Crazy Deals

Ok- We are Good to Go! 3rd Semi-Annual Coupon Workshop Info! YAY

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Ok, taking everything into account, I have found that the ONLY Saturday we can do in May is the 14th.  So, that is the day we will be doing our Freebies2Deals Coupon Workshop. I’m sorry for everyone who has events they are attending on May 14th elsewhere.  This was the best I could do.

So, WEDNESDAY, April 20th at 6:30pm, the seats for the coupon Workshop will go up!  So, make sure you head over to this link a little before 6:30pm on Wednesday to get your ticket!

Ok, so I got a lot of feedback from all of you that you wanted another Coupon Workshop.  Since I have done previous Workshops in Sandy two times, I will be heading up to Davis County on May 14th to do our 3rd Freebies2Deals Coupon Workshop!  I would love for any and all of you to attend!

This coupon class will be similar to the previous coupon classes I have held in the past and really will help the beginning to intermediate couponer.  However, advanced couponers are definitely welcome to attend!

Bring your friends & family members who have never couponed before.  They will be hooked! There will even be some giveaways and special surprises from sponsors!

If you are new to couponing or even if you are a couponing pro, this class will open your minds to a whole new way of saving money!  And, after you learn how it all works, you will save so much money for your family!  I’m excited to share all of the information with you!  We will have a quick Q&A session at the end so I can help answer all of your questions too!

When: May 14th at 10:00am- Noon
Where: Davis County Conference Center

The Davis County Conference Center only holds 300 people.  So, unfortunately that is all the room we have.  Since previous workshops had that many or more seats and sold out in 26 hours, I would highly recommend that you are ready to go right when the tickets go live so you can grab one.

To cover my costs to hold this large of an event, there will be a charge of $7.00 to attend this Coupon Workshop. ***In order to save your seat, you will need to pay with a credit or debit card or through Paypal. Unfortunately, Eventbrite charges me a $1.11 fee for processing your credit and debit cards.  So I couldn’t really find anyplace online that didn’t do that.  So this is our best option to have a service help us not oversell seats- it would be a huge problem if we did. 🙂

Tickets for this Event will GO LIVE  Wednesday April 20th at 6:30pm MST!



Extra Info:

If you have friends or family coming, you can pay for multiple people at once.  You will just need to enter in their individual names during checkout.

Also, please do not bring your children.  We have a lot of information to cover in a short period of time and it would be great to not have any distractions or interruptions.  HOWEVER, if you are a nursing mom, you can bring your baby.  Just please step out the moment your baby gets fussy!  Thanks!

Can’t wait to meet all of you in person- FINALLY!

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  1. Just wondering if you were going to do one in UT county too?

    • Not sure yet Jen. Finding a room that will hold everyone for a decent price is really hard….

  2. Could you video tape it and put it up on the web? Since I am in NJ, I will not be able to attend, but would love to hear your tips!

    • Same for me! I am in NJ but would love to watch the video or perhaps you can schedule a web conference for people outside of the Utah area.

  3. Yes I would love to go if it were in Utah County! Plus I could get all my girls to come with me!

  4. Dang! I will be out of town and I was really planning on coming. I am brand new to couponing and looked forward to learning the ins and outs of couponing…do you think you will do another one later this year?

  5. Just wondering if you are ever going to be able to do one down south? I live in Monroe and would love for you to come down here. We are very limited with our stores. We have a Walmart and Fresh Market. That’s it. Would love to learn how to save at these two places. Thanks!!

  6. I really wanted to attend this .. however I will be walking in the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure that morning in SLC … please plan another one in Davis County soon !!!

  7. I know you did Noahs last year in Salt Lake…there is a Noah’s in Lindon. But I know they can get pricey. Otherwise I know La Quinta has done a lot of Mary Kay conferences in the past. Maybe they have room. Only if you wanted to really do one in Utah County. 🙂

  8. So if we can’t come because we live far away, like down south :), will you go over everything on the blog later? Or do a video of it?

  9. P.S. St. George and Washington areas is where I am referring to:)

  10. I just saw this and am so excited! Thank you for the nursing mothers part because I was so worried I wouldn’t be able to come otherwise!

  11. Have you ever thought of doing a phone conference with a slideshow for those who cannot come. Just a thought. I cannot come down but I just hate to miss all that info. I am new to couponing and would love to learn more on how to do it.

  12. I would love to come to the coupon class. I would be available the 7th but not the 14th. My girls are in girl scouts and their finale is that day with awards and a cookout. Please let us know whatever date you choose so I can mark my calender quickly!! Thanks

  13. Were is the Davis County confrence center?

  14. Would it be possible to do a live session using Elluminate? We use it for classes in the home school program that I use and it works out great for large groups classes and information sessions. Just a thought. It is very easy to use.

  15. Never mind I googled it.

  16. I live in Spanish Fork and would love to come. I’ll make the drive to learn more. Maybe some of us could carpool?!?

  17. Ok leave it to me to wait until the last minute but I purchased my tickets while on my phone so if there was an option to print out an actual ticket, I wasn’t able to do it and now I’m not sure if the registration counts as the ticket or if there was an actual ticket I was suppose to print out.
    Hopefully someone can help me know what to bring tomorrow or how to get my ticket printed…again, sorry for being so last minute!


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