
Should We Boycott Extreme Couponing??

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Tonight marks the beginning of another season of Extreme Couponing on TLC.  I have such mixed feelings about this show because it is so great to get awareness out about saving money and learning how to use coupons.  BUT- the past few seasons have ended up showing un-ethical and even a few illegal/fraudulent coupon uses.  So, I definitely DO NOT like that at all!  It makes it even harder on couponing blogs like myself because we have to re-teach and help you learn how to correctly use coupons.

Because of this, from all the concerns from you guys, and from all of the coupon policy changes from the show, it might be a really good idea for all of us to boycott and not watch the show at all. 

How do you guys feel about extreme couponing and them starting another season??

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  1. I am all about boycotting – the show not only misrepresents couponers, but it encourages unethical practices, and it glorifies waste! The reason to coupon is to save money on buying the things you need. People who go out, clear the shelves and buy 80 bottles of mustard they will just because it is inexpensive are ridiculous!

    I think the show has spread more anger towards couponers than awareness about how great couponing is.

    • I SO agree with you..I remember in the first season, a couple couponers donated the large amounts of things they didnt need to shelters and food banks-I thought that was awsome! However, the majority of those showcased on the show just have huge stockpiles that they keep for themselves.

  2. I am in!!!!!!! I don’t think the show is helping us coupons shopper that just want to build up for emergency, because the stores are getting pickier about coupons, I think some has to do with the show! for that reason I am all for it not watching!!! Thanks for all you do, you are awesome!

  3. Boycott for sure. Having a couple of extra mustards is one thing, but this show is just a BAD example of the GOOD things that we couponers are doing with our savings – like saving money for our families, and giving out our extras to people in need.
    Thanks for suggesting it! =)

  4. I watched one episode last year and was so disgusted if I even see it on TV my husband gets an earful (I’d say poor guy but he usually jumps in and agrees with me). I was really hoping the show would die….so sad it’s back.

  5. I’m with U!

  6. Boycott!!! Ever since this show came on, Couponing experience for me has gotten worse. Plus people are buying everything up and stores are changing coupon policies and not for the better.

  7. I’m in for boycotting, was thinking of not watching it anymore anyway. One day I went to the store and had my binder. I’m a small user of coupons and only usually have maybe under 10 every time I shop because I don’t devote a ton of time to it. The cashier saw my binder and was immediately not very friendly but I’m always holding my coupons I’m going to use once I get up to the register and I was standing right in front of her. I saw her look at my coupons and it was amazing how her attitude changed and she started talking and being very friendly. My thought was she probably gets sick of the people that come in with a ton and create a big hassle. I’ve been behind those people and just wondered if it’s really worth it especially when they get heated in an argument with the cashier over a few bucks.

  8. I boycotted after the first episode last year and will boycott again this year, the one commercial i have seen for this season is a lady saying that she clears shelves and if you dont like it you should have gone to the store before her! This show doesnt teach anyone and sends out the message that the masses of couponers are all the same.

  9. Really? Boycott a tv show? I never thought about couponing until I saw that show. I don’t watch it regularly, but come on here….don’t become coupon snobs just because you coupon differently then they do. Most people who already are couponers will continue couponing the way you do already…and the newbies will search out the more seasoned couponers to take cues from on sites like this. Besides, if you really watch the show, it doesn’t really “teach” anything. Its not like I could walk into a grocery store and come out with $1200 of groceries for free just because I watched the show! lol Its quite comical to think that this show has THAT much of an impact on couponers.

    • actually I did learn alot about it–I learned about using the binder method and how you can use coupons on clearance items and about how you can use a store coupon WITH a manufactuers coupon. I have only been couponing for four months now and its like a game to me now–to see what I can get for free. Obviously I only use the coupons of stuff I will use and trade out the rest with some friends and co-workers. I have also helped a single mom on food stamps by showing her how to do it and she is really streching her dollar now. So I am with you in the aspect that it is dumb to boycott and yes-newbies WILL seek out seasoned people to learn. Thankfully-I had a few good ones that helped me learn it. 😉

    • I think the fear about the show is less how couponers are going to coupon and more on how the stores are going to treat the couponers, assuming that all are going to be that Extreme, I’m with the boycott.

    • The point in boycotting is that stores are changing coupon policies because of this show and the extreme couponers, making it harder because of couponers like the ones on the show. Extreme couponing in that way is hoarding. Their stockpiles are unrealistic, they won’t be able to use that much stuff in a lifetime.

      • I completely agree…

  10. I am all about saving money. But I am starting to see more and more dishonest use of coupons. I work at a local walmart here in Utah and what I see disgusts me. I am pro ad match and coupon use. I really am. But when people come through and “Ad Match” Something to to value of their coupons and then walk out only paying tax it upsets me. Not only does it wipe that product off the shelf for the ones of us who are honest about the ad match and coupon use but that loss of money the store takes comes out of MY paycheck and MY bonuses (which I work REALLY hard for.) It has even gotten to the point where they have to wrap the sunday paper up and SEAL it in plastic because the coupons are getting stolen from the papers. I am 100% for the boycott.

    • It is absolutely ridiculous if Walmart is taking money away from their employees for too manyor possibly incorrect add matches! If there is any company in this economy NOT struggling financially, its Walmart! Give me a break!

    • wait a minute==the stores get reimbursed for the coupons used, so they are not loosing money. And isnt that why Walmart does the ad match? So they get the sales from the other stores? And I agree with Amy-Walmart is one of the only companies out there NOT suffering. 😉

      • I think what she’s pointing out is that people are fraudulently using the ad match policy, saying there’s a sale on that item for the price of the coupon they have so they can get it for free. Now that they don’t have to prove that the item is on for that price, they can say pretty much whatever they want. Not to mention that they are losing A LOT of merchandise thru shoplifting. I know of one particular store that my hubby used to work at that lost thousands of dollars each week because of this. Every business is suffering in these times.

        • yeah thats what I mean lol. High shrink (loss of merchandise) means lower bonus higher prices etc. Its not so much about the extreme use of coupons but more along the lines of the fraudulent use of them. People come in with carts and carts full of stuff and name whatever price they want to get these for as cheap as possible. They all want stock piles like you see on extreme couponing. Which means they wipe the shelfs clean of all our product. Then the ones of us who have coupons for it who are gonna pay full price for them cant get them cause someone walked away with them for free. Sorry, none of this is making much sense lol. Its just very frustrating to see this continue to happen daily. And its only getting worse and worse as time goes by. Especially since we cant ask for the ads anymore. All it takes is one complaint to a manager and they get there way. If not, corporate is on our butts.

          • Why can you not ask for the ads? I think it should be the right of the business who is price matching to request you prove the price. Being able to name whatever you want is ridiculous! I am an avid couponer, but I am in complete support of couponing HONESTLY and ETHICALLY. If couponers are taking advantage and stores are losing money, the stores will not want to accept coupons anymore and everyone loses!

        • ohhhh-ok–gotya–that is sad that people are lying about the sale price–I try to be a dutiful couponer and bring the sale ads with me and show it to the cashier (this is also partly because I will forget-lol)

  11. I watched one show and am not even interested in seeing it again. It’s a dumb show with obsessive people who like waste.

  12. Boycott. For sure. It shows people how to get around using them correctly… Gives us all a bad rap.

  13. I never really watched the show anyways, but just for the heck of it, I tuned in once last season. The fact that people were getting $3000 worth of food and toiletries is great, but to stockpile it like that in EVERY free space of their home is just stupid! I sometimes buy more than what I need because I know it will eventually get used. And yes, sometimes I even get A TON of toothpaste tubes, but unlike the people on that show, I donate it to my church every week, because there are legit cases of need out there and if I can help in that area, I will!

  14. YES- I am in too. It is ridiculous. No one should ever abuse it to that extend. It should really be called “Extreme Coupon Hoarders”

  15. nope–I TOTALLY will be watching it! That program is what showed me how easy it was and how I could really save my household a lot of money! I learn something new from every episode! Mind you-I dont coupon like they do where I go buy 150 of one item! There are only four of us in the house. LOL. However, if I do happen to have 20 of the same coupon and can get something free, I totally do it! And if it is something I can get free that I wont use all of, then I give it away! Its all about having common sense. Think about it–that is like blaming McDonalds for making you fat instead of accepting responsability yourself for not having control! LOL. So I dont blame the show for how others are acting, it is to be used as a learning tool. I think some of the people that are out there doing the crazy stuff with their coupons are the ones to blame for the many changes in coupon policies.

    • DJ,
      I do agree with some of what you say. But if the show is to be a learning tool, TLC sucks @ teaching. I will admit I have learn very little by watching last year. Most of my learning has come from my own research. I think TLC should think about really making a difference and teaching real people real ways to couponing. And to make a big deal about giving to those in need.

    • DJ,

      I agree that everyone is responsible for their own actions, but you have to understand that TLC is doing the show to entertain, and people like scandal. TLC will get more viewers the more controversial and shocking they are. Why else are they showing more people use coupons dishonestly? I would support the show if it WERE a teaching tool, but I do not support the show when they encourage people to be dishonest and cheat for the sake of entertainment.

    • I blame the show for coupon policies being changed making it harder for the honest couponers.

  16. I personally love the show, thats why Istarted couponing but to be honest I think your right it does teach you how to coupon the wrong way leading to frustrating disasters when you cash out…

    • I think it is just a lot of common sense. But I dont blame the show for that. I also learned a lot from the show 🙂 And I started a page on here called Couponing Help and we all post up there the different deals we find at the different stores so others can get some of that too. Its about sharing the deals.

    • I love the show also! It got me into couponing, but sites like freebies taught me how to do it, not the show. It amazes me the stuff these people get. I have never saved more than $40 on a trip to the grocery store, but I used to spend out that $40, so I am happy! Being a fire fighters wife, I would NEVER stock pile that much paper towels or toilet paper, major fire hazard! I do have a lot of deoderants though LOL I would love to get more stuff for free, but whatever. I watch the show for fun, not as what I am striving to do. Besides, where I live, in Ma, my local grocery won’t take printed out coupons, doesn’t double them, etc, so I would never get any deals like they get.

  17. I totally agree and don’t watch the show. They have ruined it for everyone!!!!

  18. I am sad it is back. I hoped it would go away. For those who don’t coupon, they get the wrong idea of those of us who do coupon with honesty and just for the needs of our family or to donate. It is a frustrating show when we see couponing taken advantage of to the extreme and comments made about how they “beat us to the shelves” or they “know they have more than they need”. We recently went to a swap meet in Arizona where there were several vendors selling shampoo, body wash, etc. that they had acquired by clearing shelves. I know that is their way to provide for their families. I have mixed feelings. I am most worried that manufacturers and stores will change their policies to the point that it ruins it for all of us. Haven’t decided if I will watch or not.

  19. I, and all my Mom Group friends, are boycotting. It really gives couponers a bad name and makes store clerks suspicious of us.

  20. That show is what opened my eyes on how much money you can save couponing, but I agree that it is a little too extreme for me! I will not be watching this season.

  21. It just makes me jealous, however having this show on i think ruins it for all the rest of us! It makes stores want to change the way we are going to be allowed to use our coupons and i think eventually they will ban them all together if it gets to out of hand!

  22. I’ve never watched it & I don’t intend to. Unfortunately, there’s always going to be dishonest people who are only looking out for themselves. I’m a firm believer in “you reap what you sow”. (Galatians 6: 7-9 .) Everything you do has repercussions. It will come back to you one way or another.

    However, I’m sure as mentioned in other comments, that there are very useful tips & tricks learned. It’s just, I don’t want to have to listen to all of that other garbage. So. my answer would be a most definite YES to boycott the show.

  23. I will not be watching it. This show misrepresents what couponing is about for me.

  24. Boycotting is silly. Just let the bad shows get rid of themselves, and they will, because it is inherently corrupt. Don’t worry about them, they will fail. I think to organize a boycott isn’t very necessary. Just do what is correct.

  25. boycott! This show is not about couponing bit rather Hoarding product! Who need 100 bottles of asprin or 75 bottles of mustard!

    • …or 93 bags of croutons.

  26. I’m with the boycott. I think clearing the shelves and leaving nothing for everyone else, regardless if they use coupons or not, is unethical. I like the idea of donating the items that you get good deals on if you are not going to use the items, but the one episode I watched, they lady just had shelves and shelves of stuff in her garage that would probably take more than a lifetime to use – what’s the point in having that much stuff just because it was a good deal??? It’s wasteful and unethical!

  27. The stores in my area have changed their couponing policty to limit 3 like coupons. I think because this show has shown people how to abuse couponing. I only watched 1 episode last season and couldn’t believe how much waste I saw.

  28. I’m a couponer and try to stretch my dollar, but I’m not in the market to get every item free, which isn’t even possible in my area. However, I have gotten better skills with finding coupons for products I normally buy and I have your site (& a few others) to thank for that…so THANK YOU for all you do! I have been scrutinized over my coupons in the past few months (and I only have walmart and a few other stores in a 50 mile radius to shop at) thanks to the show and people trying to get their something for nothing. It does make it tough, but I stand firm on knowing the coupon policies and try to make the cashier & manager realize that I am NOT one of “those people”. I haven’t been rejected on using a coupon yet, but I have had to listen and see the anger from the people in line behind me once they see the cashier mulling over every detail of my coupon. If it’s clipped from the paper, it’s a smooth transaction. If it’s printed off the net, look out….the manager is usually called. I do watch the show because I can’t believe the stockpiles these couponers create and yes, I do think it’s beyond extreme. I like the person above who said “Extreme Coupon Hoarders” because I do believe that is a better term for those on this show.

  29. I’m boycotting. Several episodes from the past season showed couponers using coupons on products other than what the coupon specified. Like completely different products, although owned by the same company. Not only that but the show isn’t about couponing in my opinion -it’s about being a hoarder. It is not normal nor healthy behavior at all. I hope the show ends with this season.

  30. I don’t like this show at all. It makes everyone hate couponers.

  31. I am so with you. I think its a joke. I think not only not watch, but get a petition going or something to boycott it. It has really hurt me financially as well. I don’t get nearly the deals and the sales are not nearly as good as before.

  32. I also agree. Its given couponers a bad rep in the retail biz.

  33. I started watching this show out of curiosity because of what people were saying about it. I coupon, but not regularly. I do love me a good deal, but find it very difficult and time consuming and haven’t saved that much money on it. I know I am doing something wrong but what???
    Anyway, I watched the show and was pretty much disgusted with the tactics I saw. I thought it was very rude to go pick up a basket of excedrin and dump the entire thing in your cart. Really? Do you need 200 bottles of excedrin?? Then some lady said she was sharing with her daughter in law, hello she opened her clost and had like 75 bottles of laundry detergent, she gave 2 away because that was all she could give right then. She told her if another good deal came she would pick her up some…. um what? Really, I think you could have given 30 away and been ok till the next deal.
    What I have found from this show is that you can go way extreme, I think it makes couponers look psycho. I also think it gives unrealistic expectations to beginners of couponing. I get excited thinking I will save, go to the store and save 30% of my total, not anywhere near the amount they save off theres or what I hear other couponers save.
    I also agree with the girl talking about walmart. I have heard of several people that use their price match policy dishonestly. I think walmart should make you prove the price of the item. Every cash register should have a binder with weekly ads, then they can pull it and say I am sorry, but I don’t see that price in here, etc. I get that walmart is trying to make it easy on the consumer, but they are making it easy to cheat. I have shopped there and had cashiers say to me, I am giving you this price because I know this is on sale at Maceys for this price. I appreciate that so much. I would much rather have cashiers want to help me and be patient with me.
    I know quite the tangent I got off on, sorry. I will not be watching the new season.

    • I do believe the show gives couponers a bad rap as well as the people that go to the store and try to dishonestly do ad matches, steel news papers, and clear the shelf when they only have 4 people in their house. Really if you do not donate or help others with your masive “stock pile” then you are totally a hoarder. I have even heard of people buying tons of products that they have high dollar coupons for and then returning the items for full price, talk about a money maker. Those that are doing things like I mentioned are driving the stores to have harsher coupon policies and companies to raise their prices. Couponing takes alot of time, energy and work , it can really help those familes that need it and this show and the people making the choices to be a big rip off is really making it hard for the ones that are just trying to save some money for their household. I get upset that when I do go in with my coups I feel like they are thinking that I am another person trying to get something for nothing or that I did something unethical to get my coupons. I agree with Janet this show makes us look phyco and gives unrealistic expectations to newbies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The fact is you must have a brain, be able to jugle infomation and be patient as well as a stock of coupons to start seeing the savings. No i will not be watching the show, boycott on!!!

  34. I have never watched it but, have heard about it and I’m for boycotting the show. I have never liked any reality T.V. show that takes extreme and many times inappropriate actions and try to normalize it.

  35. I am not watching anymore. I deleted it from my DVR so it won’t record anymore. Because of this show, stores are now all taking action against couponers by strictly limiting the amounts they will reimburse and the number of coupons we can use. People can learn to coupon ethically online through various online coupon groups where they can talk to other people. Nobody needs to clear off shelves and leave others without food to buy–and that’s what this show teaches people to do.

  36. For the previous person that works at a UT walmart, – that just makes me really sad. I have always priced matched at Walmart and I’m relatively new to the whole coupon thing. I know Walmart has said they don’t require the ad, but at the WV SLC Walmart I go to – I still see they have their binder with the grocery ads and I have had a few cashiers ask me where the price was from. I don’t know why they don’t still do that at all the stores. I personally write out my list with the PM and what store. Yes, it’s fantastic to get a good deal with coupons, but to outright lie about it is horrible.

    As for the show, I have never seen and I have no intention of doing it either. I honestly have issues with people that buy tons of newspapers to get tons of coupons for something they really don’t use. Granted, there are some things that you can stockpile on – but when I hear about someone buying a case of food or things that I don’t think they can really use – and only got it because it was “free” or near free – what good is that? People that help each other out or donate – then yes, that is fantastic! I love that I can donate things for the Food Bank drives and we’re slowly building up our food storage, something I’ve never been able to do in the past. I only get the money bag coupons and what I print online. I get what I can use for my family of 5. Sometimes my mom will give me her coupons.

    If people only used the coupons for what they really needed – not for the sake of saying I got this for cheap or I got it for free (and taking the whole shelf), then I don’t think there would be the problem with couponing like there is now. I also think that if this show had people donating their surplus to those in need, the show wouldn’t last, sadly people want to see “crazy” people getting greedy.

    • I agree! I have a growing family of 4 and couponing has been a HUGE blessing in our life! Couponing was a major part of me being able to stay home with my kids finally! I will stock up when I see a good price, but I do not clear the whole shelf just because something is cheap, and I don’t buy items we won’t use just because they’re cheap. Over the last 6 months or so I’ve been able to reach a stockpile on items we need by buying 2-4 items at a time when they’re on sale, and now we have a years supply of things like toothpaste, detergent, shampoo, etc. But to go in and in one shopping trip buy 100 items of something you couldn’t use in 10 years… what a waste, and how selfish! Others want to get a good deal too, and depend on coupons to make up the difference financially. Once you have built up a stockpile, you don’t have to buy a ton of groceries all the time – that is the point of couponing!!

  37. I will not watch that show for the same reason. It gives us couponers a bad image, we don’t need.

  38. I think the show has done a lot of harm for those who really need to use coupons and do it the right way. The companies have really tightened the offers such as cereal used to be $1.00 off one box, now it’s $1.00 off of 3 etc. So sad to see a great thing being used the wrong way and now we can’t get as great deals. I do love your website and hope you keep up the great job!

  39. I’m not a hearty couponer by any means, just use them for good deals on stuff we need/use. I only wish that I could save as much $ as the people on the show every time I go grocery shopping. But, I also feel that when you have to stash the stuff you buy under your kids’ beds or in your spare bathroom/shower, you’re beginning to look a little more like a hoarder instead of a couponer.

  40. I won’t watch the show. In my opinion, you should only be stockpiling what your family could possibly use before the expiration date. Even if I have 20 coupons that could get me 20 free tubes of toothpaste, I won’t do it. I will simply buy what we need (maybe 1 extra to donate) and leave product for others who also need it for their families. There is no reason to be greedy or selfish. Stores get tired of complaints from so many customers who can’t get sale items because of all the greedy couponers. This makes stores less likely to accept and welcome couponers.

  41. I think the show has disillusioned some and messed up the rest of us. Although it may be entertaining, because many of these people are clearing shelves and doing so using fruad it has changed things and not for good. My hubby is an exec with Walgreens and they have changed some of their policy as well as MANY other stores have because when this show started to air the fraud rate skyrocketed. This show is entertaining for those who KNOW how to do it right, but for newbies it is just a huge confusion for the most part. It is distorted reality at its finest. I agree that we should forego watching it to help TLC understand that the portrayal of fraud is not what bargain hunters are wanting. If they want to actually teach some real and true and honest principles, I would watch again!

  42. Not impressed with how Extreme Couponing has changed the way we normally would have been able to use coupons. It is making people a little wary…….not fun! ðŸ™

    I also don’t like how they stockpile on way more than what they need. What family would go through what they buy in an honest to goodness right time!!

  43. I completely agree. I’m tired of getting grief from cashiers because I happen to have 4 printable -legit- coupons for the same item. I’ve actually had them argue with me even though they all had different serial numbers. Walmart has become the worst too. It takes forever to check out because there verify each coupon so thoroughly that they have pulled the items back out of the bag to make sure it was the correct size. Walmart in my area has also been sticking to the myth that if it isn’t pictured ON the coupon you can’t get that (valid) item. The recent discrimination is very much due to this show!

  44. It’s just entertainment and that’s all I take away from it. I live in a high price market where stores very rarely double coupons and since this show most stores have changed their coupon policy. Like some of the previous comments I could go along with the individuals donating goods but the rest its just hoarding for no reason.

  45. I won’t be watching. Even just thinking about it makes me a little sick.


    Well if you read this weekend’s paper in Charlotte, NC – you may change you mind about watching it. I was quite surprised to know that they staged a sell out using one of the film crew. that is messed up. I think it brought most of us into the couponing world – but the hording and the copying is insane!

  47. I have not watched the show at all, I thought this season was the first. I am curious to see what it is all about so for that matter, I’ll be watching it tonight and see where it goes from there.

  48. I heard about Extreme Couponing from a friend, who recently got into couponing in general. I’ve always clipped coupons here and there but nothing major, ahem, extreme. I watched a couple episodes and thought it was interesting that the rules had changed so much, such as the overage policy. Then I realized the Coupon Diva from my area (I live in the greater DC metro area) practices unethical and irresponsible savings! As a capitalist, I couldn’t take advantage of all the loopholes like some can. I feel bad for the grocery stores who have a bottom line with their employees too. And I feel bad taking all the deals from other customers. I’ll take advantage of good sales, but I’m not going to do a $300 overage! Most stores where I live specifically state there is no overage allowed – coupon up to face value of the product (or double that amount, to 99 cents). No bull, and no bullying the cashiers/managers into being unethical. But some people have seen the “tricks” of the EC Culture and pull those sheninghans, so much that all consumers have to pay the price – literally – by increased prices, limits on coupon use, limits on doubling amount.

    So, what I’m saying, is YES – I will join the boycott against Extreme Couponing! It’s one thing to save for your family, stockpiling items you’ll use or can donate, but it’s another to rob your local grocery store because you think you have the right.

  49. I feel that extreme couponers are out of control. It’s okay to get a few things to stock up, but when you are getting 80 bottles of clothes detergent just because you can, that’s just excessive. And it makes it hard for those of us who would also like to get in on the deal, but only want to get a few. If you have a coupon for something you use, or need, or maybe just would like to try, okay. But hoarding is hoarding, regardless of what it is. Some of these extreme couponers will never use everything they have accumulated and then it just goes to waste. Not to mention their actions have caused some stores to make it harder to use coupons.

  50. I will boycott! Besides, there are better shows on TV right now anyways, and since I usually have about 1 hour/day to watch TV, I would rather watch something else than a show about coupons!

    I’m all for getting an awesome deal! But at the same time, just because I have 5 coupons I want everyone else to have a chance at the deal as well. So you will NEVER see me on the show, or buying 40 bottles of mustard. But I have been known for sharing with family, friends, and neighbors some of the things that I have and I know they will need before I will. Or if something is about to expire, I share.

    I love how people on the show would donate to local food banks, etc. But I HATE the fact that they have changed the couponing image so many of the HONEST couponers try to uphold.

  51. I agree – boycott the show. Extreme Couponing shows stores bending their rules to allow people to do this. It makes me mad that they don’t provide a realistic approach to using coupons. It makes me even more mad that it praises unethical and illegal behavior. I try to get the best deal out there, but I don’t make other people suffer for it! I’ll even tell other people about a great deal if I see them shopping for an item that has an amazing coupon they can print off.

  52. I agree to boycott the show. Although a few people that were featured are donating and remind people to pre -order…many of the couponers shown wiped out shelves and were incredibly greedy. I know of many people in Pa. that are illegally reselling the products at flea markets , etc. without a resale license! I watched a woman last week buy 30 Mitchum deodorants on sale…and when I said “stocking up?” she claimed they were all for her because she has “sensitive” skin. What a load of hoowey! I own my own copy-written line of bath and body products and can tell you that 2 years is the longest that most items have for shelf life…with a year being average! I saw an older woman in tears because she couldn’t get a free bottle of advil advertized because someone had wiped out the shelves. Most of the stores in the Pittsburgh area have not changed and enacted new coupon policies because of the show. It needs to be removed from the air!

  53. I agree. This show has made it harder to use coupons. Friends have come up to me and told me what they are going to do. I tell them that’s not possible. They seem to know best. I really really wish this show had never been put on.

  54. Yes, I will boycott the show. They are making it harder for the rest of us that are just tyring to get by = not stocking up for 10 years! If you were to call a store in my city and tell them to order a truck load of cereal, juice, whatever, because you had coupons they would laugh at you and hang up. Also, there is only one store there that will double coupons (Food World) and they can not be over .50 cents!!!!!! Many of the coupons that are coming out now also say “only 4 per visit” thanks a lot you gluttons!! And Walmart has now has a limit of 50 coupons per visit – not per transaction, so you can have 18 seperate ones lined up after each other.

  55. This show is the reason I have so much trouble at stores. They give couponers a bad name and make it look like we’re selfish people. There’s one lady on tonight that says “I’m a shelf clearer, if you want it you should have gotten here before me, sorry.” People like that make things hard for the rest of us.

  56. I have been a couponer for about 4 years now! I was pretty excited for this show to start, but once it did I was disappointed and the disappointment soon became outrage. I have only seen 2 or 3 episodes and that is more then enough for me. I understand that it has spread the word about couponing, but it doing it wrong. I LOVE telling people about a good deal and how to save, but this show upsets me so much! First seriously what stores out there have the stock for 100 boxes of rice, and have it marked so low that it will be FREE with the coupon? On top of that what about other people who are also trying hard to get these items for cheap or free. I actually had to stop couponing for about 3 months just because I couldn’t take constantly see the the shelves cleared. Where I live Walmart doubles their coupons on Tuesday, I went as early as 6:00 am (Not my usual choice but my only other options would be 6:00 pm ) and the shelves were STILL cleared they told me many couponers get their baskets ready around 11:00 and once it hits midnight they purchase everything they can. That is just one example. Not to mention all the “Sunday All Week” paper stands that have had to be removed because they papers have been Stolen. I even asked someone at the daily herald and they said they had lost a lot of money since this show came out because of people stealing the sunday papers. Sorry for the rant but I hope this show dies sooner rather then later. ~ So yes I will boycott!

  57. Boycott! TV is powerful. It is intimately in just about every home in America and it has negatively affected how stores and manufacturers run their coupons. Anyone who was couponing before the show started has seen this affect. I stopped watching the show in the first year when the woman bought 70 some mustards (every one off the shelf mind you) and her husband said but dear we don’t even eat mustard – she bought them anyway just because she could and stockpiled. Utter and complete waste.

  58. Definately boycott! At first I was amazed with their savings but as the show went on and more and more shelves were cleared I became disgusted. I have been an avid couponer for years and this show makes things so much more difficult. People who are uneducated about coupons think that they can get the same deals and commit fraud. This makes things extremely difficult for us with the cashiers and the stores.

  59. I can’t stand the show and never watched it i just walk into normal stores and you know there’s a good deal or even free product because the shelf is empty so disappointing and upsetting. i am they type that shops the good deals when I actually need the product not to hoard and throw out after expire date because I didn’t use it.

    I mean seriously my local CVS store manage said the went through over 700 boxes of The Colgate optic white and over 1100 bottles of skintamate shave cream when they were free with stacking last week i was disappointed that on 3 separate trips in the same week visiting the shelves were empty each time these people need to be on HOARDERS BURIED IN FREE AND CHEAP STUFF ALIVE! LOL I need to keep humor here i have 2 kids so i cant sit and wait in my car before store opens on Sunday to get the deal that’s not the way your supposed to shop

  60. I know everyone will hate me for saying this, but I actually really like the show. I am amazed – AMAZED – at how much money people can save by putting a little (okay, a lot) of time and effort into it. I know that the show doesn’t represent real couponing or real people for that matter (I have no idea why they buy SO many of one item), but it’s really fascinating to watch these people who spend 40 hours a week just planning and clipping and counting and saving. The best part is when the cashier announces the total cost and then the amount saved! It’s really impressive. I think the people on the show are a little crazy (hence, EXTREME couponing), but it’s really fun to watch.

    • But you do realize that it’s a TV show, right? That means a lot of what you see is bogus, staged, not real. I don’t know of any store anywhere that is going to let a patron take advantage of them like that. We already know that many of the people on the show practice unethical and sometimes fraudulent couponing, and because of these people and this show, stores are freaking out and becoming more and more strict about coupon use. The show is ruining couponing for everyone, even those of us who do it right.

  61. I’m so in!! Never wathced the show until early this afternoon . I’ve been compared to them everytime I walk in the store. The policies have changed dramatically since the show aired . I believe it’s done more harm than good. yes I’m extrememly happy people are saving but the ettiqutte the show portrays is none…like were all hoarders and slobs….And I’m far from that I’m a Proverbs 31 woman!
    I think if we did boycott they would hear us( in their rating numbers). We just lost 7 of our Krogers this past Sunday to Schnucks……I’m so disappointed. Someone said that our Kroger was losing money. Not sure this was true but do know cashiers complaining of fradulent coupons to me several times. I’m pretty bummbeed since Kroger was my favorite store and doubled everyday here. Schnucks does to but their prices are higher and smaller limits …I’m not a shelf clearer ….more than 10(only if stocked good) you should call and pre-order if possible. We do have a LOUD Voice ………Someone asked what can we do …BOYCOTT THE SHOW!………Portray the stores rules right and couponers….insteasd of giving false hope and false shows..

  62. I will boycott the show. I do not think it is realistic, and it teaches greed. Who needs 200 toothbrushes or 100 bottles of mustard. Much of the food they purchase will spoil or at least expire before they could use it. I liked the first show I saw because a gentleman donated most of what he bought to his local church to help out the needy. But the next show I watched showed nothing but greedy people. I never watched another one. Oh, and if you live in Logan, Utah, most stores do not double coupons, and most of them will not let you use a manufacturer’s coupon if you have already used their store coupon for money off. The show is misleading in showing what people can save on their shopping bills. Also, where are the coupons for things other than junk food and cleaning products. Where are the coupons for fresh vegetables and other healthy foods people should be eating and not all the potato chips or candy bars? On the two shows I watched, I did not observe people buying food that one would consider if you are determined to eat a healthy diet.

  63. I would boycott the show just because it is boring! I’ve seen a few episodes and they are all the same…person has big stockpile…they cut lots of coupons…long shopping trip…”oh no, I broke the register, this is so stressful”…repeat. Lame!

  64. I do use a coupon for everything that I buy 1 of, 3 coupons if I’m buying just for me, my mom, and my sister. Only one time did I try a “big haul.” It was at Dollar General. NEVER AGAIN!!!!
    The cashier said, “your killin’ me here lady” and “look at my line.” I only had 10 coupons for each product.
    I had cereal, milk, bread, pasta, sauce, baby diapers/wipes, tooth paste, and tooth brushes. Of course, the paste/brushes were free but not the food products. The only reason I did this shopping trip was for 2 families across the street that includes a young single teen mom of 2. I can see doing this and sharing with all of my neighbors who need it, but to have 100 boxes of stale cereal, I don’t get that. Me, myself, I don’t eat certain things beyond certain days, let alone years! And why go shopping for more paper towels when you have 300 rolls? USE THEM! I DO NOT have a $10,000 stock pile for myself. And the most recent show that I saw, the lady got $3,000 worth of groceries and she had to pay .56 cents. She went back to find something that equaled the .56 cents. What?!!!
    Since it was 2011 and now 2015, I’d watch 1 new show, but to run a marathon, don’t do it.
    Thanks for hearing me,
    I enjoyed reading all of you posts.


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