If your daughter wants to be a Disney Princess for Halloween, this is an awesome deal to jump on. Walmart currently has Disney Pricess Costumes for only $17.88 with free shipping! Sizes are for Infants and Toddlers.
Or, check out this HUGE list of Costumes for both Boys and Girls for $20 or less! Plus, all get free shipping as well!
Christie Fisher
wahoo!!!!! Costumes!
Jackie Arbuckle
Thanks!! My little boy wants to be Spiderman so I’m so happy that you told me about this just got one for $10.
Yeah! I got my son a Batman costume. Having a girl previously, and going through the princess phase, I never realized that little boys like to play “dress-up” too! His costume collection of superheros is almost complete.
Raygan Schievcing
Also, if you are looking for costume accessories, disneystore.com has them 25% off plus free shipping (through Sunday on shipping, not sure how long the 25% off is for).
Raygan Schievcing
Sorry, free shipping is on disney park items, not costume items.