
Become an Instacart Shopper and Make Some Extra Cash!

Are you looking to make some extra cash these days? Sign up to be an Instacart shopper! Start a little side hustle, or make a career switch. There’s a ton of work available right now in most areas too. Fewer people want to go to the stores, which means there’s a much higher demand.  READ MORE »

Special Store Hours for Elderly and Most at Risk of Coronavirus


In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, several major retailers are adjusting their hours to accommodate the elderly and others at risk of coronavirus complications. This includes people over 60 as well as those with weakened immune systems and those with disabilities.  READ MORE »

$10 off $20 Whole Foods Coupon With FREE Amazon Prime Trial!

Whole Foods shoppers can get a coupon for $10 off a $20 purchase right now! Just sign up for a FREE 30-day trial of Amazon Prime! Just scan your Prime code or use your mobile number at checkout to save. You can get a 30-day free trial of Amazon Prime here. READ MORE »

Possible $300 Food Research Study!

Here’s an interesting offer that I ran across… You could participate in a Possible $300 Food Research Study
To apply, just go through a survey and submit your answers. The survey asks questions about things like your grocery shopping, cooking, and eating habits. If you’re chosen to participate, you must be available to participate in a 7 day online board on April 8th.  READ MORE »

How to Save Big on Your Next Grocery Shopping Trip


Are you tired of spending your life savings on your grocery bill?  I know I literally cringe every time I am standing in that checkout line and my total comes up.  I mean, I do have 3 children, but c’mon! It costs so much to feed our family and it seems like it goes up all the time. READ MORE »

FREE Instacart Grocery Delivery!

Try out Instacart and get a FREE grocery delivery! Just sign up for a free 14-day Express Membership trial. You can get groceries delivered as many times as you want during your free trial. You can usually get same day delivery and even save some cash with exclusive coupons.  READ MORE »

Reorder with Alexa, Get $10 Free!

If you have an Alexa device, be sure to grab this deal!  Right now when you reorder an item for $10 or more with Alexa, you will get a $10 promotional credit! READ MORE »

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