Crazy Deals / Disney / Movies

REMINDER: $5 Off Coupon for Disney’s Frozen! Plus $5 Mail in Rebate and Best Places to Buy The Movie!

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best price for frozen movie

Quick Repost for everyone who didn’t see this yesterday!�

There are going to be some crazy deals associated with the release of Disney’s Frozen TODAY. �Hope you guys are excited!

$5 coupon for Disney's Frozen

You can get a $5.00 off coupon to use on ANY Disney Blu-Ray by entering in 3 codes from specially marked packages of Kellogg’s Fruit Snacks! �You might already have these on hand too. You can use the coupon on any Disney Blu-Ray, so that also means you can use it on Frozen. �Wahoo!

mail in rebate for Disney's frozen

Not only that, but there is also a Mail in Rebate for Disney’s Frozen as well. Purchase TWO Kid Fresh Products AND Frozen on Blu-Ray Combo Pack and you will get a $5.00 rebate check back.**As with all rebates, make sure you print it out right away in case they pull it down. �And always make sure you read the fine print so you submit the form correctly and purchase the participating products. �(Thanks Cuckoo for Coupon Deals)

Since this movie releases TODAY, March 18th, in stores and online, here is a heads up for pricing!

These are ADVERTISED IN-STORE Prices. �Online prices can be higher or lower. 🙂

best frozen blu-ray deal


Frozen Gift Set $21.96 (IN-STORE ONLY)

  • Blu-Ray Combo Pack (DVD/Blu-Ray/Digital Copy)
  • FREE Elsa Disney Infinity Character (Worth $12.99)

I haven’t seen the fine print on the $5 off coupon from Kellogg’s yet. �But you should be able to use it on this gift set, dropping the price for all of this down to only $16.96!! �HOLY COW!

Frozen Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital Copy $19.96 (Free In-Store Pickup)

Frozen DVD $14.96 (Free In-Store Pickup)

best price on Frozen


Frozen Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital Copy with Exclusive Disk $19.99

Frozen DVD $14.99

Target has a special promotion where if you purchase ANY Frozen Toy $20 or more AND the Frozen Blu-Ray Combo, you will automatically get $5 off at checkout. �Stack that promotion with the $5 coupon from Kellogg’s and you could get a Frozen Toy/Doll and Blu-Ray Combo Pack for only $30! (Instead of $40)


Frozen Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital Copy $19.99 �(Includes FREE Frozen Chronicles Book) Free shipping on orders of $25 or more.


If you would rather purchase the movie online, you can still grab the Pre-Order Price Guarantee TODAY from Amazon. �If the price drops any lower between when you purchase it and end of day on the release date, you will automatically get the lowest price charged to you! �It’s a no-hassle way to save money!

Right now, Amazon has the Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital Copy for $19.96 and the DVD for $14.96!

(Thanks Tina!)

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  1. Is there a way to enter the Kellogg’s coupon to the amazon order?

    • No, Amazon won’t take the printable coupons.

      • Thanks!

  2. If anyone has three extra codes they aren’t going to use I would love them! Email me at Nikkipitcher @ hot mail dot com!

  3. You’re welcome Melea! FYI- the codes must come from “specially marked” boxes- which I found in the newest arrivals at the store. Not just any Kellogg’s Fruit Snack code works. Best price I found was at Macey’s ($1.74).

    • Hi. Do you know if you are able to print the coupon right away?

      • Yes- link sent to your email.

        • Thanks

        • I don’t have a Macey’s close by me. Tina do you still have any extra codes? If so that would be wonderful. You can email me at If not I wonder if Walmart will price match? Thank you for your post. 😀

        • Tina-
          Is the link for the coupon a one time use only or could you share it here?
          Thanks a lot!

          • It is a one-time use coupon. Sorry- you have to buy the fruit snacks and enter it into your own account. I don’t have any extra codes.

  4. I to would love any codes people aren’t using. E mail me at

    Also can you combined the tuition snack coupon and the mail in rebate?

  5. Sorry Kellogg’s not sure where tuition came from

  6. In theory there may be a better deal. Toys r us is taking preorders for the Pirate fairy. If you preorder it ($1 down) at the same time you pick up Frozen, you should get $10 off of Frozen. So even with the $1 down you would get the blu Ray for $11. You should still be ble to use the $5 off coupon from Kellogg’s and the rebate.

    • When I called ToysRUs they told me they are not doing preorders for the Pirate Fairy… did you have a store tell you differently?

      • I’ve heard the same thing from other couponing sites. Hmmm, good to check on it. But also, on the website they have a 20% coupon for one regular priced item. I didn’t read anything in the fine print about it excluding movies. Since it’s a Toys R Us coupon you should still be able to use it in conjunction with the $5 off Kellogs coupon and the $5 rebate. Correct?

        • Can’t use the 20% off , the advertised price is the sale price.

          • oh, bummer. 🙂

    • My TRU is doing pre-orders for Pirate Fairy but when I called, they said the $10 can only be used towards a non-sale movie? It hasn’t been like that before.

      • I just confirmed they will not honor the $10 savings on another disney bluray that is “on sale” it must be full price. I find this extemely irritating because the preorder card itself says reserve your copy today! And save $10 on ANY other disney blu-ray priced $19.99 or more. They put the Any in all caps on card. The fine print says nothing about only full price items. I argued with store service on this and stated they should be honoring what the pre-order card advertises including what is in the fine print. They wouldn’t budge. :(. I hope some of you have better luck.

        • I went to TRU on Tuesday. They didn’t want to give me the $10 off since it didn’t come off automatically but after standing at the check stand for 20 min waiting the manager finally came and did it happily. I told them it says “ANY” bluray not any regular priced bluray, it didn’t say it excluded combo packs either (those were the two reasons they were giving me). I was prepared to call corporate TRU and complain right there. Luckily I didn’t have to.

  7. I’ve never used amazon instant video – can you download it to view when you don’t have internet connection?

  8. If anyone has extra codes I would love them.

  9. What store carries the Kidfresh items?

    • I searched the KidFresh site, and it looks like Publix and Target (in my area, at least) sells them. Check out

  10. Could anybody share the codes or the coupon link? This would be greatly appreciated!
    Thank you for sharing the great deals! 🙂

  11. are you sure the walmart deal with the infinity figure is 21.96? Because I preordered that deal from walmart and it was 29.96

    • $21.96 was what was advertised on Walmarts ad in the paper yesterday!

    • bought mine for $21.96

  12. I cant get my coupon for Disney Movie. I entered all codes but I cant find where to get the disney dvd coupon!

    • Tina said the link is sent via email. I haven’t tried it yet.

      • They did send an email but I still don’t see anything for the coupon

        • Jo- did you make sure you are using the “specially marked” boxes? If so the email you will get will be labeled : “$5 Disney Blu-Ray Coupon from KFR Inside!”

          • that must be it. I thought i did but looking more closely it just so happens that one of them was not. 🙁 I’ll have to go back to the store ! thanks

  13. I to would love if someone had 3 extra codes they could share email is

  14. I’m in need of one more coupon. I bought the fruit snacks not knowing there was a coupon if I bought 3, so I only grabbed 2. if you have a spare one id love it.

  15. On the Specially marked Kelloggs fruit snack boxes, does the box actually say somewhere on it that it will work for the movie Frozen?

    • I bought the fruit snacks at Walmart for $2 each. The email with the coupon link was sent to me within a few minutes. The coupon is $5 off any Disney blu-ray and has the picture of the movie Frozen so it should work.

  16. does anyone have 3 extra codes from the kelloggs fruit snacks? my girls love the movie and I would be trilled to save $5.If anyone has extra codes plz email me at you so much!

  17. The box actually advertises the promo for the coupon on the front of it- it is not hidden.

  18. Is anyone else having trouble getting access to the Kelloggs website this morning? I am getting error messages it is having problems so I am unable to get my $5 coupon.

    • I’ve had problems for a couple weeks. Actually just tried again today and it wanted me to reset my password. When I did – it was having me re-register and all my points from the last couple years were gone! Hugely messed up. Emailed them. Hope they can straighten it out for me.

  19. I picked up a $5 off Frozen Blu-ray Combo pack with purchase of 1 pack of Energizer batteries at Smith’s yesterday. It was on the display for the movie near the checkouts. Do you think this coupon will work with the Kellogg’s coupon too? If so, this makes an awesome deal with the $5 rebate and 2 $5 off coupons.

  20. Costco has it for $5 off both the Blu-Ray (19.99 ) and regular DVD (14.99) today!

    • So Costco has it for $5 off the 19.99 blu-ray? So it’s 14.99 for the blu-ray at Costco today?

  21. I submitted it to the main page to put codes in put it doesn’t sync it with the specific disney 5 off coupon. Has anyone figured out how to sync it?

  22. I work for Toysrus, yes u can preorder pirate fairy for $1 and get $10 off!

  23. I pre-ordered on Amazon over a month ago and mine didn’t come today!! It now says delivery tomorrow—not what they promised!

  24. I too would love any extra codes, if anyone is willing to share them. I just had surgery on my foot and I am laid up in bed, non weight bearing for a week. My son is willing to go get the movie but it’s too confusing for him to do all this coupon, codes, etc. stuff. My email is

    Thanks ahead of time….

  25. I was pretty bummed about not getting the Walmart deal with the Infinity character. I got there at about 9:30 this morning and the employee said they were gone in minutes because they only had 24 of those. Lame! I don’t think it’s fair to advertise that packaged deal without mentioning that you are only going to have two dozen of them available for purchase in the entire store. Kinda bugged. Not by the deal, but by Walmart, but it is Walmart so I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised. Bought it anyway there for 19.96 on bluray same as what I would have paid through Amazon.

    • That’s exactly why they do it.
      They know that once you come in for that special package deal, you’ll likely buy whatever is left after the limited supply is gone, since you’re already there.
      I’ve boycotted Walmart for more than 10 years now, and it’s been painless 🙂

  26. I am in need of 3 extra codes if you have them. I just bought fruit snacks but the wrong ones. I don’t have any codes. If you have any extras you can spare, I would greatly appreciate it!

    You can email me at


  27. I was able to get the Walmart deal with the Elsa infinity character! I went to Walmart at 6:30 am before I had to be at work and they only had two left.

  28. Would love it if anyone had extra Kellogg’s codes to share…have my codes to someone for their school…if u have any extras email me at

  29. Hey guys! If anyone has any extra coupon codes, it would mean the world to me if you could share them!

  30. It’s called go the store and buy your own people!

    • My children are not allowed to eat garbage like Kelloggs fruit snacks, so it irritates me that Disney would force parents to buy sugary crap in order to get what used to be hassle-free coupons.

  31. p.s. by the way, I did NOT request any coupon codes! I know I can’t get the coupon since I won’t play their game and buy their junk food.

  32. Anyone have any extra codes for the $5 disney movie coupon? If so, please email me at Thanks in advance. I’m sure it’s too late, but thought I would give it a try. Thank you

  33. I only buy organic fruit snacks. If anyone has any extra codes they are willing to share, thank you!


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