It appears a lot of Walmart locations have the Ironman 2 Arc Lights on clearance for $3.50 (normally $7.00).�If your Walmart has them at this price you can grab the following deal:
Purchase (1) Ironman 2 Arc Light at $3.50
Use the $3.00 off of one Ironman 2 Toy from the Playsaver Insert that came in the 04-10-11 Newspaper
Total cost $0.50!
**This is an unadvertised deal so the price and selection may vary by region & location.
(Thanks Danielle)
tina franklin
i didnt get that insert i am really new to this couponing thing i wish i would have started sooner my son would have loved this toy
I have been looking for these since the coupon came out with no luck. Walmart is not restocking the toy
I know for a fact springville, orem and st. george are out…if any one finds some I would love to know where. This would be a great stocking stuffer for my 3 boys
Was the coupon in the SS 4/10 or somewhere else? I couldn’t find it