Update: Looks like this offer is dead now. I know it worked last night for a bunch of you. So hopefully some of you grabbed this freebie.
Mattel has the Trio Race Car Set for FREE right now. Plus, shipping is free too!You will want to select “United States” in the upper right hand corner and then you can request it. This will obviously go fast. So be patient if the site is a little slow!(Thanks Spoiled but not Rotten)
Already gone this is what it said in part 2 of ordering…We apologizeDue to high contact volume, we are unable to complete your order at this time. Please come back or call the appropriate number below to complete this process.
I just got that same message. After they took all my info, name, address, email, phone number it said they couldn't process my order. What's up with that!
I called and talked to them and they just said to keep trying…to try back at a later time. So according to them they are not gone yet.
Same stuff is happening for me…I put in all my info then it says they can't process my order. Darn! I was getting so excited! lol. Thanks for telling us about it though, you tell us about the greatest deals!!! 🙂
I just got mine it's slow but working!! THANKS:)
Nearly 2 hours online trying to get this deal and no luck. 🙁 I have to run out and do some errands, I am hoping they aren't all gone when I get back.
After hours of retrying I finally got thru at 5pm central.
Chris and Meghan
I got through just fine. I think the secret is getting on when there is likely to be less traffic. It is 11:48 PM right now!
same for me at 12:42 am Got right in
It now says the deal is no longer available 🙁
Thank you I got on as well as at least 10 other people I know!
It is not a dead deal I just got some after trying for 12 hours yesterday I just got right through! I'm so excited.
blog with extra info, nice!