JoAnn’s Fabrics currently has two printable coupons you can use!
Get a 40% off any ONE item coupon for JoAnns. (Expires Feb 20th!)
Get a 20% off your TOTAL purchase coupon for JoAnns. (Expires Feb 26th!)
**I actually believe that the stores will let you combine the two coupons together. They will usually let you use as many coupons as you want on one purchase… as long as they aren’t the same coupon. So, you could use these two printables and any you have from the paper or mailers. That is some serious savings!
(Thanks Coupon Gal!)
Princess Mommy
So you say that they will accept these coupons together? What about the fine print on the coupon that says, "Cannot be combined with any other discount or coupon."? When I read that on a coupon I think that's the rule so I only use one. Am I wrong? (Yes, I'm new to couponing)
Princess Mommy
Princess Mommy-I am just going off of experience. My mom is a professional seamstress and shops there all of the time. They take multiple coupons at the same time as long as they aren't the same coupon. Obviously, it may vary by store and the coupon does state the only one can be used. But, if you are going to go, see if they will take more than one.
Angela Hansen
I was there yesterday and used 3 coupons. One was 10% off my purchase and the other 2 were 50% off an item and 40% off an item, they are really good about it.
I have worked for them for 18 years
They will take multiple coupons as long as they are different. They will NOT take the 20% off of the 40 or 50% coupon. A % off transaction coupon is only good on items that we did not use a coupon on. Hope that helps!
Princess Mommy
Thanks for the info ladies! That makes me very excited to shop at JoAnns now!-Lisa