
No Coupon Inserts this Week!

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Wondering where you coupon inserts were yesterday?  Holiday Weekends actually mean no coupon inserts. 

Don’t worry though.  They make up for the amount of coupon inserts you don’t get on Holidays throughout the rest of the year.  But as a newbie couponer, you could have been freaking out that there weren’t any in your inserts. I think we all do that when we first start couponing. 🙂

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  1. Thanks for the info! I was wondering why I didn’t get coupons in the papers yesterday. Now, I’ll just relax and enjoy the rest of the week! Thanks for all the hard work!

  2. I don’t mind. I enjoy the break from clipping coupons! Thanks for everything!

  3. Haha, thanks for the info! I was looking for my Red Plum for the first time yesterday and was a little confused…. 🙂

  4. Thanks for the info! I was so mad that someone had taken the coupons out and put the paper back in the box… Too bad I hadn’t learned this info before, that was a wasted $2 and a trip to the store. Now I know though 🙂

    • Jordan, I too was angry that someone took coupons out of my paper and put it back. What makes it worse is my finace and I had to stop at about 6 different gas stations on our way home from the city to find our newspaper that contains coupons. – I am embarrassed to tell him now why there weren’t any :p

      Thank you for letting us newbies know – I’ll be sure to add this one my notes! Great, great, great site you have here, I am thankful to have found this site!

  5. Thanks for posting this. I was freaking out!!

  6. I am special… I got the paper excited to get the adds and there were none… Typical guy move… But I wont give up!

  7. Thank you Melea for this tid bit, as a new couponer (4 months) I was wondering what was going on. I buy 3 sets of the double papers every Sunday and i knew it couldnt be a flook that all 6 papers didnt have any inserts, but because of that yesterday and your post i will make sure before purchasing any more Sunday papers i double check and make sure there are inserts. THANK YOU again for all your time and hard work it takes to run this wonderful website, and for giving all of us the information to help save our families money.

  8. oh my goodness…I just about lost my mind yesterday. I went around to 3 gas stations and 1 walgreens looking in newspapers for coupons. I’m such a newbie can’t you tell!!

  9. Thanks for the info….I was wondering why there was not any inserts….my husband who is getting into this whole coupon thing, thought that maybe someone stole them….haha

  10. Thanks so much for the info! We haven’t subscribed to the newspaper yet so we just go to the box and pay for it there and I was concerned and very disappointed that I spent the money on the paper when it didn’t have what I was getting it for. 🙂 Thanks again!


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