Yesterday, I asked you guys if you had a specific brand that you were completely loyal to. My husband will only let me purchase Charmin Toilet Paper. And, I am a huge fan of Vlasic Pickles, and just can’t bring myself to purchase another kind.
Well, it looks like we all have a few brands that we just completely love! Well, did you know that companies will usually send you coupons for giving them feedback?? What if you could get your favorite brand for even cheaper- just by letting them know how much you love their product.
A few weeks ago, I emailed Pampers and told them I wasn’t happy with the value amount of their coupons. I told them that Huggies sends out $3.00 off Coupons all of the time and they only send out $1.50- $2.00 Coupons. It is cheaper for me to purchase Huggies, even though I would prefer to purchase Pampers.
I ended up getting a pretty stupid response saying they received my feedback and that was it. I was pretty disappointed that they didn’t even care what I had to say. But then, yesterday I received a bunch of $3.00 off Coupons for Pampers Diapers in the mail!!! How awesome right??
So, now that we have all told each other our Brand Loyalties, I have an assignment for all of you.
- Head over to the website of your Brand. And, then head to their contact page.
- Send them an email letting them know that you love their product and how much you would love any coupons they had.
- Then, leave a comment letting us know which company you emailed!
This should be a fun experiment to see which companies send out stuff!!
To give you an example, here is the email I sent to Vlasic:
“I just wanted to let you know how much our family LOVES your pickels. We can’t buy any other brand! We use everything from the Vlassic Relish to your Stackers- which are my favorite! And sometimes for a treat, I even eat them straight out of the jar. Thanks for having such a great product. If you have any awesome coupons, I would absolutely love them to purchase more Vlassic Products! —Melea Johnson
Ok, send your emails off. It will only take you about 2 minutes! Definitely worth it if a company sends you some high-value coupons, or better yet- a Free Product Coupon! Don’t forget to comment and let us know who you emailed!
I e-mailed Frito lay about their Ruffles chips. My husband loves them but I never can find coupons for them.
I emailed General Mills. WE love their Milk and Cereal bars for breakfast. I haven't seen a Q for them since they were a new product!Juliana
Cristina Frary
My family loves Knorrs brocolli and cheese rice. We had some coupons a little bit ago, but I haven't seen any recently.
I emailed Pepridge Farms about their whole grain goldfish, my one-year old triplets LOVE them!
I shot an e-mail off to Jif!!! They are sparse on coupons as well. OH and I got some Pampers $3 coupons today in the mail! WooHoo!!!
Not to copy you, but emailed Pampers as well (I have been meaning to do it for awhile now because I hate Huggies, but even more I HATE seeing Huggies on sale with money saving coupons while I still buy my Pampers without the big coupons!)I also am going to write to diaper genie. I love their bin, but the refills never have any coupons.
Wade and Heather
I emailed Similac and they said they would send me coupons! I know some of you already get the $5 off coupons but I was not getting them!
i emailed peppridge farms about goldfish also, and i emailed aussie because i use their hair detangler and never have seen coupons for that.
I love Marie Calendars pies so when Macey's had MC cobblers on sale (and get free ice cream), I picked some up. Well, I was so disappointed. They tasted great, but the pans were so angled (steeper than a pie plate) I felt ripped off. And half of the Apple Crumb Cobbler was topping. So I wrote to them. I got a letter saying they were sorry that I was unhappy with the quality of their product. I don't think they read my complaint. It wasn't quality, it was quantity; I felt deceived. Oh well. They included a coupon for a free product, but I don't think I will be buying their cobblers again.
I swear by rhoades frozen bread dough! Their products are all fantastic! When my husband and I got married a 8 years ago we served their amazing cinnamon rolls at our reception (we got married in the winter). They were so gracious and gave us a case for free when they heard that we were serving their product! They're truly a wonderful company. I just emailed asking for a coupon. . . we'll se what happens!
I emailed Kashi b/c I love their cereal, but rarely see coupons for them.
My Response from General Mills:Dear Mrs. Isakson:Thank you for contacting General Mills. We appreciate the time you have taken to share your positive feedback with us. We will be very happy to pass on your comments to the product team.e would like to honor each of the many coupon requests we receive; however, it is our policy not to do this.We are committed to creating the highest quality products for our consumers. Feedback such as yours helps us achieve this goal for the future.We offer many promotions giving consumers an opportunity to obtain a free product or purchase a product at a reduced rate using a discount certificate. These offers appear on product packages, in magazines and newspapers, on tear pads in grocery stores, and on our web sites.We will continue to be committed to providing the best possible products at the lowest possible prices to our consumers. We appreciate your loyalty and hope you will continue to choose our products and promotions.Sincerely,Kimberly RogandConsumer Services-Juliana
I emailed Lean Cuisine! Just waiting for their response.
The Brady's
I emailed Hefty for their gripper trash bags & they just sent me a $6.00 coupon for any package of Hefty product. AWESOME!!! I also emailed Glad for the same type trash bag & they wouldn't give me any coupons. Guess I know which company I like better!
I emailed Georgia Pacific (Dixie) about how much I love their paper goods and today I received a letter that from them. Also enclosed was 4 coupons for $0.55 ANY Dixie product, they expire in December!I also emailed Bertolli about their frozen meals. We LOVE them but if they aren't on sale then they can be kinda pricy! I told them I always see their add they do in the coupon insert and that I get excited only to see no coupon. They responded and said they have coupons for their frozen meals out right now but to watch for them in magazines.