haha….It is so funny to watch her, she is so intent on the actions. lol.

  1159. I just got a new computer this week. I told my 3 year old daughter that she could have my old one now and I would teach her how to use it. Later that day, a friend had come over with her kids to play, but my 3 year old was missing. When I called for her, she said, “Just a minute, Mom, I just have to finish on my computer”. It was a reality check that she mimics me a bit too much!

  1160. My son is 13 yrs. old but, because of his Autism, he functions more like a 5 yr. old. He loves to help me cut and sort the coupons and, just yesterday, he came across a coupon that the printer messed up on and it was all just a bunch of jumbled letters. He asked me what was wrong with it and I told him that it was all “jibberish.” He promptly turned to his dad and said, “Hey dad, do you know how to speak jibberish?” We both just about died laughing!!

  1161. My six year old son just told his three year old brother: “Mummies are really zombies wrapped in toilet paper.” 🙂

  1162. I was about 8 months pregnant when my 2 year old little girl asked if her big brother would ever have a baby. My 4 year old little girl said quite matter of factly; “No Phoebe, boys don’t have babies. You see, boys have the priesthood and they get to give blessings. Girls have babies, and we get to suffer!!” I guess she thought that I was suffering at the time. I thought she was brilliant.

  1163. the other day my 3 1/2 year old daughter was playing house with my 2 year old son, and she said “are you my oldest?” i was like “what??” she said “he is my oldest.” me ” how old is he?” my daughter “he is 26” wow, 2 going on 26! who knew!

  1164. One day a couple of winters ago…I was teaching my 3 year old daughter some snowboarding lingo. The word was “sick”. As in, “That was a sick jump!”
    A couple of weeks after, her cousin came over for a sleep over. They girls were playing and jumping off the couch. When my daughter yelled out, “That jump was so sick, I almost threw up mom!”
    Needless to say…my husband and I had a good laugh!
    Now whenever someone does something “sick” we always say, “That was so sick, I almost threw up.”

  1165. My Baby likes to crawl away as soon as you take her diaper off & she looks back @ you with her cheesy smile & turn back around & crawls away fast:)

  1166. My four-year old daughter was concerned about our car because I told her we needed to get the oil changed…we had a conversation about how cars work – very simple since I really didn’t know how to explain more than that the engine makes the car go…I told my daughter that her daddy’s friend was smart and knew all about cars. She asked “is daddy smart about cars?” and I said “daddy knows more than mommy but not everything about cars.” I said her daddy was really smart and knew about other things and asked what she thought he was “smart” at. Her response: “Oh! Ya he is! He IS really smart, He knows how to turn on the WII!” Ha ha ha – sure glad he does that for us! 🙂

  1167. My son has recently started to grab my lips and hold them while he’s talking so I don’t interrupt him. I have a hard time not laughing.

  1168. I have a two year old and he doesn’t talk yet, we were over at a friends house and getting ready to leave and he wanted to take her sons train and she said no you can’t take that and he started yelling and saying a lots of baby talk like he was telling her off and saying yes i am taking it with me, and all we could is laugh it was really funny.

  1169. My two year old son fed his stuffed dog “snacks” one day. I had to dig all of the snacks out of it’s mouth for about 10 minutes and when I was done I had a big pile of Cap’n Crunch cereal, goldfish crackers, and M&M’s.

  1170. When my 4 year old doesn’t like the taste of something she says, “it’s just a little bit disgusting,”

  1171. My four year old told me for Halloween he was going to be “Monkey Business”. I said, What is that? He said, ” you know a monkey so I can fart around”!! He has older brothers!

  1172. My kids have done so many things that would leave you speechless, but as of recently, the only one I can think of that isn’t even close to the others is this; My baby woke us up with mascara all over his entire body. He was trying to make himself pretty like mommy and felt if it worked on his face, then it must be better on his legs and feet and stomach . . .and arms . . . .and hair. Lots of fun to clean!

  1173. The other morning my daughter went outside to play while I made breakfast. Breakfast was almost ready so I went to the sliding door to tell her to come inside. And laying next to the door was our BOY black lab laying on his back, and kneeling next to him was my daughter flinging up and down his “peter”!!! Uhggg! LOL!!! Now I wish I had taken a picture before I told her to stop and wash her hands!!!!!

  1174. My 4 month old found her voice. She now ‘sings’ MMM MMMM MMM while falling asleep.

  1175. When my 11 month old is getting her face wiped, she purses her lips together and blows! It is hilarious!

  1176. My four year old granddaughter while she was holding her new (only a couple of hours old) little brother said, “Can I teach him to walk when he wakes up?” I guess her baby cousin (2 yrs now) seems to her like he has been walking forever because she said he has been walking since he was just born too.

  1177. My 5 yr old insists that “vanilla” starts with a “b” and is pronounced “banilla” and that duh, everyone knows that.

  1178. Recently, my three year old son asked “Mom, will you get me a drink?”. I politely inquired ,”What is the magic word?”, to which he quickly responded, “Abracadabra!!”. Not quite the word I was looking for, but how could I argue?

  1179. My two year old son was learning to pee outside, but he was doing it right in front of everyone, so we told him he had to do it where people couldn’t see him, so he goes behind his papa and proceeds to urinate very close to his feet, when asked what he was doing he panickily said, you can’t see me!

  1180. My 2 year old boy was holding his older brother’s light saber. He suddenly turns to me and asks, “Are you a good guy or a bad guy?” I respond, “I am a good guy, of course!” He pauses for a moment and then says, “Well, I am a bad guy….attack!!” It was hilarious hearing a 2 year old say this!!

  1181. My little guy is always putting things on top of his head and saying “aaachoo” and then making them fall off his head.

  1182. My 4 yr. old kevin is always shocking us and making us laugh….when daddy takes a shower my 3 yr. old isaiah always gets his boxers wet because he leaves them on the sink….so daddy gets out of the bathroom after his shower and gets on the phone to make an important phone call and kevin walks up to him holding his wet boxers and says “daddy you peed in your underwear”…of course daddy says “no!” then my son says “yes you did the’re wet!” the person on the other line couldn’t stop laughing and neither could I.

  1183. My daughter is 3 and came in the room cracking up with one of my purses ng around her neck. She said ” Look mom, I’m a purse-on, get it person?!”. Pretty creative and funny for a 3 year old.

  1184. My daughter is 13months and 16 days old. She is such a sweet little naughty angel and she is at the stage where she learns a few tricks now and then. A week after her 1st birthday, we took her to Disneyland. She loved the Small World ride so much that we had gone on it 3 times. Just the other day, she was sort of bending her neck on one side and it scared me at first, until she showed me the latest Disney magazine with 3 Small world kids’ photo on it. That’s when I got it that the neck-bending thing is her way of imitating how the Small world children’s action is while singing, bending their neck left and right!

  1185. My wife and I are expecting a 2nd child in February. At dinner the othernight we asked our 4 year old daughter whether she thought the baby would be a boy or a girl. She said girl. When my wife asked her why a girl, my daughter responded “because we would have more girl power mommy!”

  1186. Its only funny because nothing bad happened. But my son carried an entire pitcher of pink lemonade to the play room and was looking around for a play cup by their play kitchen to pour it in when I saw him! The pitcher was as big as him!

  1187. My little 11 month old Stella is such a character. Among all of the hilarious noises she makes, when you are feeding her and you are not doing it fast enough or the bowl runs out she growls at you. This stroller would be nice to have since I only own a large stroller that is not very portable.

  1188. In my daughter’s prayers a while ago she asked to “bless the ants; but only the black ones”.

  1189. My youngest has developed a new habit lately – he’ll happily eat something until he sees someone else eating something different. Then no matter how much he likes what is in his mouth he’ll immediately spit it out to make room for the new food. He’s only 1 – hope it doesn’t last!

  1190. My son gets me every time with this. If I a sick or feeling blue, he walks over, caresses my cheek, kisses it then says “don’t worry ma, you will be better soon. I will take care of you.”

  1191. My 4yr. old son said to me: “Mommy, my heart is ready to kiss girls.” I was so speechless, all I could do was laugh!

  1192. My husband is currently in the miitary in iraq, my son at the grocery store last night as we pass the oreos “im going to take this to bed tonight mommy so that i can eat them with daddy in my dreams” so sweet. (Please come home soon!)

  1193. my little boy is 18 months, so of course trying to be so helpful he’s able to throw stuff in the garbage, well ithought lets see if he can put clothes in the dirty clothes bin and without me looking guess where that was the TOILET he’s so cute and helpful love him

  1194. So when we were trying to potty train my daughter we would get REALLY REALLY excited when she would go poo on the toilet. We would clap for her and tell her she did a good job and tell her it was ok when she would cry that it hurt. So while shopping one day we went into the bathroom and she came in the stall with me because there were a lot of people in there. She used the bathroom then I was going. Well she decided to tell me what a good job I was doing and then looked in the toilet right before I flushed it and said very loudly… “Good Job Mom!! You did a little poo! It’s ok, sometimes it hurts a little bit.” I could hear some people laughing a little and wanted to just stay in the stall! But we came out and just hurried and washed our hands and left.

  1195. My cute little 2 year old got in trouble the other day, so now he tells everyone else they are in trouble. His latest was his aunt Brenda, who tried to play with a toy he wanted his cousin to play with… “trouble Brenna, trouble!” followed by a scowl. Boy are in for it with this guy!

  1196. My two and a half year old says something funny and new everyday. She recently informed me that she wants to marry our mailman! 🙂

  1197. My son called his great-granny super-granny when he was young. We always got such a kick out of it. Now he’s 21 and still calls her that because she liked it so much. We’ve got a new baby in the family due in January and would love to win this stroller for her!!

  1198. this weekend she picked up our wireless mouse for the laptop and answered it like a cell phone!

  1199. My almost two year old found a long thread last night, held it up, and said, “Spiders do that.” hehehehe. She thought it was a spider web.

  1200. I recently had a baby and my two year old has been copying all that I do. One day she announced, Mommy, I read a book and feed a baby. There she was with the boppy pillow, her dolly under a blanket with her shirt lifted. The book in her hand: Secrets of the Baby Whisperer!

  1201. When my 11 month old wants to pull her self up on the bed she tries jumping but her feet don’t leave the ground, because her legs are so short. So it’s like she just bounce’s up and down and grunts at the same time, it’s kind of funny.

  1202. The other day my husband was in his truck with the kids and he asked them if they thought we should have another baby. My 7 year old said that she didn’t think parents could choose if we have another baby, because Heavenly Father decides for you. My husband responded that moms and dads can choose for themselves if they want another baby or not. Then my 5 your old daughter leaned over to my husband and whispered, “Choose a girl!” Since she currently has 2 younger brothers, I can see where she’s coming from!


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