There are so many great ideas I have seen lately all over the Internet for Frugal Mother’s Day Ideas and Crafts!� And, even if they aren’t posted originally as being frugal, we all have that mind set to find the best deals on all the pieces to put it together that way.� So, if you need ideas for your Mom, ideas for your Kid’s to give to Grandma, or just want to forward this post via email to your spouse, there are plenty of great ideas to go around!
I’ve posted all of the following onto the Freebies2Deals Pinterest Board for those of you who want to re-pin.� If you don’t have a Pinterest account, you can still access the info.� So no worries!
Free Mother’s Day Breakfast Printables from Oh Happy Day!
(Put memories on cute toothpick flags and stick in the food you have prepared.)
Free Mother’s Day Questionairre from The Crafting Chicks
(Kids say the darndest things!)
Free Mother’s Day Decorations, Placecards, Invitations and More from Amanda’s Parties to Go!
Love Note Flip Book idea from Family Fun Magazine!
Do it Yourself Photo Pendants for Mom from Ginger Snap Crafts!
Tin Can Treats for When Mother’s Need to Retreat from Our Best Bites!
Free Mother’s Day Printable Coupon Books from Ambrosia Girl
I know there are�a lot of other amazing ideas out there.� So, if you have an idea you would like to share, please leave a comment!� And, feel free to leave a link to your Pin on Pinterest so others can re-pin it for easy use.
A great, cheap idea that I’ve done is to buy a plain apron at the craft store (even WalMart has them) and put the grandkids’ handprints on w/ puff paint. I then wrote in paint “Best cook, hands-down!”. It’s my mother-in-law’s favorite gift yet!
myra jecca
what is a flip book?