Wal-Mart usually sells the 40 count Snuggle Dryer Sheets for around $1.87. Use the $2.00 off 2 Snuggle coupon from the 1-16-11 Smart Source Coupon Insert to get each box for only $.87!!
This is a great stock up price and I have a bunch of them in my stockpile from past coupons that have come out. Needless to say, we will never have a problem running out of Dryer Sheets!
(Thanks SLC Mommy)
Where is this coupon? I did not see it. Thanks
JeFf * niChOle * HuDsoN
I'm not seeing it, either.
If your area didnt get the coupon, head over to the Snuggle facebook page and you can print a $1.00 off 1 coupon instead. That way, you can still get the deal!