
Keep your P&G Receipts!

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P&G is offering a coupon booklet with $100 worth of coupons!   All you need to do is purchase $50 worth of P&G Products to receive the coupon rebate.  And, you can have multiple receipts. 

It technically started Feb 1st, but the actual rebate form and info will be in the February 21st P&G Coupon Insert from the Sunday Paper.  You would be surprised how many products you buy are made by P&G.  To check out a list, go here.

If you don’t currently get the Sunday coupon inserts, the deals I set up with Newspaper companies are still working.  And you should definitely get the subscription before Feb 21st if you sign up soon.  Just click on the link on the right hand side of my website that says Newspaper Subscriptions.  **Make sure you say that Melea from Freebies2Deals sent you.  It  helps them know where you are coming from and could help me be able to give you all a better deal in the future!! 

So keep your receipts everyone!  I bet you have a few products you have purchased already that are made by P&G.  (Thanks Hip2save)

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  1. Do you know how long we will have to buy $50 in P&G products?

  2. We have until 4/15!

  3. That is great! I just checked my receipts and I am already half way there

  4. Melea, If you hear any good deals on baby clothes at babiesRus will you let us know please? I know you had a good deal a while ago:). THANK YOU for everything. I love your website.

  5. Do you know if this can be combined with the Olympics P&G Visa Check card rebate ($25=$5 card, $50=$15 card, or $100=$35 card)? I heard about it from "The Krazy Coupon Lady, and Rite Aid's got it in their rebate section online. It'd be great if we could combine the two!! Also, do you know if you can apply for it more than once and get multiple coupons (like if you did the $100 Rite Aid and applied for th coupon book twice)?

  6. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be able to send in receipts to both rebate offers. You would have to pick one or the other. I think that if you are a Rite Aid shopper, you should go with that reabte. Only because you get a Visa Check card to spend any way you want. With this rebate, you get $50 in coupons back.I'm not sure about applying for it more than once. If you have the rebate form, it will tell you in small print at the bottom if you can submit more than once.

  7. Thanks! Maybe I'll just have to apply for it muliple times as multiple people 😉 I guess we'll see when the rebate form comes in the paper next week!

  8. I just looked at the Rite-Aid site and you enter your receipts online. I don't know if that effects being able to use them twice or not, but at least it means that you don't have to mail them away!


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