Head over to OneStopPlus and check out their Sketchers Shape Ups! They are normally priced at $109-$114 and you can get them shipped to you for $33.53! Use code JLE4473 to drop the price from $53.09 to $26.54. WOW!! Sizes and Styles will go fast, so if you are looking to buy some, I would JUMP on it!!
(Thanks BradsDeals)
Kathryn Potter
OMG, those were gone fast! I got one pair and then bought a second in a separate order of the higher priced skechers and the code still took half off the order! Thanks
DANG!! For a second I thought about buying a pair but decided not too. I actually just sent an email to sketchers explaining that after seeing their Kim Kardashian commercial, I wouldn’t endorse their products.
Thanks! I’ve been wanting to try these for awhile, but they are usually too expensive – this was a great price!
Thanks! I’m excited for them to get here:) I agree great price!
chelseya olson
So they only had wide but…. it was to good of a deal. I’ve never bought wide so I’m not sure if they’ll fit, but I guess I could sell them if they don’t.
I have been wanting to try these for such a long time. I couldn’t resist the low price. Thanks for letting us know.
THANK YOU for this deal!!!!!!! I’ve also been wanting to try them because of my joints and back pain.. but the price was outrageous. You are a savior, thank you for all you do for us EVERYDAY!
Wow! Thanks so much