Update: This is back!� And they have over 400,000 to give out.� So if you missed it before, you can get it now!
Head over to the Pantene Facebook page and fill out the form to request a Pantene coupon worth $4.99– which will score you ANY bottle of Pantene for completely FREE!� They have 100,000 of these, so make sure you request it asap�to get one in time.
Mary Reyes
Free bottle of pantene !
Just got it! Thanks!
Dixie Smith
Thanks Melea for the heads up! What could be better than free shampoo? A free trip to Vegas that’s what! Thanks again for all you do for us!
Missed it; says it ended at 8pm EST tonight
Next time 
Anne Leitner
Stephanie Ragland
Awesome! I love Pantene and got mine!!!
Stephanie Ragland
Forgot to say THANKS!
mary ortz
I keep getting errors on my PC can anyone help me get a coupon for Pantene? Itried too many times. What is wrong with FB website?
Won’t work…looks like they have their IT team on the problem now
Mine just barely went through.
Just got mine! Thanks so much for posting:)
Tomi Ann
So cool! Thanks for posting!
Anne Leitner
Thank you! I got mine.
connie evans
thank you so much i love pantene shampoo, thanks for the heads up on the coupon….you do agreat job…
I got mine! Thank you!
This time I got it, too!
Thank you!!
got it! Thank you!!!
Julie T
yeah buddy! got another one! oh my hubby should too right:)
I got mine too. I also rec’d an email verifying I’ll receive the coupon soon.
It gives the information but no area for me to put in my info. Waiting to see if they get it up again.
Ann Smith
Got one! Wahoo free shampoo!