Nice!� The Mousetrap U-Build Game is only $5.00 right now online at Walmart.� This would be a great item to pick up as a family gift or even donate to ToysforTots.
(Thanks Family Frugal Fun)
Nice!� The Mousetrap U-Build Game is only $5.00 right now online at Walmart.� This would be a great item to pick up as a family gift or even donate to ToysforTots.
(Thanks Family Frugal Fun)
Great price, but they do not have in-store pickup available and shipping is over $4 for one item….
yes, any idea to get the shipping down.
Tracey Fletcher
yeah this would be a great christmas gift is ship to store was available:(
steph m
Fred Meyer had these on clearance last week. Check it out.
You have to pay for shipping it looks like. Not a great deal after all. Dang! Why don’t they offer ship to store?!