Right now you can grab a Combo Pack of 40 Ovulation Tests, Plus 10 Pregnancy Tests for only $9.38 from Amazon!
That is only $0.19 per test, which is a crazy deal! This price is even cheaper than the dollar store!
**Shipping is FREE through Amazon Mom�s, Amazon Prime or with orders over $25.00.
(Thanks, Jungle Deals and Steals)
These actually work really well in case anyone is wondering. I’ve ordered a whole bunch from Amazon before and it is a little messy, but it’s pretty accurate and is such a good deal!
These work great, and save so much money when you are dealing with conception issues. I just buy little plastic cups at Target, I think these are easier than regular tests. Plus, you don’t feel guilty testing multiple times a day for ovulation!
I’ve used both of these and they work great! 50 tests for less then the price of one!!
Rosie Skinner
This has gone up to about 13.50. Still a great deal, but just as an update.