Here’s another instant win game to try your luck at!�Head on over to the Sour Patch Kids Facebook Page and then click on the “Instant Win” tab to register and play. (Note: To see the tab, you will need to “like” them first)
The following is a breakdown of some of the prizes they are giving out:
- 9,500 Coupons for a FREE 8 oz. or smaller bag of ANY Sour Patch Product
- 1,500 Sour Patch Kids T-Shirts
- 1,000 GameStop $25 Gift Cards
Make sure to come back and comment if you win anything! Good luck!
(Thanks Hip2Save)
I won a free bag of sour patch kids. The free coupon will be sent in the mail! Yeah
how do you catch the falling sour patch kids?
Diane J.
No kidding!………I was wondering the same.
Diana, you don’t. Even if several of them happen to get caught on the way down, you still don’t win necessarily. It’s kind of lame really.