This post isn’t limited to Utah only. If you live outside of Utah, you can rally your friends and neighbors to do this too!
Wal-Mart is going to donate $1 Million to the city who gets the most votes on the Wal-Mart Fighting Hunger Facebook Campaign! The next 5 cities will get 100,000.
Right now, Salt Lake City is #5 on the list and set to get $100,000 donated to our Salt Lake City Food Bank. Which is awesome! However, if we can spread the word, we can get $1 Million donated instead! All you have to do is “Like” the Fighting Hunge Page on Facebook.
**If you don’t have a Facebook page, create one just to help our Food Bank win! It’s free and you can leave your picture and information area blank, if you wish. It should only take a few seconds to set up!
(Thanks Shanna and Jessica!)