Coupon Tracking Spreadsheet for Excel
The Coupon Project has an awesome Coupon Excel Spreadsheet that we are all welcome to use! You can use it to track how much you save in 2010. It will automatically compute your total savings! All you do is fill in the blanks! I just checked it out and it looks awesome. This is a great way to stick to your New Year’s Savings Resolutions and help everyone hit their Target.
Just keep all of your receipts and enter in your numbers. Simple as that. Go here to download it! If you have any questions about how to use the spreadsheet, some of the Coupon Project’s readers have commented. So read those and your question will probably be answered!
(Thanks Krista!)
Grocery Alerts Canada
I have created a coupon tracker that allows people to record all their coupon savings. They can track how much they save annually using coupons and post it to their Facebook wall or website.This website is free with no advertisements.The website is: