Here are this week’s best deals at ShopRite! Thank you to Living Rich With Coupons, our Freebies 2 Deals ShopRite expert, for putting this list together!
All coupons $.99 and under are doubled in these match ups. If your ShopRite doubles differently, please adjust the final price accordingly.
Use the $1.00 off of two San Giorgio Quick Cook Pasta Coupon
Total Cost as low as $.12 each! Texas Toast Croutons $1.25
Use the $.50 off Texas Toast Croutons Coupon from the 4-3-11 SS
Or, use the $.50 off Texas Toast Croutons Coupon from the May 2011 ALL YOU Magazine
Or, use the $1.00 off of two Texas Toast Croutons Coupon from the 4-3-11 SS
Or, use the $.55 off Texas Toast Croutons Coupon from the 4-3-11 SS
Total Cost as low as $.15 each!
Use the $.75 off Colgate Toothpaste Coupon from the 5-1-11 SS
Or, use the $.35 off Colgate Toothpaste Coupon from the 5-21-11 SS
Or, use the $1.00 off Colgate Total Toothpaste Coupon from the Wags Heart Health, Spring Booklet
Total Cost as low as FREE
Pantene Shampoo and Conditioner $3.99
Buy two and get a $4.00 Catalina
Use the $3 off of two Pantene Products Coupon from the 5-1-11 PG
You pay $4.98, but get a $4.00 Catalina
Total Cost $.49 each
Reach Crystal Clean Toothbrush $.99
Possible Scenario:
Buy Four Reach Crystal Clean Toothbrush for $.99
Use Four of the $.50 off Reach Coupon from the 1-19-11 SS
Or, use Four of the $1.00 off Reach Coupons from the 4-17-11 SS
You pay nothing AND Get a $4.00 Catalina
Total Cost FREE, PLUS a $4.00 Money Maker!!
Use the $.50 off Duncan Hines Brownies Coupon from the 4-10-11 SS
Total Cost as low as $.49 each
Use the $.55 off Bull’s Eye or Kraft Barbecue Sauce Coupon from the Kraft Food & Family Booklet
Total Cost as low as $.56 each
Be sure to check out Living Rich With Coupons for this week’s full list of great deals!
**If you are new to couponing, you will notice some abbreviations next to certain coupons. SS Stands for Smart Source, RP Stands for Red Plum and PG Stands for Proctor and Gamble. They are all of the coupons inserts you can get in your Sunday paper.