Coupons / Kohls

Check Your Newspapers for a $10 off Kohl’s Sticker Coupon!

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Reader David sent me a picture of the sticker coupon he got on front of his Arizona paper this morning!!  I love it when Kohl’s sends these coupons out.  His was for a $10 off $30 purchase valid Wednesday, Sept 28th- Sept 30th.

Has anyone else seen this coupon today too??  If you have, please leave a comment with the name of your newspaper in the comments so others can decide whether they want to go grab it for the coupon.

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  1. we got one of these too! our khols has just opened up in the past week or so, i figured it was perfect timing.
    im from pa, so williamsport sun gazette

  2. I received mine on todays salt lake tribune

    • Are you in SL County? I get dailt newspaper in Salt Lake City and didn’t get one, hm not sure what’s going on

  3. Interestingly, every single person I’ve talked to also got a 30% off coupon this week. Which is good, but it kinda makes me think if they’re sending out 30’s to a ton of people, and putting out a $10 off coupon, the sales to start with may not be that hot . . .
    It’ll be interesting to see what we can get this time! 🙂

  4. I don’t know….$10 off $30 isn’t that great???!!! I like the $10 off $10 myself! : )

    • 10 0ff of 30 isn’t great, but you can always pair it with the 10 off of 10 card you got in the mail this week, and have 20 off of 30, which is pretty good.

  5. Got it on the Dereret News.

  6. I got mine on the Deseret News this morning. My coupon is good from Wednesday September 28 to Saturday October 8, 2011.

  7. I am in Utah county and was wondering if there is anyway for me to get yesterday’s paper with the coupon even if it is the salt lake tribune?


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