It’s back! Vistaprint is offering 140 Return Address Labels for FREE. You will only have to pay around $3.00 to get it shipped to you.
I’ve a done a few different label offers like this one with them. I did a caricature label with each person in our family, I’ve done a Neighborhood Gift Label ( for Christmas) and I know some people have made labels for their kid’s school supplies. So there really are so many great uses for them!
**Make sure you choose the slowest shipping option. In my experience, it have never taken 21 days to get to me. I usually get my stuff from them within a week.
I tried to order the free Vistaprint labels. I registered, but the email they sent me was for 25% off, not free labels. Did I do something wrong?
Melea Johnson
Hey Angela, You didn’t need to register, just click on the link I left and it should have directed you to the deal.