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*Awesome* Deal at Walmart

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Those of you who received their RedPlum yesterday in their mail, has a jump on this deal at Walmart!  If you don’t get the Redplum insert in your mail, you will get this in your Sunday paper in just a few days.  So watch for it!

Dial Body Wash, Travel Size $0.97
Use the $2/1 any Dial Body Wash or Lotion from RP 6/12, no restrictions
Total cost FREE + $1.03 overage!

(Thanks Couponconnections for the deal and pic!)

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  1. Does Walmart pay out the overage?

  2. How do you get the Red Plum inserts?

    • Sunday Paper

  3. How would someone get the RedPlum early like that?

  4. Walmart’s corporate coupon policy is that they pay out cash on overages, BUT there are a number of stores that have been told not to honor this policy and they won’t even if you have the corporate policy printed out. They will simply tell you that the policy of THEIR STORE is ….

    I have run into this twice now.

  5. some people get the redplum coupons in the mail every other week.

  6. correct me if I’m wrong but are you refferring to the one(RP) that comes in the mail? or is it SS that comes in the mail?

  7. How did you get a Redplum yesterday? and the region must be different then mine cause I did not have that one in my sunday paper.

  8. In Davis County we get the Red Plum insert on Tuesday (with the weekly grocery ads) in the mail. For those of you that get it in your paper you get it the following Sunday so you will get yours on the 12th. Thanks Melea that is an awesome deal!

  9. We get our Redplum in the mail on Tues or Wed. in ADVANCE. So it is the Redplum that the rest of you will get this coming Sunday. We cannot get multiples this way

  10. Got RP in the mail yesterday and we do indeed have this coupon. Thanks for the heads up! I don’t shop at Walmart normally but may just for this deal 🙂

  11. Although Redplum was in my Sunday paper today, guess what? No coupon!

  12. My RP sucks I only get about 10% of the coupons listed on sundaycouponpreviewdotcom. Guess what this isn’t one of them. Ugh… how will I ever get the good coupons?


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