Looks like we have two possible rebates we can use in conjunction with Tangled on Blu-ray or DVD!
1- Purchase 2 Bags of Success Rice and get a $5.00 Rebate. (There is also a $1.00 off 2 Success Rice coupon in the April All You Magazine)
2- If you have a Cost Cutters in your state, you can also get a $5.00 Rebate when you get a Kid’s Haircut! (Utah does not have one)
To submit for either Rebate or both:
You can purchase everything separately. But you will need a photocopy of each receipt. You will also need to include the UPC tabs on the backside of the DVD. There are two, so you can submit for 2 rebates!
Hopefully more than just these two rebates will come out for those of us who don’t have a Cost Cutters.
**Also, if you wanted to pre-order the Tangled Amazon Deal. You would end up getting the Tangled Blu-Ray Version for $16.49. Then, after submitting for both rebates, it would end up being only $6.49!
(Thanks CouponingtoDisney)
On the bottom of the Success Rice Rebate it says, “Store receipts must emanate from same sate as consumer address.” If we purchase the movie from Amazon.com will it still qualify?
Melea Johnson
Hey Denise! Good question… is there a number on the rebate to call? Maybe we should call them up and double check??