Fresh Market BEST Deals 6/30-7/6 - Freebies2Deals

Fresh Market BEST Deals 6/30-7/6

DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning when you click the links and make a purchase, we receive a commission.

*RP Stands for Red Plum, SS stands for Smart Source, PG stands for Proctor and Gamble. They are all coupon inserts that come in the Sunday Paper.  **Don’t forget about the Limited Time Newspaper Subscription!! It’s only $.75 per paper! It is ending soon! You will save more money the first time you go shopping than the price you paid for the subscription!

Here are a few deals for Fresh Market this week:

Bar S Hot Dogs $.59
Use the $1.00 off 2 Bar S Coupon from the 05-16-10 RP
Total cost $.09!! 

Dole Classic Soleslaw Bagged Salad $.99

Dole Classic Iceberg Bagged Salad $.99

Western Family Eggs $.79!

Blue Bunny Ice Cream $2.39
If you get the iScream Newsletter, you were emailed a $1.00 off one-time use coupon to print.
Total cost $1.39!

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  1. I saw in their ad that boneless, skinless chicken breasts are $1.79 per lb. is that pretty good?

  2. Kristy-Yes, it is a good price. But a crazy price would be around $1.20.

  3. Good to know. Thanks Melea!

  4. Melea, first wanted to say that Eclipse was AWESOME!!! So glad I got to go with Freebies2deals readers. Also on Sunday got an insert in the paper that said that you can get the Fri-Sun edition of the Des News for only $19.99!!!!! Crazy right! Wish I could go back and pay that. Anyway thought I would let you know so you can let your readers know.


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