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Coupon Spreadsheet! Get yours to track your Savings!

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OK, I am checking in with all of you!  It has been two months since I gave you a New Year’s Resolution of savings.  I asked you all to come up with a number that you wanted to save for the year of 2010. 

If you didn’t get a chance to do that before, you can do it now! 

You will be surprised how much money you really do save using coupons and finding deals! I know we all keep a small running total in our heads, but when you take a few seconds to keep a tally of it, it will blow your mind!

I know for some of you, this is asking a lot! Hopefully, it isn’t too challenging! But, create a reward. If you decide that you are going to save $2,000 this next year, what will you do with the $2,000 you would have spent?? Do you want to go on a huge vacation with your family? Do you want to get out of debt? Do you want to buy a new 50″ LCD TV? What is it for you??

Here is what my goal is:

“My goal is to save over $5,000 dollars in 2010. I have decided to set two rewards for myself. If I am on track by May, and have saved about $2,500, then I want to go on a Sandals Vacation with my husband! It has been a dream for a long time! Everything is inclusive. 5-Star Restaurants, Scuba Diving, Snorkeling…. The cost will be about $2,500 for an entire week. It is already a great price and I’m sure I can even find a discount on it.
If I reach my goal by December 31st, I would like to go to Hawaii for my first time ever in the beginning of January 2011!

Ok, there you have it! You definitely don’t have to be as ambitious as I am being. But, I figure if you don’t shoot for something harder than you think you can accomplish, you will never know if you could!

Your turn! Leave a comment letting us know what your savings goal is and what you want your reward to be! **Remember it can be as low or as high as you want to go! “

The Coupon Project has an awesome Coupon Excel Spreadsheet that we are all welcome to use! You can use it to track how much you save in 2010. It will automatically compute your total savings! All you do is fill in the blanks! I’ve been using it for the past two months and it is awsome. This is great way to actually see how much you are saving.
Just keep all of your receipts and enter in your numbers. Simple as that. Go here to download it! If you have any questions about how to use the spreadsheet, some of the Coupon Project’s readers have commented. So read those and your question will probably be answered!

So far in January and February 2010, I have personally saved over $700! I’m a little behind my goal right now… but, considering I didn’t shop very much those two months, I am quite proud of myself.  We needed to eat a lot of our Food Storage items before they went bad!

Ok, your turn!  How is your tracking coming?  Have you started to see how much money you are saving?

Do you still need to make a resolution to save money this year?  Leave a comment and tell us what your goal is and what you want your reward to be, if you reach it!

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  1. This is so great thank you! I just started with my coupons and this wonderful blog last month but have already saved a ton. I have put this spreadsheet on my google docs so I can access it at home and at work! Thanks again!My goal is to save $1500 this year and if we do we are getting a new TV for Christmas!

  2. that is nice i wanted to see the savings too and have been entering receipts on a spread sheet too it takes a few minutes but I LOVE it I feel more aware of what I am buying too. It helps me keep track of the rebates that I should be expecting too. As far as a specific amount that I want to save I don't have the goal was to stay under $200 for each month. I don't have a reward for saving such as a vaction or tv the reward of saving has been just as rewarding which I am sure is the same for everyone who follows. An extra incentive would be a nice goal to have too.


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