Allure usually does freebies that only 500 people can get.� So I normally don’t post about them.� It is just not enough of them to giveaway compared to the amount of people trying.
But, today at 10:00am MST, they are giving away 10,000 Free Pantene Damage Repair Ampoules!
As soon as 10:00 am MST hits, just be one of the first 10,000 to enter in your informaiton and submit it on the Allure site. You won’t know if you got one until it arrives at your doorstep.� But, expect that if you don’t do this within the first 5 minutes, you probably won’t get it. Good Luck!
Kathy M
I think this was 10:00 EST, because I just went on and signed up. Looked again, and says its OVER.
Melea Johnson
The fine print says Noon EDT, so even though the form is up, the rules say that only those who enter their information after Noon EDT can get one. So you will want to re-enter your info then.
Kathy M
AHHH, thank you. There was also a $150 givaway that I signed up for – hey you never know!
It said the giveaway was over just now???
Shannon Burak
Thanks so much for finding awesome deals for us! I’m pretty sure I got one! Yay
Amanda W
I haven’t been able to do the Pantene giveaway, has anyone else? I was on the website 5 min before it started, and still there is nothing.
I love Pantene