I’m not sure I will ever be able to “Can”. The patience and time it takes to do is more than I can handle. But, I see so many awesome Women that have canned everything from Salsa to Peaches. Seriously, you guys are so amazing and I wish I could be more like you!!
Walmart had an entire section devoted to Canning Items while I was there. Here are a few examples of deals you can score:
1 Case of Small Jars for Jellies $7.97
Use the Buy 2 Jars, Get 1 Set of Lids Free Kerr Coupon from the 08-14-11 SS
Total cost $15.94, but you get an entire pack of Lids for FREE!
**Look for Peelie coupons for $.50 off Real Fruit Pectin Bottles too!
Bottles of Pectin $5.47
Use the $1.00 off Ball Pectin Coupon from the 08-14-11 SS (Regional Coupon)
Total cost $4.47
**Remember that all Walmart stores can price higher or lower, depending on where you live.
And, if you are wanting to get into Canning for the first time, you will probably want a Home Canning Kit. The best price I have seen on one is through Amazon- The Back to Basics 5 Piece Canning set is only $11.97 shipped!
Just plant a garden and you’ll feel the necessity!
Wish I lived closer, I’d show you how easy (and fast) it is to can meat. You could do it while you post or search for deals online. Thanks for the tips. You really help me save so much money.
Ashley Sovereen
To be honest I don’t think you need a kit, just a canner and the ‘cans’. Once you invest in those you don’t need to keep buying, unless you want to can more and more stuff each year. However I got most of my Bell and Mason jars from the DI. I have bought some smaller ones for when I did jalepeno jelly last year, but every year when we do tomatoes or peaches we just keep reusing the same jars. I think I paid .50 each for them at the DI, but that was years ago too. And you can just pick up one or two when you see them. I guess you do need to buy new lids..but that isn’t that much money either.
Diane Passey
I LOVE my canning kit. I was canning for several years just making do with what I had and saw this same canning kit one day at the grocery store. It has made life so much easier when it comes to canning. Now that I’ve had one, it would be a necessity to me if I lost any of my favorite pieces from it!
I do like to get my jars at DI if I can’t find any good deals on them around town. Once you buy them, they last a really long time so that makes it nice.
Hooray for canning!
Katie M.
You need to learn how to can with clear gel. It saves a lot of time, especially when making salsa, because you don’t have to have it cook down for hours on the stove. You just bring it to a boil and add the gel, and it thickens it up.
Seriously, canning is time consuming and messy. You can’t do everything. You’re great saving me time by doing all the searching. Truly I don’t know how you could get anything else done. Thanks so much c:
Thank you for this. I want to start canning, but sometimes it seems like alot of money and work to do it, but when you can get the supplies for inexpensive it helps a ton. Thank you.