Daily Freebies and Deals

Lately, I have become completely obsessed with saving money.  I actually find that it is a rush to get an amazing deal!  And nothing is cooler than paying under $1.00 for a grocery cart full of items.  READ MORE »

Good Friends

Can I just say that I love the new girlfriends that I have in my neighborhood! They are so sweet and so much fun to get together with! Especially when we get a break from the kids! It’s nice to take a break and actually get to laugh… when you have stressful days, I forget to laugh. READ MORE »

My new Blog!! Check it out!

Hi Everyone!! So most of you know that I recently started my own vocal studio. And everything with that has been going awesome! However, I have felt like I needed more. READ MORE »

My Inspiration

Wow, I feel so completely overwhelmed right now!~ I don’t usually watch Oprah, but today (for some reason) I did. And it was definitely a Godsend. Today I learned to be thankful and to love being a mom- to be thankful for my life no matter what happens- and to realize there is always someone out there who has it worse than I do. I can’t take for granted the experiences and changes that come along in life. READ MORE »

Just a little venting……

Recently I read a friend’s post. One part of it explained how she had to get over the fact that if people didn’t like her, then she wasn’t going to let it get to her. She was finally “Ok” with some people not wanting to be friends, despite all of her best efforts. Wow, can I just say that really hit home for me? READ MORE »

Going Private! Emails Please

So, I don’t really post on my blog much and I was trying to figure out why. I realized that I don’t post a lot of things because I find them too personal for just anyone to read. So, I have decided to go private. I have no problem with friends reading about our family or my personal thoughts. But, personal strangers does freak me out a bit. So, send me your emails!!! I will go private in a few days! READ MORE »

Things I Definitely Won't Miss About Being Pregnant!

So after a long 9 months or longer being pregnant, you definitely come up with a lot of things that you are completely sick of!! Here is my individual list of things I am looking forward to being over with! I am going to be induced this week… so hopefully the things on this list will be gone soon! I’m sure you all have your own list… but this is my own.. ENJOY! READ MORE »

Exercise Personality

I found this really cool quiz you can take. It will tell you what kind of exercise personality you have and what activities will help you excel the most. It is www.the8colors.com READ MORE »

Coupon Addicted

I went to enrichment about two weeks ago and one of the girls talked about using coupons and how much money she saved. About a year ago, I thought I would try it and tried using pinchingyourpennies.com. But I found the site to be cluttery and hard to understand… so I just didn’t get how to do it all. The lady at enrichment said she used savvyshopperdeals.com and has saved so much money! She brought this gigantic basket full of stuff she had either gotten free or for less than a dollar all within the last month. She had only spent $14 on over $150 worth of stuff!

So I decided to try it! And I’m totally addicted. It is amazing how much money you can save. I have only been doing this for two weeks and I have already been saving tons! I only have about 3 weeks of coupons so far… so i know I am not saving as much as I could be. But I figure within a month or so, I should be on top of it and saving even more than I am now!

Just to give you an idea…. I have bought over $180 worth of groceries in the last two weeks. I have only actually paid $70 for all of it. That means I have saved $110 in two weeks on groceries! Isn’t that just insane?? Think how much I could save once I have been doing it a little longer and have the coupons I need! The best part is that is is completely free to use savvyshopperdeals.com. She does all of the work. She sends you an email twice a week telling you what stores have which deals. It has been pretty easy to catch on to. I’m way excited! Here is a pic of what I got! It is hard to see but I have gotten A1 steak sauce for 8 cents, aspirin for 50 cents, Aluminum foil for 50 cents, 2 gallon milk for 25 cents… the list just goes on and on!!

Baby Shower!

My girlfriends from the neighborhood threw me a shower a few weeks ago!! It was soooo sweet of them to do! Such a nice gesture that I really appreciated… I just wish we could all hang out a lot more! READ MORE »

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