HURRY! Free Full-Size Bottle of Herbal Essences! - Freebies2Deals
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HURRY! Free Full-Size Bottle of Herbal Essences!

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Head over to the Herbal Essences Facebook page and fill in your info to get sent a Herbal Essences coupon worth $3.99!� That means a Free bottle!

(Thanks Traci!)

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  1. Awesome, cant wait!

  2. would love this offer

  3. Thank you for the heads up!
    I got it!

  4. got all 3 full size shampoos they have given away this week…off to another year of not having to pay for shampoo!!!

    • dose this happen alot? I finaly broke down lastnigh and opend a facebook account becuse i was tierd of watching all the good stuff pass me buy. It is looking like i picked a good week. But i want to know how you don’t pay for shampoo for a year? I want to be your freind 🙂

      • Free stuff come up alot! and also if you coupon you can get most hyeign stuff for next to nothing. especially if you watch the freebies to deals web site on monday and wednes when she posts the weekly specails at each store.

        • Thank you I am just starting this whole coupon thing so I am still trying to figure out the ropes… So i am guessing that opeong the facebook account was a good thing for me to do?

          • Kallie�I haven�t bought personal hygiene items in over a year. Watch for coupons that make soap, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner�all free. Companies do a lot of giveaways for their products as well trying to get you to switch to their product. ( I switch for the freebie!) Good Luck! It is fun watching what you can get for free and realizing how much money you are saving for your family.

  5. Kallie…I haven’t bought personal hygiene items in over a year. Watch for coupons that make soap, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner…all free. Companies do a lot of giveaways for their products as well trying to get you to switch to their product. ( I switch for the freebie!) Good Luck! It is fun watching what you can get for free and realizing how much money you are saving for your family.

    • Is there one store that have everday prices to help you get the free hygiene products? Or is it the using the coupon with a sale thing? (that is the bit ahah moment for me in couponing as a retail employe in my store that is a massive NO NO! i never would have thoght to do that. Thanks to reading blogs ect i think i am catching on to how this all works 🙂

  6. i get most of my personal hygiene products from rite-aid or walgreens…they run great deals and with coupons they end up usually being free or even moneymakers for me!

    • I did try walgreens for awhile but i just never got the hang of it. It was so complicated and confusing and unless i was at the store withint the first 10 min they opend everything was gone. I was doing like 4+ transactions each trip and it just was more stress than i could handle as a bran new couponer. I am willing to give it another go… if somone could tell me HOW DO I DO THIS? is is realy as hard as i am making it?


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