Here are this week�s best deals at Whole Foods! Thank you to Your Green Helper, our Freebies 2 Deals Whole Foods Expert, for putting this list together!
Stonyfield Yogurts $.50
Use the $.50 off three Stonyfield Coupon
Total Cost $.33 each
Larabar Bars $1.29
Use the $1.00 off two Larabar Coupon
Total Cost $.79 each
Blue Diamond Nut Thins $2.99
Use the $.75 off Whole Foods Coupon
Plus, use the $.75 off Blue Diamond Coupon from the 12-5-10 SS (Expires 3-31)
Total Cost $1.49
Seventh Generation Wipes Refill $3.39
Use the $1.00 off Whole Foods Coupon
Plus, use the $1.00 off Seventh Generation Coupon
Total Cost $1.39
Zevia Soda 6-packs $3.99
Use two $1.00 off Whole Foods Coupon
Plus, use the $2.50 off two Zevia Coupon
Total Cost $1.74 each
Seventh Generation 2X Laundry Detergent $11.99
Use the $1.00 off Whole Foods Coupon
Plus, use the $1.50 off Seventh Generation Coupon
Total Cost $9.49
Vitamin Water $1.39
Use the $.50 off Whole Foods Coupon
Total Cost $.89
Lightlife Ground Protein $2.99
Use the $1.00 off Lightlife Coupon
Plus, use the $1.00 off Whole Foods Coupon
Total Cost $.99
So Delicious Coconut Beverages $2.00
Use the $1.00 off So Delicious Coupon
Total Cost $1.00
Rice Dream Beverages $2.00
Use the $1.00 off Dream Coupon
Total Cost $1.00
Be sure to check out Your Green Helper, for more great deals!
**If you are new to couponing, you will notice some abbreviations next to certain coupons. SS Stands for Smart Source, RP Stands for Red Plum and PG Stands for Proctor and Gamble. They are all of the coupons inserts you can get in your Sunday paper.