It’s almost the end of June! I can’t even believe it. Summer is my most favorite time of the entire year, and I feel like I am getting jipped. It better stay hot until October!
At the end of the month, the Coupons usually reset. So that means that coupons may completely disappear or ones you have already printed may re-appear. There really is no method to the madness, so we have to be prepared.
We have 1 more day to print out any coupons that we want before they are gone. So, head over to, Redplum and Smartsource and print any coupons out that you want.
For Moms with babies out there, I would definitely print any Huggies Wipes or Diapers coupons that are still available- in case they disappear!
The Brady's
I have always had problems trying to print coupons at my home. I download the coupon printer, but it still doesn't work for me, which really sucks b/c I'm starting to get good at using coupons & would love the extra printables! Do you think it's just my computer/printer? It's not brand new, but I bought it maybe 4 years ago. Am I doing something wrong?
The Brady's
Oh my gosh! Never mind they are actually printing! It has never worked for me! Thank goodness!
Come live in Southern Utah! Plenty of heat here to fill your hearts desire!