Coupons / Crazy Deals / Free Stuff / Utah Only Deals / Walmart

Utah County Double Coupon Walmart List – September 20th!

DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning when you click the links and make a purchase, we receive a commission.

IMPORTANT NEWS:  Utah County is the Pilot Program for the Walmart Double Coupon Promotion.  If it goes well, other Walmart locations across the country may do it too.  Ill keep you in the loop when they decide to have other stores participate too!

Here are some great deals for tomorrow’s Double Coupon Tuesdays at all 7 Utah County Walmart locations. Remember, they are doubling coupons up to $1.00 on Tuesdays to compete with Ridley’s who does Double Coupon Tuesdays as well! Some locations are even letting you start the double coupon procedure at Midnight. So contact your Walmart to see if you are doing that and you can shop Monday night instead of Tuesday morning.

**Didn’t know that Walmarts in Utah County Doubled? Check out this sign I took a picture of with the details:

Old El Paso Taco Seasoning Pouches 1 oz. $0.78
Use the $0.50 off of one Old El Paso Product Coupon  
Or use the $0.50 off of two Old El Paso Products Coupon from the 09-18-11 SS
Total cost as low as FREE + $0.22 in overage!  

Degree Travel Size Deodorant $0.97
Use the $0.75 off of one Degree Deodorant Coupon from the 08-28-11 RP
Total cost FREE + $0.03 in overage 

Vlasic Relish 10 oz. $0.98
Use the $0.75 off of one Vlasic Relish Coupon from the 09-11-11 SS
Total cost FREE + $0.02 in overage 

Cascade Dishwashing Action Pacs 3 pack $0.97
Use the $1.00 off of one Cascade Product Coupon from the 08-28-11 PG
Total cost FREE + $0.03 in overage 

Jolly Time Microwave “Mallow Magic” Popcorn 2 count $1.48
Use the $0.50 off of one Jolly Time Product Coupon from the 09-19-11 SS
Total cost $0.48

Scrubbing Bubbles Drop-Ins Toilet Cleaner 2 count $2.13
Use the $.50 off of one Scrubbing Bubbles Product Coupon
Total cost $1.13

Tabasco Sauce 2 oz. $1.28
Use the $0.75 off of one Tabasco Sauce coupon from the 09-18-11 SS
Or use the $0.50 off of one Tabasco Product Coupon
Total cost $0.28!

Dole Fruit Crisp 8 oz. 2 count $1.98
Use the $0.75 off of one Dole Fruit Crisp Coupon from the 09-18-11 SS
Total cost $0.98

Darigold Sour Cream 16 oz. $1.47
Use the $0.50 off of one Darigold Product Coupon from the 06-26-11 SS
Total cost $0.47

Sara Lee Thin Style Buns 12 oz. 8 count $2.68
Use the $0.55 off of one Sara Lee Product Coupon from the 09-18-11 RP
Total cost $1.68

**Please remember that each and every Walmart will price their items differently. The prices I have listed above are to give you an idea of similar prices and deals you can get at your Utah County Walmart location.

(Thanks Savvy Sister Shops for the GREAT list. If you need more doubling ideas, check out her site)

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  1. I wish the stores could stock more of what are the “gotta have deals.” I hate going at 9:30 on Monday night and everything I am going for is gone and then to hear from the cashiers that people start shopping at 4. Seriously who has time to stand around for 8 hours?

  2. How long will Utah county be doing this? I just had a baby and can’t get out very easily now (with 2 other littles in tow besides!) and feel like I am missing out—-hoping they don’t stop anytime soon!


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