Utah Readers:
Hobby Lobby has to be one of my all-time favorite places to shop. If you haven’t been before, today is the Grand Opening of the American Fork store. I’m actually kinda nervous to share that with all of you, because I want the store all to myself. 🙂
Their Grand Opening ad shows almost the entire store at 50% off. No coupon needed. This event starts today, March 21st at 9:00am. Although, the sales will be lasting all week.
This just seems to be a normal weekly sale for Hoby Lobby to me. It actually seems like the same sale they’ve been running for the past few weeks. A couple of items have changed, but most seems the same. Or am I crazy?
You’re right Jen. If you look at Hobby Lobby’s website, these are the same prices in their ad for all of their stores. (Nothing special for a new store.)