I wanted to re-post this for all of those who are new and didn’t know you can donate your expired coupons to Military Families.
If you didn’t know, Military Families that are stationed overseas can use coupons up to 6 months after the expiration date! So, instead of just tossing our expired coupons, let’s help out our military families!
There is an extensive list of overseas bases that need our coupons. And, periodically they change, depending on the need of the families. So, the best way for you to know which bases are still accepting coupons is to check out Grocery Saving Tips. They update the list monthly. So your coupons will always be going to the right place!
A few tips:
- Cut all of your coupons you will be sending. It will cut down on shipping costs.
- Divide coupons into “Non- Food” and “Food” Categories. Put them in two separate plastic baggies. Pet food is considered a non-food item.
- They can only use regular Manufacturer coupons. So don’t send store coupons of any sort.
- Send your coupons out quickly after they expire. If your coupons are expired longer than 2 months, don’t send them.
It may take a little of your time to do this. But think of how many people are serving our country! This is a great way for us to help out and say “Thank You!”
You can click the link above to find a list of addresses overseas that are currently accepting coupons. Or, Darlene is actually stationed in Turkey and is in charge of their coupon program there. If you want to send your coupons to her:
I think this applies to military families stationed around the U.S. too.
Where do we send them? Is there an address?
I am currently living overseas and it is extremely frustrating to try and save a little money on groceries. Food is expensive here. Over the course of my 3 years here I have asked friends to send me coupons. You can send them to that APO address but most people stationed here have no clue where to go to pick them up.I do appreciate your help for all those stationed overseas!
I took a break from couponing when I had my baby so I have several months worth of inserts (I get 8 newspapers). I'd like to just send the inserts whole to the listed address. (Cutting would take too much time) Do you think this will still be accepted?Thanks,
If you still have all those coupon inserts available, you could send them to me & I would clip them and send along to our military if you want.
Oh this is too funny. I was just discussing last night with my sister that I had heard somewhere a long time ago that expired coupons could be used by the military. Her husband serves in the military. Anyhow, I couldn't remember what you are supposed to do to send them in so thank you! I was going to search for it and you already have it up. I'll be reposting in my blog sbout this too!
Anyone know of the postage to send them?
The postage is the same for a regular envelop. 🙂
I just received the latest P&G coupon booklet (from Right at Home) and 1/3 of the coupons are already expired. If any of you also received this booklet in March, it is a great one to send!
This will be great! I get newspapers so I can go shopping and get “fabulous” deals and EVERY single time I go the product is sold out, EVERY TIME!! I will be sending all my coupons overseas now!! THANKS!!
Ever thought about getting rain checks for those items? That way you can still get the sale price – and who knows, a better coupon may come along to use with your rain check.
My husbands in the army and whenever I see something big or small that people do to help out our military it really makes me happy and feel good that people support in such a small way but helps all the families out alot. I never knew bout this but im luckily able to get coupons but I definitely will do this to help out the families all over because I know what its like to have to watch every dime and penny after my husband had to use our whole paycheck to buy suppies for him for when he deployed recently. I just wanted to say thank you again! I know this simple thing will help out families that needed to save that one dollar. It means alot to me:)
fran cartwright
I have been sending coupons overseas to our veterans and their families since 2004
Judy Durbin
I have expired coupons that I would like to send directly to a family. I have “adopted” one family already and enjoy our friendship knowing them one on one!! I still have alot and do not mind to send. I found out what type of coupons my first family uses and have plenty other coupons that she does not need such as: makeup, hair coloring, baby so…..if a military family wants to receive coupons directly to their home…..just send me your info or go to my facebook page and inbox me with a message and info……Looking forward to hearing from you……..Stay blessed…..Judy Clark Durbin (facebook page)
I’m involved with http://www.CouponsToTroops.com and while the end goal is the same we take a slightly different approach. Rather than sending your coupons to a generic address on base, we encourage people to mail directly to a military family for a couple of reasons. The main ones are that it’s more personal so you’re much more likely to get a response letting you know that your envelope/package has arrived safely.
I personally keep a list of military families who have told me that they’d like to receive coupons so if anyone would like further information or be put in touch with a military family, I’m happy to help (hcwsbp at gmail dot com) By that same note, if any military family would like to be added to my list, please get in touch with me. Please be assured that for security and privacy reasons, I don’t give out your mailing or email information – I just forward the emails that I receive onto a military family and ask that they reply to provide their mailing address
Alison P
I started doing this in August – I ask my friends who coupon to give me their expired coupons, too and just send them in a big envelope. It’s a nice thing for our military!
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i can't believe i haven't commented on this yet, bc i've looked at it enough times! just popping in to compliment you profusely on how well detailed and fresh the space looks. just great.kelly
adorei cidade sbs muiiito linda povo educado, cidade limpa.uma das cidades mais linda que conheci. sou morador de curitibasbs é a verdadeira princesinha do sul sonho um dia ser morador de sbs
Sorry you have had a fall and got injured.Its bad luck and very frustrating when you are motivated for action but it happened because you was out there being active and doing your best to keep fit and there is honour in that.Best to just chill out for now…there is time and its going to be a good year for all of us,I’m sure.
You’re a real deep thinker. Thanks for sharing.
I used to be a huge fan of naps. Now that I work, I don’t have enough time to nap, unless it’s the weekend. I asked my bosses to bring back nap time, but my idea did not fly well
RE: – That which can’t be paid won’t be paid, whether debts, entitlements, pensions, etc. I really don’t think we’ll see rates rise that much. Remember, we are esentially buying our own debt now as the Fed’s balance sheet expands. The next step will be to follow Greece and negotiate the balance owed down in chunks until it disappears or at least becomes managable.If there were real markets that responded to fundamentals then the story would be different. Instead we will get a managed decline run by governmental and banking interests. – Rate this comment: 0 0
Becca Crookston
Melea, do you know if there is anyone/group here in north Utah County that we can send our expired coupons to that will get them overseas? Maybe after sending my first batch it wouldn’t seem so daunting to me. But right now it does, and I hate to seem them wasted.