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My Free 48 Count of Similac Ready to Feed Came!

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Well, now that I actually have my Free 48 Count of Similac Ready to Feed in my actual hands, I feel victorious that we were all able to score such an incredible deal!!

Did you guys all get yours too??

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  1. I got mine yesterday and was so excited–granted it will be gone in no time with a 9 month old, but hey I will take some free formula!

  2. I got mine yesterday too! I was pretty amazing and excited. Thanks for posting the deal!

  3. mine is coming today. i am so excited!

  4. Mine came yesterday and I’m thrilled! Every bit will help since I’m expecting twins in 3 months. If anybody doesn’t want theirs, I’ll take it!

  5. Mine is scheduled to arrive today. Thank you SO much for this AMAZING freebie.

  6. when was that offered? and how do you get so many free samples like that?

  7. Got mine yesterday too. Thanks for the lead on this amazing deal!

  8. WOW! I got mine too! I couldn’t believe it! So glad it was real!! Thanks so much!!!

  9. Yep! Thanks for the heads up on it! I was so excited to see it yesterday!

  10. It made my day! I was a bit frustrated with Walgreens being out of so many things. It cheered me up when I found it on my front porch!!

  11. I am totally bummed. I started trying as soon as you posted and kept refreshing at checkout (the last step, I pressed order now) for over an hour on two different computers. Never went throguh!

    • That is the same thing that happened to me! I am bummed about it to. What a great deal! It would have been nice with a 7 month old at home. But its awesome some many people got it.

  12. Glad to see you all got it. Fun deal!

  13. NOPE…. I ordered and got an email stating that the offer was no longer active… (Sad face) I’m glad it worked for you guys!!!

  14. Excited to see that the formula came!!!! What an awesome deal

  15. I’m bummed I missed this. i really could have used it. please let us know whe nyou see another great deal.

  16. I just got mine this morning!! Such a good deal i’m glad it worked! Thanks for posting it!!

  17. I got mine yesterday, so happy it came!

  18. How did you get this deal? please help

  19. Got mine yesterday and was super excited. Thanks so much for posting this deal!

  20. Like Emily I tried as soon as the deal was posted and got stuck in the checkout for more than an hour. 🙁 No dice for me. Hopefully I’ll make good the next time!

  21. Got mine, but it was weird said there was still one on back-order……hummm maybe im going to end up getting two

  22. I got mine, and when I check out it said free, but when delivered it said that I owe 43.19 and had no discount. I called Abbott Nutrition and they said that code was to be a one time use code and was illegally shared on the coupon website. They are making me send mine back or pay the $43.19. They finally agreed to have it picked up by FedEx and sent back for free. Still a headache to deal with.

    So please be careful when you share codes!! Instead of a good deal, I got a mess to deal with!

  23. I got mine! I am so excited!

  24. Received mine yesterday as well! Thanks again! ( :

  25. I got mine today can’t belive it really came thanks so much

  26. Mine says it was delivered this morning, so hoping it is still there when I get home from work since I am expecting within the next few weeks.

  27. Mine still says it is “In Progress”.

    • Mine also says In Progress does this mean they are out of stock you think??

  28. Also, can anyone tell me the expiration date on them. Lots of pregnant friends wondering how long it will last IF I ever get mine.

    • april 2012

      • tHANKS

  29. For those of you who aren’t going to use the Similac and are looking for an opportunity to donate it, please check with your area’s Child Protective Services office and see if they have something called a Rainbow Room. This is for babies/children who come into foster care and they have NOTHING!! This would be so helpful for the workers who pay for formula out of their pockets or the foster parents who take in these children in the middle of the night!! God Bless you for bringing us all the great deals that you do!!! Thank you!!

  30. thanks so much for posting this deal. Mine came today! What a great freebie! thanks for all you do!

  31. is it to late to get the similac

  32. I also got a sample box with two cans of formula today because of this order!

  33. I got mine today! Best deal every! Thanks so much for posting it!

  34. Yes, I got mine today! Thank you so much for posting this! We really needed these!

  35. Nicole, the expiration date on mine says April 2012.

  36. How did you get these?!!!?!

  37. i got mine today woo hoo free formula…and my expiration date says april 2012 too!!

  38. I hope all of you who snagged up this formula will actually use it (I know most of you will). I get frustrated with “hoarders” who just want something for free regardless if they will use it or not. The same thing happens at Christmas time. Poor parents who are just trying to get the ONE little present their kids want have to contend with “someone” who put a run on the market and bought up everything! It’s usually some college student, with no kids, who is looking to make some money. Am I frustrated with greedy people? YES!

    • It sounds like you are more frustrated by you not getting those deals.
      Yes, some hoarders get them, but that is a small percentage.

      I know a hoarder who snatches up these deals because they are free, but then she eventually gives most of them away to people in the neighborhood. She can’t help people out with money, so she does it with freebies.

  39. Super!! Mine came yesterday 🙂

  40. I got mine today !! This sure is a good deal ! Thanks a lot for letting us know about this wonderful offer.


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