Today only on Disney’s Site you can get a Disney Beach Towel for only $4.99 when you order using ShopatHome!
The beach towels are priced at $7.99 on but you will receive $3.00 cash back from ShopatHome if you go through them.
To get the cash back from ShopatHome head over to their site and then click on Today’s Wild Offer (it will be on the right hand side of the page). From there you will see the Wild Offer advertised for the Disney Towel and the “click here” link.
Once you are at just continue to place your order like normal and you will be credited the $3.00 to your ShopatHome account within a few days. If you are not already signed up for ShopatHome it is free to register.
**Shipping is $2.95
(Thanks For the Momma’s)